Customizing Control-M/Restart

Control-M/Restart Customization Considerations

CTRPARM is the Control‑M/Restart source parameter member that provides Control‑M/Restart with installation parameters, as well as operational parameters. It is located in the IOA.PARM library. As of version 6.0.00, this member is in source format, and requires no compilation, linkage, and so on.

This member may be maintained as a regular source member, for example, using the ISPF editor, or using ICE panels. BMC recommends that you use ICE to update the member, in order to reduce the risk of making mistakes, entering invalid values, and so on.

The member is divided into sections, each of which starts with the name of the section in column 1, followed by the parameters that belong to that section. For more information about the syntax of such source parameter member, see the "Performing a customized installation - common tasks" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.

A number of tables in the Control-M/Restart customization considerations section include a column headed with the word Act. For an explanation of this column, see the INCONTROL Installation Guide: Installing.

The following table lists the parameters in the CTRPARM member alphabetically, with the section to which they belong, and the page in this chapter where they are described.

Table 25 Parameters in the CTRPARM Member




Global Operational Parameters


Optional Wishes with Data


Global Operational Parameters


Compressed SYSOUT Data Set Parameters


Compressed SYSOUT Data Set Parameters


Compressed SYSOUT Data Set Parameters


Compressed SYSOUT Data Set Parameters


Compressed SYSOUT Data Set Parameters


Optional Wishes (Yes or No Values Only)


Optional Wishes (Yes or No Values Only)


Control-M/Restart Procedure Name


Global Operational Parameters


Optional Wishes (Yes or No Values Only)


Optional Wishes with Data


Optional Wishes (Yes or No Values Only)


Compressed SYSOUT Data Set Parameters


Optional Wishes (Yes or No Values Only)


Optional Wishes with Data


Optional Wishes (Yes or No Values Only)


Optional Wishes (Yes or No Values Only)


Optional Wishes (Yes or No Values Only)


Global Operational Parameters


Optional Wishes (Yes or No Values Only)


Global Operational Parameters


Optional Wishes (Yes or No Values Only)


Optional Wishes (Yes or No Values Only)


Compressed SYSOUT Data Set Parameters


Compressed SYSOUT Data Set Parameters


Optional Wishes (Yes or No Values Only)


Global Operational Parameters


Optional Wishes (Yes or No Values Only)


Global Operational Parameters


Optional Wishes with Data


Optional Wishes (Yes or No Values Only)


Optional Wishes with Data


Optional Wishes with Data


Optional Wishes (Yes or No Values Only)


Optional Wishes (Yes or No Values Only)


Optional Wishes (Yes or No Values Only)


Global Operational Parameters


Optional Wishes (Yes or No Values Only)


Global Operational Parameters


Global Operational Parameters


Optional Wishes (Yes or No Values Only)


Optional Wishes (Yes or No Values Only)

Control-M/Restart Procedure Name

Table 26 Control‑M/Restart Procedure Name





The Control‑M/Restart procedure name after it is copied to the local MVS procedure library. The default is the three characters specified for the PROCPRFR parameter during the ICE installation procedure, followed by the five characters ‘TROLR’.

For more information on the PROCPRFR parameter, see the "Installing Control-M/Restart" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.

For this customization to take effect:

Shut down and restart the Control-M monitor, or issue the F CONTROLM,NEWPARM monitor command. This is number 1 in the Act column.

Copy the Control‑M/Restart procedure to the local MVS procedure library, renaming it to the specified name.


Compressed SYSOUT Data Set Parameters

Table 27 Compressed Sysout Data Set Parameters





The default number of blocks in the first logical extent of a Control‑M/Restart compressed sysout data set.

Maximum length: 5 digits

For more information about this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M/Restart" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.



The block size that should be used for compressed sysout data sets.

For more information about this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M/Restart" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.



Prefix of the Control‑M/Restart archived sysout data set names that are created by the Control‑M monitor (the first qualifier in the data set name).

  • Mandatory

For more information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M/Restart" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.



Allows allocation of Control-R CDAM files on EAV (Extended Address Volumes).

For more information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M/Restart" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.



Default unit for archived sysout files. This unit will be used for the SYSDATA archived by the Control‑M monitor.

For more information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M/Restart" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.



Default volume serial numbers for Control‑M/Restart archived sysout data sets.

For more information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M/Restart" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.



The default number of days the archived sysout data sets are to be kept.

For more information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M/Restart" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.



Default number of runs the archived sysout data sets are to be kept.

For more information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M/Restart" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.


Global Operational Parameters

Table 28 Global Operational Parameters





How the special restart step inserted in the JCL of the job to be restarted terminates if the restart step encounters an unrecoverable error.

  • Mandatory

For more information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M/Restart" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.



Whether during post processing Control‑M considers all previous runs of a job, both original runs and restarts, or only the last run or restart.

For more information, see the "Installing Control-M/Restart" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing, and the introduction chapter in the Control‑M/Restart for z/OS User Guide.



Whether the skipped steps statistics message CTR066I is displayed.

  • Mandatory

For more information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M/Restart" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.



Whether to simulate the IF condition in IF, THEN and ELSE DD statements so that a job can be restarted within an IF, THEN or ELSE DD statement.

For more information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M/Restart" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.



Whether Control‑M/Restart stops or allows processing of a job on detecting a missing base generation data set (base GDG) when processing a Control‑M/Restart facility.

For more information, see the "Installing Control-M/Restart" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.



Message level of the Control‑M/Restart step.

  • Mandatory

For more information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M/Restart" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.



Whether to prevent NOT CATLGD 2 events in advance as a default.

For more information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M/Restart" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.



Controls the searching for uncataloged data sets on all mounted disks that Control‑M/Restart may perform in case of a restart of a job whose original run failed due to a system crash.

  • YES – ControlM/Restart starts searching for uncataloged data sets, on all mounted disks, if it recognizes that the original run of job failed due to a system crash. Default.

  • NO – Suppresses this processing; ControlM/Restart does not start searching.

  • CONFIRM – ControlM/Restart issues messages CTR303I and CTR304I and then waits for confirmation from an operator before starting to search the data sets.



Specifies which type of archive (CDAM) data sets will be used by Control‑M and Control‑M/Restart for saving job outputs.

The SYSDB parameter in the CTRPARM member specifies the default archiving type. It may be overridden by the SYSDB parameter in the scheduling definition of any specific job.

  • YES – Multi-job CDAM files are used for archiving the sysouts of jobs, meaning that each archive CDAM data set may contain the output of several jobs. Default.

  • NO – Each archive CDAM file may contain the sysout of only one job.



Whether a Tape Management system is installed at the site.

  • Mandatory

For more information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M/Restart" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.


Optional Wishes (Yes or No Values Only)

Table 29 Optional Wishes (Yes or No Values Only)





Whether statistics are collected automatically during Control‑M/Restart PREVENT NCT2 processing for the Job Dataset Cross Reference report. These statistics are the same as those produced by the CTMJDS utility.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Statistics are automatically collected for the Job Dataset Cross Reference report.

  • N – Statistics are not automatically collected for the Job Dataset Cross Reference report. Default.



Security checks for data sets used by a job.

For more information about this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M/Restart" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.




Controls whether Control‑M/Restart deletes a data set from the volume pointed to by the catalog in addition to deleting it from the volume identified in the JCL of the job (if they differ). Valid values are:

  • Y – ControlM/Restart deletes the data set from the volume pointed to by the catalog in addition to deleting it from the volume identified in the JCL.
    This is useful when the user changes the volumes specified in JCL between runs of the job.

  • N – If a data set is found on the volume specified in JCL, ControlM/Restart deletes the data set from that JCL volume only. If the data set is also cataloged in another volume, it is not deleted from that other volume. Default.




Controls the processing of dynamic (CDAM) data sets.

Valid values are:

  • Y – ControlM/Restart processes dynamic (CDAM) data sets in exactly the same way as regular data sets. Default.

  • N – ControlM/Restart skips processing of dynamic (CDAM) data sets.




Enhanced GDG handling.

For more information, see also MSG2SYSO, the following parameter in this table.

Valid values are:

  • Y – ControlM/Restart issues special message CTR301I during Prevent NCT2 or List processing. This message contains information that may be useful for correct processing of GDG data sets during restart. Default.

  • N – ControlM/Restart does not issue the CTR301I messages.



Specifies whether Control-M/Restart should exclude PDS and PDSE data sets from Control-M/Restart processing.

Valid values are:

  • Y –Exclude PDS and PDSE data sets from Control-M/Restart processing.

  • N – Do not exclude PDS and PDSE data sets from Control-M/Restart processing. Default.



Specifies whether Control-M/Restart should exclude VSAM data sets from Control-M/Restart processing.

Valid values are:

  • Y –Exclude VSAM data sets from Control-M/Restart processing.

  • N – Do not exclude VSAM data sets from Control-M/Restart processing. Default.




Whether a DO FORCEJOB request is executed during the RESTART of a job.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – The DO FORCEJOB statement is not executed during the RESTART of a job if this statement was already executed during the original run of the job or during a previous RESTART of the job.




Prevents, during the Restart process, the processing of new GDG data sets from being created by steps flushed during the original run of a job.

Valid values are:

  • Y – During the Restart process, ControlM/Restart avoids processing of GDG data sets specified with DISP set to NEW if such a GDG data set is specified in a step that did not run (was flushed) during original run of a job. Such processing usually includes scratching and uncataloging corresponding GDG data set created by the original run of a job and correcting the name of the new GDG data set so that it has the same name as during original run.
    This parameter, together with the SAMEGDG parameter, described below, may be useful when several jobs may create new GDG generations for the same GDG base.

  • N – This feature is not activated and ControlM/Restart processes GDG data sets the same way for all steps. Default.



Whether Control‑M/Restart can ignore a missing input data set during Control‑M/Restart LIST processing.

For more information about this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M/Restart" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.




Whether Restart Step Adjustment is performed when the job has a DD statement that refers to a tape data set with a volser specified by a backward reference, using a VOL=REF statement, to a step that is prior to the Restart step and is not to be executed during Restart

Valid values are:

  • Y – Step Adjustment is not performed. The Restart begins at the selected step, and ControlM/Restart attempts to resolve the volser and avoid JCL errors.

  • N – ControlM/Restart performs Step Adjustment to resolve VOL=REF statement specifications that refer to steps prior to the selected Restart step. Default.




Controls processing of GDG data sets specified with DISP set to MOD.

Valid values are:

  • Y – If the GDG data set (with DISP set to MOD) exists, ControlM/Restart processes it as a data set with DISP set to OLD. That is, it corrects the reference rolls back to the GDG data set name.

  • N – ControlM/Restart should process GDG data sets with DISP set to MOD in exactly the same way as it processes GDG data sets with DISP set to NEW. That is, DELETE and UNCATALOG the corresponding GDG data set created by original run of job. Default.




Controls the output data set to which CTR301I messages are sent when the ENHGDG parameter is set to Y.

For more information, see also ENHGDG, the preceding parameter in this table.

Valid values are:

  • Y – ControlM/Restart issues messages CTR301I to the JESYSMSG data set (third MSGCLASS data set). Default.

  • N – ControlM/Restart issues messages CTR301I to the JESMSGLG data set (first MSGCLASS data set).




Enables Control‑M/Restart job processing to create new files dynamically (using SVC 99).

Valid values are:

  • Y – ControlM/Restart does not stop the job if one of the input data sets is missing, for example where the data set is referred to by a DDstatement in a step that is not the first step to be executed. The logic is to allow dynamic allocation in an application or the use of the IDCAMS utility.

  • N – The restarted job is stopped if an input data set is missing. Default.




Controls the printing of parameter members used for Control‑M/Restart processing.

  • Y – Print the contents of parameter members (from the ControlM/Restart PARM library) used by ControlM/Restart. Default.

  • N – Suppress printing of the contents of parameter members (from the ControlM/Restart PARM library) used by ControlM/Restart.




Controls the printing of the default UNIT Names table.

Valid values are:

  • Y – ControlM/Restart prints the default UNIT Names table. Default.

  • N – ControlM/Restart does not print the default UNIT Names table.




Support of concurrent writing to the same GDG base by different jobs.

Valid values are:

  • Y – ControlM/Restart supports concurrent writing to the same GDG base by different jobs. This includes additional checking before ControlM/Restart processes any GDG data set (such as scratching, uncataloging, and correcting data set name) that corresponds to a GDG data set (such as scratched, uncataloged, and used data set name) that was really created and/or used by the original run of the same job.
    This parameter, together with IGNFLUSH (described in this table), may be useful for the cases when several jobs may create new GDG generations for the same GDG base.

  • N – This feature is not activated. Default.




Controls suppression of part of the Prevent NCT2 Control‑M/Restart processing facility.

Valid values are:

  • Y – ControlM/Restart does not change DISP=(OLD,CATLG) to DISP=(OLD,KEEP) for data sets that are to be cataloged in one of the previous steps of the job. This value is recommended for sites using SMS. Default.

  • N – ControlM/Restart changes DISP=(OLD,CATLG) to DISP=(OLD,KEEP) for data sets that are to be cataloged in one of the previous steps of the job. This value is not recommended for sites using SMS.




Support of jobs having VOL=SER expressions for SMS-controlled data sets.

Valid values are:

  • Y – ControlM/Restart ignores VOL=SER expressions that specify a non-mounted disk or a disk that does not contain corresponding data sets. Instead of using the volume specified by the VOL=SER expression, ControlM/Restart takes a volume according to a specified data set name or a volume taken from the Catalog.
    This parameter value should be used by sites that have implemented SMS, but that still have jobs with JCL that were developed before SMS implementation, and are accessing irrelevant volumes with the VOL=SER parameters.

  • N – This feature is not activated and ControlM/Restart processes VOL=SER expressions the standard way. Default.



Whether to collect information for CTMRJDS reports from temporary data sets (that is, data sets with user-defined names that were set to be deleted after the job has ended OK).

Valid values are:

  • Y – Temporary data is collected for the CTMRJDS report. Default.

  • N – Temporary data is not collected for the CTMRJDS report.


Optional Wishes with Data

Table 30 Optional Wishes with Data





(WR0166 and WR0186)

Enables Control‑M to insert an additional step in a job when restart and/or PREVENT NCT2 processing is performed for the job.

The corresponding new step is inserted between the Control‑M/Restart step (executes RESTART or PREVENT NCT2 processing) and the first step of a job itself.

The purpose of these parameters is to allow steps in a job to check different return codes, depending on whether a job has been restarted (PROCRC) or not restarted (meaning, the original run of the job, NCT2RC). The job steps do so through the JCL COND parameter, which sets the step names and return codes that the user selected using these customization parameters.

ADDPROC sets the name of the inserted step. PROCRC specifies the condition code to be generated by this step in case of restart processing. NCT2RC sets the condition code to be generated by this step in case of PREVENT NCT2 processing.

The step inserted calls the IOATEST procedure supplied in the IOA PROCLIB library. Therefore, to use this feature you must copy the IOATEST member from the IOA PROCLIB library to any active PROCLIB library known to JES.

Control‑M inserts the step by adding the following line to the JCL of a job to be submitted:


for restart processing and


for PREVENT NCT2 processing.

where %ADDPROC%, %PROCRC% and %NCT2RC% are values specified for the corresponding parameters.

It is possible to specify values for ADDPROC, PROCRC, and NCT2RC, that will override the default values in CTRPARM, by adding, the following special AutoEdit variables to the corresponding Schedule Definition or at the beginning of the job JCL:



  • %%NCT2CODE




Specifies the volume name used for identifying data sets migrated by DMS.

Any data set cataloged on the specified volume is assumed by Control‑M/Restart as migrated by DMS. If omitted, the volume name MIGRAT is used. If a volume name is also specified, it is used in addition to MIGRAT.




Specifies the condition code of the Control‑M/Restart step when it fails.

  • Maximum: 999

  • Default:8

If the ABNDTYP parameter is specified as UABEND, the ERRORRC parameter specifies a user abend code of Control‑M/Restart step when it fails.




Specifies the DD name used for identifying a non-restartable step.

If the step has a DD statement with this name, Control‑M/Restart cannot use the corresponding step as a first step for restart of a job.

If omitted, the DD names CTRNORST and UCC11NR are used.

If a DD name is specified, that name is used in addition to CTRNORST and UCC11NR.