Customizing Control-D

Control-D Customization Considerations

CTDPARM is the Control-D source parameter member (located in the IOA.PARM library) that provides Control-D with installation parameters, as well as operational parameters.

This member may be maintained as a regular source member (for example, using the ISPF editor), or through ICE panels. BMC that recommends you use ICE to update the member, reducing the risk of making mistakes and entering invalid values.

For information on the customization processes, see the section on installing Control-D in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.

See also

Additional Control-D Customization Considerations

These parameters are found in Step 1.1 of Control-D customization:

Table 24 MVS Procedure and Configuration Parameters for Control-D Customization




Name of Control-D New Day procedure.

Default value is <xxx>NDAY. <xxx> indicates the first three characters of the Control-D JCL procedures specified in the PROCPRFD parameter.

This parameter is set to its default value in the INSTALL CTD item, but you can reset it in the CUSTOMIZE item.


Name of general PRINT monitor procedure.

  • Mandatory

Default value is <xxx>PRINT. <xxx> indicates the first three characters of the Control-D JCL procedures specified in the PROCPRFD parameter.

This parameter is set to its default value in the INSTALL CTD item, but you can reset it in the CUSTOMIZE item.

For information about other Control-D parameters that may be specified during a customized installation, see INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide:Installing.

Control-D file Customization

Expanding the Active Mission File

The procedure for expanding the Active Mission File (AMF) described below is an integral part of ICE, ensuring that the procedure can be performed efficiently and expediently.

The expansion process performs the following operations:

  • checks availability of the AMF and AMB datasets involved in the process

  • changes the necessary parameters through the data entry steps

  • saves the parameters in the product libraries

  • submits the EXPNDAMF expansion job

    EXPNDAMF performs the following:

    1. renames the existing files by adding the .OLD qualifier

    2. allocates files with new space parameters

    3. copies information from the .OLD files to the new files

    4. compresses the AMF file by physically deleting all mission definitions with ENDED-OK or DELETED status from the AMF

To expand the Active Mission File (AMF), perform the following steps in ICE:

  1. Select Customization.

  2. Select the environment that you need to customize.

  3. Enter CTD in the Product field.

  4. Select Product Customization.

  5. Select major step 7, "Expanding CONTROL-D AMF."

  6. Perform minor step 1, "Stop all monitors and IOA activities."

  7. Select minor step 2, "Specify AMF parameters."

  8. Select minor step 3, "Expand Active Mission File (AMF)", either by marking the step with a "J" (to run the job automatically), or with an "S" (to run the job manually). Verify that the EXPNDAMF job is marked COMPLETE (if it was run automatically using the J option) or that it ended with a completion code of 0 or 4 (if it was run manually using the S option). If the EXPNDAMF job ends with a JCL ERROR, restore the original AMF and AMB data sets manually to avoid loss of data. Restoration can be performed from the AMF.OLD and AMB.OLD backup files created before. Correct the cause of the error and re-submit the job.

  9. Perform minor step 4, "Activate all monitors."