Conversion Installation

The following procedure describes how to obtain and install the Control-M for z/OS Conversion Tool using the Installation and Customization Engine (ICE). For instructions on how to use ICE, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.

Ensure that Control-M for z/OS is installed and that its pre-requisite PTFs or maintenance are APPLYed and ACCEPTed before proceeding with this installation. For more information, see the Control-M for z/OS Release Notes.

Obtaining the installation files


This procedure describes how to obtain the installation files

  1. Choose one of the following options:

    • Download the installation file from EPD ( Follow the instructions on the EPD site until you reach the Download Files page for Control-M for z/OS Conversion Tool. From the Products tab, click the relevant installation file and save it in a temporary directory.

    • Obtain a product CD from your local BMC Sales representative.

  2. Transfer the image file to the mainframe as a binary file. This image file requires approximately 21 cylinders of a DASD volume. The DCB information for the image file is as follows:

    • RECFM = FB, LRECL=1024,BLKSIZE=6144

  3. Uncompress the image file.

    The image file is compressed using the IBM TRSMAIN program. If you do not have TRSMAIN on your mainframe, instructions for downloading and installing it can be found at the following URL:

    Once the image file has been uploaded to your mainframe, make the necessary changes in the following UNTERSE job to uncompress the image file. Specify basepref for your choice of prefix for the base libraries, which are described in the Installation and Customization Engine (ICE) section in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing. This parameter must be specified again later in the installation process.

    Submit the following UNTERSE job and review the output of the job. Ensure that the return code is 0.

    **************************** Top of Data ******************************
    //UNTERSE JOB                   <=== tailor job card to local standards
    //UNTERSES  EXEC PGM=TRSMAIN,PARM=UNPACK                              
    //SYSPRINT DD   SYSOUT=*                                              
    //INFILE   DD DISP=SHR,DSN=uploaded.image.file.from.step1    <===UPDATE
    //OUTFILE  DD   DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE),                              
    //       UNIT=disk_unit,VOL=SER=disk_volser,                 <===UPDATE
    //       DSN=basepref.CONVLIB,                               <===UPDATE
    //       SPACE=(CYL,(85 ,8,45))                              <===UPDATE
    *************************** Bottom of Data ****************************

Installing the Control-M for z/OS CA ESP Conversion Tool

This procedure describes how to install the Control-M for z/OS CA ESP Conversion Tool


  1. Run ICE.

  2. Select Customization from the ICE main menu.

  3. Select an environment from the Environment selection screen.

  4. Specify CTM for the product and select Product Customization in the Customization screen.

  5. Select major step 9 (CA ESP Conversion Toolkit).

  6. Select minor step 1 (CA ESP Conversion installation).

  7. Submit the job.

    This job consists of the following steps:

    1. RCVAPLC

      This step performs the RECEIVE and APPLY CHECK operations for the conversion FMID and PTFs. The FMID and PTFs are located in the ESPCONV member in the basepref.CONVLIB library.

    2. APLACC

      This step performs the APPLY and ACCEPT CHECK operations for the conversion FMID and PTFs.

    3. ACCEPT

      This step performs the ACCEPT operation for the conversion FMID and PTFs.

  8. Find any relevant updates.

    Look for Solution SLN000000197255 (List of APARs required for conversion to Control-M) in the Knowledge Base on the BMC Customer Support Site for the latest fixes and instructions.