Plug-in Management

The following procedures describe how to manage plug-ins in Control-M Application Integrator:

  • Adding a Plug-in: Describes how to create a plug-in and define its basic details.

  • Exporting a Plug-in: Describes how to save the plug-in in .ctmai format, which is used to share with other users or in other environments.

  • Importing a Plug-in: Describes how to add a ready-made plug-in that was shared with you.

Adding a Plug-inLink copied to clipboard

This procedure describes how to create a new plug-in and define its basic details.


  1. From the Home tab in Application Integrator, click Add Plug-in.

  2. On the Add Plug-in pane, for each field, type or select the required value, as described in Plug-in Details.

  3. Click Add.

    The new plug-in is added to the list of plug-ins on the Home tab.

    You can open the plug-in on a separate tab for further Plug-in Development.

Plug-in DetailsLink copied to clipboard

The following table describes the general settings that you define for a plug-in.



Plug-in Name

Defines a unique name for the plug-in.

This name is used in the job palette in the Planning domain for the associated job type.

Format: Alphanumeric characters, spaces, or _ (underscores).

Plug-in Icon

Enables you to select an icon from a drop-down palette for association with the plug-in. This icon represents your plug-in in the Planning domain.

Plug-in ID

Defines the internal name for plug-in identification within Control-M.

This name must be unique. It cannot be changed in an existing plug-in.

After you create a new plug-in, a default ID is generated from the plug-in name, and you can change the default ID.

Format: 1–10 uppercase alphanumeric characters or _ (underscores)

Steps Default Interface

Defines the default interface for steps that are added in the plug-in during Plug-in Development.

Valid Values:

  • Command line


  • Web service

Default: Command line


(Optional) Defines a free-text description of the plug-in.

This description appears as a tool tip in the job palette in the Planning domain.

Application Support Team

(Optional) Defines the name of the team in the organization responsible for supporting the plug-in.

This information appears in messages that are written to the job execution log.

Application Support Email

(Optional) Defines the email address of the team in the organization responsible for supporting the plug-in.

The following table describes the advanced options that are available for plug-in jobs.



Append environment information to job output

Enables you to view environment information, such as headers and footers in the job output.

Append execution statistics to job output

Enables you to view job execution statistics in the job output, such as start and end time of a job.

Append step details to job output

Enables you to view details about each step in the job output.

Append job failure message to job output

Enables you to view job failure messages in the job output.

Exporting a Plug-inLink copied to clipboard

This procedure describes how to export a plug-in, which you can share with other Control-M users or across Control-M environments.


  1. From the Home tab, select the plug-in row (not the plug-in name).

  2. Click Export.

    The plug-in is saved locally in .ctmai format.

Importing a Plug-inLink copied to clipboard

This procedure describes how to import a ready-made plug-in. This is useful if you want to add a plug-in that you exported from a different Control-M environment or a plug-in that was shared with you by another Control-M user.


  1. From the Home tab in Application Integrator, click Import

  2. Navigate to the .ctmai file and select it.

    The imported plug-in appears on a separate tab, ready for you to perform further Plug-in Development.

    The plug-in is also added to the list of plug-ins on the Home tab.