Customizing INCONTROL Products with ICE

Once INCONTROL products are installed, they can be customized to meet the operational requirements of your site. Customization using the methods described below can be performed at any time after installation. BMC recommends that customization be performed using the Customization facility of the INCONTROL Installation and Customization Engine (ICE).

The CUSTOMIZE activity differs from other ICE activities. CUSTOMIZE does not require that major steps be performed in a fixed sequence. Each major step represents an independent customization task that can be performed separately.

Most CUSTOMIZE tasks require repeating some of the steps performed during the installation process. For example, CUSTOMIZE tasks may require changing parameter values or reallocating and formatting certain files.

The following customization steps are common to IOA and all INCONTROL products. These steps allow you to change the operational parameters of most products and to reformat the product repositories.

  • xxxPARM Post-Installation

  • Customize xxx Dataset Parameters

IOA Customization contains the following unique steps (described below)

  • Profile Variables

  • User EXITs Installation

  • Customize IOA Defaults

The CUSTOMIZE steps support IOA and all INCONTROL products. Online help is available for each customization step by entering ? in the Value field.

See also

Optional Steps

INSTALL IOA and INSTALL CTx include optional steps that can be skipped during the original installation and performed after the products are installed. Examples are installing the IOA Online monitor, installing IOA CICS support, and so on. These steps require data entry as well as implementation tasks such as creating the necessary load modules, or updating the members referenced by the running system.

Performing Customization

To initiate the customization process:

  1. In the ICE main menu, select Customization.

  2. In the Environment selection screen, select the environment that you need to customize, and then press Enter.

    The Customization screen is displayed:

    Figure 1: Customization Screen

    ------------------         Environment selection              -----------------
      OPTION  ===>                                       SCROLL==> CSR   

     To begin/proceed with the Installation/Administration process
     Sele +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ 0
          | ------------------------ Customization -----------------------  |
          |                                                                 |
     Acti |   Environment Name ==> V900                                     |
          |                                                                 |
          |   Please choose the Product Id and the required process         |
          |                                                                 |
     PF03 |   Product: IOA         Enforce Step Order ==> NO  (YES/NO)      | d down
          |                                                                 |
     Acti | _ Product Customization        Customize product parameters     | igin
     ---- |                                                                 | ------
       S  | _ Security Customization       Customize Security parameters    | D
     ==== |                                                                 | ======
          | _ Password Customization       Customize Password parameters    |
          |                                                                 |
          | COMMAND ===>                                                    |
  3. In the Product field, enter the 3-character ID code (IOA or CTx) for the product that you want to customize.

  4. Select Product Customization, Security Customization, or Password Customization and then press Enter.

    The Major Steps Selection screen is displayed. For example, if you specified IOA and selected Product Customization, you see the following:

     ---------------------------- Major Steps Selection ---------------------------
     COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR  
     Environment: IOA900   Product: IOA                                             
     Sel values: S Select step     C Mark step as completed    R Reset status       
                 B Browse Step     X Mark step as excluded     ? Help               
     PF7/PF8  To scroll through all Steps                                           
           Sel Step Status      Opt Description                                     
           === ==== ======      === ===========                                     
            .    1                  IOAPARM Post-Installation                       
            .    2                  Customize IOA Dataset Parameters                
            .    3                  Profile Variables                               
            .    4                  User EXITs Installation                         
            .    5                  Customize IOA Defaults                          
            .    6              Y   Install IOA CICS Support                        
            .    7              Y   Install IOA IMS/DC Support                      
            .    8              Y   Install IOA VTAM Support                        
            .    9              Y   Install IOA COM-PLETE Support                   
            .   10              Y   Install IOA IDMS/DC Support                     
            .   11              Y   Install IOA ROSCOE Support                      
            .   12              Y   Install ISPF Support                            

    In IOA, for example, you might need to change IOA parameters in the IOAPARM member or you might need to modify the Profile variables

    For more information, see

Specifying FIPS mode in IOAPARM

The following parameter is provided to enable compliance with Federal Information Processing Standard 140-2 (FIPS 140-2).

Table 1 FIPS parameters




FIPS mode for Control-M. When activated, all Control-M cryptographic functions will be compliant with the FIPS 140-2 security standard.

Currently, the following functions can work in FIPS mode:

  • Control-M for z/OS communications, via IOAGATE, with the Control-M/Enterprise Manager (EM), when using SSL

  • Control-M for z/OS communications, via IOAGATE, with the Control-M Configuration Manager (CCM), when using SSL

Valid values are:

  • NO – FIPS compliance is not required.

  • YES – FIPS compliance is required. Any relevant process that cannot work in FIPS-compliant mode will be terminated.

  • TRY - Attempt to work in FIPS-compliant mode. Any relevant process that cannot work in FIPS-compliant mode will issue a warning message, but will continue in non-FIPS mode.

This parameter can be set using either:

  • ICE

  • A request from CCM to work in FIPS mode

    When CCM requests Control-M for z/OS to work in FIPS mode, CTMFIPS is automatically set to TRY, pending a restart of IOAGATE. After the restart, CTMFIPS is automatically set to YES, if FIPS mode has succeeded, or NO, if it has not, and the results are reported back to CCM.


FIPS mode for Control-D. When activated, all Control-D cryptographic functions will be compliant with the FIPS 140-2 security standard.

Currently, the following functions can work in FIPS mode:

  • Control-D communications with Control-D /WebAccess via IOAGATE when using SSL. DES/TDES data encryption is disabled (regardless of SSL usage).

  • Control-D communications with Session Manager (FTO) for receiving files via IOAGATE when using SSL

  • CDAM encryption

Valid values are:

  • NO – FIPS compliance is not required.

  • YES – FIPS compliance is required. Any relevant process that cannot work in FIPS-compliant mode will be terminated.

  • TRY - Attempt to work in FIPS-compliant mode. Any relevant process that cannot work in FIPS-compliant mode will issue a warning message, but will continue in non-FIPS mode.

This parameter can only be set using ICE.

Specifying General IP Parameters in IOAPARM

The IOAPARM Post-Installation step enables you to specify values for the TCP/IP-related parameters, IPVMODE, ISOCKAPI, and ISTACK, which affect the following components:

  • SNMP

  • Immediate PC file transfers from online (Option U).

  • Delayed PC file transfers by Control-D File Transfer Monitor.

The modified values are saved in the IP section of the IOAPARM member in the IOA.PARM library.

For more information about these parameters, see "General IP parameters" in the IOA administration chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

Specifying IOA Shout Facility Parameters in IOAPARM

The IOAPARM Post-Installation step enables you to specify values for IOA Shout facility parameters. The modified values are saved in the IOAPARM member in the IOA.PARM library.

For more information about IOA Shout facility parameters, see the IOA administration chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

Enabling zIIP Processor Usage

The IOAPARM Post-Installation step allows you to enable zIIP processor usage by specifying Y for the ZIIP parameter. The setting is saved in the IOAPARM member in the IOA.PARM library.

For more information about the ZIIP parameter, see the Control-D and Control-V chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

Specifying Profile Variables

The Profile Variables step enables you to specify values for variables that determine processing options such as the use of extended color, the date format at your site, and so on. The modified values are saved in the $PROFMOD member in the IOA.PARM library.

For more information about Profile variables, see the IOA administration chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

Customizing User Exits

This step allows you to customize IOA and INCONTROL user exits (source changes) and build the required SMP/E USERMOD to apply the exit. For more information about exits, see the Exits chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

Customizing IOA Defaults

This step allows you to customize IOA and INCONTROL defaults (also known as optional wishes). All defaults are in source format (compile and linkage not needed). Using this step, you can see the documentation and apply any wish. The values of the wishes you change are saved in the IOADFLTL member in IOA.PARM library.

Installing National Language Support (NLS)

This step contains the following minor steps:

  • Select additional language – enables you to choose the language or languages you want to install and the media that you are going to use for this installation.

  • Apply the National Language Support – builds the NLSINST job in the IOA INSTWORK library. This job allocates the language libraries, adds SMP/E DDDEFs for the language target and distribution libraries, performs the RECEIVE operation for the language FMIDs and PTFs, which are located in the lang8000 member in the BASEPREF.NLSSUPP library, and runs the SMP/E APPLY and ACCEPT jobs for the language support.

Submit the job and verify that all steps ended with a completion code of 4. For detailed information see the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.

Activating the Customization

When you change the values of certain parameters, you must first take appropriate steps to activate the changes, before they can take effect. The tables that appear in the following sections include "Act" columns for those parameters that require activation steps. These steps are indicated by numbers in the Act column and the meaning of the numbers is shown in the following table.

Table 2 Numbers of Activation Steps


Activation steps


Shut down and then restart the Control‑M monitor, or issue the Control‑M NEWPARM monitor command. For more information—including parameters that are not refreshed by NEWPARM—see the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide section on dynamically refreshing Control-M parameters.


Exit and then reenter the IOA online environment.


Follow the steps for expanding the Control‑M environment described in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.


Shut down and then restart the IOAGATE monitor.

Performing Additional Customization

Some customization tasks may need to be performed partly within ICE and partly using other methods outside ICE. Other customization tasks may need to be performed completely outside of ICE.

Follow the detailed explanations provided in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide or the relevant customized installation chapter in this guide.

IOA File Customization

Expanding the IOA Condition File

The procedure for expanding the IOA Condition file (CND) described below is an integral part of ICE, ensuring that the procedure can be performed efficiently and expediently.

The expansion process performs the following operations:

  • checks availability of the CND, ALTCND, and CNDJNL datasets involved in the process

  • changes the necessary parameters through the data entry steps

  • saves the parameters in the product libraries

  • submits the EXPNDCND expansion job

    EXPNDCND performs the following:

    1. renames the existing files by adding the .OLD qualifier

    2. allocates files with new space parameters

    3. copies information from the .OLD files to the new files

To expand the IOA Condition file (CND), perform the following steps in ICE

  1. Select Customization.

  2. Select the environment that you need to customize.

  3. Enter IOA in the Product field.

  4. Select Product Customization.

  5. Select major step 22, "Expanding IOA Condition File."

  6. Perform minor step 1, "Stop all monitors and IOA activities."

  7. Select minor step 2, "Specify CND parameters."

  8. Select minor step 3, "Expand Condition File (CND)", either by marking the step with a "J" (to run the job automatically), or with an "S" (to run the job manually). Verify that the EXPNDCND job is marked COMPLETE (if it was run automatically using the J option) or that it ended with a completion code of 0 or 4 (if it was run manually using the S option).

    WARNING: If the EXPANDCND job ends with a JCL error, the job must be re-submitted. However, to avoid loss of data, correct the cause of the error before re-submitting the job.

  9. Perform minor step 4, "Activate all monitors."