Online Viewing

Before Control-D AFP Support

All reports processed by Control-D can be viewed online using the Control-D User Reports (Online Viewing) facility, that provides many tools that assist in productively viewing computer produced reports. Until now, online report viewing of AFP reports has not been an available option because of the following:

  • The Terminal Size: Computer produced reports are usually larger than the size of the terminal screen. Computer produced reports usually contain from 132 through 255 characters in each line and from 60 through 80 lines on each page. Some reports are even larger. A standard terminal displays 80 characters in each line and 24 lines on each page. Some terminals display more characters (for example, 132 characters on each line), but the characters are very small and difficult to read.

  • The Use of Graphical Items: Many AFP reports are printed with Overlays. Overlays contain report titles, column headers, data frames (boxes) and other important graphic items. It is impossible to productively view online reports that print with overlays because of missing report titles, column headers, data frames (boxes) and other graphical items.

The problems mentioned above may be resolved by using a hardcopy report. However, there are other problems that report recipients encounter, even with printed reports. Consider the following issues:

  • Partial or Selective Reports: Many reports include a large amount of data. Reports can be as large as hundreds of pages or even more. It is quite common for the report recipient not to need to use all of the lines of data, but only specific lines.

    • In a bank savings account report, the report recipient needs to check all deposits over $10,000. Out of the 100,000 deposits listed in the report, only 100 represent deposits of over $10,000.

    The problem in this example can be solved by producing an additional report for the report recipient including only deposits of over $10,000, but what happens if tomorrow the report recipient needs all deposits over $5,000? Does a new application have to be written or changed every day?

  • Readability Problem: At times, the combination of several factors (that are not easily discernible) determine which lines are included in the report. Even for a small report, the process of scanning these factors and manually marking relevant report lines is error-prone and time-consuming.

    • The report recipient needs all deposits over $10,000 but special handling is required if the over $10,000 deposit is the client’s first deposit at the bank. The report recipient has to visually search the entire report and mark all relevant deposits.

    The list of problems that report recipients experience with printed reports is very long, even without taking into consideration the costs involved in printing the reports (paper, transportation, and so on).

The more we examine this issue, the more we realize how much online computer capabilities are needed; for example, the capability to include or exclude lines of a report according to a specified string, and the capability to highlight data according to specified criteria. The following explanations and examples of the Control-D User Reports (Online Viewing) facility can be used to productively view AFP reports and solve the problems listed above.

Viewing and Overriding Printing Characteristics After Report Decollating

Once a report has been decollated, it can be viewed online by specifying Option U (User Reports) in the IOA Primary Option menu.

There are two types of report entries in the Control-D report database:

  • User report entries.

  • $SYSDATA report entries.

User Report Entries

User report entries represent reports after the decollating (separation) process according to the instructions specified in the report decollating mission. The reports and parts of reports intended for each recipient are represented by a user report entry. These are the standard report entries that report recipients use to view their reports.

Figure 30 Active User Report List – Display Type D

ACTIVE LIST   <D>  JOB          REP                      USR MGT      CHILD (U)
COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
DEBUG01  SUMMARY REPORT       01/04/00      13     726   A Wait Print
DEBUG14  EMPLOYEES REPORT     04/03/00     122   13426 V   Decollated
DEBUGA13 EMPLOYEES REPORT     02/04/00      11    1526 V T Wait Print
DEBUGC18 SUPPLY REPORT        01/02/00       1      77 V   Printed-Wait bkp
DEBUGC18 MANAGEMENT REPORT    05/04/00      50    8316 V   Wait Print
DEBUGC18 MANAGEMENT REPORT    05/04/00      50    8316     Wait Print
DEBUGC19 MONTHLY REPORT       03/01/00       6     615   G Printed-Wait bkp
DEBUGU06 TRAINING REPORT      02/05/00      21    4249 V G Printed-Wait bkp
DEPT71U  EMPLOYEES REPORT     04/03/00     337   21117 V   Printed Restored
DEPT71U  COST REPORT          05/05/00       4     323 V   Decollated Restore
DEPT8    DUMP OF CICS         01/03/00     741   49651 V   Wait Print
DEPT8    PRODUCTION FLOW      01/05/00     201    3428 V   Wait Print
DEPT8U13 STUDENT REPORT LIST  02/04/00      15     937 V   Printed-Wait bkp
PROD     INVENTORY REPORT     03/01/00       1      26 V G Printed-Wait bkp
PRODCNTL PRODUCTION JCL       05/04/00      64     835 V   Decollated-Wait bk
PRODCNTL REPORT 006789        01/02/00     584   17149 V T Decollated-Wait bk
PROD8U13 MONTHLY REPORT       05/01/00       9     126 V T Wait Print
PROD8U17 INVENTORY REPORT     03/03/00    1371   97527     Printed
PROD8U17 REPORT 006921        04/05/00      94    1824     Wait Print
PROD9    AFP TEST PC 2        02/04/00      10     100 V   Printed

The User Report List can be displayed with a variety of display types. Each display type displays report information according to the report recipient’s needs. For example, the above display type D displays each report on one line, with the information required by the average end-user. Display type A is intended for the INCONTROL administrator. This display type displays a large amount of information required by the INCONTROL administrator.

Figure 31 Active User Report List – Display Type A

ACTIVE LIST   <A>  JOB          REP                   USR MGT         CHILD (U)
COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
Ordered: 03/01/00  Run:          00:00 To: 00:00 Decollated: 03/01/00 15:24
Status : Printed                  Remark :                   View: V
Copies : 001 Form : STD           Class: 4        P-     10   L-     100
Dest: CTD                       WTR:               Note:
Record ID         : 3C0E4940          RBA:          UPDT:
Print   Missions  : STD1
Restore Mission   :
Pagedef:         Formdef:         Output:           Chars: ****
Additional Users  :
------------------------------- end of record --------------------------------
Ordered: 05/04/00  Run: 05/04/00 17:10 To: 17:11 Decollated: 05/04/00 17:11
Status : Wait Print               Remark : C0000              View: V
Copies : 001 Form : STD           Class: W        P-      4    L-       49
Dest:                             WTR:               Note:
Record  ID        : 3BC89E4E          RBA:          UPDT:
Print   Missions  :
X INDEX     N NOTE     G GIVETO     D DELETE     Q QUICK ACCESS       18.11.46

The report list display type can be changed dynamically using the DISPLAY command (DI). There are many sample display types supplied with Control-D. For additional information on display types refer to the online facilities chapter of the Control-D and Control-V User Guide.

Each data center can define its own display types according to its own requirements. For additional information on defining new display types refer to the IOA administration chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

A number of the printing characteristics can be viewed and updated for each report entry. The specific display type that is currently being used determines the exact printing characteristics that can be updated. Please note that a line command A can be entered in the Option field for each report entry, causing additional information for that report to appear. Using display type D, the following printing parameters can be updated:

Number of copies

  • Form

  • Class

  • Destination

When printing parameters are updated in the Active User Report List, the update takes effect only for the currently produced report. For permanent updates, the printing parameters must be updated in the Permanent User Report List. For additional information on the Permanent User Report List refer to the Control-D and Control-V chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

$SYSDATA Report Entries

$SYSDATA report entries represent the original report before the decollating process. $SYSDATA report entries are accessible to authorized users only.

Original report printing characteristics can be displayed (and modified if required) in the $SYSDATA records. $SYSDATA records appear in the Active and History Report Lists.

Figure 32 Active User Report List on $SYSDATA Records With Additional Information

ACTIVE LIST    <A> JOB          REP                  USR MGT $SYSDATA CHILD (U)
COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR
M89RKSL  28600          JES2     JESMSGLG      1       25 08/08/00 - 11:21
CDAM: CTDP.R5.M89RKSL.J28600.D3601121.S91.N004700    Extents: 00
Record  ID         : AC2D25AE 54529000 RBA: 000004E0 UPDT: AC2D25AE 54529000
Backup  Missions   :
Backup  Volumes    :
Restore Mission    :
Creation Date      : D99360 - T112113       Status: Decollated
Printing Parameters: CLASS: X  FORMS: STD   RECFM: UA     ALOPT :
APA  : N  FCB  : ****  LRECL: 00133  WTR   :
ACIF : N  UCS  : ****  BLKSZ: 00133  OUTPUT:
TRC  : N  FLASH:       OPTCD:        MODIF :
LINCT: 0100  PGDEF:        FMDEF :
CHARS:      ,      ,      ,
Job Parameters     : SYSID:      JTYPE:              ACCOUNT:
ENTRY:          -
------------------------------- end of record ---------------------------------
M89RKSL  28600          JES2     JESJCL        3      231 08/08/00 - 11:21
M89RKSL  28600          JES2     JESYSMSG     13      357 08/08/00 - 11:21
====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   B O T T O M    O F    L I S T   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======
X INDEX     N NOTE     G GIVETO     D DELETE     Q QUICK ACCESS       13.16.13

Online Viewing of Reports that Use Overlays (OGL)

Many AFP reports are printed with overlays. Overlays usually contain report titles, column headers, data frames (boxes) and other important text or data. It is usually impossible to productively view online reports that are printed with overlays on the mainframe because of the missing report titles, column headers, data frames (boxes) and other important text or data.

Control-D/WebAccess Server is an integrated component of the Control-D Output Management System. Using GUI, color graphics, and Windows conventions, it extends the comprehensive online viewing capabilities available (for example, WYSIWYG) to Control-D users. For additional information, see PC/LAN Environment.

Following is a sample report that is normally printed with an electronic overlay. Note that when viewing the report online, only the data appears in the sample report display.

Figure 33 Sample Report With Data Only

------------- CONTROL-D/V REPORT VIEWING   NOTES    0   PAGE      1 OF        9
COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CRSR
UR M41      RP INVENTORY            JB M41RPRT  02462   DT 240300 RUL
1DATE:   05.05.00
UPDATE: 05.05.00
----                    ---------------------------
-----------   ----------------     -----   ----   -------    -------
1233-781-21   RIVET D. 0.1 ACR     NONE    KG      100.00     250.00
1233-781-25   RIVET D. 0.5 ACR     NONE    KG      500.00     500.00
1233-781-27   RIVET D. 0.7 ACR     NONE    KG      050.00     100.00
1334-781-20   RIVET D. 0.9 ACP     NONE    KG      701.00     099.00
CMDS: FIND str (PREV), EDIT, RULER on/off/name, VALUE, N n P p        11.17.07

By defining a ruler (a logical report view), the report can be displayed with the information required to productively view the report online. The following sample report is the same report as displayed above, except that a ruler has been applied to the report:

Figure 34 Sample Report With Data

------------- CONTROL-D/V REPORT VIEWING   NOTES    0   PAGE      1 OF        9
COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CRSR
UR M41      RP INVENTORY            JB M41RPRT  02462   DT 240300 RUL
1DATE:   05.05.00              INVENTORY REPORT              WAREHOUSE NO:  1001
UPDATE: 05.05.00             FINAL ASSEMBLY SHOP            DEPARTMENT:    100
QNTY       QNTY       SHELF    QNTY
ITEM NO.      DESCRIPTION          AVAIL      ORDER      LIFE     UNIT
1233-781-21   RIVET D. 0.1 ACR     100.00     250.00     NONE     KG
1233-781-25   RIVET D. 0.5 ACR     500.00     500.00     NONE     KG
1233-781-27   RIVET D. 0.7 ACR     050.00     100.00     NONE     KG
1334-781-20   RIVET D. 0.9 ACP     701.00     099.00     NONE     KG
1337-781-37   RIVET D. 0.6 ACR     159.00     141.00     NONE     KG
1536-781-11   RIVET D. 0.1 ACP     250.00     050.00     NONE     KG
1557-781-40   RIVET D. 0.7 ACR     341.00     059.00     NONE     KG
CMDS: FIND str (PREV), EDIT, RULER on/off/name, VALUE, N n P p        11.17.07

The headers are displayed together with column separators. This example demonstrates how simple it is to define overlays for reports that are required for on-line viewing.

The report editing features described below eliminate the inconvenience inherent in traditional online viewing and inject new life into cluttered business reports. Following are the major features:

  • Freezing Headers: You can freeze report header lines. As you scroll up and down through the report, only the data items scroll; the column header remains fixed. This enables you to know at a glance what each data item represents.

  • Freezing Columns: You can freeze report columns. This enables you to scroll right or left, and the frozen report columns remain in the same position on the screen.

  • Including Report Lines: Based on line content, you can select the report lines you require. For example, you can display only product lines with available quantity less than 100 items. Instead of browsing through pages of irrelevant data, you can display only the data you need.

  • Excluding Report Lines: The Exclude option enables you to select report lines for exclusion from the report based on the appearance of a string or strings in specified column locations. Report lines conforming to the specified string criteria are not included in the report display.

  • Highlighting Important Data: You can color or highlight data in the report based on its contents. For example, color in red only the exception values. Instead of looking for the data manually, Control-D searches for you.

  • Redesigning the Report: You can easily redesign an old report to suit new business needs. You can move columns, add new and old headings, and color your report so your data takes on new meaning.

All this can be done without any change in the application generating this report.