Conversion Parameters

Control-M conversion parameters are defined in ICE, Minor Step 2, Stage 0. These conversion options must be modified to fit your local site requirements, and are described in Table 3 in alphabetical order.

Table 3 Conversion Parameters




Specifies whether all messages in the JCL conversion (JOB4) are to be printed. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes): All CA-7 batch terminal commands that are not supported or are not relevant in a Control-M environment, such as /LOGON, are printed.

  • N (No): An error message is issued only when the conversion encounters problems with the CA-7 Batch Terminal commands that it attempts to convert, such as DEMAND, POST, RESCHNG. Default.


Calendar prefix for Control-M calendar names. Must be 5 characters or less in length. Names in certain forms must not be used, and these are discussed in Record Layout.

Default: MCAL


Specifies whether CA-7 CLASS Barrier support is to be implemented. For more information, see 12. CLASS and #RES. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes): CA-7 CLASS Barrier support is implemented. The conversion tool creates CLASS Barrier resources in the Control-M job scheduling definition.

  • N (No): CA-7 CLASS Barrier support is not implemented. Default


Only applicable at sites where Control-D is installed.

The user-text parts of the OUT conditions are added to job scheduling definitions when the DCAT basic scheduling parameter is specified in a job scheduling definition.

Default: Blank, which indicates that no OUT conditions are to be added to the job scheduling definitions.

For more information, see CATEGORY.


Control-M/Restart confirmation parameter. If Control-M/Restart is installed, this parameter specifies whether manual confirmation is required before the job is scheduled for restart using the DO IFRERUN statement. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes): Manual confirmation is required. Default.

  • N (No): Manual confirmation is not required.


Option to set the Cyclic FROM parameter when a CA7 head-of-tree job is converted to a job flow in a cyclic table/folder in Control-M due to multiple SCHIDs with identical scheduling criteria and different start times.

Valid values are:

  • END: Begin measuring the interval from the actual end of the current job run.

  • STRT: Begin measuring the interval from the actual start of the current job run.

  • TRGT: Begin measuring the interval from when the current job run is scheduled. (Default)


Only applicable at sites where Control-D is installed.

A character string to be searched for, starting in column 1, in the JCL of the job that precedes the Control-D Report Decollating Mission Category specification and identifies its position.

Default: Blank, which indicates that no D-CAT basic scheduling parameters are to be specified in the job scheduling definitions being set up by the conversion tool.

For more information, see CATEGORY.


Whether CA-7 jobs whose LAST RUN date is earlier than a date specified should be ignored by the conversion. Valid values are:

  • NONE – ignore this option. Default.

  • yyyyddd – all jobs whose LAST RUN date is earlier than yyyyyddd are ignored by the conversion. Jobs whose LAST RUN date is 00000 are not ignored.

  • yyyyddd-Z – same as yyyyddd, except that jobs whose LAST RUN date is 00000 are also ignored by the conversion.


Maximum number of members in a CA-7 JCL library.

The value you set for DIRMAX must be as small as possible without going below the actual maximum.

Default: 10000


Whether to convert DSN Requirements to an IN condition for distributed jobs when a non-zero LEADTM is specified in the DSN Requirement.

Valid values:

  • Blank: ignore this option (default)

  • LEADTM: convert the DSN Requirement to an IN condition

    For distributed (non-mainframe) jobs, LEADTM takes affect only when the requirement specifies a non-zero lead time.


Whether to create a SETVAR parameter in each job scheduling definition with the job's clock-time. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes): create the SETVAR parameter %%CONV-ELAPSED=mmmm (Default)

  • N (No): gnore this option


Whether to perform folder-level condition cleanup.

  • Y (Yes): OUT condition statements to delete prerequisite conditions will be added to a folder’s post-processing actions for conditions that are associated with triggered jobs in the folder.

  • N (No): No automatic cleanup of prerequisite conditions at the folder level are performed by the conversion. To clean up conditions at the end of folder execution, you must run the script, as described in Post Step 3. Check Conversion Results.


Which of the held sysout classes must be requeued. Specify (Blank) if all held sysouts must be requeued.

Default: (Blank)

For distributed job definitions and when TOCLASS is (Blank) this parameter is ignored.


History Active Jobs file feature.

Valid values are:

  • Dnnn: The retention period (nnn), measured in days.

  • Gnn: The retention period (nn), measured in generations.

  • (Blank): Do not use the History Active Jobs file feature. Default.


If the conversion tool

  • produces many CTMCA705-09W messages and

  • creates a CTMBLT file that is too large

due to many CA-7 job definitions which

  • have no scheduling information

  • are not triggered-by any job and

  • trigger other jobs

The current design of the conversion tool is to force these jobs to be considered head-of-tree jobs by creating 'phoney' schedule-ids (up to 255 schids depending on how many different schids appear in the LJOB report) in their reformatted (LJOB) definitions. This might cause a very large increase in the size of the CTMBLT file used in creating the intermediate scheduling table library (resulting in Sx37 ABENDs) and a large CPU and I/O overhead in merging these tables to form the final schedule lib. In addition, if any of the affected job flows contain cyclic sub-groups, then the number of CTMCA705-09W messages might also be greatly increased.

If the CA-7 job definitions (mentioned above) which cause the problem also satisfy the following criteria:

  • there are many such jobs

  • most of these jobs have a triggering hierarchy in which the triggered jobs are triggered with a schedule-id of 000

then the user should consider setting the HOTSCH0 option to Y. This option causes the conversion tool to treat such jobs as if they were scheduled head-of-tree jobs with a schid of 000.

This should eliminate most of the CTMCA705-09W messages (90% or more) and should substantially reduce the size of the CTMBLT file and the processing overhead in merging the tables into the final scheduling library.


Determines how to convert JCL members.

Valid values:

  • Y – convert JCL members in the same library at the same place.

  • N – copy JCL members before conversion to prefix.CNVJCLO library and the modified JCL member to prefix.CNVJCLN library.

Default: N


Specifies whether JES ROUTE PRINT JCL statements are to be converted to Control-M SYSOUT post-processing parameters. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes): JES ROUTE PRINT JCL statements are converted. For more information, see 42. JES ROUTE PRINT. Default.

  • N (No): JES ROUTE PRINT JCL statements are not converted.


CA-7 JCL Job Class conversion. This parameter specifies whether JCL job classes are converted to Control-M Quantitative resources. For more information, see 27. JCL Job Class.

Valid values are:

  • (Blank) – suppress the creation of Quantitative resources. Default.

  • in cases where the JCL job statement contains no CLASS parameter, the default job class to be used to create the resource name.


Maximum number of occurrences of a job within a table.

This parameter enables the control of application creation by the conversion tool for recursively-defined jobs.

Valid values are from 1 through 99.

Default: 5


Determines how to convert JCL members.

Valid values:

  • Y – Any JCL CA7 utility steps (PGM=CA7) in the original JCL members are kept intact, followed by the equivalent Control-M CTMUTIL steps, and the converted member is saved into prefix.CNVJCL2N library.

    To use this value, ensure that JCLIPLCE is set to N.

  • N – The conversion does not keep the JCL CA7 utility steps.

Default: N


Indicates how to convert CA-7 Lead time.

The LDTTHRSH option is used to create a group of Boolean IN conditions all connected by OR operators for the job as follows:

When LDTTHRSH=00 (default), then regardless of the job's Leadtime value, the only IN condition created is


and a warning message is produced (when the Leadtime is not 00).

When a job's Leadtime=mm and LDTTHRSH=nn (nn NOT 00)

then the following pre-requisite conditions are created:

condname,ODAT       <-- when mm less than nn     LDTTHRSH

otherwise a set of Boolean OR conditions are created as follows:

(|condname,ODAT  |condname,-001 [)]  <-- when mm is greater or equal to nn
 |condname,-002  [)]  <-- when mm is greater or equal to nn+24
 |condname,-003  [)]  <-- when mm is greater or equal to nn+48
 |condname,-004  [)]  <-- when mm is greater or equal to nn+72
 |condname,-005   )   <-- when mm is greater or equal to nn+96


Maximum number of lines in a JCL member.

Default: 5000.

Ensure that this number is large enough to accommodate the growth of JCL members due to the insertion of Control-M AutoEdit statements by the conversion tool.


Whether to specify ODAT or **** as the date reference of Control-M conditions created from CA-7 job connection requirements which specify a lead time of 0.

Valid values are:

  • ODAT

  • ****

Default: ODAT


For users who are running CA-7 release 3.1 or later, and have implemented CA-DRIVER only.

CA-DRIVER provides various reserved-name variable parameters specifically for CA-7. These variables can be referenced in CA-DRIVER procedures, and values are automatically assigned when the variable is referenced during procedure expansion. Many of these variables can be automatically converted by the conversion tool, as follows.

The CA-DRIVER variable is converted to a Control-M AutoEdit variable, and a Control-M SET VAR statement for the newly created AutoEdit variable is placed into the job scheduling definition of the invoking job to provide an initial value. The initial value is derived from the corresponding CA-7 job definition. The conversion supports the CA-DRIVER variables listed in Table 4, "CA-DRIVER Variables."

For the definition of CA-DRIVER system variable and other CA-7 specific variables, such as &C_MONTH, &C_DAY, &C_DATE, &C_JDATE, &C_TIME, &C_L2SID, &C_L27#, and &C_L2JN, see the DAYMONTH member in the conversion source library.

Since not all users utilize all the above variables in their CA-DRIVER procedures, this conversion parameter enables you to choose whether to create the corresponding SET VAR parameters in the job scheduling definitions, thereby preventing clutter in the job scheduling definitions. The choice is indicated by coding a positional Y (Yes) or N (No) value in the L2VARS parameter.

The position of the Y or N corresponds to the position of the relevant variable in the list in Table 4, "CA-DRIVER Variables." For example, L2VARS=NNYYNNNNYN indicates that the only variables that will be automatically processed by the conversion tool are &C_L2RO, &C_L2CC, &C_L2DOT.



The maximum number of lines in a SMART Table Entity.

Default: 5000.

In general, the default value of this parameter should not be changed unless the CTMCA7V5-12S error message is displayed. In that event, the value of MAXGENT should be increased to approximately 5% of the value in the PARM parameter on the EXEC statement in STEP2 of JOB7.


Maximum number of calendars contained in the AUXCAL file.

Default: 5000


Determines how conversion messages are produced.

Valid values:

  • Y – All messages produced during the conversion run are analyzed and reformatted into an Excel Spreadsheet output report (CSV format).

    The report includes the following message components:

    • MSGID

    • Product name

    • Type

    • Severity

    • Step name

    • Header message

    • Tail message

    • Jobname connector

    • Member name connector

    • Dataset proc

    • Jobname

    • Folder name

    • JCL member name

    • JCL library name

    • Description

  • N - The conversion writes the messages to a standard SYSOUT file.

Default: N


When a CA-7 job definition which specifies multiple schedule-ids which differ only in their time parameters (due-out, submit, start) will be converted to a Control-M cyclic or enhanced cyclic SMART Table depending on the setting of this option.

  • C (Cyclic): If the time intervals between the schedule-ids are fixed, then the job is converted to a regular cyclic SMART table with the INTERVAL parameter specified. If the time intervals are not fixed, then the job is converted to an enhanced cyclic SMART table with a list of specific times. Default.

  • D (Duplicate tables): Rather than creating a cyclic SMART table, multiple scheduling libraries are created, one for each CA-7 schedule-id specified in the job’s head-of-tree definition. The library name format is prefix.SCHEDULE.Snnn where nnn is the schedule-id. In each such library is placed a regular (non-SMART) scheduling table with the name of the head-of-tree job and the job flow associated with the schedule-id, thereby creating duplicate tables across multiple scheduling libraries. When the resultant libraries are loaded to Control-M/EM all mainframe associated tables for this head-of-tree job will have the same table name qualified by the scheduling library name (with the schedule-id suffix) and all distributed (DS) tables will have a table name of head-of-tree-jobname.Snnn.


Determines the scope of the JCL conversion performed.

Valid values:

  • N (No): all JCL members residing in the JCL libraries specified in the CA-7 Initdeck and the JCL Library Variables file are converted, in-place, to Control-M format.

  • Y (Yes): Only JCL members that are associated with jobs defined in the CA-7 LJOB report(s) are processed and converted. All these members, whether converted or simply copied (because they do not contain any specific CA-7 elements) are placed into a single output JCL library (prefix.LJOBJCL). Message CTMCA707-09I is produced for each member processed. A sequential file in IEBUPDTE format containing all processed members is also produced for users who want to perform spot-check verifications.

Note the following when value Y is chosen:

  • A new file named prfx.PJCLCNV is created, to contain information about the JCL members that must be converted.

    Each record of the prfx.PJCLCNV file contains the following fields: jobname, JCL member name, field indicating dummy (D) or non-dummy (blank) job, field indicating Distributed (D) or MF (blank) job, Library name used to populate MEMLIB parameter

  • The same JCL members may appear in multiple JCL libraries. In order to know which member to convert from the correct library, the job's CA-7 JCL ID (INDEX) is taken into account in determining the JCL library name.

  • For jobs which use the JCLLIB (JCL Variable name) instead of the Index, then the information from the JCL Variable file is used to determine the JCL lib name.

  • When an ALTernate Index or ALTernate JCL variable name is specified then the member in the alternate library is converted (when it is not found via the index/JCL-variable name).

  • When the Jobname is not the same as the JCL Member name in the LJOB report, then the JCL member name is used instead. If the JCL member name is blank, then the job ignored.

  • Jobs which are defined as Distributed (XPJ - cross-platform or a distributed MAINID designation) are ignored. Any associated jcl members contain only distributed job invocations and/or DS control statements and are not relevant for JCL conversion processing. Accordingly, any SYSIN PDS members are not included on this new file.

  • DUMMY jobs are converted as regular jobs (when the JCL member name is not blank)

  • All eligible JCL members which are converted are placed into a single output JCL library independent of the source library of the original JCL member.

  • All converted JCL members are written to a sequential file prfx.IEBUPDTE which contain all updated members in IBM IEBUPDTE format as follows:

    ./ ADD LIST=ALL,NAME=member-name,[LEVEL=10,SOURCE=0]
    [./ NUMBER NEW1=10,INCR=10]
    ...             <--- updated JCL member
    ./ ADD ... <---additional JCL members
    ./ ENDUP
  • When conversion option PNIBTSD=Y or X, a JCL member which contains a CA-7 utility step and specifies a SYSIN PDS member containing control statements (DEMAND, POST, etc) which must be converted, proceeds according to the setting of the UPDLCLPR conversion option. In any case these SYSIN PDS members are not placed in the newly-created IEBUPDTE library.

  • A potential point of conflict exists if any converted JCL member also contains IEBUPDTE control statements.

  • The contents of JCL members pointed to by JCL INCLUDE statements are not processed. However, a list of the names of all the INCLUDE members is produced.


Process Non-Instream Batch Terminal SYSIN Data indicator. Whether to convert CA-7 Batch Terminal Input commands, such as DEMAND, POST, and RESCHNG, that are not contained instream in the SYSIN DD statement of a CA-7 Batch Terminal Step (that is, are pointed to by a sequential file or a member of a PDS). Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes): Convert the commands.

  • N (No): Do not convert the commands. Default.

  • X: Same as Y, with the following addition: If the job definition specifies a distributed platform, the JCL member is scanned for distributed job statements. For more details, see 40. MAINID.

For sites where references to Batch Terminal commands are made from within JCL procedures, that is, the SYSIN DD statement does not appear in the JCL member being converted, you can run the JCL conversion (JOB3) against the affected procedure library.

The following SYSIN PDS files are not processed:

  • PDS library names and member names that contain symbolic variables

  • Temporary PDS library names (&&)


Automatic setting of the PREVENT-NCT2 parameter. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes): Sets PREVENT-NCT2 to Y on all jobs.

This automatically prevents NOT CATLGD 2 situations from occurring in non-restarted jobs, by causing the deletion of problematic data sets prior to job execution.

  • N (No): Sets PREVENT-NCT2 to N on all jobs.

  • CA7: Sets PREVENT-NCT2 to either Y or N, based on the INSERT-RMS definition of CA-7, and whether the JCL of the job contains the CA-11 U11RMS step, specifying processing options F, P, R,or N.
    Ifthe JCL contains the CA-11 U11RMS step, or the CA-11 JCL comment statement is coded with a PARM parameter, PREVENT-NCT2 is set to Y, regardless of how the CA-7 INSERT-RMS parameter is set, except when the PARM parameter is coded as ‘N’ (null processing), or ‘P,PSEUDO=YES’ (pseudo production processing).
    If the JCL does not contain the CA-11 U11RMS step, and the INSERT-RMS parameter is set to Y, or the CA-11 JCL comment statement is coded as INSERTRMS=YES, PREVENT-NCT2 is set to Y, except when the PARMRMS parameter of the RESTART statement in the CA-7 Initialization file is set to PSEUDO.

This parameter is ignored when Control-M/Restart is not installed.

The Control-M/Restart PREVENT-NCT2 processing encompasses data sets with any DISP setting (not just DISP=NEW). Therefore, Control-M/Restart EXCLUDE DSN statements may be necessary for some data sets, such as data sets specifying DISP=(OLD,CATLG), for proper CA-11 emulation.


The release of CA-7 from which you are converting, in the format xx.y (for example, 03.3).

Default: 3.3

For pre-R3.1 specify 3.0. For 3.1 and 3.2 specify 03.1. From 3.3 to 11.2 specify 03.3. For 11.3 and above specify 11.3.


Sysout release specifies whether the job sysouts are released for printing after they are analyzed by Control-M, or are deleted. Valid values are:

  • R: Release sysouts for print. Default.

  • D: Delete the sysouts. This parameter may be useful at sites that have sysout archival products.

  • (Blank): Ignore the RELEASE parameter.


SCHDMOD CURRENT calendar indicator. Enables you to specify globally whether SCHDMOD CURRENT calendars are automatically placed into the job scheduling definitions for all applications. Valid values are:

  • N (No): SCHDMOD CURRENT calendars are not automatically placed into the job scheduling definitions for all applications.

  • Y (Yes): SCHDMOD CURRENT calendars are automatically placed into the job scheduling definitions for all applications.

  • I (Ignore) – The SCHDMOD CURRENT indicator at the Schedule and schedule-id level is ignored. The current scheduling criteria in the schedule-ids will be converted to Control-M scheduling criteria, whenever possible, without the need to create additional Control-M calendars. Whenever the SCHDMOD CURRENT indicator is ignored while processing the LJOB/LSCHD report, a warning message is issued (CTMCA702-15W), informing the user to RESOLV schedules and rerun the conversion. Default.

For more information, see 13. SCAL and 12. CLASS and #RES.


A 3-character suffix for Control-M condition names for CA-7 job triggers and job connections.

Default: "_OK"


Suffix for Control-M condition names for CA-7 DSN job connection. This must be at least one character long. Default: "_DS"


Suffix to be added to Control-M group names.

Default: Null.


Destination for SHOUT WHEN LATE and SHOUT WHEN EXECTIME messages. For more information on valid values and the default, see SHOUTDT in this table.


Destination for SHOUT messages when a job failed. Valid values are:

  • SYSUSER: Use the userID associated with the specific job or table. For more information, see USEROPT in this table. Default.

  • OPER: Issue the SHOUT message to the console.

  • OPER2: Issue the SHOUT message to the console, as highlighted and unrollable.

  • TSO-uid: Issue the SHOUT message to a specific TSO userID. The variable uid is a specific userID of up to 7 characters

For information about additional options, see SHOUT in the parameter descriptions chapter of the Control-M for z/OS User Guide.


The text (up to 50 characters) of the SHOUT WHEN LATE * message that is sent when the job is still executing after its DUE TIME time has passed. Specify (Blank) to suppress the message. The default is:



The text (up to 50 characters) of the SHOUT WHEN LATESUB message that is sent when the submission time for the job has elapsed. Specify (Blank) to suppress the message. The default is MEMBER %%JOBNAME IS LATE!


The text (up to 50 characters) of the SHOUT WHEN NOTOK message that is sent when a job fails. Specify (Blank) to suppress the message. The default is: %%JOBNAME J%%JOBID ENDED NOTOK!


A 2-digit value added to the weighted average elapsed runtime of the job and used to determine the Control-M SHOUT WHEN EXECTIME parameter. Specify (Blank) to suppress this message.

Default: 05.

For more information, see 38. SHOUT.


When an SBTM CA-7 submit time is specified, it is always used as the Control-M FROM TIME. When the SBTM is not specified, the value of the STARTM parameter determines the FROM TIME, as follows:

  • Y (Yes): The CA-7 deadline start time (STARTM parameter on the LJOB report) is always used.

  • N (No): The deadline start time is used only when the job has no prerequisite IN conditions; otherwise, the Control-M FROM TIME is left blank. Default.


Whether to add a post processing statement: ONPGM STEP=ANYSTEP CODES=NOTOK DO STOPCYCL to terminate cyclic processing when a cyclic job ends NOTOK.

  • Y (Yes): add the post processing statement

  • N (No): ignore this option


Whether messages are suppressed in JOB3. Valid values are:

  • (Blank): Do not suppress any messages.

  • I: Suppress information messages.

  • W: Suppress warning and information messages.


Whether to propagate the SHOUT WHEN LATESUB message to all successor jobs of the head-of-tree job. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes): Propagate the SHOUT WHEN LATESUB message to all successor jobs of the head-of-tree job. Default.

  • N (No): Do not propagate the SHOUT WHEN LATESUB message to all successor jobs of the head-of-tree job.


Control-M Quantitative resource name for the CA-7 TAPE1 resource, corresponding to the value of the NAME parameter of the CA-7 workload balancing TAPE1 macro.

Default: TAPE1

To suppress creation of a TAPE1 resource, set TAPE1 to (Blank).


Control-M Quantitative resource name for the CA-7 TAPE2 resource, corresponding to the value of the NAME parameter of the CA-7 workload balancing TAPE2 macro.

Default: TAPE2

To suppress creation of a TAPE2 resource, set TAPE2 to (Blank).


New output class to which Control-M is to requeue the JCL MSGCLASS sysouts of the job. Valid values are:

  • x: any valid one-character MSGCLASS

  • (Blank): Reroute is not required.

  • * (Asterisk): The MSGCLASS sysouts of the job must be requeued to the original MSGCLASS after they are analyzed by Control-M. Default.

This option is ignored for CA-7 distributed job definitions, then specify TOCLASS as blank. For more information, see DO SYSOUT.


Time Until Indicator. The conversion tool does not set the Control-M TIME UNTIL scheduling parameter unless you set the UNTIL conversion parameter to >.

Valid values are:

  • > (Greater Than): The TIME UNTIL parameter is set to > in every job definition. Default.

  • (Blank): The TIME UNTIL parameter is not set.

For more information, see the TIME parameter in the Control-M for z/OS User Guide.


Whether to allow or prevent updating of production JCL libraries.

  • Y (Yes): allow updating a JCL library even if it is not included in the ICE JCL library list.

  • N (No): exclude update processing for JCL libraries not included in the ICE JCL library list.


When the USEROPT conversion parameter is specified as OWNER, JOB, APPL, JCLUSER, JCLGRP, or NOTIFY, this parameter specifies how many characters of the specified parameter are used for the Control-M OWNER parameter.

Default: 8


Source for the Control-M OWNER job scheduling parameter for mainframe job definitions. The OWNER parameter is useful for implementing security checking by various Control-M components.

In the following description of values, n is set by the USERLEN parameter, which is described elsewhere in this table. Valid values for USEROPT are:

  • JOB: The first n characters of the job name in the table. Default.

  • OWNER/xxxxx: The first n characters of the CA-7 OWNER parameter. xxxxxxxx is a fixed default value for the OWNER parameter when OWNER=*NONE* is specified or when an OWNER parameter is not present in the CA-7 job definition.

  • APPL: The first n characters of the Control-M application name (APPL).

  • =xxxxxxxx: A fixed value of xxxxxxxx (1 through 8 characters) for every Control-M job scheduling definition.

  • CA7USRID/xxxxx : A fixed value of xxxxx (0 through 5 characters) followed by the CA-7 USRID parameter of the job.

The following options create an OWNER parameter derived from the JCL JOB statement of the job.

  • JCLUSER: The first n characters of userid from the JCL USER=userid JOB statement parameter.

  • JCLUSER+OWNER: Same as JCLUSER, except when the job’s JCL member does not exist or there is no USER= parameter on the job’s JOB card, then the CA-7 OWNER parameter is used. In such a case, if the OWNER specifies *NONE*, then NOOWNER is used.

  • JCLGRP: The first n characters of grpid from the JCL GROUP=grpid JOB statement parameter.

  • NOTIFY: The first n characters of userid from the JCL NOTIFY=userid JOB statement parameter.

For these options, an OWNER ID of NOUSER, NOGROUP, or NONOTIFY is specified for jobs whose JCL member cannot be found and for jobs whose JOB statement does not contain a USER, GROUP, or NOTIFY parameter, respectively.


If you are using the ACF2 security product, you can use the following option to create an OWNER parameter derived from the ACF2 JOBFROM or LOGONID JCL statements:

  • ACF2USER: The first n characters of userid from one of the following JCL statements:

    //*JOBFROM userid
    //*LOGONID userid

For this option, OWNER ID is set to NOACF2 for jobs whose JCL member cannot be found and for jobs which do not contain a JOBFROM or LOGONID statement.

For distributed job definitions, see 35. OWNER

Table 4 CA-DRIVER Variables






CA-7 user security identification.



Application system name.



Relational operator of the condition code (OR if step level #SCC statements are being used).



Job level condition codes, used to determine whether a job executes successfully.



CA-7 workload-balancing job priority.



CA-7 workload-balancing job class.



TYPE1 tape drives needed for the job.



TYPE2 tape drives needed for the job.



Job due-out time of day, for a particular schedule ID.



Indicates on which CPU a job may or may not be scheduled.