
Agents submit jobs for execution on the host computer, monitor jobs, and perform post-processing analysis of completed jobs. The job completion status and the post-processing analysis results are transmitted back to the Server.

You can install multiple Agents that are managed by a Server. Jobs are assigned to an Agent name that identifies the host.

If the Agent is installed on Linux, BMC recommends you use non-root mode. For more information, see set_agent_mode.

In the Configuration domain, you can install, monitor, search, and manage Agents in your environment.

The following describes the specific actions you can perform on an Agent:

  • Add: Adds an Agent on your environment, as described in Adding an Agent.

  • Edit: Enables you to configure the following Agent parameters, as described in Configuring Agent Parameters.

  • Ping: Tests the connectivity to the Agent.

  • Recycle: Shuts down and starts up the Agent.

  • Disable: Disables all Agent actions.

  • Delete: Deletes the Agent from your environment. To fully remove it, you need to uninstall the Agent from the host.

Adding an AgentLink copied to clipboard

This procedure describes how to add a Control-M/Agent component, which enables you to connect it to a Control-M/Server using specific communication parameters. After you define the Agent, you can use the Server to run jobs on this Agent. After you add the Agent, you can then use it to define and run jobs.


  1. From the icon, select Configuration.

  2. From the drop-down list, select Agents.

    The Agents tab appears.

  3. Click Add Agent.

    The Add Agent dialogue box appears.

  4. For each field, define the required parameters, as described in Agent General Parameters.

  5. Click Add.

    The Control-M/Agent appears.

Configuring Agent ParametersLink copied to clipboard

This procedure describes how to configure all Agent parameters.


  1. From the icon, select Configuration.

  2. From the drop-down list, select Agents.

    The Agents tab appears.

  3. Click the Agent you want to edit.

    The Edit Agent dialogue tab appears.

  4. Select the Advanced tab.

  5. For each field, define the required parameters, as described in the following:

Agent General ParametersLink copied to clipboard

The following table describes Agent General parameters.




Defines the name of the Server that sends job requests to the Agent.

You cannot modify this parameter.

Agent Name

Defines the name of the host where the Agent is installed.

You cannot modify this parameter. The Agent name is defined during the Agent installation, and it cannot be changed afterwards.

Latin-1 special characters are not supported.


Defines a logical name that is used to label specific Agents into a group with a specific authorization level. You can apply a specific tag to an Agent, as described in Installing an Agent, or you can define your own tag with the asterisk character if you have the correct permissions.

Communication ParametersLink copied to clipboard

The following table describes the Agent Communication parameters:



Agent to Server Port Number

Determines the port number between 1024 and 65535 that receives data from the Control-M/Agent computer.

Verify that this port is not used for any other purpose. This value must match the Agent-to-Server Port Number in Control-M/Server. The value is the COMTIMOUT communication Job-tracking timeout in seconds.

Valid values: Between 1024 and 65535 inclusive

Default: 7005


Increasing the Timeout value reduces agent performance.

Primary Server

Defines the hostname of the computer where the current Control-M/Server submits Jobs to the Control-M/Agent

Authorized Servers

Defines a list of backup servers which can replace the primary server if it fails. The Control-M/Agent only accepts requests from servers on this list.

You cannot submit Jobs to the same Control-M/Agent if there is more than one active Control-M/Server. Another Control-M/Agent instance must be installed with unique ports to support this configuration or Job status updates corrupt.

Check Interval

Determines the number of seconds between status checks for each Agent that communicates with the Control-M/Server

If you decrease the default value, it might impact Control-M/Server performance.

Default: 7200 (2 hours)

Retry Interval

Determines the number of seconds between attempts to communicate with an Agent computer whose status is Unavailable.

If you decrease the default value, it might impact Control-M/Server performance.

Default: 90

Unavailability Shout Urgency

Defines the urgency level of a message sent with high priority when an Agent has an Unavailable status.

Urgent messages are sent with a special indication so that the recipient of the message is aware of the urgency.

Communication Timeout

Determines the maximum number of seconds that the Control-M/Server attempts to connect to the Agent before the Agent is set to Unavailable.

If you decrease the default value, it impact Control-M/Server performance.

Default: 120

TCP/IP Timeout

Determines the timeout used by the Control-M/Agent when listening on the Server to agent port number before timing out and performing housekeeping tasks

Maximum Retries

Determines the number of times the Control-M/Server attempts to connect to the Agent before the Agent is set to Unavailable.

Logical Agent Name

Defines a logical or alias name for the Agent.

If you have more than one Agent on the same host that connects to the same Control-M/Server, you must use this parameter to uniquely identify each Agent.

The value must be the same as the value in the Control-M/Server computer.

The logical name is used when the Agent initiates the communication to the Control-M/Server with the output from Agent utilities and in messages sent to the Control-M/Server.

Listen to Network Interface

Determines which network interface the Agent is listening on.

It can be set to a specific hostname or IP address so that the Agent port is not opened in the other interfaces.

Secure Socket Layer

Determines whether SSL is used to encrypt the communication between Control-M/Server and the Control-M/Agent.

Persistent Connection ParametersLink copied to clipboard

The following table describes the Persistent Connection parameters:



Persistent Connection

Determines whether to connect to a specific agent with either a persistent or transient connection.

The connection between Control-M/Server and Control-M/Agent is constant and can be initiated by both. When the Control-M/Agent starts up, the Agent Router process is started and acts as a broker between the other Control-M/Agent components and Control-M/Server. The Agent Router process allows Control-M/Server to maintain a constant connection with the Control-M/Agent. However, when Control-M/Server sits behind a firewall, the Agent Router cannot initiate the connection with Control-M/Server. After the Control-M/Server creates the connection to the Agent Router, the Agent Tracker and Agent Utilities processes use this connection to communicate with Control-M/Server.

Maximum Disconnect Time

Determines the maximum number of seconds between 30 - 86400 that the Control-M/Server allows an agent to be disconnected before it initiates a session. This parameter is relevant only if the Allow agent to initiate a session parameter on the agent is set to NO.

Default: 300

Session Idle Timeout

Determines the maximum number of seconds between 30 - 86400 that a session can be idle before Control-M/Server terminates it.

Default: 900

Allow Agent Disconnection

Determines if the current connection to this Control-M/Agent can be disconnected when the maximum number of concurrent sessions is reached. Allowing a persistent connection on a Control-M/Agent to disconnect requires the connection to be reestablished before communication with the Control-M/Agent can continue. If you run time-sensitive jobs on the Control-M/Agent, you might want to select No.

Default: Yes

Allow Agent to Initiate a Session

Determines if the Control-M/Agent can open a connection to the Control-M/Server when working in Persistent Connection mode.

If the Control-M/Agent is outside a firewall and the Agent to Server port is blocked, set this parameter to No.

Default: Yes

Windows Job Submission and Tracking ParametersLink copied to clipboard

The following table describes the Windows Job Submission and Tracking parameters:



Run Job Owner's Logon Script

Determines whether the Agent runs the Log in script defined by the system Administrator before each Job.

Default: No

Wait for Child Processes to Complete

Determines whether the Job ends when all sub-processes exit or waits until the main Job process exits. BMC recommends you select Yes, when the Agent is used to start background applications.

Default: Yes

Echo Job Commands into Output

Determines whether to print commands in the output of a Job.

Default: Yes

Foreign Language Support

Determines whether CJK or LATIN-1 is supported.

Application Locale

Determines the LATIN-1encoding used by the Agent to run Jobs.

Tracker Polling Interval

Determines the number of seconds the Agent tracker process waits for incoming events from plug-insClosed that send events (such as Databases) before going back to scan the status directory.

Default: 60

Linux Job Submission and Tracking ParametersLink copied to clipboard

The following table describes the Linux Job Submission and Tracking parameters:



Korn Shell (ksh) Flags

Determines the shell flag that is used to run the job script.

Valid values: -x, -v, n

Default: -x

Bourne Shell Flags

Determines the shell flag that is used to run the job script

Valid values: -x, -v, n

Default: -x

Temporary Scripts Saving

Determines whether to save temporary scripts. By default, temporary scripts generated from jobs are deleted at the end of job execution. If this value is set to Yes, temporary scripts are not deleted.

Valid values:

  • Yes

  • No

Default: No

Tracker Polling Interval

Determines the number of seconds the Agent tracker process waits for incoming events from plug-ins that send events (such as Databases) before going back to scan the status directory.

Default: 60

Agent's Account Owner

Determines whether jobs are submitted as the Agent account owner or root.

Output ParametersLink copied to clipboard

The following table describes the Output parameters:



Days to Retain OUTPUT files

Determines the number of days that Job output files are retained for Jobs executed by Agent computers. After this period, the New DayClosed procedure deletes all expired Job output files.

This parameter also affects the number of days that archived ViewpointsClosed are saved.

Default Printer

Defines the default printer for Job output (OUTPUT)


Determines one of the following prefix options for the output file name:

  • memname
  • Jobname

Security ParametersLink copied to clipboard

The following table describes the Security parameters for Windows:



Logon Domain

Defines the logon domain name if <domain> is not defined in <domain>\<username> in the Run as parameter of the job definitionClosed.

Logon as User

Determines whether jobs are submitted with the permissions and environment variables of the specified user or the local system account:

  • Yes: Specified User

  • No: Local System Account (Default)

Agentless ParametersLink copied to clipboard

The following table describes the Agentless parameters:



SSH Connection Mode

Determines one of the following connection modes:

  • SSH Only

  • SSH with SFTP - One Connection

  • SSH with SFTP - Two Connections

Connection Retries

Determines the maximum number of attempts to restore the connection between Control-M/Server and the remote host.

Connection Timeout

Determines the maximum number of seconds that Control-M/Server attempts to connect to the remote host before the remote host is set to Unavailable.

Temporary Directory

Defines a directory to store temporary files that are removed from Control-M/Agent when the Jobs end and the network connection is available or restored.

Default: Job Owners (Run As) home directory. The period (.) represents this directory.

Print Details to OUTPUT

Determines whether to include details related to the remote connection in the Job output of Jobs executed on a remote host.

Email ParametersLink copied to clipboard

The following table describes the Email parameters:



SMTP Server Name

Defines the name of the SMTP server

SMTP Port Number

Determines the port number between 0-65535 where the SMTP server communicates

Sender Email

Determines the e-mail address of the sender (max 99 characters)

Sender Friendly Name

Defines the name or alias that appears on the sent e-mail

Reply to Email

Defines the e-mail address where to send replies. If this field is left empty, the sender's e-mail address is used.