Solutions in the SolveWare subject, IMS, are designed to automate several management aspects of IMS (IBM’s Information Management System).

Solutions Provided

SolveWare subject, IMS, contains the following solutions:

  • IMS Startup and Termination

    Monitors the IMS startup and termination processes, intercepts relevant messages and updates the appropriate IOA prerequisite conditions.

  • IMS Reply Automation

    Provides a general interface for issuing IMS commands. The current IMS reply number is maintained by Control-O, enabling other tasks (such as Control-M) in the system to easily issue reply commands to IMS.

IMS Startup and Termination

This solution handles IMS startup and termination.

A link between IMS and INCONTROL products is established by defining IOA prerequisite conditions that reflect IMS’s status (up or down). Specifying these conditions as prerequisite IN conditions in IOA definitions makes processing dependent upon IMS being up or down.

While startup or termination is in process—but not yet completed—the IOA environment considers IMS as both "not up" and "not down." Therefore, IMS not being up is not necessarily the same as a IMS down status and vice versa.

IOA IMS prerequisite conditions must also be updated at time of IPL to indicate that the production IMS subsystem is down (see SolveWare Initialization.)


The IMS Startup and Termination solution includes the following rules:

  • IMS Initialization Started

  • IMS Initialization Completed

  • IMS Termination Started

  • IMS Termination Completed

  • IMS Severe Termination (JES2 Only)

  • Suppress S IMS if IMS Is Active

Rules Structure

The following tables describe the structures of the IMS Startup and Termination solution rules.

Table 94 IMS Initialization Started Rule Structure




IMS Initialization Started






IEF403I jjj STARTED { -}

when the message is issued from job IMS* (* is the generic mask character).

Message Description

Job jjj starts.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters

No special considerations.

Global Variables


Rule Logic

As soon as IMS is started, the IOA environment is informed that IMS is no longer down.

Rule Actions

Deletes condition or date CTO-imsname-DOWN STAT (where imsname is the name of the IMS job or started task).

Activating the Rule

Once scheduled, the rule remains active until deleted from Control-O.

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 2—some customization is required before implementation.


If a different mechanism that controls IMS conditions (utility IOACND, Control-M Event Manager, and so on) is already implemented, the existing mechanism must be removed before implementing this rule.

Change the name of the prerequisite condition deleted by this rule to match your previous definition, if both of the following are true:

  • The IOA environment already contains a prerequisite condition indicating that IMS is down. For example, if such a condition is already referenced by a Control-M job scheduling definition.

  • The prerequisite condition has a different name than the one indicated in this rule.

If required, change the IMS job or started task name mask in field JNAME of the rule’s ON block to conform to local naming conventions. The default-defined value is IMS*.

Table 95 IMS Initialization Completed Rule Structure




IMS Initialization Completed






One of the following messages:




Message Description

IMS has completed initialization and is up.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters

No special considerations.

Global Variables


Rule Logic

When IMS is completely up, the IOA environment is informed that IMS is up.

Rule Actions

  • Checks that the third word of the message is START (to distinguish between different meanings of message DFS994I).

  • Adds condition or date CTO-imsname-UP STAT
    where imsname is the name of the IMS job or started task.

Activating the Rule

Once scheduled, the rule remains active until deleted from Control-O.

Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 2—some customization is required before implementation.


If a different mechanism that controls IMS conditions (utility IOACND, Control-M Event Manager, and so on) is already implemented, the existing mechanism must be removed before implementing this rule.

Change the name of the prerequisite condition added by this rule to match your previous definition, if both of the following are true:

  • The IOA environment already contains a prerequisite condition indicating that IMS is up. For example, if such a condition is already referenced by a Control-M job scheduling definition.

  • The prerequisite condition has a different name than the one indicated in this rule.

Table 96 IMS Termination Started Rule Structure




IMS Termination Started







when the message contains string CLOSED in columns 21–26

Message Description

IMS shutdown has started and the Online Log Dataset (OLDS) is closed.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters

No special considerations.

Global Variables


Rule Logic

When IMS termination has started, the IOA environment is informed that IMS is no longer up.

Rule Actions

Deletes condition or date CTO-imsname-UP STAT
where imsname is the name of the IMS job or started task.

Activating the Rule

Once scheduled, the rule remains active until deleted from Control-O.

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 2—some customization is required before implementation.


If a different mechanism that controls IMS conditions (utility IOACND, Control-M Event Manager, and so on) is already implemented, the existing mechanism must be removed before implementing this rule.

Change the name of the prerequisite condition deleted by this rule to match your previous definition, if both of the following are true:

  • The IOA environment already contains a prerequisite condition indicating that IMS is up. For example, if such a condition is already referenced by a Control-M job scheduling definition.

  • The prerequisite condition has a different name than the one indicated in this rule.

Table 97 IMS Termination Completed Rule Structure




IMS Termination Completed






Either of the following messages:

IEF404I jjj ENDED{ -}

when the message is issued from job IMS* (* is the generic mask character).


when the message contains string SHUTDOWN COMPLETED in columns 12–27.

Message Description

  • IEF404I – Job jjj ended

  • DFS994I – IMS has completed termination.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters

No special considerations.

Global Variables


Rule Logic

When IMS termination is completed, the IOA environment is informed that IMS is down.

Rule Actions

  • Deletes condition or date CTO-imsname-UP STAT
    where imsname is the name of the IMS job or started task.

  • Adds condition or date CTO-imsname-DOWN STAT
    where imsname is the name of the IMS job or started task.

Activating the Rule

Once scheduled, the rule remains active until deleted from Control-O.

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 2—some customization is required before implementation.


If a different mechanism that controls IMS conditions (utility IOACND, Control-M Event Manager, and so on) is already implemented, the existing mechanism must be removed before implementing this rule.

Change the name of the prerequisite condition added by this rule to match your previous definition if both of the following are true:

  • The IOA environment already contains a prerequisite condition indicating that IMS is down. For example, if such a condition is already referenced by a Control-M job scheduling definition.

  • The prerequisite condition has a different name than the one indicated in this rule.

If required, change the IMS job or started task name mask in field JNAME of the rule’s ON block to conform to local naming conventions. The default-defined value is IMS*.

Table 98 IMS Severe Termination Rule Structure




IMS Severe Termination







when the message contains string IMS in columns 10 – 12.

Message Description

Abend of job jjj was so severe that no Recovery Termination Manager (RTM) processing occurred.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters

No special considerations.

Global Variables


Rule Logic

For severe IMS abends, the IOA environment is informed that IMS is no longer up and that IMS is down.

Rule Actions

  • Deletes condition or date CTO-imsname-UP STAT
    where imsname is the name of the IMS job or started task that abended.

  • Adds condition or date CTO-imsname-DOWN STAT
    where imsname is the name of the IMS job or started task that abended.

Activating the Rule

Once scheduled, the rule remains active until deleted from Control-O.

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 2—some customization is required before implementation.


If a different mechanism that controls IMS conditions (utility IOACND, Control-M Event Manager, and so on) is already implemented, the existing mechanism must be removed before implementing this rule.

Change the names of the prerequisite conditions added or deleted by this rule to match your existing definitions if both of the following are true:

  • The IOA environment already contains prerequisite conditions indicating that IMS is up or down. For example, if such conditions are already referenced by Control-M job scheduling definitions.

  • The prerequisite conditions have different names than the ones indicated in this rule.

This rule applies only at JES2 sites.

Table 99 Suppress S IMS if IMS Is Active Rule Structure




Suppress S IMS if IMS Is Active







Command Description

This command starts IMS (the rule suppresses the command).

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters


Global Variables


Rule Logic

If command S IMS is issued when IMS is already up, the new started task is immediately shut down and normal termination messages are issued. These messages, however, give the appearance that IMS has gone down and therefore may incorrectly trigger rules.

This rule prevents this situation by suppressing the S IMS command if IMS is already up. In this way, issuance of the termination messages is prevented and rules are not incorrectly triggered.

This rule serves as a sample rule. A similar rule must be created for each IMS environment in the site.

Rule Actions

  • Suppresses the command.

  • Sends a message to user U-SHFTOPER indicating that command S IMS was suppressed.

Activating the Rule

Once scheduled, the rule becomes active when prerequisite condition or date CTO-imsname-DOWN STAT is deleted (where imsname is the name of the IMS address space).

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 2—some customization is required before implementation.


Change the name of the prerequisite condition indicated in this rule to match your previous definition, if both of the following are true:

  • The IOA environment already contains a prerequisite condition indicating that IMS is up or down. For example, if such a condition is already referenced by a Control-M job scheduling definition.

  • The prerequisite condition has a different name than the one indicated in this rule.

The rule must be duplicated for each IMS in the site. To adapt each rule, the IMS name in the rule’s ON statement and IN condition must be changed.

IMS Reply Automation

This solution facilitates issuing IMS reply commands. The current IMS reply number is maintained in a Control-O Global variable. A new operator command uses this Global variable for issuing replies. This enables operators, online users and batch jobs to issue replies without having to determine the current IMS reply number.


The IMS Reply Automation solution includes the following rules:

  • Keep Last IMS Reply Number

  • Issue an IMS Reply Command

Rules Structure

The following tables describe the structures of the IMS Reply Automation solution rules.

Table 100 Keep Last IMS Reply Number Rule Structure




Keep Last IMS Reply Number







Message Description

IMS startup is completed. This message is issued as a WTOR (Write to Operator with Reply) message, thereby enabling entry of data through the system console.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters

No special considerations.

Global Variables

%%IMS_REPLY_imsname IMS open reply number.

Rule Logic

As soon as the above message appears on the console, the message reply number is updated in a Control-O Global variable. This variable is later accessed by another Control-O rule that issues reply commands to IMS.

Rule Actions

Assigns the message reply number (system variable %%REPLY) to Global variable %%IMS_REPLY_imsname.

Activating the Rule

Once scheduled, the rule remains active until deleted from Control-O.

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for this rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 1—little or no customization is required.

Table 101 Issue an IMS Reply Command Rule Structure




Issue an IMS Reply Command







where imsname is the name of the IMS job or started task name and imsdata is the data to be entered.

Command Description

This command rule is used to issue a command through the IMS open reply message (WTOR).

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters

No special considerations.

Global Variables

%%IMS_REPLY_imsname IMS open reply number.

Rule Logic

This command uses the IMS reply number, which is stored in a Global variable (for each IMS subsystem), to issue an IMS command.

The command is especially useful when an IMS command is to be issued from a source other than the console itself. For example, batch jobs or started tasks can use this command to issue IMS commands without having to determine the currently open IMS reply number. In this way, IMS commands can be defined as part of the automatic production flow under Control-M.

Rule Actions

  • Parses command text to extract the IMS job name and the data to be entered.

  • Using the IMS reply number (Global variable %%IMS_REPLY_%%imsname), issues the appropriate reply command.

Activating the Rule

Once scheduled, the rule remains active until deleted from Control-O.

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for this rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 1—little or no customization is required.