Problem Reporting

Please supply all the information requested below when reporting a problem related to the conversion tool.

  • the extract package of all the ESP input files produced in JOB0

  • the version number of Control-M, such as9.0.18, and the MVS operating system, such asz/OS 2.1

  • the release number of CA ESP from which you are converting

  • the latest PTFs applied to the conversion tool

  • a copy of the ESPDEF member from the INSTWORK library

  • the full text of all Job Log messages, in addition to all error messages in the error files, DAPRINT, SYSPRINT, and so on

  • any source fixes or zaps applied to the conversion tool
    Also, check if REFRESH LLA was done after changes were applied.

If an abend has occurred, send the symptom dump to BMC Customer Support, and have a full dump (SYSUDUMP/SYSABEND) available for use by BMC Customer Support staff.