Cloud Computing Jobs
The following topics describe job attributes that work with cloud computing platforms and services:
AWS Batch Job
AWS Batch enables you to manage and execute batch computing workloads in AWS.
The following table describes the AWS Batch job attributes.
Attribute |
Description |
Connection Profile |
Determines the authorization credentials that are used to connect Control-M to AWS Batch. Rules:
Use Advanced JSON Format |
Determines whether you supply your own JSON parameters. |
JSON Format |
Defines the parameters for the batch job, in JSON format, that enable you to control how the job executes. For a description of this JSON syntax, see the description of SubmitJob in the AWS Batch API Reference. Copy
Job Name |
Defines the name of the batch job. |
Job Definition and Revision |
Determines which predefined job definition and version number (revision) is applied to the job, depending upon how you complete the field, as follows:
ctm-batch-job-definition:3 |
Job Queue |
Determines the job queue, which stores your batch job. |
Container Overrides Command |
(Optional) Defines a command, in JSON format, that overrides the specified command in the job definition. |
Job Attempts |
(Optional) Determines the number of times to retry a job execution, which overrides the retry attempts determined in the job definition. Valid Values: 1–10 |
Execution Timeout |
(Optional) Determines the number of seconds to wait before a timeout occurs in a batch job, which overrides the specified timeouts in the job definition. |
Status Polling Frequency |
Determines the number of seconds to wait before checking the status of the AWS Batch job. Default: 20 |
AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) enables you to create virtual machines in the Amazon cloud-computing platform.
The following table describes the AWS EC2 job type attributes.
Attribute |
Description |
Connection Profile |
Determines the authorization credentials that are used to connect Control-M to AWS EC2. Rules:
Operations |
Determines one of the following operations to perform on the AWS EC2 Virtual Machine:
Launch Template ID |
Defines the template to use to create a VM from a template. |
Instance ID |
Defines the name of the VM instance where you want to execute the operation. This parameter is available for all operations except for the Create operations. |
Instance Name |
Defines the name of a new VM instance for Create operations. |
Placement Availability Zone |
Determines which AWS EC2 zone to use for a Create operation. |
Instance Type |
Determines the software requirements of the host computer when you create a new AWS EC2 Virtual Machine. |
Subnet ID |
Defines the Subnet ID that is required to launch the instance in a Create operation. |
Key Name |
Defines the security credential key set for a Create operation. |
Image ID |
Defines the ID of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that is required to launch the instance in a Create operation. |
Number of copies |
Determines the number of copies of the VM to create in a Create operation. Default: 1 |
Get Instance logs |
Determines whether to display logs from the AWS EC2 instance at the end of the job output. This parameter is available for all operations except for the Terminate operation. |
Verification Poll Interval |
Determines the number of seconds to wait before job status verification. Default: 15 seconds |
Tolerance |
Determines the number of times to check the job status before ending Not OK. Default: 2 times |
Azure Batch Accounts Job
Azure Batch Accounts enables you to efficiently execute large-scale, parallel, computer-intensive tasks in the cloud.
The following table describes the Azure Batch Accounts job attributes.
Attribute |
Description |
Connection Profile |
Determines the authorization credentials that are used to connect Control-M to Azure Batch Accounts. Rules:
Batch Job ID |
Defines the name of the job that is created in Azure Portal. |
Task ID Prefix |
Defines a prefix that is added to the task ID. |
Task Command Line |
Defines the commands that the job performs. |
Max Wall Clock Time |
Determines the maximum amount of time the job executes, as follows:
Variable name: %%AWS-BATCH_ WALLCLOCK |
Max Wall Time Digits |
Defines the Custom maximum number of seconds, minutes, hours, or days the job executes. Default: 1 |
Max Wall Time Unit |
Determines the Custom units used to define the maximum amount of time the job executes.
Default: Minutes |
Max Task Retry Count |
Determines the maximum number of times to re-execute a failed job, as follows:
Default: None |
Retry Number |
Determines the Custom maximum number of times to re-execute a failed job. Default: 1 |
Retention Time |
Determines the file retention period, as follows:
Default: Unlimited |
Retention Time Digits |
Determines the number of seconds, minutes, hours, or days to set the Custom file retention period for. Default: 1 |
Retention Time Unit |
Determines the unit of time used to set the Custom file retention period for.
Default: Hours |
Append Log to Output |
Determines whether to add the job log to the output |
Status Polling Interval |
Determines the number of seconds to wait before checking the status of the Azure Batch Accounts job. Default: 20 |
Azure Functions Job
The Azure Functions job enables you to develop, test, and run applications in the cloud.
The following table describes Azure Functions job attributes.
Attribute |
Description |
Connection Profile |
Determines the authorization credentials that are used to connect Control-M to Azure Functions. Rules:
Variable name: %%AZURE-ACCOUNT |
Function App |
Defines the name of the Azure function application that you want to execute. |
Function Name |
Defines the name of the function that you want to execute. |
Optional Input Parameters |
Defines the function parameters, in JSON format, that enable you to control the presentation of data. Copy
For no parameters, type {}. |
Function Type |
Determines which of the following types of Azure functions to execute:
Failure Tolerance |
Determines the number of times to check the job status before ending Not OK. Default: 2 |
Status Polling Frequency |
Determines the number of seconds to wait before checking the status of the Azure Functions job. Default: 20 |
Azure VM Job
Azure Virtual Machine (VM) enables you to create, manage, and delete virtual machines in the Azure cloud.
The following table describes the Azure VM job type attributes.
Attribute |
Description |
Connection Profile |
Determines the authorization credentials that are used to connect Control-M to Azure VM. Rules:
VM Name |
Defines the name of the Azure Virtual Machine to execute the operation. |
Operation |
Determines one of the following operations to perform on the Azure Virtual Machine
Input Parameters |
Defines the input parameters in JSON format for a Create operation. Copy
Get Logs |
Determines whether to display logs from Azure VM at the end of the job output. This parameter is available for all operations except for the Delete operation. |
Delete VM Disk |
Determines whether to delete the Azure Virtual Machine disk when you delete an Azure Virtual Machine. |
Verification Poll Interval |
Determines the number of seconds to wait before job status verification. Default: 15 seconds |
Tolerance |
Determines the number of times to check the job status before ending Not OK. Default: 2 times |
GCP Batch Job
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Batch enables you to manage, schedule, and execute batch computing workloads on a virtual machine that is provisioned to accommodate your resource and capacity needs.
The following table describes the GCP Batch job type attributes.
Attribute |
Description |
Connection Profile |
Determines the authorization credentials that are used to connect Control-M to GCP Batch. Rules:
Project ID |
Defines the GCP project ID where the batch job executes. A project is a set of configuration settings that define the resources your GCP Batch jobs use and how they interact with GCP. |
Region |
Defines the region that is predefined in the GCP Batch platform where the virtual machine resources are located. us-east1 |
Override Region |
Determines whether to override the predefined region in the GCP Batch platform, as follows:
Default: No |
Allowed Locations |
Defines the new region, or zones in a region, where the virtual machine resources are located. This limits the selection of virtual machine resources to two zones in the US Central region: ["zones/us-central1-a", "zones/us-central1-c"] |
Job Name |
Defines a unique name for the batch job. |
Priority |
Determines the execution priority of the batch job. Larger numbers indicate higher priority. If Job A has a priority of 20, and Job B has a priority of 1, Job A executes first. Valid Values: Any number between 1 and 99. Default: 99 |
Runnable Type |
Determines one of the following types of batch jobs:
Task Script Text |
Defines the shell script that the batch job executes. |
Container Image URI |
Defines the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that points to the container image. |
Entry Point |
Defines the entry point (ENTRYPOINT) for the Docker container, which overrides the entry point defined in the original image. An entry point is the location in the container where the program begins its execution. Copy
Override Commands |
Determines whether to override the Docker command (CMD), which is the executable container application code that is defined in the original image, as follows.
Default: No |
Commands |
Defines the Docker command (CMD) that executes when a Docker container executes. If the container image contains an entry point or if an entry point is defined in the Entry Point attribute above, the command is appended as an argument. |
Container Volumes |
Defines the file or directory to copy (mount) onto a container volume, which is a virtual hard drive, inside the Docker container. This copies the /home/user directory on the host machine and pastes it into the /app directory on a volume in the Docker container: Copy
Determines the number of millicores of virtual CPU resources that are reserved for the batch job. Virtual machines measure CPU resources in millicores (m), which are thousandths of a CPU core. For example, 2000m equals 2 cores. |
Memory |
Determines the number of mebibytes (MiB; mega binary bytes) of virtual memory resources that are reserved for the batch job. |
Maximum Retry Count |
Determines the number of times to retry a job execution when it fails. Valid Values: Any number between 0 and 10. Default: 0 |
Instance Policy |
Determines which kind of virtual machine (instance) executes the job.
Machine Type |
Defines the virtual machine type that executes the job. e2-micro |
Machine Template |
Defines the virtual machine template that executes the job. |
Provisioning Model |
Determines the price and availability of virtual machine resources, as follows:
Default: Standard |
Logs Policy |
Determines whether save the batch job logs and where they appear.
Use Advanced JSON Format |
Determines whether you supply your own JSON parameters. |
JSON Format |
Defines the parameters for the batch job, in JSON format, that enable you to control how the job executes. For a description of this JSON syntax, see the description of Resource:Job in the GCP Batch Job API Reference. Copy
Status Polling Frequency |
Determines the number of seconds to wait before checking the status of the GCP Batch job. Default: 10 |
GCP Functions Job
The GCP Functions job enables you to develop, test, and run applications in the cloud.
The following table describes GCP Functions job attributes.
Attribute |
Description |
Connection Profile |
Determines the authorization credentials that are used to connect Control-M to GCP Functions. Rules:
Variable name: %%AZURE-ACCOUNT |
Project ID |
Defines the GCP project ID where the GCP Functions job executes. A project is a set of configuration settings that define the resources your GCP Batch jobs use and how they interact with GCP. |
Location |
Defines where the functions job executes. us-central1-f |
Function Name |
Defines the name of the function that you want to execute. |
Function Parameters |
Determines one of the following types of parameters to pass to the function:
URL Parameters |
Defines the URL parameters that are passed to the function, in the following format: <Parameter_Name_1>=<Value_1> |
Body |
Defines the JSON-based body parameters that are passed to the function, in the following format: Copy
For no parameters, type {}. Maximum Characters: 4,000 |
Status Polling Frequency |
Determines the number of seconds to wait before checking the status of the GCP Functions job. Default: 20 |
Failure Tolerance |
Determines the number of times to check the job status before ending Not OK. Default: 2 |
Get Logs |
Determines whether to append the GCP Functions logs to the output |
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Virtual Machine (VM) enables you to create, manage, and delete virtual machines on the Google Compute Engine (GCE).
The following table describes the GCP VM job type attributes.
Attribute |
Description |
Connection Profile |
Determines the authorization credentials that are used to connect Control-M to GCP VM. Rules:
Project ID |
Defines the project ID of the Google Cloud Project Virtual Machine. |
Zone |
Defines the name of the zone for the request. us-central1-f |
Operation |
Determines one of the following operations to perform on the Google Virtual Machine:
Template Name |
Defines the name of a template for creation of a new Google Virtual Machine from a template. |
Instance Name |
Defines the name of the VM instance where you want to execute the operation. This parameter is available for all operations except for the Create operations. |
Parameters |
Defines the input parameters in JSON format for a Create operation. Copy
Get Logs |
Determines whether to display logs from Google VM at the end of the job output. This parameter is available for all operations except for the Delete operation. |
Verification Poll Interval |
Determines the number of seconds to wait before job status verification. Default: 15 |
Tolerance |
Determines the number of times to check the job status before ending Not OK. Default: 2 |