Shout Facility Variables

Control-V Shout facility variables are predefined variables whose values are automatically updated at the time the SHOUT message is issued. The format of the system variables is similar to those in the AutoEdit facility:

System Variables


where var represents the name of the system variable.

Each system variable resolves to the corresponding system value at the time the SHOUT message is issued.

       MSG   Decollating of %%JOBNAME ended abnormally.

System Variables

Table 292 System Variables




Original date of the mission (format yymmdd).


Original year of the mission (format yy).


Original month of the mission (format mm).


Original day of the mission (format dd).


Original day of the week of the mission. Format is d, where d is 1 through 6 or 0 (for example, 1 is Sunday, 2 is Monday, ... 6 is Friday, 0 is Saturday).a


Original day of the mission in the year (Julian format jjj).


Current working date (format yymmdd).


Current working year (format yy).


Current working month (format mm).


Current working day (format dd).


Current working day of the week. Format is d, where d is 1 through 6 or 0 (for example, 1 is Sunday, 2 is Monday, ... 6 is Friday, 0 is Saturday).a


Current working day of the year (Julian format jjj).


Current system date (format yymmdd).


Current system year (format yy).


Current system month (format mm).


Current system day (format dd).


Current system day of the week. Format is d, where d is 1 through 6 or 0 (for example, 1 is Sunday, 2 is Monday, ... 6 is Friday, 0 is Saturday).a


Current Julian day (format jjj).


Time of day (format hhmmss).


Resolves to one blank.


Resolves to n blanks, where n is a number between 1 and 99.


Name of the decollation job. (Report decollating missions only.)


JES job number of the decollation job. (Decollations from spool only.)

The following AutoEdit System variables, prefixed by %%$, resolve to dates having 4-character years:

Table 293 AutoEdit System Variables: 4-Character Years




Current system date (format yyyymmdd).


Current system year (format yyyy).


Original scheduling date of the mission (format yyyymmdd).


Original scheduling year of the mission (format yyyy).


Current working date (format yyyymmdd).


Current working year (format yyyy).


Current system day (Julian format yyyyjjj).


Original scheduling year and day of the mission (Julian format yyyyjjj).


Current working day of the year (Julian format yyyyjjj).

The following AutoEdit System variables, prefixed by %%$, resolve to the first two digits of the year in dates which have 4-character years:

Table 294 AutoEdit System Variables: 2-Character Years




First two digits of the year in the current system date (for example, 20 in 2000).


First two digits of the year for the mission’s original scheduling date.


First two digits of the current working year.