
The ctmstats utility displays and deletes statistical data from the Statistical Summary table of the Control‑M/Server database. The data scanned for both options can be limited to a range of dates. The Statistical Summary table is created using the ctmjsa utility.

Statistical data is only accumulated when the Control‑M system parameter Statistics is set to Y.

For more information, see System Parameters referred to in ctmsys.

Running the ctmstats Utility

This procedure describes the ctmstats utility, which displays and deletes statistical data from the Statistical Summary table of the Control‑M/Server database.


  1. Do one of the following:

    • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/Server account

    • Windows: Open a command prompt window where Control-M/Server is installed.

  2. Enter the one of the following commands:

    ctmstats -list <fromDate> <toDate> [<filter>] [-total]

    ctmstats -list "*" [<filter>] [-total]

    ctmstats -delete <fromDate> <toDate>

ctmstats Utility Parameters

The following table describes the ctmstats utility parameters:




Displays data from the Statistical Summary table within the dates specified by the From Date and To Date parameters. The data listed can be limited with use of the Filter sub-parameter (see below).


Deletes data from the Statistical Summary table in the range specified by the From Date and To Date parameters.

<From Date>

Determines the start date of statistical data to be displayed/deleted.

Format: yyyymmddhhmmss.

<To Date>

Determines the end date of statistical data to be displayed/deleted.

Format: yyyymmddhhmmss.


Specifies that the utility should list all statistical data currently available, without regard to date.


Specify one of the following options and its associated subparameter or leave blank to display the statistics for all jobs in the range.

  • ‑JOBNAME <jobName>: Identify the job by its Job Name parameter.

  • ‑FILE_NAME <file name>: Identify the job by its File Name parameter.

  • ‑FILE_PATH <file path>: Identify jobs by their File Path parameter.

  • ‑HOSTID <hostid>: Identify jobs by their host id parameter (Agent computer).

  • Each of the subparameters in the filter can include the following wildcard characters:

    • *: Represents any number of characters (including no characters). Any parameter including * should be enclosed in quotation marks (see example below).

    • ?: Represents any single character


Displays a line that contains the total CPU and elapsed times for the jobs selected.

ctmstats Utility Example

The following example describes the command displays statistical data for the period January 21, 2021 through January 25, 2021 (assuming that this data is available):

ctmstats -list 20210121000000 20210125235959

A report similar to the following is displayed:

--------------  ------   ------  -------  -------------  -------  -----------
20210122141214  acct12   Diana   pgmacct  prod.acct.pgm  0.19      233.15 
20210122032025  gen786   Diana   genx     prod.general   0.12        6.12 
20210121123111  acct14   Diana   pgmacct  prod.acct.pgm  0.05      170.45 
20210121113512  acct15   Diana   pgmacct  prod.acct.pgm  0.14      145.23

The following command displays statistical data for all jobs on Agent computer Diana:

ctmstats -list "*" -HOSTID Diana -total

The following command deletes the statistical data for January 31, 2021:

ctmstats -delete 20210131000000 20210131235959