Control-M External Java Installation

Control-M requires an external Java installation. To ensure that Java remain updated, Java library deliveries are decoupled from Control-M and not part of the installation. This reduces installation size and enables you to use the libraries that are common within your organization. You must ensure that Java 11 or 17 is available on the Control-M component host machines.

If you install Java 11 or 17, the installation process identifies the Java path and sets it accordingly.

If you are installing on Solaris or if you are using an extracted version of Java that is not installed, you must set the Java environment variable prior to installation, as described in Setting the Java Environment Variable. For a list of supported Java vendors, see Control-M Compatibility with External Java Vendors.

  • Both JRE and JDK are supported. However, BMC only requires JRE.

  • Java Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition are supported.

  • If the Java path is changed, you must update it in all Control-M components. Otherwise, Control-M does not function.

The following procedures describe how to change the Java package for each component after a new installation or after an upgrade on UNIX and Windows:

Setting the Java Environment Variable

This procedure describes how to set the Java environment variable, which points to an external Java installation. You must perform this procedure for each Control-M component before you install or upgrade. After the installation, each component has its own Java location according to the temporary variable value. The values are saved in the BMCINSTALL directory in the external_java_path_9.0.21.100.dat file. For a list of supported Java vendors, see Control-M Compatibility with External Java Vendors.

  • You only need to perform this procedure if you are installing on Solaris or if you are using an extracted version of Java that is not installed.

  • (Windows): You cannot set the Java environment variable on a Network File System (NFS).

  • (UNIX/Linux): If you set the Java environment variable on a Network File System (NFS), you might experience performance issues.

Before You Begin

If Java is installed, run the following command to find the Java home directory:

  • Linux: sh -c "java -XshowSettings:properties -version 2>&1 > /dev/null | grep 'java.home'"

  • Windows: java -XshowSettings:properties -version 2>&1 > null | findstr "java.home"


  • Set the Java environment variable with one of the following operating systems:

    • Linux: Do the following:

      1. From a command line, type one of the following commands:

        • sh/bash: export BMC_INST_JAVA_HOME=<java_directory>

        • csh/tcsh: setenv BMC_INST_JAVA_HOME <java_directory>

        • /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64

      2. Install the Control-M component from the same session where you set the variable.

    • Windows: Do the following:

      1. From a command line, type the following command:
        set BMC_INST_JAVA_HOME=<java_directory>


      2. Install the Control-M component from the same session where you set the variable.

    If you are installing in automatic or console mode, set the Java environment variable in the command, as follows:

    • Linux: -silent <xml_path>/<filename.xml> -BMC_INST_JAVA_HOME <java_path>

    • Windows: setup.exe -silent <xml_path>\<filename.xml> -BMC_INST_JAVA_HOME <java_path>

Changing the JRE Package

This procedure describes how to change the JRE package in Control-M/EM, Control-M/Server, and Control-M/Agent in UNIX/Linux and Windows. For more information about Java, see Control-M External Java Installation.

In Windows, you cannot use a network path.

Before You Begin

Verify that the external JRE version is 11 or 17.


  • Do one of the following:

    • UNIX/Linux: Do the following:

      1. Follow the instructions, as described in 000410031.

      2. From a command line, enter the following command:

      3. Follow the prompts and enter the parameters, as required.

        A confirmation message appears when the update is complete.

    • Windows: Do the following:

      1. From a command line, navigate to the following location:

      2. Type the following command:

      3. Follow the prompts and enter the parameters, as required.

        A confirmation message appears when the update is complete.

      If you are running Control-M in a cluster environment, you must repeat these steps on each host.