Solutions in SolveWare subject OMEGAMON are designed to help utilize the problem detection and resolution capabilities of the OMEGAMON performance monitor.

These solutions consist of Control-O rules and Control-O KeyStroke OpenAccess (KOA) scripts. KOA scripts can interface directly with VTAM applications. They are invoked either by rules or by other KOA scripts. For more information on KOA scripts, see the KeyStroke Language chapter in the Control-O User Guide.

The KOA scripts provided with these solutions can serve as models for writing other KOA scripts to be used with OMEGAMON.

Some messages (DO SHOUT actions) in the OMEGAMON rules are sent to INCONTROL user U-SYSADMIN. This user must be defined in the IOA Dynamic Destination table (CTMDEST). For more information, see the Dynamic Destination Table chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

Solutions Provided

SolveWare subject OMEGAMON contains the following solutions:

  • OMEGAMON Exceptions

    Notifies the responsible user of specific important exceptions detected by OMEGAMON.

  • Reserved Dataset Handling

    Locates the users, jobs or started tasks holding datasets that are required by a production job in Exclusive mode and sends an appropriate message to the user and/or to the production manager.

OMEGAMON Exceptions

This solution handles various OMEGAMON exceptions displayed in response to OMEGAMON command LEXSY.

A rule is used to start a KOA script that logs onto OMEGAMON and issues OMEGAMON command LEXSY with automatic refresh. This KOA script remains logged onto OMEGAMON until the next IPL or until the user manually terminates the KOA script.

The KOA script periodically analyzes the exceptions indicated by OMEGAMON in the refreshed screen for new exceptions of interest. For each specific exception of interest, a message is sent to the responsible user.

This solution contains one rule to start the KOA script and one rule to terminate it. The solution also contains the KOA script.

The prerequisite conditions for the rules included in this solution (CTO-KOAOM-GO and CTO-KOAOM-STOP) must also be reset at IPL. For more information, see SolveWare Initialization.


The OMEGAMON Exceptions solution includes the following rules:

  • Start OMEGAMON Exceptions KOA Script

  • Terminate OMEGAMON Exceptions KOA Script

Rules Structure

The following tables describe the structures of the OMEGAMON Exceptions solution rules, as well as the following KOA script:

  • Log onto OMEGAMON and Analyze Exceptions KOA Script.

Table 102 Start OMEGAMON Exceptions KOA Script Rule Structure




Start OMEGAMON Exceptions KOA Script







Event Description

This Event rule activates a KOA script that logs onto OMEGAMON, performs OMEGAMON command LEXSY and analyzes the results of the command. The rule is usually triggered only once, immediately following IPL, but the KOA script remains logged onto OMEGAMON and continues analyzing exceptions until the next IPL.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters


Global Variables


Rule Logic

This rule is usually triggered automatically, immediately following IPL.

The rule starts KOA script OMLEXSY, which logs onto OMEGAMON and issues OMEGAMON command LEXSY with automatic refresh.

The KOA script remains logged onto OMEGAMON until the next IPL, or until the user manually terminates the script (using rule STOPEXCP in this solution).

The rule deletes its own prerequisite IN condition CTO-KOAOM-GO STAT so that the rule can be re-invoked (by adding this condition again).

Rule Actions

  • Sets Control-O Global variable %%CTO-KOAOM-STOP to NO.

  • Activates KOA script OMLEXSY.

  • Deletes condition CTO-KOAOM-GO STAT.

Activating the Rule

The rule is triggered when its prerequisite IN condition CTO-KOAOM-GO STAT is set.

For details about how to stop KOA script OMLEXSY, see the following section.

Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 2—some customization of the KOA script is required before implementation.


The rule itself requires little or no customization, but KOA script OMLEXSY must be carefully examined and adapted to site requirements.

Table 103 Terminate OMEGAMON Exceptions KOA Script Rule Structure




Terminate OMEGAMON Exceptions KOA Script







Event Description

This Event rule terminates the KOA script that detects OMEGAMON exceptions, by setting Global Control-O variable %%CTO_KOAOM_STOP to YES.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters


Global Variables


Rule Logic

This rule must be triggered in order to terminate KOA script OMLEXSY.

The rule sets Control-O Global variable %%CTO_KOAOM_STOP to YES, which indicates that a user wants to terminate the KOA script.

KOA script OMLEXSY periodically checks if Global variable %%CTO_KOAOM_STOP is set to YES; if it is, the script immediately logs off of OMEGAMON.

The rule deletes its own prerequisite IN condition CTO-KOAOM-STOP STAT so that the rule can be re-invoked (by adding this condition again).

Rule Actions

  • Sets Control-O Global variable %%CTO-KOAOM-STOP to YES.

  • Deletes its own prerequisite IN condition CTO-KOAOM-STOP STAT.

  • Issues a WRITEGLOBAL command to the Control-O Monitor.

Activating the Rule

The rule is triggered by manually setting its prerequisite IN condition CTO-KOAOM-STOP STAT.

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 1—little or no customization is required before implementation.

Table 104 Log onto OMEGAMON and Analyze Exceptions Script Structure




Log onto OMEGAMON and Analyze Exceptions



KOA Script

This KOA script logs onto OMEGAMON, enters auto-refresh mode, and performs OMEGAMON command LEXSY (which displays exceptions detected by OMEGAMON). The script "shouts" a message to the responsible user when certain OMEGAMON exceptions are detected.

Activating the KOA Script

The KOA script is activated by rule STRTEXCP in this solution.



Global Variables


KOA Script Logic

The KOA script logs onto OMEGAMON and issues OMEGAMON command LEXSY with automatic refresh. In response, OMEGAMON displays a list of current system-wide exceptions, which is periodically refreshed. (For further details, see the OMEGAMON/OS/390 User Guide.)

Exceptions considered of special interest are specified within the KOA script. The list of OMEGAMON exceptions is analyzed by the KOA script and when a specified exception is detected, the script "shouts" a message to the responsible user.

The script periodically checks if Global variable %%CTO_KOAOM_STOP is set to YES; if it is, the script immediately logs off from OMEGAMON.

As long as Global variable %%CTO_KOAOM_STOP is set to NO, the script periodically checks the refreshed exception list for new exceptions of interest.

Although an exception reappears in each refresh until the problem is corrected, KOA shouts the message for that exception only once – for that occurrence of the problem. (This is controlled through Control-O variables %%CTO_%%EXCPID_FOUND and %%CTO_%%EXCPID_SENT.)

Recommended Category

The SolveWare category for this KOA script is 3—the script is provided as an example. Some customization is needed if the script is to be implemented.


New exceptions of interest can be added to, or existing exceptions deleted from, the sample KOA scripts.

SHOUT message destinations can be changed. Locate the SHOUT messages in the KOA scripts and determine, for each kind of exception, the TSO-user who is to receive this type of message.

Command PAUSE specifies the number of seconds to wait between analyses of the (refreshed) list. The default value provided in the script is one minute. This value can be modified according to site requirements.

You can use command MAXCOMMAND during the test period; however, remember to remove this limitation before implementing this solution to enable it to be active 24 hours a day.

Reserved Dataset Handling

This solution locates the users, jobs, or started tasks holding datasets that are required by a production job in Exclusive mode and sends appropriate message to the users and/or to the production manager.


The Reserved Dataset Handling solution includes the Respond to Reserved Dataset Message of a Production Job rule.

Rules Structure

The following tables describe the structures of the Reserved Dataset Handling solution rules, as well as the following KOA script:

  • Log onto OMEGAMON and Perform LOC Command

Table 105 Respond to Reserved Dataset Message of a Production Rule Structure




Respond to Reserved Dataset Message of a Production






IEF863I DSN=dsn
where JNAME begins with P.

Message Description

A job is waiting for one or more datasets that are not available. Message IEF863I is issued listing the unavailable datasets.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters

No special considerations.

Global Variables


Rule Logic

The rule is triggered when a production job (that is, a job whose name starts with P) is waiting for unavailable datasets required in Exclusive mode. The rule calls KOA script OMLOC.

The KOA script locates the users, jobs or started tasks holding the datasets and "shouts" appropriate messages to those users and/or to the production manager.

Rule Actions

Suppresses message IEF863I from the console.

Calls KOA script OMLOC.

Activating the Rule

Once scheduled, the rule is triggered whenever message IEF863I is issued by any job whose name starts with a P (that is, a production job).

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 2—some customization is required before implementation.


Check if the production job names in your site begin with a P. If not, adjust the rule according to site naming conventions for production jobs.

KOA script OMLOC may also require adaptation to site requirements.

Table 106 Log onto OMEGAMON and Perform the LOC Command Script Structure




Log onto OMEGAMON and Perform the LOC Command



KOA Script Description

This KOA script is invoked by rule IEF863I. The rule passes to the script a parameter that identifies a held dataset required in Exclusive mode by a production job.

The script logs onto OMEGAMON and performs OMEGAMON command LOC, which identifies the users, jobs or started tasks holding the dataset. The script then "shouts" a message to TSO users holding the dataset and to the production manager for each job or started task that holds the dataset.

Activating the KOA Script

The KOA script is activated by rule IEF863I.


  • %A1 Name of the required (held) dataset.

  • %A2 Name of the production job that produced message IEF863I.

Global Variables


KOA Script Logic

This KOA script logs onto OMEGAMON and performs OMEGAMON command LOC. LOC locates all holders of the dataset identified in parameter %A1, which is passed to the KOA script by its initiating rule.

The script checks the response from OMEGAMON.

For each TSO user holding the dataset, a message is "shouted" to the user.

For each job or started task holding the dataset, a message is "shouted" to the production manager.

Recommended Mode or Category

The SolveWare category for this KOA script is 3—the script is provided as an example. Implementation of the KOA script requires little or no customization.


Locate the SHOUT messages to the production manager in the KOA script and modify the destination to the TSO user ID of the production manager.