Configuring Control-M MFT in the File

This procedure describes how to configure Control-M in the file.


  1. Navigate to one of the following directories:

    • Linux: ~/ctm/cm/AFT/data
    • Windows: Control-M Agent\Default\CM\AFT\data
  2. Open the file.

  3. Edit the parameters as needed, as described in File Parameters. File Parameters

The following table describes some of the file parameters.




(Linux only) Determines whether a specified user password for the local host in the connection profile is enabled, as follows:

  • true: Disables the specified user password.
  • false: Enables the specified user password.

Default: false

After this parameter is set, you can use any dummy password and bypass password maintenance on local accounts.

The Agent must run in root mode.


Determines whether the job fails when Control-M for AFT or Control-M MFT fails to close the data channel after the transfer completes, as follows:

  • true: The job fails when the data channel fails to close after the transfer completes.
  • false: The job does not fail when the data channel fails to close after the transfer completes.

Default: false


Determines whether you can set authorizations to perform actions such as mkdir, rename, and delete from the AFT remote browser dialog, as follows:

  • true: Disables authorizations.

  • false: Enable authorizations.

Default: false


(Control-M MFT only) Determines whether pre- and post-commands appear in the job output, as follows:

  • true: Pre- and post-commands do not appear in the output.

  • false: Pre- and post-commands appear in the output.

Default: false


(Control-M MFT only) Determines whether to enable the First Failure Data Capture (FFDC) mechanism in AFT, as follows:

  • true: Enables the FFDC mechanism.

  • false: Disables the FFDC mechanism.

Default: true


(Control-M MFT only) Defines the time interval, in seconds, that the File Watcher checks whether the file is static.

Values: 1–999

Default: 2

This parameter is also used when the Transfer All Matching Files checkbox is selected in Control-M client.


Determines one of the following proxy protocols when a proxy is used in Configuration Management:

  • HTTP

  • SOCKS4

  • SOCKS5

Default: HTTP


Determines the maximum number of jobs that can concurrently run.

Default: 300s

If you raise the default value, it might consume more resources and slow module performance.


Determines whether to automatically add or remove file extensions to files that are encrypted or decrypted with the PGP template.

Default: false

An extension is added when files are copied to a directory. If a specific target filename is specified, the destination filename does not change.


Defines the extension that is added or removed from filenames that are encrypted or decrypted when the com.bmc.aft.configurable.ccm.pgp.handle.extension parameter is set to true.

Default: .pgp

Determines whether files are watched or transferred, based on one of the following attributes:

  • none

  • name

  • timestamp

  • size

Default: none


Determines whether files are watched or transferred by the latest or oldest files.

Valid Values:

  • ascending
  • descending

Default: ascending

Determines the minimum number of milliseconds that File Transfer updates are sent to Control-M/EM.

Default: 2,000

By default, an event is sent for every progress value change. However, no more than one In Progress event is sent for a file every two seconds.

Determines the maximum number of milliseconds that File Transfer updates are sent to Control-M/EM.

Default: 20,000

By default, an event is sent for every progress value change. However, since the progress of large files might take time to change, an event is sent every 20 seconds even when the progress has not changed, such as from 42% to 43%.


Determines the buffer size for every chunk sent during a file transfer.

Default: 32,768


Determines whether a failed file transfer record must be added to the MFT Search View and Dashboard when there is a File Watcher failure, such as when a file is not found, as follows:

  • true: Failed file transfer records are added.
  • false: Failed file transfer records are not added.

Default: false


Determines whether transfer definition details appear in the job output, as follows:

  • true: Transfer definition details appear in the output.
  • false: Transfer definition details do not appear in the output.

Default: false

This can be valuable when you use variablesClosed A memory location with a name and value that you can reference in your job processing definitions, which Control-M resolves for the current job execution. in job definitionsClosed The set of parameters that defines what the job does, when it runs, its prerequisites, and the post-processing actions Control-M performs after it ends (also called a job processing definition). and want to see the resolved values (watch pattern includes an Auto-Edit variable).s


Determines whether to rename the <prefix><filename> to the target filename in a rename post action. If false, the prefix is removed and then <filename> is renamed to the target file name.

Default: true


Determines whether to overwrite an existing target name in a rename post-action, as follows:

  • true: An existing target name is overwritten in a rename post-action.

  • false: The rename operation fails with a message that the file already exists.

Default: true


Determines whether to move a file to the target directory when a trailing slash is not specified.

  • true: A file is moved to the target directory when a trailing slash is not specified.

  • false: The target name is treated as a filename when a trailing slash is not specified.

Default: false


Determines whether to support filtering by regular expression, as follows:

true: The source filename is treated as a regular expression.

false: The source filename is not treated as a regular expression.

  • * and ? wildcards are still supported and must be used instead of .* and ..

  • Wildcards must be specified in a file pattern, such as [Ff][Ii][Ll][Ee]*.txt.

Default: false


Determines whether to rename a source or destination file, even when the option is Left As Is but there is a new filename specified in the job definition. Users can create these jobs on an old Control-M/EM client, version 7.0.00 or lower.

Default: false


(SFTP connection profiles only) Determines where to prepend a preceding slash to a source or destination path when it is missing, as follows:

  • true: Prepends a missing preceding slash to a source or destination path.

  • false: Does not prepend a missing preceding slash to a source or destination path.

Default: false


Determines whether to do full impersonation on Linux when the Agent is running as root.

Default: false

When the value is false, the container, which runs as root, still checks file permissions for every transfer and sets the owner according to the connection profile user. The transfer itself is done as root.


Determines whether to execute the pre-command when defining File Watcher job with Pre-Command, after the file watcher operation (if watch operation succeeded).

Default: false


Determine whether to change the working directory to the source directory before opening the file to read from (on OS2200).

Default: true


Determines whether to ignore files that contain a control character in the name.

Default: false

Determines whether to ignore checking algorithm constraints. When set to true, Control-M MFT doesn't fail connections for deprecated signature algorithm used for certificates. (MD2 algorithm, or a Server that uses key size smaller than 1,024).

Default: false


Determines whether to store File Transfer updates in Control-M MFT database (updates do not appear in the Dashboard or Search View).

If set to true, new file transfer records do not appear in the MFT Dashboard and search results.

Default: false


Determines whether to publish File Transfer updates to Control-M/EM (updates not appear in the Dashboard or Search View).

If set to true, new file transfer records do not appear in the MFT Dashboard and search results.

Default: false

Determines whether to ignore failing authentications while authorizing an SSH host, and proceed with storing the host key in the known_hosts file.

Default: false


Defines this server to hold files with <CR><LF> at the end of line.


Defines this server to hold files with <LF> at the end of line.

Determines whether the file is in use before a transfer. Files that are in use are skipped.

Default: false


Determines whether to verify if the file size has changed since the files was marked for transfer.

Default: false

Determines the number of retries to perform when file streams fails to open or close.

Default: 0

Determines the number of seconds to wait before each retry.

Default: 0


Determines whether the destination file uses the symbolic link name.

Default: true


Determines whether to enable server verification of an FTP server that is defined with a virtual IP.

Default: true


Determines whether to fail the File Transfer job if the pre- or pos- execution command fails.

Default: false


Determines whether to restart the transfer from the beginning when there is a disconnection during the transfer.

Default: false


Determine the ID of the return code when the directory that you are watching does not exist.

Default: true (Return code = 1 instead of 7)


Determines whether to fail the job if the destination directory does not exist, as follows:

  • true: The job fails.

  • false: The job does not fail.

Default: true

A file transfer progress update appears in the job output when every X percent of the file is transferred.

Default: 10

Generates a file transfer progress event to the MFT dashboard when every X percent of the file is transferred.

Default: 10


Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, used for local-to-local-file transfers.

The size can also be overwritten at the connection profile level. The minimum size between both the source and destination connection profiles is used.

Default: 1,048,576


Determines whether to perform directory listing in binary when the transfer is defined in EBCDIC.

Default: false


Determines the list of key exchange algorithms to be used by MFT as SFTP client.

This can be overwritten in a specific connection profile.


Determines the List of Message Authentication Codes (MACs) to be used by MFT as SFTP client.

This can be overwritten in a specific connection profile.


Determines the list of key Signature algorithms to be used by MFT as SFTP client.

This can be overwritten in a specific connection profile.


Determines whether the header content type is updated when uploading a file to S3.

To add customized mapping, instead of auto-detection, you must update the file.

Default: false


Determines whether to verify if the FTP server address in the data channel is similar to the one used in the control channel.

Default: true

Determines the timeout, in seconds, for an OS command that is run by an MFT client to finish.

Default: 600

Determines the time, in milliseconds, to wait before each publication of an MFT file transfer event.

Default: 5,000

Determines the maximum number of MFT file transfer events to be sent in a single chunk.

Default: 1000

Determines whether to send events for identified files to be transferred, even though the transfer has not started, as follows:

  • NEVER: Do not send In Queue status events.

  • FIRST_RUN: Send In Queue status events only for the first run of each job.

  • ALWAYS: Always send In Queue status events.

Default: NEVER


Determines if the MFT file watcher fails the job (with RC = 1) when the watch pattern contains a non-exist path.

Default: false

Determines if a multipart (multi-threaded) transfer is used when you upload a file to Azure Blob storage.

Default: true

Determines whether to use multipart (multi-threaded) transfer when downloading file from Azure to a local path

Default: true

Determines the number of concurrent threads when uploading blocks to azure or downloading from azure to local.

Default: 10

Determines the maximum upload or download size for a file in a single part.

Default: 8,388,608

Determines the buffer size when a file downloads or uploads to Azure.

Default: 131,072

Determines the block size when a file downloads or uploads to Azure.

Default: 4,194,304

Determines the maximum attempts to perform action on Azure storage.

Default: 3

Determines the delay, in milliseconds, between retries for Azure requests.

Default: 1,000

Determines the connection timeout to Azure.

Default: 60000

Determines the response timeout duration used when waiting for a server to reply.

Default: 600,000

Determines, in milliseconds, the read timeout that is used when reading a response from Azure.

Default: 600,000

Determines, in milliseconds, the write timeout that is used when waiting for a request to be sent to Azure.

Default: 600,000

Determines, in seconds, the timeout for copy blob operation.

Default: 60


Determines the maximum number of retries for a failing operation against Google Cloud Storage.

Default: 3


Determines, in milliseconds, the interval between operation retries against Google Cloud Storage.

Default: 1,000


Determines, in milliseconds, the connection timeout to Google Cloud Storage.

Default: 20,000


Determines, in milliseconds, the read timeout for Google Cloud Storage to read operations.

Default: 60000


Determines whether MFT sends Agent track notifications during a job run (when File Watch operations begin or end).

Default: false


Determines whether to show or set the z/OS full DataSet names as the transferred filename.

Default: false


Determines whether to fail the job if closing the source FTP server data channel after the transfer completes.

Default: true


Determines whether to fail the job if the close_notify response is received from the FTP server when using SSL.

Default: true


Determines the number of threads to use when performing multipart uploads to Amazon S3.

Default: 3


Determines the maximum number of concurrent jobs performing multipart uploads to Amazon S3.

Default: 5


Determines the maximum total number of connections that can be opened to S3 account

Determines whether to generate copies of temporary scripts for pre- and post-execution commands.

Default: false

Use this parameter to troubleshoot pre- or post-execution command issues when multiple File Transfer jobs run concurrently.

Determines whether to download large files from Oracle Object Storage to the local file system in multipart.

Default: true

Determines whether to perform multipart upload when transferring large files to Oracle Object Storage

Default: true

Determines the minimum file size to use multipart transfers from or to Oracle Object Storage.

Default: 4,194,304 (4 MB)

Determines the size of each part when transferring files from or to Oracle Object Storage in multi-part.

Default: 4,194,304 (4 MB)

Determines the buffer size, in bytes, when files transfer to or from Oracle Object Storage

Default: 131,072 (128 KB)

Determines the maximum number of concurrent threads when files transfer in multipart from or to Oracle Object Storage.

Default: 10

Determines the number of file action attempts performed on Oracle Object Storage.

Default: 3

Determines the number of milliseconds between file actions attempt performed on Oracle Object Storage.

Default: 1,000

Determines the number of milliseconds for Oracle Object Storage read operations before a timeout occurs.

Default: 60,000

Determines the number of milliseconds to wait before a connection timeout occurs in Oracle Object Storage.

Default: 10,000


Determines whether to search for local files with the default search algorithm, as follows:

  • true: Searches with the default search algorithm.

  • false: Searches with a new search algorithm that uses file streams to list directories, introduced in Control-M MFT 9.0.20.

Default: false