Interactive Database Utilities

The utilities discussed in this section can be invoked interactively to facilitate day-to-day maintenance and diagnostics of Control-M/Server databases and Control-M/EM databases running with either PostgreSQL, MSSQL or Oracle.

The interactive database utilities are located at the following path for Windows:

  • Control-M/EM: <Control-M EM home>\Default\bin\DBUtils

  • Control-M/Server: <Control-M/Server>\ctm_server\exe\DBUtils

For details about Return codes, see Return Codes.

You can also run most of the DBU utilities in Control-M/EM using the em_database_menu, as described in em_database_menu and in Control-M/Server using the dbu_menu, as described in dbu_menu.

Return Codes

The return codes listed in the following table are issued by the interactive database utilities.

Return Code



Indicates that the action completed successfully.


Indicates that the action failed and an error message is issued.

Error messages have the following format:

<Module number> – <Module name>: <Error Code (numerical)> – <Error description

AP-7 - Permission Module: 2 - This utility could not be used with the existing PostgreSQL database.


Indicates that the action completed successfully. A warning message was displayed, although this warning had no effect on the action itself.

Running the DBUColdBackup Utility

This procedure describes how to run the DBUColdBackup utility, which enables you to export the Control-M/EM database schema or the Control-M/Server database schema to the specified file after the database is shut down.


  1. Do one of the following:

    • Control-M/EM: Do one of the following:

      • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/EM account.

      • Windows: Open a command prompt window and go to <Control-M EM home>\Default\bin\DBUtils.

    • Control-M/Server: Do one of the following:

      • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/Server account.

      • Windows: Open a command prompt window and go to <Control-M/Server>\ctm_server\exe\DBUtils.

  2. Type the following command:


    [ -TRACE_LEVEL <error|log|info> ]

    [ -HELP ]

    [ -BACKUP_FILE <Full Path of Backup File Name> ]

    [ -ADMINISTRATOR_PASSWORD <Administrator Password> ]

The following example describes a DBUColdBackup utility sample output:

database was backup to /home1/ctm900pg/Backup.bck

DBUColdBackup Utility Parameters

The following table describes the DBUColdBackup utility parameters:




Defines the trace level.

Valid values:

  • error

  • log

  • info

    Default: error

Use this option only when instructed to do so by BMC Customer Support. Using this option can slow performance and use extra disk space.


Displays the usage, then exits with success status.


Defines the full path to the file into which the database should be backed up.


Defines the password of the database server administrator.

Running the DBUColdRestore Utility

This procedure describes how to run the DBUColdRestore utility, which imports the Control-M/EM database schema or Control-M/Server database schema from the file specified in the BACKUP_FILE parameter of the DBUColdBackup utility.


  1. Do one of the following:

    • Control-M/EM: Do one of the following:

      • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/EM account.

      • Windows: Open a command prompt window and go to <Control-M EM home>\Default\bin\DBUtils.

    • Control-M/Server: Do one of the following:

      • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/Server account.

      • Windows: Open a command prompt window and go to <Control-M/Server>\ctm_server\exe\DBUtils.

  2. Type the following command:


    [ -TRACE_LEVEL <error|log|info> ]

    [ -HELP ]

    [ -RESTORE_FILE <Full Path of Restore File Name> ]

    [ -ADMINISTRATOR_PASSWORD <Administrator Password> ]

    The following is a sample output after running the DBUColdRestore utility:

    restore completed

DBUColdRestore Utility Parameters

The following table describes the DBUColdRestore utility parameters:




Defines the trace level.

Valid values:

  • error

  • log

  • info

    Default: error

Use this option only when instructed to do so by BMC Customer Support. Using this option can slow performance and use extra disk space.


Displays the usage, then exits with success status.


Defines the value and location specified in the BACKUP_FILE parameter of the DBUColdBackup utility.

The source and destination databases should have the same encoding settings configured.


Defines the password of the database server administrator.

Running the DBUHotBackup Utility

This procedure describes how to run the DBUHotBackup utility, which enables you to export the Control-M/EM database schema or the Control-M/Server database schema to the specified file, while the database is active.


  1. Do one of the following:

    • Control-M/EM: Do one of the following:

      • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/EM account.

      • Windows: Open a command prompt window and go to <Control-M EM home>\Default\bin\DBUtils.

    • Control-M/Server: Do one of the following:

      • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/Server account.

      • Windows: Open a command prompt window and go to <Control-M/Server>\ctm_server\exe\DBUtils.

  2. Type the following command:


    [ -TRACE_LEVEL <error|log|info> ]

    [ -HELP ]

    [ -BACKUP_DIRECTORY <Full Path of Backup File Name> ]

    [ -ADMINISTRATOR_PASSWORD <Administrator Password> ]

    [-REMOVE_UNNECESSARY_LOGS <Remove unnecessary logs? <Y/N>]

DBUHotBackup Utility Parameters

The following table describes the DBUHotBackup utility parameters:




Defines the trace level.

Valid values:

  • error

  • log

  • info

    Default: error

Use this option only when instructed to do so by BMC Customer Support. Using this option can slow performance and use extra disk space.


Displays the usage, then exits with success status.


Defines the full path to the directory into which the database should be backed up. Mandatory.


Defines the password of the database server administrator.


Removes any unnecessary logs in the back up database.

Running the DBUStart Utility

This procedure describes how to run the DBUStart utility, which enables you to start the database server and the related services. Relevant only for a PostgreSQL database. When invoking this utility with a PostgreSQL database, the utility is only enabled on Control-M/EM or Control-M/server running with a dedicated PostgreSQL database server.

If this option is invoked on Control-M/EM or Control-M/Server running with an existing PostgreSQL database, an error message is displayed.


  1. Do one of the following:

    • Control-M/EM: Do one of the following:

      • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/EM account.

      • Windows: Open a command prompt window and go to <Control-M EM home>\Default\bin\DBUtils.

    • Control-M/Server: Do one of the following:

      • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/Server account.

      • Windows: Open a command prompt window and go to <Control-M/Server>\ctm_server\exe\DBUtils.

  2. Type the following command:


    [ -TRACE_LEVEL <error|log|info> ]

    [ -HELP ]


    If the database server has already been started, the utility returns a "failed" status and a message similar to the following is issued:

    sh-500 - sh-500 module : 500 - Server is already up

    The following is a sample output after running the DBUStart utility:

    PostgreSQL server started

DBUStart Utility Parameters

The following table describes the DBUStart utility parameters:




Defines the trace level.

Valid values:

  • error

  • log

  • info

    Default: error

Use this option only when instructed to do so by BMC Customer Support. Using this option can slow performance and use extra disk space.


Displays the usage, then exits with success status.


Enables you to view the PostgreSQL debug log.

Running the DBUStop Utility

This procedure describes how to run the DBUStop utility, which enables you to stop the database server and the related services. When invoking this utility with a PostgreSQL database, the utility is only enabled on Control-M/EM or Control-M/server running with a dedicated PostgreSQL database server.

If this option is invoked on Control-M/EM or Control-M/Server running with an existing PostgreSQL database, an error message is displayed.


  1. Do one of the following:

    • Control-M/EM: Do one of the following:

      • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/EM account.

      • Windows: Open a command prompt window and go to <Control-M EM home>\Default\bin\DBUtils.

    • Control-M/Server: Do one of the following:

      • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/Server account.

      • Windows: Open a command prompt window and go to <Control-M/Server>\ctm_server\exe\DBUtils.

  2. Type the following command:


    [ -TRACE_LEVEL <error|log|info> ]

    [ -HELP ]

    [ -FORCE <Y|N> ]

DBUStop Utility Parameters

The following table describes the DBUStop utility parameters:




Defines the trace level.

Valid values:

  • error

  • log

  • info

    Default: error

Use this option only when instructed to do so by BMC Customer Support. Using this option can slow performance and use extra disk space.


Displays the usage, then exits with success status.


Enables the database server processes and listener to abort.

Valid values:

  • Y

  • N

    Default: N

Running the DBUVersion Utility

This procedure describes how to run the DBUVersion utility, which enables you to display the general description of the database server, including the version number.


  1. Do one of the following:

    • Control-M/EM: Do one of the following:

      • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/EM account.

      • Windows: Open a command prompt window and go to <Control-M EM home>\Default\bin\DBUtils.

    • Control-M/Server: Do one of the following:

      • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/Server account.

      • Windows: Open a command prompt window and go to <Control-M/Server>\ctm_server\exe\DBUtils.

  2. Type the following command:


    [ -TRACE_LEVEL <error|log|info> ]

    [ -HELP ]

The following is a sample output after running the DBUVersion utility:

PostgreSQL 9.2.8 compiled by Visual C++ build 1600, 64-bit

DBUVersion Utility Parameters

The following table describes the DBUVersion utility parameters:




Defines the trace level.

Valid values:

  • error

  • log

  • info

    Default: error

Use this option only when instructed to do so by BMC Customer Support. Using this option can slow performance and use extra disk space.


Displays the usage, then exits with success status.


The DBUStatus utility displays database client details for all supported databases.

Control-M/Server: Displays various PostgreSQL server and client details.

Control-M/EM: Displays various server and client details.

  • DB Type

  • Is Up

  • Is Remote DB

  • Last Startup Time

  • DB Server OS Version

  • DB Server Host Name

  • DB Server OS Type

  • DB Server Archive Directory

  • DB Server Port

  • DB Client OS Version

  • DB Client Host Name

  • DB Client OS Type

  • Number of Connections

  • Number of Backend Processes

  • DB Server Version

  • DB Client Version

Running the DBUStatus Utility

This procedure describes how to run the DBUStatus utility, which enables you to display database client or Server details for all supported databases.


  1. Do one of the following:

    • Control-M/EM: Do one of the following:

      • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/EM account.

      • Windows: Open a command prompt window and go to <Control-M EM home>\Default\bin\DBUtils.

    • Control-M/Server: Do one of the following:

      • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/Server account.

      • Windows: Open a command prompt window and go to <Control-M/Server>\ctm_server\exe\DBUtils.

  2. Type the following command:


    [ -TRACE_LEVEL <error|log|info> ]

    [ -HELP ]

    [ -PRIMARY <Y|N> ]


DBUStatus Utility Parameters

This table describes the DBUStatus utility parameters:




Defines the trace level.

Valid values:

  • error

  • log

  • info

    Default: error

Use this option only when instructed to do so by BMC Customer Support. Using this option can slow performance and use extra disk space.


Displays the usage, then exits with success status.


Displays the number of connections to the database.

DBUStatus Utility for Control-M/Server Example

The following example describes a DBUStatus utility sample output:

Current DB status=Up
Up Time= 2017-03-06 02:57:07.327+02
Is DB Remote=false
Server Host Name=cyborg
Server Host Version=6.2.9200 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Server Standard
Client Host Name=cyborg
Client Host Version=6.2.9200 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Server Standard
DB Server Version=9.2.8
DB Server Version=PostgreSQL 9.2.8
Archive Mode for Hot Backup =off
Archive Mode for Replication=off


The DBUStorage utility displays the following attributes of Control-M/EM or Control-M/Server for all supported databases:

  • DB Name

  • Type

  • Size: operating system disk space

  • Free

  • Used

  • Used percentage

  • Location

  • Message: warns the user when disk space on Control-M/EM database server is low

  • Recommendation

Running the DBUStorage Utility

This procedure describes how to run the DBUStorage utility, which enable you to display various attributes of Control-M/EM for all supported databases.


  1. Do one of the following:

    • Control-M/EM: Do one of the following:

      • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/EM account.

      • Windows: Open a command prompt window and go to <Control-M EM home>\Default\bin\DBUtils.

    • Control-M/Server: Do one of the following:

      • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/Server account.

      • Windows: Open a command prompt window and go to <Control-M/Server>\ctm_server\exe\DBUtils.

  2. Type the following command:


    [ -TRACE_LEVEL <error|log|info> ]

    [ -HELP ]

DBUStorage Utility Parameters

This table describes the DBUStorage utility parameters:




Defines the trace level.

Valid values:

  • error

  • log

  • info

    Default: error

Use this option only when instructed to do so by BMC Customer Support. Using this option can slow performance and use extra disk space.


Displays the usage, then exits with success status.

DBUStorage Utility Example

The following example describes a DBUStorage utility sample output:

DB name = ctrlm900
Type = data+log
Size = 17171 MB
Free = 17163 MB
Used = 7 MB
Used_percentage = 0.05%
Location = <Control-M Installation Device>
Message = none
Recommendation = none

Running the DBUTransactions Utility

This procedure describes how to run DBUTransactions utility, which enables you to list all active transactions of the Control-M/EM database or Control-M/Server databases.


  1. Do one of the following:

    • Control-M/EM: Do one of the following:

      • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/EM account.

      • Windows: Open a command prompt window and go to <Control-M EM home>\Default\bin\DBUtils.

    • Control-M/Server: Do one of the following:

      • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/Server account.

      • Windows: Open a command prompt window and go to <Control-M/Server>\ctm_server\exe\DBUtils.

  2. Type the following command:


    [ -TRACE_LEVEL <error|log|info> ]

    [ -HELP ]

DBUtransactions Utility Parameters

This table describes the DBUtransactions utility parameters:




Defines the trace level.

Valid values:

  • error

  • log

  • info

    Default: error

Use this option only when instructed to do so by BMC Customer Support. Using this option can slow performance and use extra disk space.


Displays the usage, then exits with success status.

DBUtransactions Utility Example

The following example describes a DBUtransactions utility sample output:

number of connections = 2
connection 1 db_name=ctrlm900 os_proc=1024172 user_name=ctmuser query_start_time=2016-07-09 07:03:59.125859 client_ip=
connection 2 db_name=ctrlm900 os_proc=639076 user_name=ctmuser query_start_time=2016-07-09 07:27:53.37908 client_ip=
number of transactions = 1
transactions 1 db_name=ctrlm900 os_proc=1011810 user_name=ctmuser query_start_time=2016-07-09 07:28:09.797397 client_ip= current_transaction=select dbu_transactions('1215577688620000000000')
number of locks = 0

Running the DBUShow Utility

This procedure describes how to run the DBUShow utility, which enables you to display the configuration parameters of all supported databases and the Control-M/EM database client or Control-M/Server.

Configuration parameters are sorted alphabetically.


  1. Do one of the following:

    • Control-M/EM: Do one of the following:

      • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/EM account.

      • Windows: Open a command prompt window and go to <Control-M EM home>\Default\bin\DBUtils.

    • Control-M/Server: Do one of the following:

      • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/Server account.

      • Windows: Open a command prompt window and go to <Control-M/Server>\ctm_server\exe\DBUtils.

  2. Type the following command:


    [ -TRACE_LEVEL <error|log|info> ]

    [ -HELP ]

DBUShow Utility Parameters

This table describes the DBUShow utility parameters:




Defines the trace level.

Valid values:

  • error

  • log

  • info

    Default: error

Use this option only when instructed to do so by BMC Customer Support. Using this option can slow performance and use extra disk space.


Displays the usage, then exits with success status.

DBUShow Utility Example

The following example describes a DBUShow utility sample output:

add_missing_from=off source=default
allow_system_folder_mods=off source=default
archive_command= source=configuration file
archive_timeout=0 source=default
array_nulls=on source=default
authentication_timeout=60 source=default
autovacuum=on source=configuration file
autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor=0.1 source=default
autovacuum_analyze_threshold=250 source=default
autovacuum_freeze_max_age=200000000 source=default
autovacuum_naptime=60 source=default
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay=-1 source=default
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit=-1 source=default
autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor=0.2 source=default
autovacuum_vacuum_threshold=500 source=default