Post-Control-M/Server Migration Procedures

After you finish upgrading the Control-M/Server, you need to do the following:

Renaming a Control-M/Server Component

This procedure describes how to rename the Control-M/Server name if needed after migrating both Control-M/EM and Control-M/Server.

The following Control-M/EM components must be stopped before you attempt to rename a Control-M/Server: GCS, GUI Server, SLA Management, Forecast, SLS and the associated GTW.


  1. Log in to the Control-M/EM client in the new environment and open Control-M Configuration Manager (CCM).

  2. From the CCM, select the Control-M/Server that was migrated, right-click and select Rename.

  3. In the New Name field, enter the new name for the Control-M/Server.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Start the Control-M/EM processes.

Connecting the Gateway to the New Control-M/Server

This procedure describes how to connect the gateway to the new Control-M/Server. Perform this procedure if Control-M/EM was not migrated at the same time as Control-M/Server, and you want to reuse the Control-M/Server component in the CCM.


  1. Log in to the Control-M/EM client in the new environment and open Control-M Configuration Manager (CCM).

  2. From the CCM, select the Control-M/Server that was migrated, right-click and select Properties.

  3. In the left pane, click Communication.

  4. Update the Host and Control-M/EM Port fields to the location of the new Control-M/Server, and then click OK.

  5. Recycle the gateway.

Continuing after Control-M/Server Migration

This procedure describes how to continue working with existing agents after you have finished the Control-M/Server migration.


  1. To continue working with Control-M/Agents from the old environment, do one or more of the following:

    • Add the new Control-M/Server host name to the Authorized Servers list for every Control-M/Agent. For more information on the Authorized Server field, see the Control-M Installation Guide.

    • Configure the Control-M/Server default communication protocol to match the version of the majority of your connected Control-M/Agents. For details, see Defining Control-M/Server system parameters and Communication parameters (in the Control-M Administration Guide).

  2. Configure the correct Agent configuration parameter PROTOCOL_VERSION. The Server to Agent protocol version must be set to the lowest version of either the Control-M/Server or Agent. This parameter is set on both the Agent and the Server for that agent and they must match. You can use the Agent utility ctmagcfg to set the parameter on the Agent and the Control-M/Server utility ctm_menu to set it on the server. Here are the possible values for PROTOCOL_VERSION:

    Control-M/Agent Version





    If Control-M/Server is 9.0.21 and the Agent is, then the PROTOCOL_VERSION should be set to 12.

  3. If the ctmldnrs.dat file is migrated, copy the ctmldnrs.dat file from the Control-M/Server home folder (<server_home>) to the default location (<server_home>/ctm_server/tmp) or another location, as required.

    On UNIX, the ctmldnrs.dat is deleted from the default location (<server_home>/ctm_server/tmp) when Control-M/Server is started.

  4. After migrating from Linux to Windows, add the SYSTEM user to Control-M/Server security. For this task, you can use the ctmsec utility.

    For more information, see Control-M/Server security (in the Control-M Administration Guide).