Problem Reporting

Provide all the information requested below when reporting a problem related to conversion to Control-O:

  • Type of MVS operating system (for example,MVS version 5.2).

  • Name and ver sion number of the console automation products from which you are converting.

  • Tape number and version of the Conversion Tool (for example,FD1111, level 9710).

  • Full details of all error messages that were generated.

  • All Job Log messages.

  • A copy of the control statements that were used to invoke utility COTFANCI (that is, the TYPERUN and INCLUDE statements).

  • A copy of the report produced by utility CTOFANCI on the file referenced by DD statement RPTALL.

  • A copy of the input lines (or entire script) that caused the conversion to fail.

  • If the tool enters an infinite loop, follow the procedure outlined in "Reporting Infinite Loops" (below).

  • If an ABEND occurs, send the symptom dump to BMC Customer Support and have a full dump (SYSUDUMP) available in case the BMC Support staff requests it.

Reporting Infinite Loops

To help the BMC development staff diagnose suspected infinite loops, rerun utility CTOFANCI in TSO (instead of running it in batch) using the following steps:

  1. Examine the batch JCL of the utility to determine which datasets it uses.

  2. Reference the datasets identified in step 1 using DD statements SYSPROC, SYSEXEC or STEPLIB in your logon procedure.

  3. Logon to TSO, and enter ISPF (Option 6).

  4. Type CTOFANCI sysin-dsn(sysin-member) as entered in the batch run.

  5. Monitor the TSO execution of utility CTOFANCI (from a different TSO session) until an infinite loop situation or another type of problem is suspected.

  6. Press the TSO Attention key in the TSO session running utility CTOFANCI. A REXX prompt is displayed.

  7. Type TS (meaning, TRACE START) in response to the REXX prompt, and press <Enter>.

  8. Print the screen, or capture its content in a file.

  9. Continue pressing <Enter> and capturing the screen content several times (for example, ten times).

  10. Press the TSO Attention again. A REXX prompt is displayed.

  11. Respond HI (meaning, Halt Interpretation) in response to the REXX prompt. Utility CTOFANCI is stopped.