Site Standards
A Site Standard is a tool that enables you to control how users create folder and job definitions by enforcing restrictions on specific parameters. It is applicable to SMART folders, sub-folders, and jobs in these folders. Site Standards are applied at the folder level, as described in Folder General Attributes.
Enforce a rule that all folder names in your billing department use the billing prefix BIL.
Enforce a non-mandatory field, such as the Description field to be mandatory.
Enforce users to use a resource from the Resource Pool in the job definition.
A Site Standard Policy is a rule that you can apply to Site Standards in the following ways:
You can apply the rules in a specific Site Standard to multiple folders in a Workspace, which eliminates the need to redefine Site Standards for multiple folders.
You can apply multiple, non-conflicting Site Standards to one folder. Instead of creating one large Site Standard with numerous rules, you can create and apply multiple Site Standards with fewer rules or apply two or more predefined Site Standards to a single folder.
There are three Site Standards that enforce a rule on department managers to use their department-specific prefix when they create folders, as follows:
The Billing Department must use the prefix BIL_ when they create new folders, such as BIL_NewFolder and BIL_Vendor18.
The Savings Department must use the prefix SAV_ when they create new folders, such as SAV_CollegeFunds_A–Dh.
The Loans Department must use the prefix LNS_ when they create new folders, such as LNS_MontanaHomes.
Another Site Standard is created to enforce a rule that all folders created by anyone in the organization must use the suffix _BNK1. A Site Standard Policy is created that applies this Site Standard to any folder that uses one of the above three Site Standards, as follows:
A Billing Department folder defined with the unique name Alpha is named BIL_Acme_BNK1.
A Savings Department folder defined with the unique name Beta is named SAV_Beta_BNK1.
A Loans Department folder defined with the unique name Gamma is named LNS_Gamma_BNK1.
Application of this Site Standard Policy eliminates the need to change any of the first three Site Standards to enforce their rule and the rule in the fourth Site Standard.
For more information, see Creating a Site Standard Policy.
In Site Standards, you can define the event format, as described in Defining the Event Format. The format is automatically created when events are applied to a job flow, as described in Events.
Site Standard rules define restrictions on specific job parameters, as described in Creating a Site Standard Rule. You can use business parameters, and internal rules in your restriction definition, as follows:
Business Parameters: Determines restrictions to use in a rule where the value remains the same for all jobs within the folder, as described in Adding a Business Parameter to a Site Standard.
Internal Rules: Determines restrictions to reuse in several rules where the value can be defined differently for each job within the folder, as described in Adding an Internal Rule to a Site Standard.
Your Site Standard might have many rules that apply to your organization, some specific and some general. You can create one Site Standard for the general rules that apply to your organization and another Site Standard for each application that requires specific rules. This enables you to apply the general rules (globally) using a Policy for the entire organization and each application assigns their specific Site Standards to the specific folders.
You can gradually introduce and enforce a new rule using two levels of Site Standards. You can set the severity of the validation messages issued by a Policy to warning for some applications and set the severity to error for other applications. This enables the application that has not been enforced to adjust the folder to apply to the standard.
Creating a Site StandardLink copied to clipboard
This procedure describes how to create a Site Standard, which enables you to define rules and apply them to job definitions.
From the Tools drop-down menu, select Site Standards.
The Site Standards home page appears.
From the Site Standards toolbar, click Add Site Standard.
The Create New Site Standard pane appears.
Do the following:
In the Name field, type a name for the Site Standard.
In the Description field, type a description of the Site Standard.
Click Create.
An empty Site Standard appears.
From the Site Standards toolbar, select from one or more of the following to create restriction rules:
Rule: See Creating a Site Standard Rule.
Business Parameters: See Adding a Business Parameter to a Site Standard.
Internal Rules: See Adding an Internal Rule to a Site Standard.
Event Format: See Event Format or Defining the Event Format.
From the Site Standard toolbar, click Save.
The Site Standard is created and appears on the Site Standard list.
Creating a Site Standard RuleLink copied to clipboard
This procedure describes how to create a Site Standard Rule, which enables you to define and apply restrictions to all or specific job types.
Set the default value of a job attribute, such as Cyclic by selecting Any.
Prevent the selection of job attributes by other users, based on your definitions in an Administrative role
—such as Retroactive Order, when the restriction is set to Always Not Selected.
Define a rule that forces users to define the Keep Active attribute in a cyclic job at a number greater than 5.
From the Site Standards toolbar, select Rule.
The Create New Rule pane appears.
From the Rule Prerequisites tab, do the following:
Select a job type from the Job Type drop-down list.
(Optional) Click Add a Rule Condition if you want the rule to apply only when a condition is met, as follows:
Job Attribute: Determines the job attribute.
Operator: Determines the operator type.
Condition Value: Determines the job attribute value.
If Job Name Is Billing
Rules that are created for All Job Types in Rule Prerequisites are ignored when a specific job type, such as a Dummy or OS job, is created for the same job attribute in the Job Attribute tab. Instead, the Site Standard enforces the rule for the specific job type defined in Rule Prerequisites.
(Optional) Click Add a Rule Condition to add more conditions.
When more than one Rule Condition is defined, every condition must be met for the Site Standard rule to apply. To enforce a Site Standard rule when just one of many Rule Conditions are met, you must create a separate rule for each Rule Condition.
You can define a default value for a Rule Condition on a job attribute, which is applied automatically to the folder or job attribute in the Planning domain.
From the Job Attribute tab, do the following:
Select or search for a job attribute to apply to this rule.
(Optional) Click Add an Attribute Condition if you want the rule to apply on when a condition is met, as follows:
Job Attribute: Determines the job attribute.
Operator: Determines the operator type.
Condition Value: Determines the job attribute value.
If you define an attribute in a Site Standard that creates a dependency on another attribute, an alert appears when you save the Site Standard. This dependency might result in a different definition value when you create a job in the Planning domain.
From the Rule Format tab, do one or more of the following to define restrictions according to the selected job attribute.
Click Include or Exclude, and do one or more of the following to define include or exclude restrictions:
From the Values drop-down list, select Values, and do one of the following:
Type a value and its free-text description.
Click Upload to upload a CSV file that values and descriptions in the following format:
From the Values drop-down list, select Patterns, and do the following:
From the Fixed Text drop-down list in the Pattern Elements table, select one of the following Element Types:
Fixed Text: Defines the fixed-text value to include or exclude, such as BIL.
Free Text: Defines the free-text value to include or exclude.
Internal Rule: Determines the internal rule to include or exclude. For more information, see Adding an Internal Rule to a Site Standard.
Business Parameter: Determines which additional business parameter is included or excluded. For more information, see Adding a Business Parameter to a Site Standard.
In the Value field, enter the value of the pattern-value restriction. For more information, see Pattern-Matching Strings.
(Optional) Repeat the previous steps to add more pattern-value restrictions.
Click Characters to define character restrictions, as follows:
Length Range: Defines a minimum and/or maximum length of characters.
Allowed Characters: Determines the character restriction types, as follows:
Alphanumeric: Defines the letters, numbers, and specific characters.
Any: Defines excluded characters.
In the Default Value field or from the Default Value drop-down list, define a default value for the job attribute.
Select the Required checkbox to make the defined job attribute mandatory.
From the Any drop-down list, make the appropriate selection.
Select the Validation According to Topology checkbox, to verify that the defined host or host group exists in the Configuration domain.
Click OK.
From the Site Standard toolbar, click Save.
The Site Standard rule is created.
Adding an Internal Rule to a Site StandardLink copied to clipboard
This procedure describes how to add an internal rule to a Site Standard, and define which restrictions apply to this rule. Internal rules use values, patterns, and character limitations to define restrictions, which you can reuse in multiple internal rules. You can define whether to include or exclude a list of values or patterns, and define character restrictions.
From the Site Standards tool, select a Site Standard.
From the Site Standard toolbar, select Internal Rules.
The Internal Rules pane appears.
Click Rules
In the Name field, type a name for the internal rule.
Do one or more of the following to define internal rule restrictions.
Click Include or Exclude, and do one or more of the following to define include or exclude restrictions:
From the Values drop-down list, select Values, and do one of the following:
Type a value and its free-text description.
Click Upload to upload a CSV file that values and descriptions in the following format:
From the Values drop-down list, select Patterns, and do the following:
From the Fixed Text drop-down list in the Pattern Elements table, select one of the following Element Types:
Fixed Text: Defines the fixed-text value to include or exclude, such as BIL.
Free Text: Defines the free-text value to include or exclude.
Business Parameter: Determines which additional business parameter is included or excluded.
Internal Rule: Determines the internal rule to include or exclude. For more information, see Adding an Internal Rule to a Site Standard.
In the Value field, enter the value of the pattern-value restriction. For more information, see Pattern-Matching Strings.
(Optional) Repeat the previous steps to add more pattern-value restrictions.
Click Characters to define character restrictions, as follows:
Length Range: Defines a minimum and/or maximum length of characters.
Allowed Characters: Determines the character restriction types, as follows:
Alphanumeric: Defines the letters, numbers, and specific characters.
Any: Defines excluded characters.
Click OK and then Close.
From the Site Standard toolbar, click Save.
The internal rule is created.
Adding a Business Parameter to a Site StandardLink copied to clipboard
This procedure describes how to add a business parameter to a Site Standard, which allows you to define specific rules for your organization. Values defined in a business parameter at the folder level are applicable to all jobs within the folder and cannot be changed.
From the Site Standards tool, select a Site Standard.
From the Site Standard toolbar, select Business Parameters.
The Business Parameters pane appears.
Click Business Parameters
In the Name field, type a logical business parameter name.
Select the Make This a Required Field checkbox to make the non-mandatory field that this rule is applied to mandatory.
Do one or more of the following to define internal rule restrictions.
Click Include or Exclude, and do one or more of the following to define include or exclude restrictions:
From the Values drop-down list, select Values, and do one of the following:
Type a value and its free-text description.
Click Upload to upload a CSV file that values and descriptions in the following format:
From the Values drop-down list, select Patterns, and do the following:
From the Fixed Text drop-down list in the Pattern Elements table, select one of the following Element Types:
Fixed Text: Defines the fixed-text value to include or exclude, such as BIL.
Free Text: Defines the free-text value to include or exclude.
Internal Rule: Determines the internal rule to include or exclude. For more information, see Adding an Internal Rule to a Site Standard.
In the Value field, enter the value of the pattern-value restriction. For more information, see Pattern-Matching Strings.
(Optional) Repeat the previous steps to add more pattern-value restrictions.
Click Characters to define character restrictions, as follows:
Length Range: Defines a minimum and/or maximum length of characters.
Allowed Characters: Determines the character restriction types, as follows:
Alphanumeric: Defines the letters, numbers, and specific characters.
Any: Defines excluded characters.
Click OK and then Close.
From the Site Standard toolbar, click Save.
The Business Parameter rule is created.
Event FormatLink copied to clipboard
A specific format for events is automatically applied when events are added to a workflow, as described in Events. You can manually edit the event format in a Site Standard, which enables you to change how all subsequent events are applied.
The default event format is as follows:
[Source Job Attribute: Job Name]-TO-[Target Job Attribute: Job Name]
You can edit any of the following elements of an event format:
Source Job Attribute: Defines the name of the source job attribute, which adds the event, such as the job or folder name.
Fixed Text: Defines the fixed text value that connects the source and target job attributes.
Target Job Attribute: Defines the name of the target job attribute, which waits for the event, such as the job or folder name.
Defining the Event FormatLink copied to clipboard
This procedure describes how to define the event format of a Site Standard.
From the Site Standards tool, select a Site Standard.
From the Site Standard, click Event Format.
The Edit Event Format pane appears on the right.
In the Event Format table, do one or more of the following:
Click Event Format
to add a Source Job Attribute, Fixed Text, or Target Job Attribute element.
Do one or more of the following to change the Source Job Attribute or Target Job Attribute elements:
From a drop-down list in the Type column, select a different element type.
From a drop-down list in the Value column, select a different element value.
Do one or more of the following to change the Fixed Text element:
From a drop-down list in the Type column, select a different element type.
From the Fixed Text row in the Value column, click the Value field, and enter a new value.
Click OK.
From the Site Standard toolbar, click Save.
The event format is updated.
Creating a Site Standard PolicyLink copied to clipboard
This procedure describes how to create a Site Standard Policy and apply the Policy to a specific folder or group of folders.
You can use a Site Standard Policy to apply the rules that are defined in a specific Site Standard to multiple folders in an environment. This eliminates the need to redefine Site Standards for multiple folders. You can also use a Site Standard Policy to apply multiple, non-conflicting Site Standards to one folders. Instead of creating one large Site Standard with numerous rules, you can create multiple Site Standards, with fewer rules, and apply all or some of them to a single folder.
From the Tools drop-down menu, select Site Standards.
The Site Standards home page appears.
From the Site Standards toolbar, click Policies.
The Policies pane appears.
Select Add Policy.
The Add a Site Standard Policy tab appears.
Define the Policy Details and Policy Filters, as described in Policy Details and Filter Attributes.
Click Add.
The Site Standard Policy appears.
Policy Details and Filter AttributesLink copied to clipboard
The following table describes the Policy and filter attributes of a Site Standard Policy:
Attributes |
Descriptions |
Policy Details |
Policy Name |
Defines a unique Site Standard Policy name. |
Description |
Defines a description of the Site Standard Policy. Rules: 1–512 characters |
Site Standard |
Determines the name of the Site Standard that is applied to the relevant folders. If the selected Site Standard has business parameters, you can define values for these parameters. |
Validation Message Severity |
Determines the message severity for all the messages issued by the Site Standard associated with the Policy, as follows:
Policy Status |
Determines the status of the Site Standard Policy, as follows:
Policy Filters |
Servers |
Filters the folders by Control-M/Server name to apply the Policy. You can use the * wildcard in the filter fields. |
Folders |
Filters the folders by name or pattern to apply the Policy. You can use an * wildcard in the filter fields. |
Restoring Site Standards after DowngradeLink copied to clipboard
This procedure describes how to restore Site Standards that you created before you upgraded to a new version of Control-M.
Do one of the following:
Windows: From a command line, run the following command:
util.exe –U <dbo user> -P <dbo password> -import -replace -type wcm -file "<installation location>\install\def_items_table_backup.dat" -
UNIX: From a command line, run the following command:
em util –U <dbo user> -P <dbo password> -import -replace -type wcm -file <installation_account_home_directory>/ctm_em/install/def_items_table_backup.dat"
Site Standards that you create in an upgraded version of Control-M no longer exist after you downgrade.
If you applied a Site Standard that no longer exists to a folder, do the following:
Check out the folder that contains the Site Standard.
From the General tab of the folder in the right pane, replace the Site Standard with one of the restored Site Standards.
Check in the folder.