SolveWare subject SHUTSYS automates system shutdown. Started tasks and systems are requested to shut down and then monitored until they are completely down. Once all systems are down, JES2 is ordered to shut down. Finally, after JES2 is down, Control-O brings itself down.

Since an unintended system shutdown can have very serious consequences, it is imperative that all rules contained in SolveWare subject SHUTSYS be carefully reviewed and adapted to site requirements.

Solutions Provided

SolveWare subject SHUTSYS contains the System Shutdown solution. This solution contains sample rules for automated system shutdown.

System Shutdown

This solution contains sample rules for automated shutdown using Control-O. The shutdown process is initiated by issuing operator command SHUTSYS from the master console. The operator is then requested to issue command SHUTSYS again for confirmation. System shutdown actually starts only if command SHUTSYS is issued twice during one minute.

When shutdown is started, active system components (started tasks, initiators, lines, and so on.) are stopped. Checks are performed cyclically to determine the status of the various system components. If all systems are down, Control-O is restarted with SUB=MSTR (that is, under MVS rather than under JES2) and JES2 is stopped. Control-O brings itself down when JES2 termination is completed.

SHUTSYS rules are designed to provide the level of flexibility and modularity required for meeting the various shutdown requirements of different sites. Different system components (such as Control-M and CICS) are stopped and monitored by different rules. These rules all have a similar logic and structure, and with minimal adaptation they can be easily duplicated to handle other system components.

Dependencies among SHUTSYS rules are indicated in the diagram on the following page.

All prerequisite conditions defined in this solution must be initialized (deleted) at time of IPL. This is especially important for SHUTSYS rules, because the unintended addition of prerequisite conditions may initiate the undesired shutdown of system components. For more details, see SolveWare Initialization


The System Shutdown solution includes the following rules:

  • SHUTSYS Command–Issued Once
  • SHUTSYS Command–Issued Twice
  • Stop JES2 Devices
  • Stop Control-D
  • Stop Control-M
  • Stop CICS
  • Stop TSO
  • TSO Stopped–Cancel Active Users
  • TSO Stopped–Termination Option
  • CICS Ended
  • TSO Ended
  • Stop VTAM
  • Check Status of JES2 Devices
  • Check Status of Initiators
  • Check Status of Started Tasks
  • Start New Control-O Before JES2 Shutdown
  • Stop JES2
  • JES2 Termination Complete

Rules Structure

The following tables describe the structures of the System Shutdown solution rules.

Table 15 SHUTSYS Command—Issued Once Rule Structure




SHUTSYS Command Issued Once







This command can be issued at the MVS master console only.

Command Description

This Command rule is triggered when command SHUTSYS is issued once at the MVS master console.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters

No special considerations

Global Variables


Rule Logic

The rule is triggered when command SHUTSYS is issued once. The operator is instructed to issue the SHUTSYS command again for confirmation to initiate the shutdown process.

When command SHUTSYS is issued twice in one minute, this rule is not triggered again, because it is overridden (see the following section).

Rule Actions

  • Suppresses the command.

  • Sends a message to the operator console, asking the operator to confirm system shutdown by issuing command SHUTSYS again.

Activating the Rule

Once scheduled, the rule remains active until deleted from Control-O.

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 3—the rule is provided as an example. Implementation of this rule little or no customization.

Table 16 SHUTSYS Command—Issued Twice




SHUTSYS Command Issued Twice







This command can be issued at the master console only. Rule threshold is two occurrences of the command in one minute.

Command Description

This Command rule is triggered when command SHUTSYS is issued twice within one minute, at the MVS master console.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters

No special considerations

Global Variables

The following are counters for each event that is triggered by this rule:




Rule Logic

The rule is triggered when command SHUTSYS is issued twice and stops all started system components (initiators, lines, started tasks, and so on.)

By specifying a higher priority and a CONTINUE SEARCH N (No) value, this rule overrides the rule described in the preceding section.

Rule Actions

  • Suppresses the command.

  • Sets Global variable %%CHKLINES_COUNT to 0.

  • Sets Global variable %%CHKPRTS_COUNT to 0.

  • Sets Global variable %%CHKLGNS_COUNT to 0.

  • Sets Global variable %%CHKINIT_COUNT to 0.

  • Sets Global variable %%CHKSTCS_COUNT to 0.

  • Adds prerequisite condition or date

Activating the Rule

Once ordered, the rule remains active until deleted from Control-O.

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 3—the rule is provided as an example. Implementation of the rule requires some customization.


SHUTSYS rules are provided as examples and guidelines for automated system shutdown. Examine and adapt each rule to site requirements.

Prerequisite conditions referenced by this rule must be deleted at time of IPL. For more details, see SolveWare Initialization.

Table 17 Stop JES2 Devices




Stop JES2 Devices







Event Description

This Event rule stops all started JES2 devices.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters

No special considerations

Global Variables


Rule Logic

The rule is activated by command rule SHUTSYS. For each JES2 device type (that is, PRTS, LNES, LGNS and RMTS), the rule issues a command to display the started devices, and for each started device issues an appropriate $P command. All initiators are stopped by issuing the command $PI.

Rule Actions

  • Issues command $PI.

  • Issues command $D U,LNES,STARTED to obtain information on started JES2 lines.

  • For each started line (received as response message $HASP628), issues an appropriate $P command.

  • Issues command $D U,LGNS,STARTED to obtain information on started JES2 or VTAM interfaces.

  • For each started JES2 or VTAM interface (received as response message $HASP628), issues an appropriate $P command.

  • Issues command $D U,PRTS,STARTED to obtain information on started JES2 printers.

  • For each started printer (received as response message $HASP628), issues an appropriate $P command.

  • Issues command $D U,RMTS,STARTED to obtain information on started JES2 remote terminals.

  • For each started remote terminal (received as response message $HASP628), issues an appropriate $P command.

Activating the Rule

The rule is activated by prerequisite condition or date CTO-SHUT-SYS-ISSUED STAT, which is added by command rule SHUTSYS.

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 3—the rule is provided as an example. Implementation of this rule requires some customization.


SHUTSYS rules are provided as guidelines for automated system shutdown. Examine and adapt each rule to site requirements.

Prerequisite conditions referenced by this rule must be deleted at time of IPL. For more details, see SolveWare Initialization.

Table 18 Stop Control-D




Stop Control-D







Event Description

This Event rule stops Control-D and verifies its termination.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters

No special considerations

Global Variables


Rule Logic

The rule is activated by command rule SHUTSYS. It first checks if Control-D is active. If so, the rule issues a command to stop Control-D. After waiting a predefined period of time, the rule checks the status of Control-D. If Control-D is still active, the operator is notified and, optionally, a predefined cancel command is issued.

Rule Actions

  • Issues command D J and analyzes response message IEE105I to determine the status of Control-D.

  • If Control-D is active, it does the following:

    • Issues a STOP command to stop Control-D.

      Waits a predefined period of time. The rule is delayed by issuing a dummy (%%NULL) command in command-response mode after setting the required delay period to variable %%TIMEOUT. The default delay period is 240 seconds. This delay period can be adapted to site requirements (see Customization in this table).

    • Issues command D J again and analyzes response message IEE105I to determine the status of Control-D.

  • If Control-D is still active, notifies operator and optionally issues a cancel command (see Customization in this table).

Activating the Rule

The rule is activated by prerequisite condition or date CTO-SHUT-SYS-ISSUED STAT, which is added by command rule SHUTSYS.

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 3—the rule is provided as an example. Implementation of the rule requires some customization.


SHUTSYS rules are provided as guidelines for automated system shutdown. Examine and adapt each rule to site requirements.

For ease of customization, the values that may require adaptation have been defined in AutoEdit variables that are set in DO SET statements at the beginning of the rule. Adapt these variables, described below, to site requirements. (To define a rule to shut down a different system component, duplicate this rule by specifying option INSERT (I) for the rule in the Rule List screen and then adapting the duplicate rule accordingly.

  • %%STC_NAME
    Started task to be stopped. The default is CONTROLD.

    Console command to stop the started task.
    For example:
    P %%STC_NAME

    Console command to cancel the started task if it is active after the delay period.
    For example:
    The default value for this variable is %%NULL, which indicates that no cancel command is to be issued.

    Number of seconds to wait between issuing the stop command and checking the status of the started task. This value is used as the %%TIMEOUT value and reflects the started task’s acceptable shutdown time duration. The default is 240 seconds.

Prerequisite conditions referenced by this rule must be deleted at time of IPL. For more details, see SolveWare Initialization.

Table 19 Stop Control-M




Stop Control-M







Event Description

This Event rule stops Control-M and verifies its termination.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling


Global Variables


Rule Logic

The rule is activated by command rule SHUTSYS. It first checks if Control-M is active. If so, the rule issues a command to stop Control-M. After waiting a predefined period of time, the rule checks the status of Control-M. If Control-M is still active, the operator is notified and optionally a predefined cancel command is issued.

Rule Actions

  • Issues command D J and analyzes response message IEE105I to determine the status of Control-M.

  • If Control-M is active, it does the following:

    • Issues a STOP command to stop Control-M.

    • Adds prerequisite condition or date

    • Waits a predefined period of time. The rule is delayed by issuing a dummy (%%NULL) command in command-response mode, after setting the required delay period to variable %%TIMEOUT. The default delay period is 60 seconds. This delay period can be adapted to site requirements (see Customization in this table).

    • Issues command D J again and analyzes response message IEE105I to determine the status of Control-M.

    • If Control-M is still active, notifies operator and optionally issues a cancel command (seeCustomizationin this table).

Activating the Rule

The rule is activated by prerequisite condition or date CTO-SHUT-SYS-ISSUED STAT, which is added by command rule SHUTSYS.

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 3—the rule is provided as an example. Implementation of the rule requires some customization.


SHUTSYS rules are provided as guidelines for automated system shutdown. Examine and adapt each rule to site requirements.

For ease of customization, the values that may require adaptation have been defined in AutoEdit variables that are set in DO SET statements at the beginning of the rule. Adapt these variables, described below, to site requirements. (To define a rule to shut down a different system component, duplicate this rule by specifying option INSERT (I) for the rule in the Rule List screen and then adapting the duplicate rule accordingly.)

  • %%STC_NAME
    Started task to be stopped. The default is CONTROLM.

    Console command to stop the started task,
    For example:
    P %%STC_NAME

    Console command to cancel the started task if it is active after the delay period.
    For example:
    C %%STC_NAME
    The default value for this variable is %%NULL, which indicates that no cancel command is to be issued.

    Number of seconds to wait between issuing the stop command and checking the status of the started task. This value is used as the %%TIMEOUT value and reflects the started task’s acceptable shutdown time duration. The default is 60 seconds.

Prerequisite conditions referenced by this rule must be deleted at time of IPL. For more details, see SolveWare Initialization.

Table 20 Stop CICS











Event Description

This Event rule stops CICS and verifies its termination.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters

No special considerations.

Global Variables


Rule Logic

The rule is activated by command rule SHUTSYS. It first checks if CICS is active. If so, the rule issues a command to stop CICS. After waiting a predefined period of time, the rule checks the status of CICS. If CICS is still active, the operator is notified and optionally, a predefined cancel command is issued.

Rule Actions

Issues command D J and analyzes response message IEE105I to determine the status of CICS.

If CICS is active, it does the following:

  • issues a command to stop CICS
  • waits a predefined period of time
    The rule is delayed by issuing a dummy (%%NULL) command in command-response mode, after setting the required delay period to variable %%TIMEOUT. The default period is 300 seconds. This delay period can be adapted to site requirements (see Customization in this table).

  • issues command D J again and analyzes response message IEE105I to determine the status of CICS

  • if CICS is still active, notifies operator and optionally issues a cancel command (see Customization in this table)

Activating the Rule

The rule is activated by prerequisite condition or date CTO-SHUT-SYS-ISSUED STAT, which is added by command rule SHUTSYS.

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 3—the rule is provided as an example. Implementation of the rule requires some customization.


SHUTSYS rules are provided as guidelines for automated system shutdown. Examine and adapt each rule to site requirements.

For ease of customization, the values that may require adaptation have been defined in AutoEdit variables that are set in DO SET statements at the beginning of the rule. Adapt these variables, described below, to site requirements. (To define a rule to shut down a different system component, duplicate this rule by specifying option INSERT (I) for the rule in the Rule List screen and then adapting the duplicate rule accordingly.)

  • %%STC_NAME
    Started task to be stopped. The default is CICS.

    Console command to stop the started task.
    For example:

    Console command to cancel the started task if it is active after the delay period. The default value for this variable is %%NULL, which indicates that no cancel command is to be issued

    Number of seconds to wait between issuing the stop command and checking the status of the started task. This value is used as the %%TIMEOUT value and reflects the started task’s acceptable shutdown time duration. The default is 300 seconds.

Prerequisite conditions referenced by this rule must be deleted at time of IPL. For more details, see SolveWare Initialization.

If a standard facility for sending notification to CICS users is used at the site, an appropriate message can be sent to all CICS users notifying them of the shutdown. In this case, modify the rule to include a delay after CICS user notification to allow users time to save their data before CICS is stopped. For an example of such a delay, see the following section.

Table 21 Stop TSO




Stop TSO







Event Description

This Event rule notifies TSO users of the shutdown, stops TSO and verifies its termination.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters

No special considerations

Global Variables


Rule Logic

The rule is activated by command rule SHUTSYS. It first checks if TSO is active. If so, the rule notifies all TSO users that shutdown is about to occur. After waiting a predefined period of time, the rule issues a command to stop TSO. After another delay, the rule checks the status of TSO. If TSO is still active, the operator is notified and optionally, a predefined cancel command is issued.

Rule Actions

Issues command D J and analyzes response message IEE105I to determine the status of TSO.

If TSO is active, it does the following:

  • notifies all TSO users that system shutdown is about to occur

  • waits a predefined period of time and then issues a STOP command to stop TSO

  • waits a predefined period of time
    The rule is delayed by issuing a dummy (%%NULL) command in command-response mode, after setting the required delay period to variable %%TIMEOUT. The default delay period is 120 seconds. This delay period can be adapted to site requirements (see Customization in this table).

  • issues command D J again and analyzes response message IEE105I to determine the status of TSO

  • if TSO is still active, notifies operator and optionally issues a cancel command (see Customization in this table)

Activating the Rule

The rule is activated by prerequisite condition or date CTO-SHUT-SYS-ISSUED STAT, which is added by command rule SHUTSYS.

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 3—the rule is provided as an example. Implementation of the rule requires some customization.


SHUTSYS rules are provided as guidelines for automated system shutdown. Examine and adapt each rule to site requirements.

For ease of customization, the values that may require adaptation have been defined in AutoEdit variables that are set in DO SET statements at the beginning of the rule. Adapt these variables, described below, to site requirements. (To define a rule to shut down a different system component, duplicate this rule by specifying option INSERT (I) for the rule in the Rule List screen and then adapting the duplicate rule accordingly.)

  • %%STC_NAME
    Started task to be stopped. The default is TSO.

    Console command to stop the started task.
    For example:
    P TSO

    Console command to cancel the started task if it is active after the delay period. The default value for this variable is %%NULL, which indicates that no cancel command is to be issued.

    Number of seconds to wait between issuing the stop command and checking the status of the started task. This value is used as the %%TIMEOUT value and reflects the started task’s acceptable shutdown time duration. The default is 120 seconds.

    Number of seconds to wait between notifying TSO users and stopping TSO. The default is a delay of three minutes.

Prerequisite conditions referenced by this rule must be deleted at time of IPL. For more details, see SolveWare Initialization.

Table 22 TSO Stopped—Cancel Active Users




TSO Stopped—Cancel Active Users







Message Description

TSO is terminating, but number of users nnnnn are still logged on.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters

No special considerations

Global Variables


Rule Logic

This rule is triggered during TSO shutdown. Message IKT010D is issued requesting instructions on how to handle active TSO logons. The rule automatically replies to the message with FSTOP.

Rule Actions

Replies to the message with FSTOP.

Activating the Rule

The rule is activated by prerequisite condition or date CTO-SHUT-TSO-ISSUED STAT, which is added by rule SHUTTSO (see Table 21 Stop TSO above).

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 3—the rule is provided as an example. Implementation of the rule requires some customization.


SHUTSYS rules are provided as guidelines for automated system shutdown. Examine and adapt each rule to site requirements.

SIC and FSTOP in the message reply string can be changed according to site shutdown conventions.

Prerequisite conditions referenced by this rule must be deleted at time of IPL. For more details, see SolveWare Initialization.

Table 23 TSO Stopped—Termination Option




TSO Stopped—Termination Option







Message Description

TSO is terminating. An SVC dump can optionally be requested.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters

No special considerations

Global Variables


Rule Logic

This rule is triggered during TSO shutdown. Message IKT012D is issued asking whether a dump is required. The rule automatically replies to the message with U to terminate without a dump.

Rule Actions

Replies to the message with U.

Activating the Rule

The rule is activated by prerequisite condition or date CTO-SHUT-TSO-ISSUED STAT, which is added by rule SHUTTSO (see Table 21 Stop TSO).

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 3—the rule is provided as an example. Implementation of the rule requires some customization.


SHUTSYS rules are provided as guidelines for automated system shutdown. Examine and adapt each rule to site requirements.

Prerequisite conditions referenced by this rule must be deleted at time of IPL. For more details, see SolveWare Initialization.

Table 24 CICS Ended




CICS Ended






IEF404I jjj ENDED{ -}

when the message is issued for job or STC CICS

Message Description

Job or STC jjj ended.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters

No special considerations

Global Variables


Rule Logic

This rule is activated by command rule SHUTSYS and is triggered when CICS is fully stopped. The rule handles the dependency between CICS termination and VTAM shutdown. Upon CICS termination, the rule adds prerequisite condition or date CTO-SHUT-CICS-DOWN STAT. This condition is defined as an IN condition for rule SHUTVTAM.

Rule Actions

Adds prerequisite condition or date CTO-SHUT-CICS-DOWN STAT.

Activating the Rule

The rule is activated by prerequisite condition or date CTO-SHUT-SYS-ISSUED STAT, which is added by command rule SHUTSYS.

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 3—the rule is provided as an example. Implementation of the rule requires some customization.


SHUTSYS rules are provided as guidelines for automated system shutdown. Examine and adapt each rule to site requirements.

Prerequisite conditions referenced by this rule must be deleted at time of IPL. For more details, see SolveWare Initialization.

Table 25 TSO Ended




TSO Ended






IEF404I jjj ENDED{ -}

when the message is issued for STC TSO

Message Description

STC jjj ended.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters

No special considerations

Global Variables


Rule Logic

This rule is activated by command rule SHUTSYS and is triggered when TSO is fully stopped. The rule handles the dependency between TSO termination and VTAM shutdown. Upon TSO termination, the rule adds prerequisite condition or date CTO-SHUT-TSO-DOWN STAT. This condition is defined as an IN condition for rule SHUTVTAM.

Rule Actions

Adds prerequisite condition or date CTO-SHUT-TSO-DOWN STAT.

Activating the Rule

The rule is activated by prerequisite condition or date CTO-SHUT-SYS-ISSUED STAT, which is added by command rule SHUTSYS.

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 3—the rule is provided as an example. Implementation of the rule requires some customization.


SHUTSYS rules are provided as guidelines for automated system shutdown. Examine and adapt each rule to site requirements.

Prerequisite conditions referenced by this rule must be deleted at time of IPL. For more details, see SolveWare Initialization.

Table 26 Stop VTAM











Event Description

This Event rule stops VTAM and verifies its termination.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters

No special considerations

Global Variables


Rule Logic

The rule is activated by command rule SHUTSYS. It first checks if VTAM is active. If so, the rule issues a command to stop VTAM. After waiting a predefined period of time, the rule checks the status of VTAM. If VTAM is still active, the operator is notified and optionally a predefined cancel command is issued.

Rule Actions

Issues command D J and analyzes response message IEE105I to determine the status of VTAM.

If VTAM is active, it does the following:

  • issues command Z NET,QUICK to stop VTAM

  • waits a predefined period of time
    The rule is delayed by issuing a dummy (%%NULL) command in command-response mode, after setting the required delay period to variable %%TIMEOUT. The default delay period is 180 seconds. This delay period can be adapted to site requirements (see Customization in this table).

  • issues command D J again and analyzes response message IEE105I to determine the status of VTAM

  • if VTAM is still active, notifies operator and optionally issues a cancel command (see Customization in this table)

Activating the Rule

The rule is activated when both prerequisite condition or date CTO-SHUT-TSO-DOWN STAT and CTO-SHUT-CICS-DOWN STAT have been added upon full termination of TSO and CICS (respectively).

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 3—the rule is provided as an example. Implementation of the rule requires some customization.


SHUTSYS rules are provided as guidelines for automated system shutdown. Examine and adapt each rule to site requirements.

For ease of customization, the values that may require adaptation have been defined in AutoEdit variables that are set in DO SET statements at the beginning of the rule. Adapt these variables, described below, to site requirements. (To define a rule to shut down a different system component, duplicate this rule by specifying option INSERT (I) for the rule in the Rule List screen and then adapting the duplicate rule accordingly.)

  • %%STC_NAME
    Started task to be stopped. The default is VTAM.

    Console command to stop the started task.
    For example:

    Console command to cancel the started task if it is active after the delay period. The default is Z NET, CANCEL. This variable can contain %%NULL to indicate that no cancel command is to be issued.

    Number of seconds to wait between issuing the stop command and checking the status of the started task. This value is used as the %%TIMEOUT value and reflects the started task’s acceptable shutdown time duration. The default is 180 seconds.

Prerequisite conditions referenced by this rule must be deleted at time of IPL. For more details, see SolveWare Initialization.

Table 27 Check Status of JES2 Devices




Check Status of JES2 Devices







Event Description

This Event rule checks the status of JES2 devices during shutdown.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling




Global Variables

%%CHKDEVS_COUNT Counter for cyclic triggering.

Rule Logic

The rule is activated by command rule SHUTSYS. It issues a command to display started JES2 devices and waits for a response. If no started devices are found (indicated by response message $HASP668 NO DEVICES FOUND), the rule adds prerequisite condition or date CTO-SHUT-DEVS-DOWN STAT.

If not all devices have stopped after a predefined period of time, a message is sent to the operator console and the rule continues to monitor device status.

Rule Actions

  • Sets variable %%$WAITRESP to YES.

  • Sets variable %%$RESPMSG to $HASP668.

  • Issues the following command: $D U,STARTED

  • If response message $HASP668 was not received, increases Global variable %%CHKDEVS_COUNT by 1. If %%CHKDEVS_COUNT is equal to 5, sets it to 0 and notifies console operator.

  • If response message $HASP668 was received, adds prerequisite condition or date CTO-SHUT-DEVS-DOWN STAT.

Activating the Rule

The rule is activated by prerequisite condition or date CTO-SHUT-SYS-ISSUED STAT, which is added by command rule SHUTSYS.

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 3—the rule is provided as an example. Implementation of the rule requires some customization.


SHUTSYS rules are provided as guidelines for automated system shutdown. Examine and adapt each rule to site requirements.

Prerequisite conditions referenced by this rule must be deleted at time of IPL. For more details, see SolveWare Initialization.

Table 28 Check Status of Initiators




Check Status of Initiators







Event Description

This Event rule checks the status of JES2 initiators (JES2 or VTAM interfaces) during shutdown.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters

No special considerations

Global Variables

%%CHKINIT_COUNT Counter for cyclic triggering.

Rule Logic

The rule is activated by command rule SHUTSYS. It issues a command to display started initiators and waits for a response. The number of started initiators is obtained from response message IEE104I. If no started initiators are found, the rule adds prerequisite condition or date CTO-SHUT-INIT-DOWN STAT.

If not all initiators have stopped after a predefined period of time, a message is sent to the operator console and the rule continues to monitor initiator status.

Rule Actions

  • Sets variable %%$WAITRESP to YES.

  • Sets variable %%$RESPMSG to IEE104I.

  • Issues the following command: D A

  • Determines the number of started initiators according to response message IEE104I.

  • If the number of started initiators is not 0, increases Global variable %%CHKINIT_COUNT by 1. If %%CHKINIT_COUNT is equal to 5, sets it to 0 and notifies console operator.

  • If the number of started initiators is 0, adds prerequisite condition or date CTO-SHUT-INIT-DOWN STAT.

Activating the Rule

The rule is activated by adding prerequisite condition or date CTO-SHUT-SYS-ISSUED STAT, which is added by command rule SHUTSYS.

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 3—the rule is provided as an example. Implementation of the rule requires some customization.


SHUTSYS rules are provided as guidelines for automated system shutdown. Examine and adapt each rule to site requirements.

Prerequisite conditions referenced by this rule must be deleted at time of IPL. For more details, see SolveWare Initialization.

Table 29 Check Status of Started Tasks




Check Status of Started Tasks







Event Description

This Event rule checks the status of started tasks during shutdown.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters

No special considerations

Global Variables

%%CHKSTCS_COUNT Counter for cyclic triggering.

Rule Logic

The rule is activated by command rule SHUTSYS. It issues a command to display started tasks and waits for a response. The number of started tasks is obtained from response message IEE104I. If the number of started tasks is two (that is, Control-O and JES2), the rule adds a prerequisite condition. This default value for the maximum number of started tasks may require customization (see Customization in this table).

If any of the started tasks has not stopped after five minutes, a message is sent to the operator console and the rule continues to monitor started task status.

Rule Actions

  • Sets variable %%$WAITRESP to YES.

  • Sets variable %%$RESPMSG to IEE104I.

  • Issues the following command: D A

  • Determines the number of started tasks according to response message IEE104I.

  • If the number of started tasks is not two, increases Global variable %%CHKSTCS_COUNT by one. If %%CHKSTCS_COUNT is equal to 5, sets it to 0 and notifies console operator.

  • If the number of started tasks is two, deletes prerequisite condition or date CTO-SHUT-SYS-ISSUED STAT and adds prerequisite condition or date CTO-SHUT-STCS-DOWN STAT.

Activating the Rule

The rule is activated by prerequisite condition or date CTO-SHUT-SYS-ISSUED STAT, which is added by command rule SHUTSYS.

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 3—the rule is provided as an example. Implementation of the rule requires some customization.


SHUTSYS rules are provided as guidelines for automated system shutdown. Examine and adapt each rule to site requirements.

The rule specifies two as the maximum number of started tasks to ignore (that is, JES2 and Control-O), but this value may need adapting to site requirements. For example, since the Functional SubSystem (FSS) is stopped by JES2 during JES2 termination, ignore it when checking the status of started tasks. In this case, increase the number of ignored started tasks by one.

Prerequisite conditions referenced by this rule must be deleted at time of IPL. For more details, see SolveWare Initialization.

Table 30 Start New Control-O Before JES2 Shutdown




Start New Control-O Before JES2 Shutdown







Event Description

This Event rule starts a new Control-O monitor to run under the MVS master subsystem.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters

No special considerations

Global Variables


Rule Logic

This rule is triggered after all system components have stopped. Control-O is started under the MVS master subsystem (that is, with SUB=MSTR) in order to enable JES2 termination.

Rule Actions

Issues the following command

Activating the Rule

The rule is activated when all system components (apart from JES2 tasks and Control-O) are stopped. The appropriate prerequisite conditions are added by several rules (described in this solution) that monitor shutdown operations.

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 3—the rule is provided as an example. Implementation of the rule requires some customization.


SHUTSYS rules are provided as guidelines for automated system shutdown. Examine and adapt each rule to site requirements.

Prerequisite conditions referenced by this rule must be deleted at time of IPL. For more details, see SolveWare Initialization.

Table 31 Stop JES2




Stop JES2







Message Description

JES2 has no more work to do. All job processors are dormant and all RJE lines are inactive.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters

No special considerations

Global Variables


Rule Logic

This rule is activated by rule NEWCTO (rule NEWCTO starts a new Control-O monitor, which is required before JES2 can be stopped) and is triggered when JES2 has no more work to perform. At this point JES2 is ready to be stopped and the rule issues command $PJES2 to stop JES2.

Rule Actions

Issues the following command:$PJES2

Adds prerequisite condition or date

Activating the Rule

The rule is activated by prerequisite condition or date CTO-SHUT-CTO-ISSUED STAT, which is added by rule NEWCTO.

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 3—the rule is provided as an example. Implementation of the rule requires some customization.


SHUTSYS rules are provided as guidelines for automated system shutdown. Examine and adapt each rule to site requirements.

Prerequisite conditions referenced by this rule must be deleted at time of IPL. For more details, see SolveWare Initialization.

Table 32 JES2 Termination Complete




JES2 Termination Complete







Message Description

JES2 has completed a requested shutdown.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters

No special considerations

Global Variables


Rule Logic

After JES2 termination, this rule notifies operator, issues command HALT EOD and stops Control-O.

Rule Actions

Deletes prerequisite condition or date

Issues the following command: HALT EOD

Notifies console operator that shutdown is complete.

Issues the following command: F %%CONTROLO,STOP

Activating the Rule

The rule is activated by prerequisite condition or date CTO-SHUT-SYS-ISSUED STAT, which is added by rule SHUTSYS.

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 3—the rule is provided as an example. Implementation of the rule requires some customization.


SHUTSYS rules are provided as guidelines for automated system shutdown. Examine and adapt each rule to site requirements.

Prerequisite conditions referenced by this rule must be deleted at time of IPL. For more details, see SolveWare Initialization.