Email Server Configuration

The following procedures describe how to authenticate and connect Control-M components to email servers via Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Secure (SMTPS), which ensures data integrity and confidentiality:

Connecting Control-M/EM to an Email Server via SMTPS with Authentication

This procedure describes how to authenticate and connect Control-M/EM to an email server via SMTPS. By default, Control-M/EM connects to an email server via Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), which lacks the additional Transport Layer Security (TLS) of SMTPS.

Before You Begin

  • Verify that the email server parameters are set correctly, as described in Control-M/EM General Parameters.

  • In particular, verify that the email server host and port are defined by the EmailServer parameter.


  1. Create a copy of the file in the <EM_HOME>/etc/ directory and save it to the same directory with the filename

  2. Create a copy of the file in <EM_HOME>/etc/ directory and save it to the same directory with the filename

  3. Define the following parameters in the file:

    • bmc.mail.user=<username>

    • bmc.mail.password=<password>

    • bmc.mail.password_crypt=no

  4. (Optional) To encrypt the password in the file, run the changeMailPass utility that is in the <EM HOME>/bin/ directory, and type the password.

    The utility encrypts the password and changes the encryption status to bmc.mail.password_crypt=yes.

    As of Control-M version 9.0.21, the changeMailPass utility uses the db_enc_key.txt encryption key. In earlier versions, this utility uses the password encryption key specified in the <EM_HOME>/etc/aes.key file. For more information, see Control-M Encryption Keys.

Connecting Control-M/Server to an Email Server via SMTPS with Authentication

This procedure describes how to authenticate and connect Control-M/Server to an email server via SMTPS. By default, Control-M/EM connects to an email server via Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), which lacks the additional Transport Layer Security (TLS) of SMTPS.

Before You Begin

  • Verify that the email server parameters are set correctly, as described in SMTP parameters.

  • In particular, verify that the email server host and port are defined by the SMTP_SERVER_NAME and SMTP_PORT_NUMBER parameters.


  1. Create a copy of the file in the <Control-M/Server home directory>/ctm_server/data/ directory and save it to the same directory with the filename

  2. Create a copy of the file in the <Control-M/Server home directory>/ctm_server/data/ directory and save it to the same directory with the filename

  3. Define the following parameters in the file:

    • bmc.mail.user=<username>

    • bmc.mail.password=<password>

    • bmc.mail.password_crypt=no

  4. (Optional) To encrypt the password in the file, run the ctm_change_mail_pass utility that is in the <Control-M/Server home directory>/ctm_server/scripts/ directory, and type the password.

    The utility encrypts the password and changes the encryption status to bmc.mail.password_crypt=yes.

    As of Control-M version 9.0.21, the ctm_change_mail_pass utility uses the security_aes_key.txt encryption key. In earlier versions, this utility uses the password encryption key specified in the ctm_server/data/aes.key file. For more information, see Control-M Encryption Keys.