emdef Utility for Jobs (deprecated)

The emdef utility is a command line utility used to make various modifications to job definitions in the Control-M/EM database.

The emdef utility includes the following utilities:




Imports job processing definitions directly into the Control-M/EM database.


Copies jobs from one folder to another in the Control-M/EM database that is similar to a specified existing definition.


Deletes specified job processing definitions from a SMART folder in the Control-M/EM database.


Copies existing job definitions in the same data center and SMART folder.


Exports job processing definitions from a folder in the Control-M/EM database to an output file.


Checks job processing definitions to determine if conditions are defined in a way that would cause loops.


Updates specified parameter values in the following definitions in the Control-M/EM database:

  • Job processing definitions.

  • Folder definitions.

  • SMART folder definitions.

  • Sub-folder definitions.


Exports Site Standards into the Control-M/EM database.


Imports Site Standards into the Control-M/EM database


Exports Promotion Rules into the Control-M/EM database.


Imports Promotion Rules into the Control-M/EM database. For more information about the exportpromotionrule and importpromotion rules see Export/Import Promotion Rules.

emdef General Parameters

The following table describes the parameters common to emdef utilities.




Defines the Control-M/EM user name.


Defines the Control-M/EM user password.

<password file name>

Includes an unencrypted user name and password on separate lines in a flat file in the following format:


<GUI ServerName>

Defines the Control-M/EM GUI server logical name, host name, or IP address.

If multiple GUI servers exist, set this parameter to the logical name of the relevant GUI server.

<XML filename>

Defines the path and name of the XML file containing the defjob specifications. For instructions about creating this file, see XML File Rules

<out file name>

Defines the path and name of the file containing the exported job specifications.

emdef Switches

The following table describes switches for the emdef utilities:



emdef Utility


Displays the description and available options in the utility.

All (except loopdetecttool)


The /a switch directs the utility to automatically reset the Created By parameter to the current Control-M/EM user when these two values do not match. If not specified, the utility skips (that is, does not process) job definitions whose Author does not match the currently logged in user.

The /a switch has no effect on Administrator users and is relevant only when the AuthorSecurity system parameter is set to 2 or 3.

The following utilities are supported:

  • defjob

  • copydefjob

  • duplicatedefjob

  • exportdefjob

  • updatedef

  • defservice

  • exportdefservice

  • defcal

  • deffolder

  • exportdefcal

  • exportdeffolder


Used to receive verbose messages.

The following utilities are supported:

  • defjob

  • copydefjob

  • deldefjob

  • duplicatedefjob

  • exportdefjob

  • updatedef

  • defservice

  • exportdefservice

  • deffolder

  • exportdeffolder


Operates on a chunk of jobs at any one time to reduce the process memory.



Set the number of jobs in a chunk.

Default: 100



Operate on a single folder at a time, to reduce process memory.

The following utilities are supported:

  • defjob

  • exportdefjob

  • deffolder

  • exportdeffolder


Overwrites an existing folder definition in Control-M/EM database or creates a new folder if it does not exist.


-vv 2

Enables you, by default, to validate the XML rules folder according to the validation process in Control-M/EM version 9.0.19 and higher.

All emdef utilities


Forces folder definition with a site standard that does not exist, which sets the site standard to none.


emdef Validation Service Error Message Example

The following example shows the emdef deffolder utility with an error message using the validation service (-vv 2):s

Note the updated field name and error message.

emdef deffolder -u emuser -p empass -s dba-tlv-taw1ol -src c:\validations\DemoForKarol.xml /o

Error: An Invalid Job was detected

JobName: '1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890'


Field: Job/Sub Folder Name

Error: The field 'Job/Sub Folder Name' should not exceed 64 characters

Error: validation errors were found in folder: DemoFld

Error: Import Aborted