Database Operation and Maintenance

The Control-M/Server database contains the job processing definitions for all of the jobs in your environment, organized into tables. In addition to the Definitions file, the Control-M/Server database also maintains an Active Jobs, Resources table, and Events table.

The Control-M/EM database enables you to control your entire batch production enterprise. The Definition file of the Control-M/EM database contains a copy of all job processing definitions from all of your Control-M/Server databases. This database also includes the Active Jobs Database.

You can back up and restore your data from a Control-M/EM or Control-M/Server database, as described in Database Backup and Restore, and you can perform periodic maintenance procedures on a Control-M/EM and Control-M/Server database, as described in Database Maintenance and Cleanup.

To maintain Control-M/EM databases:

  • Use the interactive Database Maintenance menu, which you access from the root menu.

  • Run the utilutility from the command line.

To maintain Control-M/Server databases, use the Database Maintenance menu, which you can access from the Control-M Main Menu.

The following topics describe how to maintain and configure the Control-M/EM and Control-M/Server databases:

Accessing the Control-M/EM Database Maintenance Menu

This procedure describes how to access the Control-M/EM database menu, which enables you export, import, and perform other database procedures.


  1. Log in to the Control-M/EM host computer.

  2. Type root_menu command.

  3. When prompted, enter the Control-M/EM Database Owner (DBO) user name and password.

    The Control-M/EM Root Menu appears.

  4. From Control-M/EM Root Menu, type the number for Database Maintenance.

    The Database Maintenance Menu appears.

Control-M/EM Database Maintenance Menu Options

The following table describes the options in the Database Maintenance Menu for Control-M/EM:

Menu Option


Export Database

Extracts the contents of the Control-M/EM database to a compressed flat file or tape.

Import Database

Restores the Control‑M/EM database from a file or tape created using the Export Database option.

Stop all Control-M/EM components before performing this operation.

Custom Export/Import

Displays the Export/Import Default Parameters menu that enables you to customize the parameters used for the Export Database and Import Database options.

Stop all Control‑M/EM components before performing this operation.

Extend Database Size

Enlarges the data portion of the Control‑M/EM database. Depending on the type of database server installed, this option runs the db_extend_oracle utility.

When the utility runs, you may be prompted for the following data:

  • Password for the sa or SYSTEM user.

  • Oracle: Name of the existing device you want to extend.

  • Size, in MB, of the additional space to allocate.

  • Full path for the device.

  • Size, in MB, that you want to extend the device by.

Erase Old Nets

Erases an old network.

Erase Audit Data

Erases audit records that were stored in the database.

Erase Exception Alerts

Erases exception alerts that were stored in the Control-M/EM database.


The DBUMonitor is a monitoring tool that is part of the Watchdog functionality that monitors the Control-M/Server dedicated PostgreSQL database. It identifies database issues and suggests a correct solution when the problem occurs.

The DBUMonitor can find the following error types:

  • Database corruptions.

  • Application SQL Errors (Control-M/EM, Control-M/Server, Workload Archiving).

  • Database backups are not performed regularly.

When errors are found in the logs, an xAlert is sent. To change the default DBUMonitor configuration, see Configuring the DBUMonitor.

Configuring the DBUMonitor

After installation, the DBUMonitor is active by default. This procedure describes how to change the DBUMonitor default parameters.


  1. Navigate to one of the following directories:

    • UNIX: <ctm_server_home>/data/DBUMonitor.dat

    • Windows: <ctm_server_home>\data\DBUMonitor.dat

  2. Change the parameter values as required, as described in DBUMonitor Parameters.

  3. Save the file.

DBUMonitor Parameters

The following table describes DBUMonitor parameters.

Parameter Description


Determines whether the DBUMonitor is enabled.


Determines whether to monitor the PostgreSQL database backups.


Determines whether to monitor the PostgreSQL database backups during working hours only.


Determines whether to monitor the PostgreSQL database log files.


Determines whether to monitor the PostgreSQL database log files during working hours only.


Determines whether to include the Trace log in the xAlert.


Determines which hours are defined as working hours.


Determines how many day to keep log and temp files before they are automatically removed.