
The em_rebuild_database utility can be invoked to rebuild the Control-M/EM database in the specified PostgreSQL server database.

On Windows, the utility is called em_rebuild_database.bat.

If the new DBO is different than the original DBO, you need to use the original DBO to log into Control-M/EM client components until the new DBO is added to the Authorizations list with all required permissions.

Running the em_rebuild_database Utility

This procedure describes how to run the em_rebuild_database utility, which can be invoked to rebuild the Control-M/EM database in the specified PostgreSQL server database.


  1. Do one of the following:

    • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/EM account.

    • Windows: Open a command prompt window as Administrator where Control-M/EM is installed. You do not need to be in the Control-M/EM database directory.

  2. Type the following command:


  3. Follow the prompts in the interactive menu that is displayed:

    Host Interface Name []:
    Port Number []:
    Database Administrator Password:
    Database Owner Login []:
    Database Owner Password:
    Database Name []:
    Database Directory Full Path []:
    Encoding [LATIN1]:
    Existing Database [N]:
    Building the database.
    Please confirm  [Y/N]:

em_rebuild_database Utility Parameters

The following table describes the em_rebuild_database utility parameters.



Host Interface Name

Defines the name of the host computer for the PostgreSQL database server where Control-M/EM is installed.

Port Number

Defines the communications port on which the PostgreSQL database server listens for queries.

Database Administrator Password

Defines the password of the PostgreSQL database server administrator. The characters you enter are not echoed for security reasons.

Database Owner Login

Defines the name of the Control‑M/EM database owner.

Database Owner Password

Defines the password for the Control‑M/EM database owner (6 to 30 characters, alphanumeric). The characters you enter are not echoed for security reasons.

Database Name

Defines the name for the Control‑M/EM database. This name must be unique within the PostgreSQL database server.

Database Directory Full Path

Location of the Control‑M/EM database owner.

You must create this location prior to installing the Control-M/EM database.

Relevant only for the PostgreSQL database server on UNIX.


Language encoding of the Control-M/EM database.

Valid values:

  • LATIN1

  • UTF8

    Default : LATIN1

    If you select UTF8, you need to manually configure the environment settings to enable Control-M/EM components to support this encoding.

Existing Database

Valid values:

  • Y: This value indicates that the Control-M/EM database is defined on a remote PostgreSQL database server.

  • N: This value indicates that the Control-M/EM database is defined on the local PostgreSQL database server.