
ctm_menu is a utility that invokes the following interactive menu that provides access to a variety of functions and utilities that are used to maintain Control-M/Server.

  • Control-M Manager: Enables you to check, start and stop Control-M/Server, Control-M/Server database, and Control-M/Server Configuration Agent.

    You can also start/shut down components using the start_ctm and shut_ctm utilities.

  • Database Menu: Facilitates the day-to-day maintenance and diagnostics of the Control-M/Server database. You can also access the Database Menu directly, as described in dbu_menu.

  • Security Authorization: Enables you to add and delete users and groups and back up and restore security definition tables in the Control-M Security database. For more information about adding and deleting users, see ctmsec.

  • Parameter Customization: Enables you to view and edit communication parameters.

  • Host Group: List, edit, and delete host groups. For more information, see ctmhostgrp

  • View HostID Details: Enables you to view Host ID details, which displays the same information as the ctmgetcm utility, which collects and displays Application information and Server information from the Agent. For more information, see ctmgetcm.

  • Agent Status: View and edit Agent details. You can view or change the status of an Agent, delete an Agent platform, ping Agents, or discover Agents. To convert an Agentless Host to an Agent, see Converting an Agentless Host to an Agent with the ctm_menu Utility.

  • Troubleshooting: Enables you to set diagnostics and various restart procedures.

Running the ctm_menu Utility

This procedure describes how to run the ctm_menu utility, which invokes an interactive menu that provides access to a variety of functions and utilities that are used to maintain Control-M/Server.


  1. Do one of the following:

    • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/Server account

    • Windows: Open a command prompt window where Control-M/Server is installed.

  2. Type the following command:

    A separate ctm_menu command prompt opens.