Solutions in SolveWare subject TSO are designed to automate various management aspects of TSO.

Solutions Provided

SolveWare subject TSO contains the Maintain Messages in the TSO Broadcast Dataset solution. This solution provides an easy way to define and save messages in the notices section of dataset SYS1.BRODCAST. These notice messages are displayed when a user logs onto TSO.

Maintain Messages in the TSO Broadcast Dataset

TSO supports notice messages – messages displayed to all users during logon to TSO. These messages are stored in the notices section of dataset SYS1.BRODCAST. This dataset is a direct access dataset and cannot be edited. The only way to add or delete broadcast messages is by using MVS SEND commands – one command for each line to be added or deleted.

This solution provides an easy method by which the system administrator can maintain messages in the notices section of SYS1.BRODCAST. The system administrator simply edits the messages in a sequential dataset and issues a special user- defined operator command that triggers the Command rule described below.

This Command rule clears the notices section of the broadcast dataset and initiates a KOA script to read the dataset containing the message. Each message is passed to another rule that issues a corresponding MVS SEND operator command in order to save the message in the notices section of SYS1.BRODCAST.


The Maintain Messages in the TSO Broadcast Dataset solution includes the following rules:

  • Operator Command to Clear or Set Broadcast Messages
  • Set a Given Broadcast Message in SYS1.BRODCAST

Rules Structure

The following tables describe the structures of the Maintain Messages in the TSO Broadcast Dataset solution rules, as well as the following KOA script:

  • Read Broadcast Messages From a File and Trigger a Rule to Save the Messages

Table 73 Command to Clear or Set Broadcast Messages Rule Structure




Command to Clear or Set Broadcast Messages






One of the following user-defined commands:




Command Description


Deletes all the messages from the notices section of SYS1.BRODCAST


Saves all messages from dataset dsn in the notices section of SYS1.BRODCAST. If dsn is not specified, a default dataset name is used. All previous notice messages are deleted.


Displays the syntax of command BRODCAST on the console.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters

No special considerations.

Global Variables


Rule Logic

If the command parameter is HELP, the command syntax is displayed on the console. If the command parameter is CLEAR or SET, the rule issues MVS command SEND LIST in command-response mode. For each response message, the rule extracts the message number and deletes the broadcast message by issuing MVS command SEND msgno,DELETE. If the command parameter is SET, the rule starts KOA script BRODCAST, with either the default or the specified dataset name parameter. (The KOA script reads messages from the specified dataset, and for each message, triggers an additional rule to set the broadcast message.) After the KOA script finishes, the rule issues a message indicating whether the broadcast dataset has been updated. For any other command parameter, the rule issues an error message.

Rule Actions

  • If the command parameter is HELP, displays command syntax on the console.

  • If the command parameter is CLEAR or SET, the rule issues MVS command SEND LIST in command-response mode. For each response message, the rule extracts the message number and deletes the broadcast message by issuing MVS command SEND msgno,DELETE.

  • If the command parameter is SET, starts KOA script BRODCAST, with either the default or the specified dataset name parameter. (The KOA script reads messages from the specified dataset, and for each message, triggers an additional rule to set the broadcast message.) After the KOA script finishes, the rule issues a message indicating whether the broadcast dataset has been updated.

  • For any other command parameter, the rule issues an error message.

Activating the Rule

Once scheduled, the rule remains active until deleted from Control-O. The rule is triggered by each BRODCAST operator command.

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period, the rule activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 2—some customization is required before implementation.


The default name of the dataset in which the broadcast messages were edited is specified in the first DO SET statement of the rule (variable name %%BRODCAST_DSN). Set this variable according to site requirements.

Table 74 Set a Given Broadcast Message in SYS1.BRODCAST Rule Structure




Set a Given Broadcast Message in SYS1.BRODCAST






CTM282I BR=text-of-brodcast-message

Message Description

The message is issued by KOA script BRODCAST and contains the text of the message to be saved in the broadcast dataset.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters

No special considerations.

Global Variables


Rule Logic

Extract the text of the message and issue MVS command SEND ‘text’,ALL,SAVE.

Rule Actions

Extracts the text of the message.

Issues MVS command SEND ‘text’,ALL,SAVE.

Activating the Rule

Once scheduled, the rule remains active until deleted from Control-O.

Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 1—little or no customization is required before implementation.

Table 75 Read Broadcast Messages from a File and Trigger a Rule to Save the Messages Script Structure




Read Broadcast Messages from a File and Trigger a Rule to Save the Messages



KOA Script Description

This KOA script is invoked by rule BRODCAST. The rule passes to the script a parameter that identifies the dataset containing the text of the broadcast messages. The KOA script allocates and opens the dataset. Each record is read by the script and the text is issued as a WTO message by using a SHOUT command. This triggers rule CTM282I, which issues the corresponding MVS SEND command to save the messages. The script then closes and frees the dataset.

Activating the KOA Script

The KOA script is activated by rule BRODCAST in this solution.


%A1 Name of the dataset that contains the messages. It must be a sequential dataset.

Global Variables


KOA Script Logic

The KOA script allocates and opens the dataset passed as a parameter. Each record is read and the text is issued as a WTO message using a SHOUT command. This triggers rule CTM282I, which issues the corresponding MVS SEND command to save the messages. The dataset is finally closed and freed. No logon to a VTAM application is performed by this script.

Mode or Category

During the testing period, the script can run with the TRACE ON option. When you are satisfied with the results, change this statement to TRACE OFF to avoid unnecessary tracing.

The SolveWare category for this KOA script is 1—no customization (or minimal) is required before implementation.