Online Facilities

This chapter includes the following topics:

Control-M/Restart under Control-M

For any job that runs under Control-M, scheduling parameters for the original run, rerun parameters, and Control-M/Restart processing instructions, are all defined in the Control-M job scheduling definition. Control-M/Restart instructions include restart and data set cleanup parameters. These parameters are generally defined through the Control-M Job Scheduling Definition screen (Screen 2).

When manual intervention is required, it is generally performed in the Control-M Active Environment screen (Screen 3).

Job scheduling definition parameters

The parameters in the Control-M Job Scheduling Definition screen that are described in Table 5 relate specifically to Control-M/Restart. Job scheduling definition parameters, and their usage, are described in detail in the Control-M for z/OS User Guide.

Table 5 Job Scheduling Definition Parameters




Controls archiving of SYSDATA that is necessary for job restart


Defines restart steps and determines whether manual confirmation of restart is required

FROM and TO parameters in the DO IFRERUN statement define the desired starting and ending steps for the restarted job.

The CONFIRM parameter in the DO IFRERUN statement determines whether manual confirmation of restarts is required.


Performs data set cleanup prior to the original job run


Specifies the maximum number of days to retain a job in the History Jobs File


Specifies the maximum number of generations of a job to keep in the History Jobs File

The parameters in the Control-M Job Scheduling Definition screen that are described in Table 6 are available even without Control-M/Restart, but can be very important to job restart.

Table 6 Control-M Job Scheduling Parameters Available Without Control-M/Restart




Define Control-M AutoEdit variables


Requests automatic rerun. This parameter must be specified if the restart (as defined in the DO IFRERUN statement) is to be completely automatic (that is, not requiring manual input).


Determines the maximum number of allowable reruns or restarts


Specifies the JCL member that is used for the rerun

Control-M/Restart windows and screens available from the Control-M Active Environment screen

The following windows and screens directly related to Control-M/Restart are accessible from the Control-M Active Environment screen. They are described in detail in the Control-M for z/OS User Guide.

Table 7 Screens and Windows Available from the Active Environment Screen

Window or Screen


Confirm Restart window

Opened by specifying Option C (Confirm) for a job in the Active Environment screen when manual confirmation of restart is requested in the job scheduling definition (in the DO IFRERUN statement). From this window, the Restart Step List window, containing the list of the job’s steps, can be opened.

Rerun Restart window

Opened by specifying Option R (Rerun) for a job in the Active Environment screen when automatic rerun for the job is not performed. From this window, the Restart Step List window, containing the list of the job’s steps, can be opened.

Restart Step List window

Opened by specifying a question mark (?) in the From Step or To Step fields in the Confirm Restart or Rerun Restart window. It displays the list of steps from the previous run of the job. The steps can then be selected for use in the Confirm Restart or Rerun Restart window.

Job Order Execution History screen

Opened by specifying Option V (View Sysout) for a job in the Active Environment screen. This screen displays the execution history of the job. From this screen, the Sysout Viewing screen (that displays the archived SYSDATA of the job) can be accessed.

Sysout Viewing screen

Opened by specifying Option S (Sysout Viewing) or the V (Viewall) command in the Job Order Execution History screen. This screen displays the archived SYSDATA of the job.

History Environment Screen

Opened by specifying the HI (History) command in the Active Environment screen. This screen is a special format of the Active Environment screen. It displays jobs in the History Jobs file.

Actions frequently performed by Control-M/Restart users in the Active Environment screen

Actions frequently performed by Control-M/Restart users in the Active Environment screen are described below:

  • Define the Show Screen Filter window so that only WAIT CONFIRMATION jobs are displayed.

    The Show Screen Filter window can filter the display on the Active Environment screen so that, for example, only jobs that are waiting confirmation are displayed.

  • Confirm jobs awaiting restart confirmation.

    You can view and confirm jobs that are waiting confirmation using the Active Environment screen. Prior to providing manual confirmation, you can view the job step selected by Control-M/Restart at which the restart is attempted. This selection may be the result of processing a DO IFRERUN $ABEND, $FIRST.ABEND or $EXERR specification. You can also view a list of the job steps in the Restart Step List window and select a different step for restart prior to confirming the job.

  • Edit the JCL of the job before it is submitted for restart.

    The JCL can be edited directly using the JCL Edit facility (option J (JCL) of the Active Environment screen).

  • View SYSDATA of previous runs of a job.

    The user can check the action taken by the Control-M/Restart facilities by viewing the SYSDATA of the previous runs of the job. The SYSDATA of all previous runs of the same job order is available for online viewing.

  • View log of significant events for restarted jobs.

    The IOA Log contains automatically generated messages that record significant events in the life of jobs restarted by Control-M/Restart and other Control-M production jobs. The user can review this information online using OptionL (Log) in the Active Environment screen (or using the IOA Log screen).

Operating Control-M/Restart in standalone mode

For non-Control-M jobs, Control-M/Restart processing information cannot come from a job scheduling definition nor can it be specified it the Control-M Active Environment screen.

In this case, another online interface is provided - the Control-M/Restart Standalone panel. This panel is used to specify processing information to Control-M/Restart for jobs not under Control-M. After Control-M/Restart performs its regular Control-M/Restart processing (Restart or Prevent-NCT2), it passes execution control to the job steps, where the job is executed under MVS (without Control-M processing).

The Control-M/Restart Standalone panel, which is illustrated in Figure 1, can be displayed in the following ways:

  • Select OptionR4 from the IOA Online Utilities menu. The IOA Online Utilities menu is displayed by requesting Option 6 on the IOA Primary Option menu under ISPF, or by activating CLIST IOAUTIL from the TSO Command Processor.

  • Activate CLIST CTRCCTR in the TSO Command Processor.

    Figure 1 Control-M/Restart Standalone Panel

    -------------------------  Control-M/RESTART STANDALONE   -----------------------
    COMMAND ===>

     GENERAL PARAMETERS:                                                       
        ACTION REQUIRED       ===>            R -Restart; P -Prevent NCT2      
        TRACE MODE:           ===> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           
        JCL LIBRARY           ===> CTM.PROD.JCL                                
        MEMBER                ===>            Member name                      

     RESTART PARAMETERS:                                                       
        JOBNAME               ===>            JES jobname                      
        JOBID                 ===>            Numeric portion of JES jobid     
        FIRST RESTART ?       ===> Y          Y -First; N -Subsequent          
        FROM PGMSTEP          ===>            ($FIRST/pgmstep name)            
        FROM PROCSTEP         ===>            (Optional)                       
        TO   PGMSTEP          ===>            (Optional)                       
        TO   PROCSTEP         ===>            (Optional)                       

     AUTOEDIT PARAMETERS:                                                      
        OWNER                 ===> N29                                         
        WDATE                 ===> 07 07 00   (DD MM YY)                       
        ODATE                 ===> 07 07 00   (DD MM YY)                       

     ENTER YES TO CONTINUE    ===>                                             

Either of two types of Control-M/Restart processing can be requested:

  • To request a job restart, specify R (Restart) in the ACTION REQUIRED field.

  • To request Prevent-NCT2 processing (data set cleanup prior to the original job run), specify P (Prevent NCT2) in the ACTION REQUIRED field.

After specifying the type of request, fill in the rest of the parameters of the panel and press ENTER to process the request.

To exit the Standalone panel, press END (PF03/PF15).

Parameters of the Control-M/Restart Standalone panel

General parameters

Always specify the parameters described in Table 8.

Table 8 General Parameters of the Control-M/Restart Standalone Panel




Control-M/Restart action to be performed. Mandatory. Valid values are:

  • R (Restart) – performs a restart under Control-M/Restart

  • P (Prevent NCT2) – performs a data set cleanup prior to original job execution


Diagnostic tool that allows debugging in Control-M/Restart. Optional.

Do not use this parameter unless specifically requested by BMC Customer Support.


Library that contains the JCL for the job. Mandatory.


Name of the member containing the JCL for the job. Mandatory.

Restart parameters

The parameters described in Table 9 are filled in only if action R (Restart) was requested.

Table 9 Restart parameters of the Control-M/Restart Standalone panel




JES name of the job. Mandatory.


Numeric portion of the JES job ID from the most recent (last previous) execution. Mandatory. This is discussed in Multiple restarts of a job.


Whether restart is being requested for the first time for the job. This is discussed in Multiple restarts of a job. Mandatory. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – This is the first restart request for the job. Default.

  • N (No) – Restart has already been performed for the job. This is a subsequent request.

To perform a restart of a previously restarted job

  • restart must be performed from the same TSO user that performed the first restart

  • the temporary files allocated by the previous invocation of the standalone utility must still exist


Name of the program step at which a job restart is to be attempted. Mandatory.


Name of the procedure step at which a job restart is to be attempted. Optional.


Name of the program step at which a restarted job is to terminate. Optional.


Name of the procedure step at which a restarted job is to terminate. Optional.

AutoEdit parameters

The parameters described in Table 10 are optional.

Table 10 AutoEdit Parameters of the Control-M/Restart Standalone Panel




User ID of the job owner. Optional. The panel is displayed with the TSO user ID.


AutoEdit library containing globally defined AutoEdit library variables. Mandatory. The panel is displayed with the site-defined default.


Current working date. Mandatory. The panel is displayed with the current date as the default.


Original scheduling date of the job. Mandatory. The panel is displayed with the current date as the default.


Confirmation field to prevent the unintentional restart of a job. When blank, the operation is not performed. Specify YES to process the request.

The following points are noted about From Step/Proc and To Step/Proc values:

  • To perform processing on the whole job, enter $FIRST in field From Pgmstep. To perform processing from a specific step, specify the step name in the appropriate FROM PGMSTEP or FROM PROCSTEP fields.

  • Pgmstep name can be any specific program step name or $FIRST. $FIRST resolves to the first step of the job if procstep name is blank. Otherwise, $FIRST resolves to the first step in the procedure identified by procstep.

  • $ABEND and $EXERR are not recognized by Control-M/Restart. Do not specify them as step name values. $ABEND and $EXERR are valid only in job scheduling definitions.

  • If specifying a procstep name when there are nested procedures, specify the procstep name of the innermost procedure in which the program is included.

AutoEdit resolution is performed at time of submitting the job. For example, if a job with the %%DATE AutoEdit date variable is submitted the day after the original run, the resolution of the variable varies from that of the original run.

Multiple restarts of a job

It may be necessary to restart a job several times before successful completion of the job. In this case, note the following:

  • Once restart of an original job run has been initiated from the Control-M/Restart Standalone panel, do not exit the panel until restart has successfully been completed, even if multiple restarts are required for successful job completion. If you exit the panel before successful completion of the restart, the restart history is lost and successful restart cannot later be performed.

  • In the JOBID field, only the most current (latest) job id is specified. When first requesting restart of the original job, use the job id of the original run. If the first restart fails and a second restart is being requested, use the job id of the failed (first) restart; for a third restart, use the job id of the second (failed) restart; and so on.

  • In field FIRST RESTART, a value of Y (Yes) is specified only for the first restart attempt following the original run. When subsequent restarts are required, a value of N (No) is specified for all subsequent restart attempts (despite the fact that a different jobid is used for each restart attempt).

Control-M/Restart online utilities

Control-M/Restart has several online utilities. These are available from the IOA Online Utilities menu, which is displayed by requesting Option 6 on the IOA Primary Option menu under ISPF, or by activating CLIST IOAUTIL from the TSO Command Processor.

The R4 utility, which displays the Control-M/Restart Standalone restart panel, has been described under Operating Control-M/Restart in standalone mode. Other available online utilities are described on the following pages.

R1: Control-M/Restart Simulation facility

The Control-M/Restart Simulation Facility simulates restart or data set cleanup processing under Control-M/Restart. It can be used to validate the results of Control-M/Restart processing and the AutoEdit variable resolution of the job before the job is run in the production environment.

Simulation enables you to see what actions are taken by Control-M/Restart without Control-M/Restart performing updates. The Simulation facility adds a CONTROLR step to the job stream before the edited job is submitted. The job runs and then stops after the CONTROLR step; the utility adds a step that prevents the execution of the other steps in the job. No updates are performed.

In simulation mode, Control-M/Restart submits the entire job. The operating system does not "know" when the job is submitted that the only step that will run is the Control-M/Restart step. The result is that the operating system does its standard look-ahead file allocation processing. This may cause the system to call for tape mounts when the job starts to execute. No data on these files will be lost, nor will the tapes be uncataloged or scratched.

The output of the simulation process is a standard print file containing

  • input control statements

  • messages about the analyzed submitted job

The output shows relevant data, such as which data sets are uncataloged, how GDG adjustments are performed, from which step the job is restarted, and so on.

The Simulation facility is available only for jobs run under Control-M.

The Control-M/Restart Simulation panel (Figure 2) can be displayed in the following ways:

  • Select OptionR1 in the IOA Online Utilities menu. The IOA Online Utilities menu is displayed by requesting Option6 on the IOA Primary Option menu under ISPF, or by activating CLIST IOAUTIL from the TSO Command Processor.

  • Activate CLIST CTRCSIM from the TSO Command Processor.

To exit the Control-M/Restart Simulation panel without activating the utility, press END (PF03/PF15).

Figure 2 Control-M/Restart Simulation Panel

------------------------- Control-M/RESTART SIMULATION -----------------------

 ACTION REQUIRED:           ===>           R - Restart Simulation          
                                           P - Prevent NCT2 Simulation     
 TRACE MODE:                ===> .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .         
 OPERATION MODE:            ===>             J - JCL, S - SCHEDULE         
 JCL LIBRARY MODE:                                                         
   JCL LIBRARY              ===> CTM.PROD.JCL                              
   MEMBER NAME              ===>                                           
 SCHEDULE LIBRARY MODE:                                                    
   SCHEDULING LIBRARY MODE  ===> CTM.PROD.SCHEDULE                         
   TABLE NAME               ===>           JOB NAME    ===>                
 RESTART PARAMETERS:                                                       
   ORDER ID                 ===>                                           
   FROM PGMSTEP             ===>            TO PGMSTEP   ===>              
   FROM PROCSTEP            ===>            TO PROCSTEP  ===>              
 AUTOEDIT PARAMETERS:                                                      
   OWNER                    ===> N45                                       
   GLOBAL AUTOEDIT LIBRARY  ===> CTMP.PROD.PARM                            
   WDATE                    ===> 08 08 00   (DD MM YY)                     
   ODATE                    ===> 08 08 00   (DD MM YY)                     
 ENTER YES TO CONTINUE      ===>                                           

Either of two types of Control-M/Restart processing can be requested:

  • To request job restart simulation, specify R (Restart) in the ACTION REQUIRED field.

  • To request Prevent-NCT2 processing simulation, specify P (Prevent NCT2) in the ACTION REQUIRED field.

The CTRCSIM utility operates in either JCL Library mode or Scheduling Library mode, according to the parameters you specify in the utility panel:

JCL library mode

This mode becomes operational if you specify a job JCL library and member name.

Do not use this mode if the job contains Control-M AutoEdit variables with values determined by SET VAR or DO SET parameters in the job scheduling definition. Because no job scheduling definition is specified in this mode, those variables are not resolved and the simulation results are not reliable.

Scheduling library mode

This mode becomes operational if you specify a job scheduling definition and its scheduling library and member.

This mode is used if the job contains Control-M AutoEdit variables with values that are determined by SET VAR or DO SET parameters in the job scheduling definition. The specified job scheduling definition points to the appropriate JCL library and member, and in this case, all information necessary for resolution of AutoEdit variables is available.

Parameters of the Control-M/Restart simulation facility

To activate the utility, fill in the parameters, type YES in the last field of the screen, and press ENTER.

Depending on the desired mode, specify either JCL Library mode or Scheduling Library mode parameters, but not both.

Table 11 Action Required Parameters




Type of Simulation to perform. Mandatory. Valid values are:

  • R (Restart under Control-M/Restart) – This function simulates a job restart.

  • P (Prevent NCT2) – This function simulates data set cleanup including the prevention of DUPLICATE DATASET ON VOLUME and NOT CATLGD 2 errors.


Diagnostic tool that allows debugging in Control-M/Restart. Optional.

Do not use this parameter unless specifically requested by the BMC Customer Support.


Mode in which the Control-M/Restart Simulation facility must operate. Mandatory. Valid values: J (JCL Library mode) or S (Scheduling Library mode).

The mode parameters (in Table 12) are mandatory for the selected mode, and must be left blank for the non-selected mode.

Table 12 JCL Library Mode Parameters




Library containing the JCL of the original job submission


Member containing the JCL of the original job submission

Table 13 Schedule Library Mode Parameters




Name of the library containing the job scheduling definition


Name of the table containing the job scheduling definition


Name of the job scheduling definition

Table 14 Restart Parameters




Job order identification of the specific job run to be restarted. Mandatory.


Name of the pgmstep at which a job restart is to be attempted. Optional.


Name of the pgmstep at which a restarted job is to terminate. Optional.


Name of the procstep at which a job restart is to be attempted. Optional.


Name of the procstep at which a restarted job is to terminate. Optional.

Table 15 AutoEdit Parameters




Owner of the job. Mandatory. The panel is displayed with the TSO use id.


Library containing globally defined AutoEdit variables. Mandatory. The panel is displayed with the site-defined default.


Current working date. Mandatory. The panel is displayed with the current date as the default.


Original scheduling date of the job. Mandatory. The panel is displayed with the current date as the default.

Enter YES to continue

Confirmation field to help prevent the simulation jobs from being unintentionally run. When blank, the jobs are not run. Specify YES to enable the job run.

The following points are noted about FROM STEP/PROC and TO STEP/PROC values:

  • To perform processing on the whole job, enter $FIRST in the FROM PGMSTEP field. To perform processing from a specific step, specify the step name in the appropriate FROM PGMSTEP or FROM PROCSTEP fields.

  • Pgmstep name can be any specific program step name or $FIRST. $FIRST resolves to the first step of the job if procstep name is blank. Otherwise, $FIRST resolves to the first step in the procedure identified by procstep.

  • $ABEND and $EXERR are not recognized by Control-M/Restart. Do not specify them as step name values. $ABEND and $EXERR are valid only in job scheduling definitions.

  • If specifying a procstep name when there are nested procedures, specify the procstep name of the innermost procedure in which the program is included.

AutoEdit resolution is performed at time of submitting the job. For example, if a job with the %%DATE AutoEdit date variable is submitted the day after the original run, the resolution of the variable varies from that of the original run.

R2: Control-M/Restart data set cleanup

The Control-M/Restart Dataset Cleanup utility is used to manually request data set cleanup.

The utility places a CONTROLR step in the job stream and submits the job. The CONTROLR step performs the data set adjustment (including step adjustment, if necessary) and then stops. No further job steps are executed (the utility adds a step that prevents the execution of the other steps in the job).

The Control-M/Restart Dataset Cleanup screen (Figure 3) can be displayed in the following ways:

  • Select OptionR2 in the IOA Online Utilities menu. The IOA Online Utilities menu is displayed by requesting Option6 on the IOA Primary Option menu under ISPF, or by activating CLIST IOAUTIL from the TSO Command Processor.

  • Activate CLIST CTRCCLN from the TSO Command Processor.

To exit the Control-M/Restart Dataset Cleanup panel without activating the utility, press END (PF03/PF15).

Figure 3 Control-M/Restart Dataset Cleanup Panel

--------------------- Control-M/RESTART DATASET CLEANUP ---------------------

 JCL LIBRARY MODE:                                                         
   JCL LIBRARY             ===> CTM.TEST.JCL                               
   MEMBER NAME             ===>                                            

 SCHEDULE LIBRARY MODE:                                                    
   SCHEDULING LIBRARY MODE ===> CTM.PROD.SCHEDULE                          
   TABLE NAME              ===>            JOB NAME   ===>                 

 CLEANUP PARAMETERS:                                                       
   ORDER ID                ===>                                            
   FROM PGMSTEP            ===>           TO PGMSTEP   ===>                
   FROM PROCSTEP           ===>           TO PROCSTEP  ===>                
 AUTOEDIT PARAMETERS:                                                      
   OWNER                   ===> N29A                                       
   GLOBAL AUTOEDIT LIBRARY ===> CTM.PROD.PARM                              
   WDATE                   ===> 09 11 00  (DD MM YY)                       
   ODATE                   ===> 09 11 00  (DD MM YY)                       
 ENTER YES TO CONTINUE   ===>                                              

The CTRCCLN utility operates in either JCL Library mode or Scheduling Library mode, according to the parameters you specify in the utility panel:

JCL library mode

This mode becomes operational if you specify a job JCL library and member name.

Do not use this mode if the job contains Control-M AutoEdit variables with values determined by SET VAR or DO SET parameters in the job scheduling definition. Because no job scheduling definition is specified in this mode, those variables are not resolved and the simulation results are not reliable.

Scheduling library mode

This mode becomes operational if you specify a job scheduling definition and its scheduling library and member.

This mode is used if the job contains Control-M AutoEdit variables whose values are determined by SET VAR or DO SET parameters in the job scheduling definition. The specified job scheduling definition points to the appropriate JCL library and member, and in this case, all information necessary for resolution of AutoEdit variables is available.

Parameters of the Control-M/Restart Dataset Cleanup facility

To activate the utility, fill in the parameters, type YES in the last field of the screen, and press ENTER.

Depending on the desired mode, specify either JCL Library mode or Scheduling Library mode parameters, but not both.

Table 16 Control-M/Restart Data Set Cleanup Facility Modes




Mode in which the Control-M/Restart Data Set Cleanup Facility must operate. Valid values: J (JCL Library mode) or S (Scheduling Library mode). Mandatory.


Diagnostic tool that allows debugging in Control-M/Restart. Optional.

Do not use this parameter unless specifically requested by the BMC Customer Support.

Table 17 JCL Library Mode Parameters




Library containing the original job. Mandatory.


Name of the member containing the JCL for the job. Mandatory.

Table 18 Schedule Library Mode Parameters




Library containing the job scheduling definition. Mandatory.


Name of the table containing the job scheduling definition. Mandatory.


Name of the job scheduling definition. Mandatory.

Table 19 Cleanup Parameters




Job order identification of the specific job run. Mandatory.


Name of the pgmstep at which data set cleanup is to be attempted. Mandatory.


Name of the pgmstep at which data set cleanup is to terminate. Optional.


Name of the procstep at which data set cleanup is to be attempted. Optional.


Name of the procstep at which data set cleanup is to terminate. Optional.

Table 20 AutoEdit Parameters




Owner. Optional. The panel is displayed with the TSO user ID.


Library containing globally defined AutoEdit variables. Mandatory. The panel is displayed with the site-defined default.


Current working date. Mandatory. The panel is displayed with the current date as the default.


Original scheduling date of the job. Mandatory. The panel is displayed with the current date as the default.

Enter YES to continue

Confirmation field to prevent the cleanup jobs from being unintentionally run. When blank, the jobs do not run. Specify YES to enable the job run.

Note the following points about FROM STEP/PROC and TO STEP/PROC values:

  • To perform processing on the whole job, enter $FIRST in the FROM PGMSTEP field. To perform processing from a specific step, specify the step name in the appropriate FROM PGMSTEP or FROM PROCSTEP fields.

  • Pgmstep name can be any specific program step name or $FIRST. $FIRST resolves to the first step of the job if procstep name is blank. Otherwise, $FIRST resolves to the first step in the procedure identified by procstep.

  • $ABEND and $EXERR are not recognized by Control-M/Restart. Do not specify them as step name values. $ABEND and $EXERR are valid only in job scheduling definitions.

  • If specifying a procstep name when there are nested procedures, specify the procstep name of the innermost procedure in which the program is included.

AutoEdit resolution is performed at time of submitting the job. For example, if a job with the %%DATE AutoEdit date variable is submitted the day after the original run, the resolution of the variable varies from that of the original run.

R3: Control-M/Restart Job Data Set List utility

The Control-M/Restart Job Data Set List utility prepares the list of permanent data sets used in a job. The list is generated in the Control-M Statistics file.

The utility allows specification of one job at a time. It works by adding to the job a step that prevents execution of other steps in the job. The job is then submitted. The data sets required are listed in the Statistics file and the job is stopped before it can execute.

This utility is generally run as a preliminary step before generating the Data Set Cross Reference Report, which requires the list of data sets for the job. For more information, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

The AUTOXREF=Y Control-M/Restart parameter (see the Control-M/ for z/OS Installation Guide) can be used instead of the R3 utility. When this parameter is used, and if the Control-M/Restart Prevent NCT2 facility is invoked, the job-data sets cross reference statistical information is accumulated during regular execution of the job.

The Control-M/Restart Job Dataset List panel (below) can be displayed in the following ways:

  • Select OptionR3 in the IOA Online Utilities menu. The IOA Online Utilities menu is displayed by requesting Option6 on the IOA Primary Option menu under ISPF, or by activating CLIST IOAUTIL from the TSO Command Processor.

  • Activate CLIST CTMJDSN from the TSO Command Processor.

To exit the Control-M/Restart Job Dataset List panel without activating the utility, press END (PF03/PF15).

Figure 4 Control-M/Restart Job Dataset List Panel

---------------       CONTROL-M/RESTART JOB DATASET LIST        ---------------
    TRACE MODE:               ===> .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .       

JCL LIBRARY MODE:                                                          
    JCL LIBRARY               ===>                                         
    MEMBER NAME               ===>                                         

SCHEDULING LIBRARY MODE:                                                   
    SCHEDULING LIBRARY        ===> CTM.PROD.SCHEDULE                       
    TABLE NAME                ===>                                         
    JOB NAME                  ===>                                         

AUTOEDIT PARAMETERS:                                                       
    OWNER                     ===> N04                                     
    GLOBAL AUTOEDIT LIBRARY   ===> CTM.PROD.PARM                           
    WDATE                     ===> 07 07 00   (MM DD YY)                   
    ODATE                     ===> 07 07 00   (MM DD YY)                   

    ENTER YES TO CONTINUE     ===>                                         

The CTMJDSN utility operates in either JCL Library mode or Scheduling Library mode, according to the parameters you specify in the utility panel.

JCL library mode

This mode becomes operational if you specify a job JCL library and member name.

Do not use this mode if the job contains Control-M AutoEdit variables with values determined by SET VAR or DO SET parameters in the job scheduling definition. Because no job scheduling definition is specified in this mode, those variables are not resolved and the simulation results are not reliable.

Scheduling library mode

This mode becomes operational if you specify a job scheduling definition and its scheduling library and member.

This mode is used if the job contains Control-M AutoEdit variables with values that are determined by SET VAR or DO SET parameters in the job scheduling definition. The specified job scheduling definition points to the appropriate JCL library and member, and in this case, all information necessary for resolution of AutoEdit variables is available.

Parameters of the Control-M/Restart data set list utility

To activate the utility, fill in the parameters, type YES in the last field of the screen, and press ENTER.

Depending on the desired mode, specify either JCL Library mode or Scheduling Library mode parameters, but not both.

Table 21 General Parameters




Diagnostic tool that allows debugging in Control-M/Restart. Optional.

Do not use this parameter unless specifically requested by BMC Customer Support.

Table 22 JCL Library Mode Parameters




Library that contains the job’s JCL. Mandatory.


Name of the member containing the JCL for the job. Mandatory.

Table 23 Scheduling Library Mode Parameters




Name of the library containing the job scheduling definition. Mandatory.


Name of the table containing the job scheduling definition. Mandatory.


Name of the job scheduling definition. Mandatory.

Table 24 AutoEdit Parameters




User ID of the job’s owner. Optional. The panel is displayed with the TSO user ID.


AutoEdit library containing globally defined AutoEdit variables. Mandatory. The panel is displayed with the site-defined default.


Current working date. Mandatory. The panel is displayed with the current date as the default.


Original scheduling date of the job. Mandatory. The panel is displayed with the current date as the default.


Confirmation field to help prevent unintentional job submission. When blank, the request is ignored. Specify YES to enable the job request.

Note the following points about FROM STEP/PROC and TO STEP/PROC values:

  • To perform processing on the whole job, enter $FIRST in the FROM PGMSTEP field. To perform processing from a specific step, specify the step name in the appropriate FROM PGMSTEP or FROM PROCSTEP fields.

  • Pgmstep name can be any specific program step name or $FIRST. $FIRST resolves to the first step of the job if procstep name is blank. Otherwise, $FIRST resolves to the first step in the procedure identified by procstep.

  • $ABEND and $EXERR are not recognized by Control-M/Restart. Do not specify them as step name values. $ABEND and $EXERR are valid only in job scheduling definitions.

  • If specifying a procstep name when there are nested procedures, specify the procstep name of the innermost procedure in which the program is included.

AutoEdit resolution is performed at time of submitting the job. For example, if a job with the %%DATE AutoEdit date variable is submitted the day after the original run, the resolution of the variable varies from that of the original run.

KeyStroke Language utility

The IOA standard KeyStroke Language (KSL) is a general purpose language that simulates, in batch, keystrokes that are entered in the IOA Online facility. KSL language statements (commands) are specified in programs called scripts.

The most common use of KSL scripts is to generate reports from the IOA Core and INCONTROL product repositories. Utilities are also frequently written in KSL scripts.

Once you are familiar with KSL, you can write your own scripts to create reports and utilities. Once a KSL script is defined it can be reused.

For more information, see the KeyStroke Language (KSL) User Guide.