
This utility has been deprecated. It is no longer enhanced and support will be discontinued in version 9.0.22. For more information, see emdef Utility Suite Deprecation.

The exportsitestandards utility enables you to do the following:

It is recommended that you back up your Workload Change Manager entities before performing any changes, by running the util utility (-wcm type).

  • Export site standards, and perform a mass update on multiple Site Standards, where you can add/update a Site Standard rule in a large number of existing Site Standards, and import them into Control-M. For more information on importing site standards, see importsitestandards.

  • Export one or multiple Site Standards from one environment to another, between two environments on different Control-M/Enterprise Managers.

Running the exportsitestandards Utility

This procedure describes how to run the exportsitestandards utility, which enables you to export site standards that are defined in Control-M.

Before you begin:

Create an arguments file that contains the arguments that export the Site Standards from the Control-M/EM database.


  1. Do one of the following:

    • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/EM account.

    • Windows: Open a command prompt window where Control-M/EM is installed.

      For Windows client installations, open a command prompt window and navigate to the <EM Instance Name>\bin directory.

  2. Enter either of the following commands:

    • emdef exportsitestandards [-u <user> [-p <password>] | -pf <password file>] -s <GUI Server Name> -arg <args file name> -out <file name> [-vv 2]

    • emdef exportsitestandards [-USERNAME <user> [-PASSWORD <password>] | -PASSWORD_FILE <password file>] -HOST <GUI Server Name> -ARG_FILE <args file name> -OUT_FILE <file name> [-vv 2]

For more details on the exportsitestandards parameters, see Export/Import Site Standards Parameters

exportsitestandards Arguments File Rules

The following rules apply to the exportsitestandards argument file:

  • More than one site standard can be specified in an exportsitestandards file.

  • The arguments file is case-sensitive.

  • All parameter values must be enclosed in quotation marks.


  • More than one PARAM parameter can be used in a TERM statement.

  • The relationship between PARAM parameters in a TERM statement is AND.

  • The exportsitestandards arguments file is checked and processed. If there are any errors, a message is displayed specifying the lines with the errors. The exported site standards are saved to the output file that is specified in the -out<file name> parameter.

The first two lines of the arguments file specify the XML version, the text encoding format being used, and the location of the .dtd file.




Indicates the start and end of the TERMS file. Only criteria that are located between the tags are considered to be part of the argument.


Indicates the start and the end of a group of selection criteria used to specify a Site Standard or Site Standards that are to be exported. Only PARAM tags that are located between the TERM tags are considered to be part of the TERM argument.

REL: Relationship between terms.

Valid values:

  • AND

  • OR


Defines the selection criteria parameter used to determine the job definitions that are to be exported. More than one PARAM can be specified.


NAME: The name of the site standard

VALUE: Value of the parameter specified in the NAME field.

OP: Relationship between the NAME and VALUE parameters of the TERM.

Valid values:

  • EQ: equal

  • NEQ: not equal

  • LIKE: mask or pattern

<?xml version="1.0"?>