
Viewpoints in the Monitoring domain enables you to display your job flows, view, and monitor jobs that are for a specific user, or jobs that have ended Not OK.

Viewpoints show in real-time the execution status of the batch production. Viewpoints can only be viewed by the user that created them and cannot be shared.

Using SLA Management you can monitor actual and estimated job executions and obtain an understanding of the jobs execution time information that enables you to control your active environment more efficiently. The monitoring Viewpoint can show you the jobs in a flow that have started or ended executing, or jobs that are scheduled to execute in a specific time frame.

In the CCM, the Administrator can set the number of viewpoints that can be created by changing the Maximum viewpoints a user can define parameter. If you exceed the limit, the oldest saved viewpoint is deleted. For more information about Control-M system parameters, see Control-M Web parameters.

Creating a ViewpointLink copied to clipboard

This procedure describes how to create a Viewpoint and filter and group job attributes.


  1. From the Viewpoints tool bar, click Add Viewpoint.

    A Viewpoint pane appears.

  2. Add filters:

    1. Click Add/remove fields.

      The Add Fields section appears.

    2. Select the fields as required, as described in Viewpoint Fields.

    3. Click Done.

  3. Define the hierarchy in which the jobs appear by doing the following:

    1. Click Grouping to expand the hierarchical levels.

      By default, the hierarchy is set for Control-M/Server, Application, and Sub-Application.

    2. Click Add level and select an option from the Select drop-down list.

  4. Click Open.

    The Viewpoint is created.

  5. Click Save.

  6. In the Save Viewpoint dialog box, type a name and description of the viewpoint and click Save.

Viewpoint FieldsLink copied to clipboard

The following table describes the viewpoint fields when creating or editing a viewpoint.



Folder Name

Defines the name of the folderClosed that holds the job.


Defines the ApplicationClosed defined for the job.

Sub Application

Defines the sub-applicationClosed defined for the job.


Defines the name of the Control-M/Server that processes the job.

Folder Library

(z/OS jobs only) Defines the name of the library that contains the job’s folder.

Job Name

Defines the name of the job.


Defines the job description.

Job Type

Defines the job typeClosed, such as OS job or SAP job.

Run as

Identifies the user name who is authorized to execute the job.

File Name/Member Name

Indicates the name of a member that contains one of the following in relation to the job to be executed:

  • The JCL of the job
  • The started task procedure
  • Warning messages

File Path/Member library

Defines the location of the file that contains the script.


Defines the computer where the job is executed.

Host Group

Defines a collection of host computers which enables you to define and execute jobs on any of the computers within the host group.


Determines whether the job is a critical-path job, which ensures priority resource allocation.


Indicates that the job is set to execute cyclicallyClosed.


Determines whether the z/OS job is an Emergency job.

Included in an SLA

Includes jobs that belong to an SLA Management ServiceClosed.

Rule-Based Calendar

Determines a Rule-Based CalendarClosed.

Workload Policy

Defines the name of the Workload policy that controls, manages, and balances the workload of resources and hosts.


Defines the OS Command line executed by the job.

Keep Folder after ended not ok

Determines the number of days the job remains in the active environment if the job ended not ok.

To see Keep Folder after ended not ok results, you need to view the empty folders, by doing the following:

  1. Enable system parameter ViewpointPolicy and set to SELECT_JOBS_AND_SG. (Default is set to SELECT_JOBS).

  2. Clear the Hide empty SMART Folders checkbox in user Preferences.

Job JCL Name

Defines where the job runs.

NJE Node

Defines where the job runs.

Override Path

Determines the alternative file path for running a job if the specified file path is not found.


Determines the job status.

Keep jobs in folder

Keeps all the jobs in the folder until the folder is removed.


Determines the job status.

Job Status

Determines whether to search for jobs that Ended OK, Not OK, or both.

Run Date

Shows the date that the job executed.

Execution Time

Shows the number of seconds that it takes to execute the job.

Run ID

Shows the run IDClosed number.

Folder Held

Determines which Folder is in a holdClosed status.


Determines which job is in a hold status.

Include deleted jobs

Shows deleted jobs in the viewpoint.

Resource Pools

Specifies the Resource PoolClosed and for each job the quantity required/used by that job.

Lock resources

Specifies whether the job requires exclusive or shared access to the Lock ResourceClosed.

Wait For event name

Specifies the name of the Wait For eventClosed.

Wait For event date

Shows the date of the Wait For event in mmdd format.

Event name

Specifies the name of the Add/Delete event.

Event date

Shows the date of the Add/Delete event in mmdd format.

Creating a Historical ViewpointLink copied to clipboard

This procedure describes how to create a historical Viewpoint using previously saved Viewpoints, which enables you to review job data from past dates.

Before You Begin

You must create and save at least one Viewpoint to use this tool.


  1. From the table of saved Viewpoints in the Viewpoints tab, click on the Viewpoint that contains the historical job data you want to review.

  2. From the Viewpoints toolbar, click History.

    A dialog box with a calendar and a Control-M/Server drop-down list appears.

  3. From the Server drop-down list, select the relevant Control-M/Server.

  4. From the calendar, click the date you want to review.

    The saved Viewpoint for that date appears.

    • You can edit the Viewpoint fields by clicking Edit.

    • Jobs from earlier dates that remain in the active environment appear in the Run Date column in List View.