
This chapter includes the following topics:


This publication helps you convert from INFOPAC to Control-D software.

The INFOPAC to Control-D conversion tool creates Control-D components based on information extracted from the INFOPAC database.

This conversion tool supports Control-D version 6.1.00. IOA and Control-D environments must be installed before starting the conversion process.

Conversion Steps

The steps for converting INFOPAC to Control-D are described in Chapter 2, "Conversion Steps."

Each of these steps can be implemented separately according to the needs of the report distribution environment. For example, INFOPAC archive indexes can be converted without performing other parts of the conversion.

Naming Conventions

INFOPAC to Control-D conversion members are located in the IOA SAMPLE library. Nearly all the members associated with this conversion tool have names beginning with the characters INP.

  • INPDEFxx—Members containing default settings and definitions

  • INPJxxxx—Members containing conversion jobs

  • INPLxxxx—INFOPAC report layouts

  • INPSxxxx—Source programs of the conversion jobs

  • CTDBLDTR—Program for creating the Control-D Recipient Tree

Creating an INFOPAC Dump File

Job INPJDUMP is a sample job that creates an INFOPAC dump file. This file is used as an input file for the conversion programs.

Creating Decollation Mission Definitions

Conversion program INPSDECM creates Control-D decollation mission definitions from INFOPAC information. These decollation missions instruct Control-D to decollate reports to the same recipients that received reports from INFOPAC. An INFOPAC DUMP file is used as input.

Printing characteristics are not processed by this conversion program because Control-D automatically extracts all printing characteristics from the JES SPOOL. Therefore, the printing characteristics from the job’s JCL are utilized.

Default values for conversion process parameters are located in member INPDEFDM in the IOA SAMPLE library and are described in Appendix A of this guide.


Job INPJDECM produces decollation mission definitions that are stored as members in the Control-D REPORTS library.

The decollation mission definitions can be converted by JOBNAME or external writer name. Adjust job INPJDECM according to the following guidelines:

  • To convert the report definitions by JOBNAME, set the PARM parameter to JOB in the STEP05 and STEP07 statements. In this case, regular Control-D decollation missions will be created. Each INFOPAC job will have a corresponding Control-D decollation mission member.

  • To convert by external writer name, do not set the PARM parameter to JOB in the STEP05 and STEP07 statements. In this case, generic Control-D decollation missions will be created. Each INFOPAC report will have a corresponding Control-D decollation mission member.

This job creates a file that is used by jobs CTDJTREE and CTDJARCH to create the Recipient Tree and the History User Reports file.

Creating the Control-D Recipient Tree

Job INPJTREE creates the Recipient Tree, using the file created by job INPJDECM.

Program CTDBLDTR in the IOA SAMPLE library is used for conversion of the Recipient Tree. Information about this program is in member CTDBLDDC in the IOA SAMPLE library, and in Chapter 3 of this guide.

Converting the Archive Index

This part of the conversion process creates the Control-D History User Reports file to facilitate access to reports archived by INFOPAC. This file enables reports created by INFOPAC to be restored in the Control-D environment from the original tapes backed up by INFOPAC.


Job INPJARCH creates records in the Control-D History User Reports file, based on input from job INPJDECM.

User Exit CTDX004

Adjust User Exit CTDX004 if archived reports are being converted. Exit CTDX004 receives control during the Restore request and starts a process for restoring reports from INFOPAC tapes. As of version 6.0.00, a sample of User Exit CTDX004 is supplied in member CTDX004L of the IOA SAMPEXIT library. In versions 5.x.x, the exit is located in the IOA SECUDATA library.

Exit CTDX004 submits a job to locate the corresponding report on the tape, writes this report directly to a CDAM file, and creates new user and sysdata records in the Active User Reports file.

The programs invoked by this job are located in the IOA LOAD library.

INPSKL Skeleton Job

INPSKL is a skeleton for building a job to restore reports from INFOPAC tapes. This skeleton is located in the Control-D SKL library.