
The arc_database_menu utility can be invoked interactively to facilitate day-to-day maintenance and diagnostics of Control-M Workload Archiving running with PostgreSQL database.

On Windows, the utility is called arc_database_menu.bat.

arc_database_menu Options

The following table describes the utilities with the related options from the arc_database_menu:


arc_database_menu Sub-menu or Option

Database Utilities Menu


Workload Archiving database Utilities Menu

Workload Archiving Management Menu Options


Start database


Stop database)


Build Database option in the Database Creation Menu


Set database archive mode

Workload Archiving Maintenance Menu Options


Update database statistics


Cold Database Backup


Hot Database Backup


Hot Database Restore


Cold Database Restore

Workload Archiving Report Menu Options


Database Status


Database Parameters


Database Storage Report


Database Version


List All Active Transactions

Accessing the Database Utilities Menu Using PostgreSQL

This procedure describes how to access the Database Utilities menu.


  1. Do one of the following:

    • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/EM account.

    • Windows: Open a command prompt window as Administrator where Control-M/EM is installed. You do not need to be in the Control-M/EM database directory.

  2. Type the following command:


    The Database Utilities Menu appears.

  3. Press one of the following options and then press Enter:

    1 - Management2 - Maintenance
    3 - Report
    q - quit
    Enter option number --->   [q]:

    The options available in the Database Utilities Menu enable you to access the following sub-menus:

    Within these sub-menus are a variety of functions used to maintain the Control-M Workload Archiving database.

Workload Archiving Management Menu Options

The following table lists the options in the Management Menu.



Start Database

Only enabled when Control-M Workload Archiving is running with a dedicated database server.

Starts the database server, and services involved. This option is only enabled on Control-M Workload Archiving running with a dedicated PostgreSQL database server.

If this option is invoked on Control-M Workload Archiving running with an existing database, an error message is displayed.

Stop Database

Only enabled when Control-M Workload Archiving is running with a dedicated database server.

Stops the database server, and services involved. This utility is only enabled on Control-M Workload Archiving running with a dedicated PostgreSQL database server.

Force: A parameter that enables you to abort the database server processes and listener.

Valid values:

  • Y

  • N

    Default : N

    If this option is invoked on Control-M Workload Archiving running with an existing database, an error message is displayed.

Set Database Archive Mode

Only enabled when Control-M Workload Archiving is running with a dedicated database server.

Changes the archive mode of the database server.

Parameters available:


  • On

  • Off

    Default: Off

Archive Directory (only available when Mode is ON)
Full directory path to which the database server logs are archived.

This directory should be empty. When Archive mode is On, the Hot Database Backup option is enabled.

Passwords: Database Owner, Database server administrator

Build Database

Creates a Control-M Workload Archiving schema on the database server.

This option is only enabled on Control-M Workload Archiving running with either an existing or a dedicated database server.

Passwords: Database Owner, Database server administrator

Workload Archiving Maintenance Menu Options

The following table lists the Maintenance Menu options:



Update database statistics

Activates statistic procedures in the database server.

Passwords: Database Owner, Database server administrator

Hot Database Backup

Only enabled when:

  • Database Archive Mode is set to On

  • Control-M Workload Archiving is running with a dedicated database server.

Online backup of the database server file system, and the Control-M Workload Archiving database. This can be used to restore the database up to and including the last completed transaction.

Parameters available:

Backup Directory: Full path to the directory into which the server file system and Control-M Workload Archiving database must be backed up.

This directory must be empty.

Passwords: Database Owner, Database server administrator

Cold Database Backup

Exports the Control-M Workload Archiving database schema to the specified file.

Parameters available:

Backup File: Full path to the file into which the database must be backed up.

Passwords: Database Owner, Database server administrator

This option is not enabled if Control-M Workload Archiving server is running.

Hot Database Restore

Only enabled when Control-M Workload Archiving is running with a dedicated database server.

Online restore of the PostgreSQL database server file system and the Control-M Workload Archiving database.

  • When this option completes successfully, the previous PostgreSQL database server file system is saved to the following location:

    <pghome_directory/old_pgsql_<date of operation>

  • If Control-M Workload Archiving database does not exist in the <pghome_directory> it is saved in the following location:

    <db location>/<db name>_old_<date of operation>

This option is not enabled if the Control-M Workload Archiving database server is running.

Parameters available:

Restore Directory: Full path to the directory from which the server file system and Control-M Workload Archiving databases must be restored.

Archive Directory
Value and location specified in the Archive Directory parameter of the Set Database Archive Mode option.

  • When this action is finished successfully, the PosgreSQL database server archive mode switches to off, and the PosgreSQL database server shuts down.

  • The specified directory must be exported from the PostgreSQL database server with the same parameter values as the destination PostgreSQL database server.

Cold Database Restore

Imports the Control-M Workload Archiving database schema from the file specified in Backup File parameter of the Cold Database Backup option.

This option is not enabled if Control-M Workload Archiving server is running.

Parameters available:

Restore File: Value and location specified in the Backup File parameter of the Cold Database Backup option.

Passwords: Database Owner, Database server administrator

Workload Archiving Report Menu Options

The following table lists the Report Menu options:



Database Status

Displays various server and client details.

  • DB Type

  • Is Up

  • Is Remote DB

  • Last Startup Time

  • DB Server OS Version

  • DB Server Host Name

  • DB Server OS Type

  • DB Server Archive Directory

  • DB Server Port

  • DB Client OS Version

  • DB Client Host Name

  • DB Client OS Type

  • DB Server Version

  • DB Client Version

Passwords: Database Owner, Database server administrator

Database Parameters

Displays the configuration parameters of the server database and the Control-M Workload Archiving database client.

Configuration parameters are sorted alphabetically.

Passwords: Database Owner, Database server administrator

Database Storage Report

Displays the following attributes of the Control-M Workload Archiving database in the server database:

  • DB Name

  • Type

  • Size (refers to the operating system disk space)

  • Free

  • Used

  • Used percentage

  • Message (Warns the user when there is diminished disk space capacity within the Control-M Workload Archiving database server)

Passwords: Database Owner, Database server administrator

Database Version

Displays the general description of the database server. This includes the version number.

Passwords: Database Owner, Database server administrator

List All Active Transactions

Lists all active transactions of the Control-M Workload Archiving database for the database user.

Passwords: Database Owner, Database server administrator