Creating a Job

This procedure describes how to create a job in a folder or sub-folder in your WorkspaceClosed.


  1. From the Center Pane Toolbar, click Add Job and from the drop-down list, drag and drop the job typeClosed into a folder or sub-folder within the Workspace.

    For a list of all available job types, see Job Types.

  2. From the Edit tab, define one or more of the following:

Job General AttributesLink copied to clipboard

The following table describes the General attributes for a job:



Job Type

Determines the job type selected from the Add Job drop-down list.

Job Name

Defines the name of the job.


  • Characters: 1–64

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

  • Invalid Characters: ', $, /, *, and ?.

  • Variable Name: %%JOBNAME

  • The name of a job must be unique within each folder. The job cannot have the same name as the parent folder or sub-folder.

  • To include a parenthesis, ) or (, precede it with a slash, as follows:

    /( or /)

  • IBM i (AS/400) Only

    • Name the job according to IBM i (AS/400) conventions and verify that it matches the actual job name used by IBM i (AS/400)

    • The Job Name value is considered part of the job submission command


Defines a description of the job using free text.


  • Characters: 1–4,000

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

Run as Dummy

Runs as a dummy job, and not as a Dummy job type. A job that is set to Run as Dummy is not submitted by Control-M/Server and only performs post processing actions.

  • On: Runs as a dummy job

  • Off: Runs according to job type

z/OS Only

  • On: Changes the Override path to Dummy

  • Off: Restores the Original Override path


Indicates the name of the Control-M/Server that processes the job.

Host/Host Group

Defines the name of an AgentClosed computer, Remote Host, or host group where the job is submitted.


  • Characters: 1–85
  • Valid Characters: A–Z, a–z, 0–9, - ,., _, and :.
  • Invalid Characters: Latin-1 special characters, uppercase and lowercase.

Parent Folder

Defines the name of the parent folder or parent folder and sub-folder.


Defines a descriptive name for related job groups. Jobs do not have to run at the same time.



Defines a logical name for the Sub-application.


Application: Finance

Sub-application: Payroll


Determines variable types, names, and values, as described in Variables.


  • Characters: 1–40, z/OS: 1–66

  • Value: 1–4,000, z/OS: 1–66

  • Invalid Characters: Latin-1 special characters, uppercase and lowercase.


Override Path

Defines a temporarily-modified job script file without changing the original script file in the File Path/Member library and without changing the run schedule of a folder.


  • Characters: 1–255 iSeries (AS/400): 1–10

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

  • Invalid Characters:

    • Blank spaces.

    • All Versions of Microsoft Windows 2000\, /, *, ?, <, >, and |.

  • Variable Name: %%OVERLIB

Pre-execution Command

Defines a command that runs immediately before running the job. The return code is ignored.

  • Characters: 1–4,000

  • Variable Name: %%PRECMD

Post-execution Command

Defines a command that runs immediately after running the job. The return code is ignored.

  • Characters: 1–4,000

  • Variable Name: %%POSTCMD

Run Job on All Hosts in Group

Determines whether Control-M runs the job on all Agents within the Host Group. All available Agents in the Host Group run an identical job, and each such job has a unique run IDClosed.

  • On: The job runs on all Agents within the Host Group.

  • Off: The job runs only on the current Agent.

Run as Detached

Determines whether the job is submitted to Control-M for execution as a background process. The results of the job (the output) are analyzed by the post-processing subsystem.

End Folder on Job Completion

Determines whether Control-M stops executing jobs and sub-folders in the folder.

To enable this option, you must have full User Views set in User and Role Authorizations.

Created By

Defines the Control‑M user who created the job.


  • Characters: 1–64

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

  • Invalid Characters: Blank spaces and '.


Defines the location of the documentation of the folder.


Determines whether the documentation for the job is in a file or URL, as follows:

  • URL: Saves the documentation in the URL that you provide in the URL field.

    The format of the URL address must start with http://, https://, ftp://, or file://.

  • File: Saves the documentation in a file that you specify in the Doc Path and Doc File fields.

Doc Path Rules:

  • Characters: 1–255 , iSeries (AS/400): 1–21

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

Doc File Rules:

  • Characters: 1–64

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

  • Invalid Characters: Blanks


Determines the order that Control-M processes jobs. A higher priority forces Control-M to reserve resources from the Resource PoolClosed to ensure that the job is submitted as soon as possible.


Determines whether the job is a critical-path job in Control-M. This ensures a resource allocation order.

  • Critical jobs take precedence over Priority jobs.

  • If you mark two or more jobs as Critical, the job with higher Priority receives resources first.

  • Critical jobs take precedence for Lock resources that have Exclusive status, not Shared status.

  • You cannot mark a job as Critical when the job is executing.

  • z/OS The parameter is called Emergency. If you create a job using a Control-M/EM utility and set the Critical parameter to 1, the job is marked as Emergency.