Plug-in Management
The following procedures describe how to manage plug-ins in Control-M Application Integrator:
Adding a Plug-in: Describes how to create a plug-in and define its basic details.
Exporting a Plug-in: Describes how to save the plug-in in .ctmai format, which is used to share with other users or in other environments.
Importing a Plug-in: Describes how to add a ready-made plug-in that was shared with you.
Adding a Plug-inLink copied to clipboard
This procedure describes how to create a new plug-in and define its basic details.
From the Home tab in Application Integrator, click Add Plug-in.
On the Add Plug-in pane, for each field, type or select the required value, as described in Plug-in Details.
Click Add.
The new plug-in is added to the list of plug-ins on the Home tab.
You can open the plug-in on a separate tab for further Plug-in Development.
Plug-in DetailsLink copied to clipboard
The following table describes the general settings that you define for a plug-in.
Parameter |
Description |
Plug-in Name |
Defines a unique name for the plug-in. This name is used in the job palette in the Planning domain for the associated job type. Format: Alphanumeric characters, spaces, or _ (underscores). |
Plug-in Icon |
Enables you to select an icon from a drop-down palette for association with the plug-in. This icon represents your plug-in in the Planning domain. |
Plug-in ID |
Defines the internal name for plug-in identification within Control-M. This name must be unique. It cannot be changed in an existing plug-in. After you create a new plug-in, a default ID is generated from the plug-in name, and you can change the default ID. Format: 1–10 uppercase alphanumeric characters or _ (underscores) |
Steps Default Interface |
Defines the default interface for steps that are added in the plug-in during Plug-in Development. Valid Values:
Default: Command line |
Description |
(Optional) Defines a free-text description of the plug-in. This description appears as a tool tip in the job palette in the Planning domain. |
Application Support Team |
(Optional) Defines the name of the team in the organization responsible for supporting the plug-in. This information appears in messages that are written to the job execution log. |
Application Support Email |
(Optional) Defines the email address of the team in the organization responsible for supporting the plug-in. |
The following table describes the advanced options that are available for plug-in jobs.
Parameter |
Description |
Append environment information to job output |
Enables you to view environment information, such as headers and footers in the job output. |
Append execution statistics to job output |
Enables you to view job execution statistics in the job output, such as start and end time of a job. |
Append step details to job output |
Enables you to view details about each step in the job output. |
Append job failure message to job output |
Enables you to view job failure messages in the job output. |
Exporting a Plug-inLink copied to clipboard
This procedure describes how to export a plug-in, which you can share with other Control-M users or across Control-M environments.
From the Home tab, select the plug-in row (not the plug-in name).
Click Export.
The plug-in is saved locally in .ctmai format.
Importing a Plug-inLink copied to clipboard
This procedure describes how to import a ready-made plug-in. This is useful if you want to add a plug-in that you exported from a different Control-M environment or a plug-in that was shared with you by another Control-M user.
From the Home tab in Application Integrator, click Import
Navigate to the .ctmai file and select it.
The imported plug-in appears on a separate tab, ready for you to perform further Plug-in Development.
The plug-in is also added to the list of plug-ins on the Home tab.