
The ctmipc utility sends a message to Control-M/Server processes, which instructs the processes to perform a specific action.

The ctmipc utility can only be used to refresh recently updated parameters, as an alternative to restarting Control-M/Server.

Refreshing Parameters Using the ctmipc UtilityLink copied to clipboard

This procedure describes how to run the ctmipc utility, which enables you to send a message to Control-M/Server processes, which instructs the processes to perform a specific action. The ctmipc utility can only be used to refresh recently updated parameters as an alternative to restarting Control-M/Server.


  1. Do one of the following:

    UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/Server account

    Windows: Open a command prompt window where Control-M/Server is installed.

  2. Type the following command:



    -MSGID <CFG>

    { -DATA <message data>]

    [ -QUIET ]

    [ -DEBUG <debug level> ]

Specify the following command to send the message "CFG" to all Control-M/Server processes:

ctmipc -dest ALL -msgid CFG

ctmipc Parameters

The following table lists the parameters for the ctmipc utility:

Parameter Description


Indicates the destination of the message to be sent—either one specific process or specify .DEST ALL for all processes.


Indicates the message to be sent.


Indicates additional data to be sent with the message ID (if any).


Indicates that the ctmipc utility will not generate any output messageupon success or a failure.


Indicates that the utility will run in debug mode and will therefore generate a debug log in the proclog subdirectory of Control-M/Server.