Report List Screens

This chapter includes the following topics:


This chapter discusses the fields, options, and commands available on the Report List screens. In this chapter, you will do the following:

  • Take a closer look at the Active and History Report list and its fields.

  • Examine report statuses found on the Active and History Report lists.

  • Learn about, and change, display types in the Active User Report List.

  • Use the Add Info option to request the display of Additional Information fields for a report.

  • Change or update fields on the Active User Report list and interactively "lend" a copy of one of your reports to another user.

  • Learn about the REFRESH command.

  • Request a list of rulers in, and delete a ruler from, the Active User Report list.

  • See how to edit a report from the Active User Report list.

  • Learn about Deferred Printing and request that a report be included in your print bundle.

  • Define a General note for a report on the Active User Report list.

  • Display and examine the Permanent User Report list.

In this chapter, the screen illustrations are based on screens displayed at sites where both Control-D and Control-V are installed. If Control-V is not installed at your site, the X (Index) and Q (Quick Access) commands are not included in the Instruction lines at the bottom of the screen.

Active User Report List: Default Display Type

In this exercise, you will learn more about the Active User Report List screen.

  1. Enter the Online Viewing facility to display the entry panel.

  2. Type DEMO in the USER field and press Enter to display the Active User Report List screen

    Figure 113 Default Active User Report List Screen

    ACTIVE LIST    <D> JOB          REP                      USR DEMO           (U)
    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
    O USER     REPORT               ODATE     PAGES    LINES V N STATUS
      DEMO     INVENTORY REPORT     05/05/00      9      427 V   Decollated 
      DEMO     EMPLOYEES-MANAGMENT  05/05/00      1       18     Decollated
      DEMO     EMPLOYEES-MARKETING  05/05/00      3      131 V T Decollated
      DEMO     EMPLOYEES-DEVELOPMEN 05/05/00      1       10     Decollated
      DEMO     EMPLOYEES-PRODUCTION 05/05/00      3      169     Decollated
      DEMO     BANKING REPORT       05/05/00      5      256     Decollated
    ====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   B O T T O M    O F    L I S T   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======
    X INDEX     N NOTE     G GIVETO     D DELETE     Q QUICK ACCESS       10.24.32

Report lists are comprised of fields containing information about the reports that are listed. Report lists are available in various display types (or formats), each containing a different combination of fields.

The particular display type appearing on the screen is indicated by the letter appearing between the < > symbols.

The current Active User Report list display type is the Default display type, indicated by the letter D (<D>).

Examine the fields on the Default display type.

Fields of the Default Active and History Report Lists

The line under the command line in the Active User Report List screen contains the titles of the columns of information fields displayed in the screen.

Figure 114 Information Field Line in the Active User Report List Screen

ACTIVE LIST    <D> JOB          REP                      USR DEMO           (U)
COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
  DEMO     INVENTORY REPORT     05/05/00      9      427 V   Decollated

The same fields (except for fields V and N) also appear in the History User Report list.

Figure 115 Information Field Line in the History User Report List Screen

HISTORY LIST   <D> JOB          REP                      USR DEMO           (U)
COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
O USER     REPORT               ODATE     PAGES    LINES     STATUS
  DEMO     INVENTORY REPORT     05/05/00        9      427   Backed up

These information fields in the Default display type are described briefly below.

Table 11 Fields of the Active User Report List




Name of the report recipient.


Name assigned to the report.


Date that the job that created the report was originally scheduled to run.


Number of pages in the report.


Number of lines in the report.


View indicator that may or may not be set. Indicates whether the report has been viewed, or the number of times the report has been viewed, depending on site-defined defaults.


Note indicator (discussed later in this chapter).


Report status (discussed on the following pages).

Statuses on the Report List

In previous chapters, you learned how to view, print and restore reports. A field that directly impacts these actions is the STATUS field.

Figure 116 Status Field

ACTIVE LIST    <D> JOB          REP                      USR DEMO           (U)
COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
  DEMO     INVENTORY REPORT     03/05/00      9      427 V   Decollated

The STATUS field indicates the current processing stage of the report.

In the Active User Report list, the following statuses are possible:

Table 12 Statuses of the Active User Report List Screen



Wait restore

This status is assigned to a report when you request a restore.

Wait decollation

The report has not yet been processed by Control-D.


The report has been processed by Control-D and is available for Online viewing. It does not get printed unless specifically requested by the P (Print) option.


The same as Decollated, except that an error or problem occurred during processing.

Wait print

Deferred printing of the report (discussed later in this chapter) has been requested, but the report has not yet been printed.


The report has already been printed by deferred printing.

Not printed

The report is scheduled for printing, but for some reason either does not print or only partially prints.

Wait Bkp

The report is no longer needed for Online viewing. It is waiting to be backed up, after which it will automatically be deleted from the Active User Report list.


The report has been restored from tape or cartridge by using History User Report list options.

You can view or print a report that has any status in the Active User Report list except a report that has the status Wait decollation.

In the History User Report list, the following statuses are possible.

Table 13 Statuses of the History User Report List Screen



Backed up

This status is assigned to a report when it is backed up from the Active User Report list.

Wait restore

This status is assigned to a report when you request a restore.


This status is assigned to a report after it has been restored. This status appears in both the History and the Active User Report lists.

Changing Report List Display Types

Different display types in the Report List screens contain different combinations of fields, depending on the intended usage and audience of the display type. Each display type is represented by a one-letter code.

The current display type can be changed by entering the DISPLAY command (abbreviated DI), followed by the display type code, in the COMMAND field of the Report List screen. You can also display a list of available display types by entering DI ? in the COMMAND field.

  1. Type DI U in the COMMAND field and press Enter to display the User display type.

    Figure 117 User Display Type - Active User Report List

    ACTIVE LIST    <U> JOB          REP                      USR DEMO     CHILD (U)
    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
    O REPORT               ODATE     PAGES    LINES V COP STATUS            REMARK
      INVENTORY REPORT     05/05/00      9      427 V 001 Decollated
      EMPLOYEES-MANAGEMENT 05/05/00      1       18 V 001 Decollated
      EMPLOYEES-MARKETING  05/05/00      3      131 V 001 Decollated
      EMPLOYEES-DEVELOPMEN 05/05/00      1       10 V 001 Decollated
      EMPLOYEES-PRODUCTION 05/05/00      3      169 V 001 Decollated
      BANKING REPORT       05/05/00      5      256 V 001 Decollated
    ====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   B O T T O M    O F    L I S T   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======
    X INDEX     N NOTE     G GIVETO     D DELETE     Q QUICK ACCESS       13.55.45

    Note the following about the User display type:

    • The <D> in the top line of the screen has been replaced by <U>.

    • The USER and N (Note) fields are no longer displayed.

    • The COP (number of copies to be printed) and REMARK fields, which were not displayed in the Default display type, are displayed in the User display type. The REMARK field is briefly described in Entry Panel Fields, and discussed in more detail in Chapter 2 of the Control-D and the Control-V User Guide.

  2. Display the list of available display types by typing DI ? in COMMAND field and pressing Enter.

    A window with the list of available display types is displayed.

    Figure 118 Available Display Types List Window

    ACTIVE LIST    <U> JOB          REP                      USR DEV      CHILD (U)
    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
    O REPORT               ODATE     PAGES    LINES V COP STATUS            REMARK
      INVENTORY REPORT     05/05/00      9      427 V 001 Decollated
      EMPLOYEES-MANAGMENT  05/05/00      1       18   001 Decollated
      EMPLOYEES-MARKETING  05/05/00      3      131 V 001 Decollated
      EMP+-------------------------------+       10   001 Decollated
      EMP|        DISPLAY OPTIONS        |      169   001 Decollated
      BAN| CMD ==>           SCROLL CRSR |      256   001 Wait print
    =====|  O ID DESCRIPTION             |  O F    L I S T   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======
         |    Q  Bypass Panel Q style    |
         |    D  Administrator style     |
         |    S  Job report list         |
         |    O  Old style               |
         |    A  Full Style              |
         |    J  Job summary style       |
         |    U  User-oriented style     |
         |    B  Job summary style       |
         |    P  Job summary style       |
         | =======>>> BOTTOM <<<======== |
         |                               |
         | SELECT OPTION                 |
    P PRI+-------------------------------+INSERT     A ADD INFO     E EDIT
    X INDEX     N NOTE     G GIVETO     D DELETE     Q QUICK ACCESS       12.53.21

    Available predefined display types are described in the online facilities chapter of the Control-D and Control-V User Guide. Your site can customize these display types and/or create other display types during installation.

    The window lists possible display options (IDs) and their descriptions. Note that the window also has an OPTION (O) field. This window enables you to change display types, without entering the DISPLAY command in the Report List screen.

    You can also close the window by pressing END (PF03/PF15), without making a selection.

  3. Type S (Select) in the OPTION field next to the D display type ID in the window, and press Enter.

    The window is closed and the Default display type is redisplayed.

Displaying Additional Information in the Report List

Regardless of the display type, additional information about a report is alternately displayed and hidden by entering A (Add Info) in the OPTION field of the report. The specific information fields that will be displayed depends on the current display type.


  1. Type A in the OPTION field of the INVENTORY report and press Enter to display the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION fields for the Inventory report.

    Figure 119 Additional Information Fields

    CTIVE LIST    <D> JOB          REP                      USR DEMO           (U)
    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
    O USER     REPORT               ODATE     PAGES    LINES V N STATUS
      DEMO     INVENTORY REPORT     05/05/00      9      427 V   Decollated
      Run: 05/05/00 17:10 - 17:10     Decollated: 05/05/00 17:32
      Copies: 001  Form: STD          Class: D           Remark:
      Dest  :                         WTR:
      Category: DAILY                 Fromuser:          Job: JDEMO    Jid:  8009
      Additional Users:
    DEMO     EMPLOYEES-MANAGMENT  05/05/00      1       18     Decollated
    DEMO     EMPLOYEES-MARKETING  05/05/00      3      131 V T Decollated
    DEMO     EMPLOYEES-DEVELOPMEN 05/05/00      1       10     Decollated
    DEMO     EMPLOYEES-PRODUCTION 05/05/00      3      169     Decollated
    DEMO     BANKING REPORT       05/05/00      5      256     Decollated
    ====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   B O T T O M    O F    L I S T   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======

    The additional fields displayed in the Default display type of the Active and History User Report lists include the date and time the report was run and decollated, the name and ID of the job that generated the report, and the category in which the report has been placed.

    Also included are the print control fields found in the Print Option window: COPIES, FORM, CLASS, DEST and WTR.

    In Report Printing and Report Restoring, the COPIES, DEST and WTR fields were described. The FORM and CLASS fields are discussed below:

    Table 14 Form and Class Fields



    FORM The Form field specifies which form to use when printing a report on the mainframe computer. If this field is updated, Control-D does not validate the syntax of the form or its correctness. Such validation is the user's responsibility.
    CLASS This field specifies the printing class of the output.

    For more information about the Additional Information fields, see Chapter 2 of your user guide.

Updating the Report List

Certain fields in a Report list can be updated. Fields that cannot be updated are called protected fields.


  1. From the OPTION field of the Inventory report, press the TAB key.

    The cursor jumps from the OPTION field to the Copies field (bypassing several other fields).

    Note the following about the Report List fields:

    • If the cursor can be positioned on a field by pressing the TAB key, then the field is updatable and you can type a value in the field from the terminal. The Copies field is updatable.

    • Fields bypassed by the cursor when you press the TAB key are protected; you cannot type values in them from the terminal. USER, REPORT, ODATE, and so on, are all protected fields.

    • The print parameter fields (discussed earlier) are updatable; however, Form and Class are normally not changed. Your \-INCONTROL administrator can tell you if they need changing.

    • To update fields in a Report list, type U (Update) in the OPTION field of the report, make the desired changes and then press Enter.

    • You can change the deferred printing parameters of a report that is scheduled to be printed without displaying the Print Option window. Use the Update option to make the changes directly in the Active User Report list.

    The following example illustrates a situation where you do not need the printout of a report, but you do not want the report deleted because you still want to view it.

    You can stop a report from printing by changing the number of copies to 0.

  2. Type U in the OPTION field of the Inventory report to change the Copies parameter for the Inventory report.

    In the Copies field change 001 to 000.

    Figure 120 Changing the Copies Field

    ACTIVE LIST    <D> JOB          REP                      USR DEMO           (U)
    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
    O USER     REPORT               ODATE     PAGES    LINES V N STATUS
    U DEMO     INVENTORY REPORT     05/05/00      9      427 V   Decollated
        Run: 05/05/00 17:10 - 17:10     Decollated: 05/05/00 17:32
        Copies: 000  Form: STD          Class: D           Remark:
        Dest  :                         WTR:
        Category: DAILY                 Fromuser:          Job: JDEMO    Jid:  8009
        Additional Users:
      DEMO     EMPLOYEES-MANAGMENT  05/05/00      1       18     Decollated

    Normally, if you press Enter, the defined number of copies would be changed to 000 and the report would not be printed. However, updates are not permitted for user DEMO. Instead, continue as follows:

  3. Press Enter to display Message CTDA8BE:

  4. Erase the U in the OPTION field and press Enter.

    The Inventory report fields appear as originally defined.

Adding Additional Users

A user can "lend" a copy of a report to another user who otherwise cannot access the report. When a report is lent from one user to another, the report name appears in the Report list for both users, and both users may print or view the report.

You can lend a report by adding the names of additional users to the Additional Users field in the Active and Permanent Report lists. This field is displayed when selecting the A (Add Info) option in the OPTION field of a report.

Names of additional users can be added to, erased from, or changed, all in this Additional Users field.

Modification of Additional User data in the Active User Report list can only be performed on reports that have a Wait decollation status.

Wait decollation status does not apply to any of the reports in your Active User Report list. If, however, the Inventory report had a Wait decollation status, and you wanted to specify TESTMGT and TESTDEV as additional users for the report, you would proceed as follows:

If the Additional Information fields are not displayed, type A in the OPTION field to display them.

Figure 121 Additional Information Fields before Editing

ACTIVE LIST    <D> JOB          REP                      USR DEMO           (U)
COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
U DEMO     INVENTORY REPORT     05/05/00      9      427 V   Decollated
    Run: 05/05/00 17:10 - 17:10     Decollated: 05/05/00 17:32
    Copies: 001  Form: STD          Class: D           Remark:
    Dest  :                         WTR:
    Category: DAILY                 Fromuser:          Job: JDEMO    Jid:  8009
    Additional Users:
  DEMO     EMPLOYEES-MANAGMENT  05/05/00      1       18     Decollated

To update the Additional Users field, you would do the following (you can now perform the listed steps, but the screen will not be updated):

  1. Type U (Update) in the OPTION field of the report.

  2. Use the NEWLINE key to place the cursor at the Additional Users field.

  3. Type the names of the new users (TESTMGT and TESTDEV, as shown below). Press the TAB key between user names.

    Figure 122 Adding Additional Users TESTMGT and TESTDEV

    ACTIVE LIST    <D> JOB          REP                      USR DEMO           (U)
    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
    O USER     REPORT               ODATE     PAGES    LINES V N STATUS
    U DEMO     INVENTORY REPORT     05/05/00      9      427 V   Decollated
        Run: 05/05/00 17:10 - 17:10     Decollated: 05/05/00 17:32
        Copies: 001  Form: STD          Class: D           Remark:
        Dest  :                         WTR:
        Category: DAILY                 Fromuser:          Job: JDEMO    Jid:  8009
        Additional Users: TESTMGT TESTDEV
      DEMO     EMPLOYEES-MANAGMENT  05/05/00      1       18     Decollated
  4. Press Enter.

    Normally, the update is performed. In DEMO mode, however, Message CTDA8BE is displayed:

  5. Remove the additional users from the Report list by typing U in the OPTION field, erasing the names of the additional users, and pressing Enter.

    All users specified in the Additional Users field have the report included in their Active User Report lists. The name of the original recipient appears in the Fromuser field.

    Using the above example, if you were to then display the reports for user TESTMGT, the IVENTORY report with Additional Information fields showing would appear as follows:

    Figure 123 Inventory Report for User TESTMGT

    ACTIVE LIST    <D> JOB          REP                      USR DEMO           (U)
    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
    O USER     REPORT               ODATE     PAGES    LINES V N STATUS
    U TESTMGT  INVENTORY REPORT     05/05/00      9      427 V   Decollated
        Run: 05/05/00 17:10 - 17:10     Decollated: 05/05/00 17:32
        Copies: 001  Form: STD          Class: D           Remark:
        Dest  :                         WTR:
        Category: DAILY                 Fromuser: DEMO     Job: JDEMO    Jid:  8009
        Additional Users:
      DEMO     EMPLOYEES-MANAGMENT  05/05/00      1       18     Decollated

    Note that the USER is TESTMGT and that the name of the original recipient, DEMO, appears in the Fromuser field.

    As mentioned earlier, the A (Add Info) option alternately toggles between displaying and hiding the additional information about the report.

  6. Type A in the OPTION field for the Inventory report and press Enter to hide the Additional Information for the Inventory report.

Refresh Command

Report lists are dynamic – reports can be created or deleted, and report statuses can change.

You do not need to exit and re-enter a Report List screen to display the most current Report list. You may refresh the display by typing REFRESH in the COMMAND field and pressing Enter.

When you use the REFRESH command, the entire Report List display is updated.

Rulers and the Report List

Report rulers can be deleted only from the Active User Report list.

Before a ruler can be deleted, the list of existing rulers must be displayed in the Active User Report list. This is done by the RULER command, which alternately displays and hides the list of report rulers in the Active User Report list.

  1. Type RU in the COMMAND field and press Enter to display the Rulers at the bottom of the Report list.

    Figure 124 Effect of RULER Command

    ACTIVE LIST    <D> JOB          REP                      USR DEMO           (U)
    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
    O USER     REPORT               ODATE     PAGES    LINES V N STATUS
      DEMO     INVENTORY REPORT     05/05/00      9      427 V   Decollated
      DEMO     EMPLOYEES-MANAGMENT  05/05/00      1       18     Decollated
      DEMO     EMPLOYEES-MARKETING  05/05/00      3      131 V T Decollated
      DEMO     EMPLOYEES-DEVELOPMEN 05/05/00      1       10     Decollated
      DEMO     EMPLOYEES-PRODUCTION 05/05/00      3      169     Decollated
      DEMO     BANKING REPORT       05/05/00      5      256     Decollated
    ====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   B O T T O M    O F    L I S T   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======
    X INDEX     N NOTE     G GIVETO     D DELETE     Q QUICK ACCESS       10.24.32

For each ruler, the User name, Report name and ODATE are displayed, followed by the ruler type (VIEW or PRINT) and ruler name (in the format RULER=name).

Deleting a Ruler

All Report Lists have the D (Delete) option listed at the bottom of the screen. This option can be used to delete a report from the Report list. On the Active User Report list, this option can also be used to delete a ruler (when the list of rulers is displayed).

You can use the DELETE option to delete Print ruler INSUR1.

  1. Type D in the OPTION field of the listing for Print ruler INSUR1 (as shown below) and press Enter.

    Figure 125 Deleting Print Ruler

    ====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   B O T T O M    O F    L I S T   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======
  2. If the Confirm window is displayed, enter Y (Yes).

    Print ruler INSUR1 no longer is displayed in the Active User Report list. A message similar to following is displayed at the top of the screen:

    CTD941I REPORT report_name /user /DEMO DELETED

    Figure 126 Active User Report List after Deleting Print Ruler

    ACTIVE LIST    <D> JOB          REP                      USR DEMO           (U)
    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
    O USER     REPORT               ODATE     PAGES    LINES V N STATUS
    DEMO     INVENTORY REPORT     05/05/00      9      427 V   Decollated
    DEMO     EMPLOYEES-MANAGMENT  05/05/00      1       18     Decollated
    DEMO     EMPLOYEES-MARKETING  05/05/00      3      131 V T Decollated
    DEMO     EMPLOYEES-DEVELOPMEN 05/05/00      1       10     Decollated
    DEMO     EMPLOYEES-PRODUCTION 05/05/00      3      169     Decollated
    DEMO     BANKING REPORT       05/05/00      5      256     Decollated
    ====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   B O T T O M    O F    L I S T   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======

Remove the list of rulers by typing RU in the COMMAND field and pressing Enter.

The rulers are no longer listed in the Report list.

Report Editing from the Active User Report List Screen

In this guide you have always requested the Report Editing screen from the Report Viewing screen. It is possible, however, to display the Report Editing screen directly from the Active User Report List screen.

One of the options listed at the bottom of the Active User Report list is the E (Edit) option.

  1. You can edit a report from the Active User Report List by typing E in the OPTION field of the report (not the option field of the ruler) and pressing Enter. The Report Editing screen is then displayed.

  2. Exit the ruler definition by pressing END (PF03/PF15). You return to the Active User Report list, not the Report Viewing screen.

Deferred Printing

Reports in the Active User Report list are normally scheduled for printing according to predefined criteria. (For example, a bundle is prepared to reach your desk in the morning.) Since the reports are printed at a later time, according to predefined schedules, this is called deferred printing.

Deferred printing allows Control-D to collect all the reports for a user into one bundle and print them together.

You have already learned how to request the immediate printing of a report. You should also learn how to request the deferred printing of a report, for example, when a report must be printed on the main computer printer and you want it included in your print bundle.

Situations in which a report might have to be printed on the main computer printer include:

  • You have no remote printer.

  • The report format is too wide for the remote printer.

  • The report has too many lines to print on a remote printer.

Suppose that only one copy of the Banking report is normally included in your print bundle, but today you want two copies included. The following steps show how to execute this deferred printing request.

  1. Type P (Print) in the OPTION field for the Banking report belonging to user DEMO and press Enter to display the Print Option window on the Active User Report List screen:

    Figure 127 Print Option Window in Active User Report List Screen

    ACTIVE LIST    <D> JOB          REP                      USR DEMO           (U)
    COMMAND ===>     +----------------------------------------------------------+
    O USER     REPOR |                                                          |
      DEMO     INVEN |  PRINT OPTION ===>                                       |
      DEMO     EMPLO |                                                          |
      DEMO     EMPLO |    1  Immediate Printing                                 |
      DEMO     EMPLO |    2  Deferred Printing (by Print Mission)               |
      DEMO     EMPLO |    X  Exit (no action)                                   |
    P DEMO     BANKI |                                                          |
    ====== >>>>>>>>> |    COPIES  001             FORM           CLASS D        |
                     |                                                          |
                     |    DEST                    WTR                           |
                     |                                                          |
                     |    FROM PAGE 00000001 TO PAGE 00000005 RULER DEFAULT     |
                     |                                                          |
                     |    PRINT MISSIONS                                        |
                     |                                                          |
                     |  USER DEMO     REPORT BANKING REPORT       JOB JDEMO     |
                     |                                                          |
    X INDEX     N NOTE     G GIVETO     D DELETE     Q QUICK ACCESS       10.24.32

    When requesting deferred printing from the Print Option window, you cannot use the FROM PAGE or TO PAGE fields, nor can you use the RULER field.

  2. Type 2 (Deferred Printing) in the Print Option field.

    Change the value of the COPIES field from 001 to 002.

    Normally, if you press Enter, the Print Option window would no longer be displayed and the Banking report would show a Wait Print status.

    Figure 128 Wait Print Status Message

    ACTIVE LIST    <D> JOB          REP                      USR DEMO           (U)
    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
    O USER     REPORT               ODATE     PAGES    LINES V N STATUS
      DEMO     INVENTORY REPORT     05/05/00      9      427 V   Decollated
      DEMO     EMPLOYEES-MANAGMENT  05/05/00      1       18     Decollated
      DEMO     EMPLOYEES-MARKETING  05/05/00      3      131 V T Decollated
      DEMO     EMPLOYEES-DEVELOPMEN 05/05/00      1       10     Decollated
      DEMO     EMPLOYEES-PRODUCTION 05/05/00      3      169     Decollated
      DEMO     BANKING REPORT       05/05/00      5      256     Wait print
    ====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   B O T T O M    O F    L I S T   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======

    However, to prevent the inclusion of sample reports in regular report bundles, deferred printing is not permitted for user DEMO. Instead, continue as follows:

  3. Press Enter to display the following message:


  4. Type X (Exit) in the Print Option window and press Enter.

    The Print Option window is no longer displayed.

General Notes in the Report List

In Basic Report Viewing and Editing (Using Rulers), you saw that you could affix notes to specific report strings in the Report Viewing screen. The Notepad facility also allows you to define a general note that applies to the entire report. General notes are defined and accessed through the N (Note) option in the Active User Report List screen.

The same commands are used in both the General Note window and the Tag Note window, as discussed in Basic Report Viewing and Editing (Using Rulers)

In this exercise you will define a general note for the EMPLOYEES-MANAGEMENT report.

  1. Type N in the OPTION field by the Employees-Management report to display the General Note window.

    Figure 129 General Note Window

    ACTIVE LIST    <D> JOB          REP                      USR DEMO           (U)
    COMMAND ===>      +---------------------NOTE PAD FACILITY----------(GENERAL)-+
    O USER     REPORT | EDIT       VERSION  0001     uid       05/05/00 17:17:07 |
      DEMO     INVEN  |                                                          |
    N DEMO     EMPLOY |                                                          |
      DEMO     EMPLOY |                                                          |
      DEMO     EMPLOY |                                                          |
      DEMO     EMPLOY |                                                          |
      DEMO     BANKIN |                                                          |
    ====== >>>>>>>>>> |                                                          |
                      |                                                          |
                      |                                                          |
                      |                                                          |
                      |    F3:END               F7:CLEAR             F8:DELETE   |
    X INDEX     N NOTE     G GIVETO     D DELETE     Q QUICK ACCESS       10.24.32
  2. Type the following note in the window:

    Marilyn, Neil, Jay, Melissa:

    Prepare for employee reviews next month.

    A. Howard

  3. Press the END key (PF03/PF15).

    Figure 130 General Note Window Exit Option Window

    The Exit Option window prompts whether to create the note.

    ACTIVE LIST    <D> JOB          REP                      USR DEMO           (U)
    COMMAND ===>      +---------------------NOTE PAD FACILITY----------(GENERAL)-+
    O USER     REPORT | EDIT       VERSION  0001     uid       05/05/00 17:17:07 |
      DEMO   INVENT   | MARILYN, NEIL, JAY, MELISSA:                             |
      DEMO   EMPLOY   | A. H +--------------------------------------------+      |
      DEMO   EMPLOY   |      |          PLEASE SELECT EXIT OPTION         |      |
      DEMO   EMPLOY   |      |                                            |      |
      DEMO   BANKIN   |      |               CREATE   (Y/N)               |      |
    ====== >>>>>>>>>> |      +--------------------------------------------+      |
                      |                                                          |
                      |                                                          |
                      |                                                          |
                      |    F3:END               F7:CLEAR             F8:DELETE   |
    X INDEX     N NOTE     G GIVETO     D DELETE     Q QUICK ACCESS       10.24.32
  4. Type Y (Yes) to create the note, and press Enter.

    The Exit Option window and General Note window are closed. The note is saved.

    Like tag notes, general notes can be read, modified or deleted.

    Any number of general notes can be defined in each report. The N (Note) field in the Active User Report list indicates if, and what kind of, notes are defined for a report.

    Figure 131 Note Field in Active User Report List Screen

    ACTIVE LIST    <D> JOB          REP                      USR DEMO           (U)
    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
    O USER     REPORT               ODATE     PAGES    LINES V N STATUS
      DEMO     INVENTORY REPORT     05/05/00      9      427 V   Decollated
      DEMO     EMPLOYEES-MANAGMENT  05/05/00      1       18   G Decollated
      DEMO     EMPLOYEES-MARKETING  05/05/00      3      131 V T Decollated
      DEMO     EMPLOYEES-DEVELOPMEN 05/05/00      1       10     Decollated
      DEMO     EMPLOYEES-PRODUCTION 05/05/00      3      169     Decollated
      DEMO     BANKING REPORT       05/05/00      5      256     Decollated
    ====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   B O T T O M    O F    L I S T   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======
    X INDEX     N NOTE     G GIVETO     D DELETE     Q QUICK ACCESS       10.24.32
  • The T in the NOTE field by the EMPLOYEE-MARKETING report indicates that the report has only Tag notes defined for it.

  • The G in the NOTE field by the EMPLOYEE-MANAGEMENT report indicates that the report only has one or more general notes defined for it.

If a report has one or more general notes and one or more tag notes, the NOTE field contains an A (All).

Permanent User Report List

You have already seen two types of Report lists: the Active User Report list and the History User Report list. There is a third type of Report list: the Permanent User Report list. It is accessed by selecting Option 1 on the entry panel.

Not all sites use the Permanent User Report list. If your site does not use the Permanent User Report list, you can skip this topic (you can skip to the last step in this section to exit your current online session). Check with your INCONTROL administrator if you are unsure whether the Permanent User Report list is used at your site.

The Permanent User Report list is a master list of all reports that the user may receive at any time. It specifies the default data definitions to be used when the report is processed by Control-D. The defaults shown in the Active User Report list are taken from the Permanent User Report list.

Changes made in the Permanent User Report list are considered permanent – that is, those definitions remain in effect for all subsequent processing of the report until the definitions are changed.


  1. You can now return to the entry panel and request the Permanent User Report list for User (prefix) DEMO.

    Press the END key (PF03/PF15) to display the entry panel.

  2. Type 1 in the COMMAND field (or OPTIONS field) and press Enter to display the Permanent User Report List.

    Due to the special characteristics of the DEMO environment, the Permanent User Report list for user DEMO contains no entries. Shown below is a hypothetical Permanent User Report list containing entries. DFT in the COP field is the default number of copies to print, as defined by the INCONTROL administrator.

    Figure 132 Permanent User Report Screen

    PERMANENT LIST    <D> JOB       REP                      USR DEMO           (U)
    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
    O USER     REPORT NAME          JOB     COP FORM C DEST     UDEST     W
    ====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   B O T T O M    O F    L I S T   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======

    OPTIONS:   U UPDATE     I INSERT     D DELETE     A ADD INFO           15.14.56

    The options permitted from the Permanent User Report list are UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE, and ADD INFO. You are already familiar with these options from the Active User Report list.

  3. Type =X in the COMMAND field and press Enter to exit the Control-D Online facility and return to your normal operating environment.