Email Server Configuration
The following procedures describe how to authenticate and connect Control-M components to email servers via Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Secure (SMTPS), which ensures data integrity and confidentiality:
Connecting Control-M/EM to an Email Server via SMTPS with Authentication
Connecting Control-M/Server to an Email Server via SMTPS with Authentication
Connecting Control-M/EM to an Email Server via SMTPS with Authentication
This procedure describes how to authenticate and connect Control-M/EM to an email server via SMTPS. By default, Control-M/EM connects to an email server via Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), which lacks the additional Transport Layer Security (TLS) of SMTPS.
Before You Begin
Verify that the email server parameters are set correctly, as described in Control-M/EM General Parameters.
In particular, verify that the email server host and port are defined by the EmailServer parameter.
Create a copy of the file in the <EM_HOME>/etc/ directory and save it to the same directory with the filename
Create a copy of the file in <EM_HOME>/etc/ directory and save it to the same directory with the filename
Define the following parameters in the file:
(Optional) To encrypt the password in the file, run the changeMailPass utility that is in the <EM HOME>/bin/ directory, and type the password.
The utility encrypts the password and changes the encryption status to bmc.mail.password_crypt=yes.
As of Control-M version 9.0.21, the changeMailPass utility uses the db_enc_key.txt encryption key. In earlier versions, this utility uses the password encryption key specified in the <EM_HOME>/etc/aes.key file. For more information, see Control-M Encryption Keys.
Connecting Control-M/Server to an Email Server via SMTPS with Authentication
This procedure describes how to authenticate and connect Control-M/Server to an email server via SMTPS. By default, Control-M/EM connects to an email server via Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), which lacks the additional Transport Layer Security (TLS) of SMTPS.
Before You Begin
Verify that the email server parameters are set correctly, as described in SMTP parameters.
In particular, verify that the email server host and port are defined by the SMTP_SERVER_NAME and SMTP_PORT_NUMBER parameters.
Create a copy of the file in the <Control-M/Server home directory>/ctm_server/data/ directory and save it to the same directory with the filename
Create a copy of the file in the <Control-M/Server home directory>/ctm_server/data/ directory and save it to the same directory with the filename
Define the following parameters in the file:
(Optional) To encrypt the password in the file, run the ctm_change_mail_pass utility that is in the <Control-M/Server home directory>/ctm_server/scripts/ directory, and type the password.
The utility encrypts the password and changes the encryption status to bmc.mail.password_crypt=yes.
As of Control-M version 9.0.21, the ctm_change_mail_pass utility uses the security_aes_key.txt encryption key. In earlier versions, this utility uses the password encryption key specified in the ctm_server/data/aes.key file. For more information, see Control-M Encryption Keys.