
The ctmhostgrp utility is used to maintain and view host groups. This utility provides the command line facility for running the options available from the Host Group Menu.

The Host Group menu is used to maintain and view host groups. Host groups are used by the Control-M/Server load-balancing function. For more information, see Host Groups.

Running the ctmhostgrp Utility

This procedure describes how to run the ctmhostgrp utility, which enables you to maintain and view host groups.


  1. Do one of the following:

    • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/Server account

    • Windows: Open a command prompt window where Control-M/Server is installed.

  2. Type the following command:


    [ -LIST |

    -EDIT -HOSTGRP <hostGroup>

    -APPLTYPE <applicationType>

    [ -VIEW |

    -ADD <hostid> |

    -DELETE <hostid> ] |

ctmhostgrp Parameters

The following table lists the ctmhostgrp utility parameters:




Displays a list of all existing host groups.


Views, creates, or modifies a host group.


Specifies which host group to be viewed, created, or modified.


Specifies the application that the host group is associated with.

Valid values:

  • OS: None Application Add-on

  • SAP: SAP Applications

  • OAP: Oracle Applications

  • Any other application type defined by the user.

Default: OS


Displays the host IDs in the specified host group.


Prompts for the name of a host ID to add to the specified group.

The selected host ID must be able to run jobs associated with the application type specified for this host group.


Prompts for the name of a host ID to delete from the specified group.


Prompts for the name of the host group to delete from the specified group.