Installing Control-M Workflow Insights on Linux

This procedure describes how to install Control-M Workflow Insights on Linux.

Do not install multiple instances simultaneously.

Before You Begin

  • Verify that all Control-M Workflow Insights computers meet the Linux requirements see Control-M Workflow Insights System Requirements for Linux, as described in Control-M Workflow Insights System Requirements for Linux. If you cannot open any of the ports as described, you must define custom ports.

  • Verify that you upgraded a primary Control-M/EM version or later and installed at least two distributed Control-M/EM servers, as described in Control-M/Enterprise Manager Installation.

    If you first updated the version and then set the Linux kernel parameters, you must restart the Control-M/EM Configuration Agent.

  • Verify that all Workflow Insights computers are set to the same date-time.

  • Download the Control-M Workflow Insights activation CD image from EPD, as described in Obtaining Control-M Installation Files.

  • Verify that there are no open sessions to the Workflow Insights computers during installation.

  • Verify that the Firewall is open during installation.


  1. Mount the installation CD image from the root user and log off the root user before continuing with the installation.

  2. Log in to the Control-M Workflow Insights account.

    If you are using the GUI, set the environment variable DISPLAY to value <hostName>:0.0. It is not necessary to set DISPLAY for console mode or silent mode. For more information, see Setting Environment Variables in UNIX.

  3. Type the following command:


  4. Do one of the following:

    Interactive install: Follow the on-screen instructions until the installation is complete.

    Automatic install: Do the following:

    1. Follow the on-screen instructions until the Summary window.

    2. Click Generate and select the location to create the XML parameter file.

    3. Click Yes to quit the installation.

      A confirmation message appears.

    4. Click Yes.

    5. Copy the automatic installation parameters file to a network location that is accessible to all computers where you want to perform an automatic installation.

    6. To run the installation script, type the following command:

      <Source_Path>/ -silent <source_path/filename.xml>

After you have installed or upgraded the primary Control-M/EM and installed Workflow Insights on the Control-M Distributed instances, you need to run a script on all these components that removes the Log4j v2 vulnerability, as described in 000391322.

  1. Open the CCM and locate the Primary Control-M/EM server and the Control-M/EM Distributed servers and verify that all components and services are up with the status OK.

  2. From Control-M Web, from the Configuration domain > from the I_Web_Dropdown drop-down list > Workflow Insights Settings > Details, verify that the Control-M/EM Primary computer and the Control-M/EM Distributed computers related to the Workflow Insights installation are set to OK.

  3. Define the Workflow Insights Backups, as described in Defining Workflow Insights Backups.

    Control-M Workflow Insights installation is complete.

To replace a lost Control-M/EM Distributed to the Workflow Insights environment, install Control-M/EM Distributed on a new host and then run the following script:

You must periodically replace the Kibana and Elasticsearch certificates, as described in Kibana Certificate Management and Elasticsearch Certificate Management.

Uninstalling Control-M Workflow Insights from Linux

This procedure describes how to uninstall Control-M Workflow Insights from Linux.


  1. Log in as a Control-M user.

  2. Navigate to the following directory:

  3. Type one of the following commands:

    • Interactive Uninstall: ./

    • Automatic Uninstall: ./ -silent

Control-M Workflow Insights is successfully removed from your computer.

If the Control-M Workflow Insights environment has two Control-M/EM Distributed instances, uninstalling one of the Control-M/EM Distributed instances triggers the automatic uninstallation of the other Control-M/EM Distributed instance.