
util is a multi-purpose utility that can perform the following functions from the command line:

  • Import and export data to and from the ControlM/EM database

  • Delete, clear, and build the ControlM/EM database

  • Import and export a specified definition folder

  • Import, export, and remove (to save disk space) Control-M/Forecast data

When version management mode is selected (default), the following additional functions are available from the command line:

  • Export or import of scheduling definitions, either with or without the history of changes made

  • Export or import of a specified definition folder, either with or without the history of changes made

All the functions use DB_ARGS in the following format:

[-D <database>][{-U <user> -P <password>} |-pf <fileName>]

[-S <server>][-T <level>] [-dbms <system>][-dbtimeout <sec>]

[-dbfile <path>]

For more information about DB_ARGS database arguments, see DB_ARGS Database Arguments Fields.

For Functions and syntax of the util utility (UNIX), add em and a space before specifying util. For example: em util <DB_ARGS> <buildSchema> [-cdbg {1 - 5}][-T 3]

The following topics describe how to run the utility, functions, configuration and parameters:

The util utility is automatically installed on Windows computers with the Control-M/EM Gateway component.

Running the util Utility

This procedure describes how to run the util utility, which enables you to perform various function on the Control-M/EM database.


  1. Do one of the following:

    • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/EM account.

    • Windows: Open a command prompt window where Control-M/EM is installed. You do not need to be in the Control-M/EM database directory.

  2. Type one of the following commands:

    • UNIX: em util DB_ARGS function <functionParameters>

    • Windows: util DB_ARGS function functionParameters

DB_ARGS Database Arguments Fields

The following table describes the DB_ARGS database arguments fields:



-U <user>

Defines the database user name

-P <password>

Defines the database user password

-T <level>

Defines the database debug level.

Valid values: 1 - 9

util Utility Functions

The following table describes the util utility functions:




Exports job processing definitions, such as calendars, Control-M data, etc from the Control-M/EM database to an ASCII text file.

The data in the mentioned file is separated by field and record delimiters.

For more information, see Configure the util Utility to Recognize Different Delimiters.

Specify the following command:

util <DB_ARGS> -export [-silent] [-cdbg <1 - 5>] {-type <all | def | cal | sys |dc | user | alert | gc | maint | collect | view |filter | report | hier | audit | history | bim_forecast | statistics | workload | active_nets | mft | [wcm]>} {-type net {-name {<name>}}} [-file <file> | -file - | -dir <dir>] [-without_def_history]

  • If the database is exported to a file, you are prompted for a filename. The file that is created is a flat file.

  • If you use FTP to transfer the exported file, use binary mode.

  • If -type all is specified, the job’s running information history is not returned. Specify -type history separately if it is required.

  • -type def includes site standard and site customization definitions.

  • If -without_def_history is specified, only the current version of the job’s definition is exported. This option is relevant when version management mode is selected (default). For more information, see Using Control-M.


Imports job processing definitions, such as calendars, Control-M data, etc, from an ASCII text file to the Control-M/EM database.

The data in the mentioned file is separated by field and record delimiters.

For more information, see Configure the util Utility to Recognize Different Delimiters.

Specify the following command:

util <DB_ARGS> -import [-silent] [-replace] [-cdbg {1-5l}] {-type <all | def | cal | sys |dc | user | alert |gc | maint | collect | view |filter | report | hier | audit |history | bim_forecast | statistics | workload | active_nets | mft | wcm>>} {-type net {-name {<name>}}} [-file <file> | -file - | -dir <dir> | -dir <fileList>] [-without_def_history]

  • If the database is imported from a file, you are prompted for a filename. Only .exp files are accepted. If you use FTP to transfer the imported file, use binary mode.

  • Stop all ControlM/EM components before doing this operation.

  • If -type all is specified, the job’s running information history is not returned. Specify -type history separately if it is required.

  • -type def includes site standard and site customization definitions.

  • If -without_def_history is specified, only the current version of the job’s definition is imported. This option is relevant when version management mode is selected (default). For more information, see Version management

  • Gateway(s) should not be running.

  • If -replace is specified, your data may be destroyed. Use -replace with extreme caution. Any database element that is replaced is overwritten with data that you supply in the input file. If -replace is not specified and the database attempts to write data that already exists, the utility terminates and a rollback is performed on data written during the write operation.


Deletes the specified database folder.

Specify the following command:

util <DB_ARGS> -delete [-silent] [-cdbg {1-5}]{-name {<name>}}

Stop all Control‑M/EM components before doing this operation.


Deletes all database folders.

Specify the following command:

util <DB_ARGS> -clean_database [-silent] [-cdbg <1-5>]

Stop all Control‑M/EM components before doing this operation. This utility completely deletes database folders. Use it only with extreme caution. BMC recommends that you backup the database before issuing this command.


Builds the Control-M/EM database. It defines the structure and the type of contents of each data element in the database.

Specify the following command:

util <DB_ARGS> -build_schema [-cdbg <1-5>]

Stop all Control‑M/EM components before doing this operation. To load default data to the Control-M/EM database, run the loader utility.

util Utility Function Parameters

The following table describes the util utility function parameters:




Suppresses application messages.


Overwrites existing data in the specified folder.

Use -replace with extreme caution. Any database element that is replaced is overwritten with data that you supply in the input file. If -replace is not specified and the database attempts to write data that already exists, the utility terminates and a rollback is performed on data written during the write operation.


Determines the debug level.

Valid values: 1 - 9

Use this option only when instructed to do so by BMC Customer Support. Using this option can slow performance and use extra disk space.


Defines the name of the Control-M/EM database component that is configured by one or more of the following:

More than one -type can be used.

  • all: All application data. Default.

  • def: Job processing definition data.

  • cal: Calendar data, including Rule-Based Calendar entities.

  • sys: System data of the application.

  • dc: Data center definition data.

  • user: Control-M/EM database user data and authorizations.

  • alert: Alert data for the Control-M/EM database.

  • gc: Global conditions – prerequisite conditions that are passed between Control-M installations by Control-M/EM database.

  • maint: Maintenance folders

  • collect: Collection definitions

  • view: ViewPoint definitions

  • filter: Filter definitions

  • report: Report definitions

  • hier: Hierarchy definitions

  • audit: Audit data

  • history: History data

  • bim_forecast: BMC Batch Impact Manager folders and forecast folders

  • statistics: Exceptions data

  • workload: Workload Policy definition data

  • active_nets: Active jobs for all Control-M/Servers

  • mft: Manage File Transfer data in Control-M/EM

  • wcm: Workload Change Manager site standard

    You cannot use -type wcm in the same command line as -type def.

- type net

Defines the type of Control-M/EM database net.

-name: Name of the Control-M/EM database net that is identified by the following parameter:

name: Name of the net. You can use wildcards when specifying a name:

  • *: represents a string of any length

  • ?: represents one character

SSIMU: simulation net SIMU

A??????23\*: all active nets of netgroup 23


Specifies the details of the source or destination file.

  • file: Name of the source or destination file.

  • -file -:

    • Exports to standard output. Default: user monitor

    • Imports from standard input. Default: user keyboard

  • -dir:

    • Exports or imports from a specified directory.

    • dir: Directory of the source or destination file if different from Control-M/EM database home directory.

    • file-list: List of text (ASCII) files to be exported or imported, in the format: filename... filename

util Utility Examples

The following are examples of the util utility:

Export Job Processing Definitions

The following command exports job processing definitions from the default Control‑M/EM database to the ASCII data file production for database user dbuser1, whose password is secure01:

util -U dbuser1 -P secure01 -export -type def -file production

Importing Calendar Data

The following procedure describes how to import calendar data from the ASCII data file month_cal to the default Control-M/EM database.


  1. Stop all Control-M/EM database gateways.

  2. Specify the following command:

    util -U dbuser1 -P secure01 -import -type cal -file month_cal

Delete Database Contents

The following command deletes the contents of the folder A0301190CT_BJOB from database CITIES:

util -D CITIES -U dbuser1 -P secure01 -delete -name A0301190CT_BJOB

Clean the Database

The following command cleans database WAGE_RATES:

util -D WAGE_RATES -U dbuser1 -P secure01 -clean_database

Build a Database Schema

The following command builds a new schema for database PAYROLL:

util -D PAYROLL -U dbuser1 -P secure01 -build_schema

Export a Database Definition Folder

The following command exports the INVENTORY definition folder for data center WIP from the default Control-M/EM database to the file wip_stores:

util -U dbuser1 -P secure01 -export -folder INVENTORY \

-dcname WIP -file wip_stores

Import a Database Definition Folder

The following command imports the WORK_IN_PROGRESS definition folder (replacing any data that may have been in this database folder) from file wip_stores to the PRODUCTION database:

util -D PRODUCTION -U dbuser1 -P secure01 -import \

-replace -folder WORK_IN_PROGRESS -file wip_stores

Configure the util Utility to Recognize Different Delimiters

During the export process, the util utility reads the fields and records delimiters from the Defaults.rsc configuration file or uses default values, if nothing is defined in Defaults.rsc. The delimiters are stored in the created export file.

During the import process, the util utility reads the delimiter values from the export file and does not refer to the configuration file.

The default values for the records and fields delimiters are as follows:

  • \x1E\x1B\x1F - records delimiter

  • \x1C\x1B\x1D - fields delimiter

If you are using either of these sequences in your data, add or modify the following lines in the Defaults.rsc file using different values:

namevalue * util_exp_records_delimiter <recordsDelimiter>

namevalue * util_exp_fields_delimiter <fieldsDelimiter>

In the following example, the definitions in Defaults.rsc are set so that the records delimiter is a sequence of vertical tab, horizontal tab, and escape, and the fields delimiter is defined as the form feed character.

namevalue * util_exp_records_delimiter \x0B\t\x1B

namevalue * util_exp_fields_delimiter \f

The following table shows the characters you can use for the records delimiter and fields delimiter, respectively.

Character Code



New line (if it is the only character in records delimiter)


Horizontal tab


Vertical tab


Form feed




File separator


Group separator


Record separator


Unit separator

The records and fields delimiters must follow these rules:

  • a value between 1 and 5 characters.

  • The records delimiter must not be a substring of the fields delimiter, and vice versa.

  • \0 and blank characters are not valid values. They are not identified and may cause unexpected delimiters to be used.