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Options of the Active Environment Screen

Select an option by typing it in the O (Option) field to the left of the job order and pressing Enter. The following table describes the available options:

Table 58 Options of the Active Environment Screen



? (Why)

Display the Why screen, which shows the reasons the job is in Wait Schedule status. For more information, see Why screen.

L (Log)

Display the Log screen, which shows all IOA Log messages for the specified job. For more information, see IOA Log Screen.

H (Hold)

Hold Control-M operations on the job order. Only Control-M operations concerning the job order are halted. The flow of the job through the operating system is not held. The HOLD request is recorded in the IOA Log file. The status of the job is changed to REQUESTED HELD. If the Control-M monitor is active, the status changes to HELD. In some cases, a HOLD request may be rejected by the monitor.

Z (Zoom)

Display the Zoom screen, which "zooms in" on job details. For more information, see Zoom Screen.

R (Rerun)

Rerun the job. A Rerun window is displayed. For more information, see Confirm Rerun Window.

A (Activate)

Reactivate a job or started task that has a status of either DISAPPEARED or FAILED REASON UNKNOWN. Control-M searches the MVS/JES queues for the disappeared or failed job or started task.

A job or started task is assigned a DISAPPEARED status if it has been accidentally deleted. Also, if JES is very busy, it sometimes sets the status of a job or started task to DISAPPEARED even though the job or started task actually exists.

A job or started task is assigned a status of FAILED REASON UNKNOWN whenever Control-M encounters a problem reading the SYSDATA files of the job and therefore cannot check the completion status of the job.

O (Force OK)

Force the job to complete with ENDED OK status. For more information, see Force OK Confirmation Window.

§Restart§ V (View Sysout)

View the execution history of the job in the Job Order Execution History screen. From this screen, the Sysout Viewing screen, which displays the archived SYSDATA of the job, can be requested. For more information on these screens, see §Restart§Job Order Execution History Screen, and §Restart§ Sysout Viewing Screen.

N (Net)

Display the Job Dependency Network screen, which shows all the predecessor and successor jobs for the selected job. For more information, see Job Dependency Network Screen.

D (Del)

Delete the job. For more information, see Deleting a Job and Delete Confirmation Window.

Note: If you delete a SMART Table Entity, all jobs which are part of that SMART Table are also deleted.

F (Free)

Free a held job order. All Control-M operations for the job order are resumed. If the job is currently in the job queue of the operating system in HOLD state, the job is not released. The FREE request is recorded in the IOA Log file. The status of the job is changed to REQUESTED FREE. If the monitor is active, the FREE request is accepted after a few seconds.

S (Stat)

Display the Statistics screen, which shows job run statistics. Statistics for a job that is not in the Active environment can be displayed using command JOBSTAT. For more information, see Statistics Screen.


Display the SMART Table Entity (TBL entry) and all jobs that are part of that SMART Table. This option can be entered next to a TBL entry, or next to any job that is part of a SMART Table. Jobs that are part of a SMART Table are marked with the letter T (TBL) to the right of the SMART Table name under display type A (Activate).
Option T must be entered as the last option in the screen.
When the Table option is requested, the name of the selected table appears in the title line of the screen.

U (Undelete)

Cancel a previously requested Delete. Valid only for jobs deleted by request. The job is returned to its status prior to the delete request.

Note: If you undelete a job that is part of a deleted SMART Table, the SMART Table Entity is undeleted, together with the individual job.
However, if you undelete a deleted SMART Table, only the SMART Table is undeleted, and not the jobs in the SMART Table. If you want also to undelete a job or jobs that are part of that SMART Table, you must undelete each job individually.

J (JCL Edit)

Edit the member that contains the JCL of the job.

By default, if the specified JCL member exists in the OVERLIB library, that member is edited. If the JCL member does not exist in the OVERLIB library, the member is edited in the MEMLIB library.

C (Confirm)

Confirm that this job is to be scheduled. A window is displayed to permit user confirmation. Entering Y sets the status of the job to WAIT SCHEDULE. For more information, see Confirm Scheduling Window.

% (Simulation)

Simulates the action of the Control-M Submission mechanism for a job that was previously placed in the Active Jobs file. This option is similar to the CTMAESIM utility, which is described in the section concerning testing AutoEdit syntax in JCL and AutoEdit Facility. The option produces the JCL stream for the job and a report of the process.

The IOA Editor directs the output of the AutoEdit simulation to the user’s screen, with the following header line displayed:


where memname is the name of the JCL member of the job.

The report consists of two parts:

  • the messages produced by Control-M during the simulated job processing
  • the JCL stream as it would be submitted by the Control-M Monitor to the MVS internal reader if the job is rerun

The user can use the IOA editor to edit the output, and save it as a member in a library.


  • For DUMMY jobs, no JCL stream is generated.
  • To activate this function, the user must have read-access security authorization to the JCL library (MEMLIB).

B (Bypass)

Display the BYPASS option window. This option enables you to specify criteria and resources to be ignored for those jobs that have a status of WAIT SCHEDULE.

By default, all fields in the BYPASS option window are set to N.

You may set any or all these fields to Y, with the following effects:

IN Criteria:

  • Time Limit – All the time limit selection criteria of the job, such as TIME FROM, TIME UNTIL, DUE OUT, and NEXT, are ignored. The job is submitted when all other criteria are satisfied.
  • IN Conditions – All IN conditions of the job are ignored. The job is submitted when all other criteria are satisfied.
  • Quantitative Resources – All quantitative resources of the job are ignored. The job is submitted when all other criteria are satisfied.
  • Control Resources – All Control resources of the job are ignored. The job is submitted when all other criteria are satisfied.
  • Pipes – (only when using Mainview Batch Optimizer job pipes) All PIPE statements of the job are ignored. The job is removed from the pipe sharing job collection of which it is part, and is submitted when all other criteria are satisfied.
  • Workload Limits – All workload restrictions, for example, the maximum number of jobs and maximum number of resources, are ignored.
  • Scheduling Environment – The SCHENV specification for the job is ignored. The job will run even if the scheduling environment is not active.
  • Quiesce Time – The job will run, even if Control-M is in Quiesce mode, as a result of the QUIESTIME command.
  • All IN Criteria – Enters Y in all the fields under IN Criteria in the BYPASS option window. However, the fields under Additional Options are not affected.

Additional Options:

  • JCL – The member and library specified in the MEMNAME, MEMLIB, and OVERLIB statements of the job are ignored. When all run-time criteria are satisfied, a dummy job is submitted.

    Note: When BYPASS JCL is specified, Control-M handles post-processing of the job as if it were a dummy job and will ignore all ON PGMSTEP pgmstep DO blocks in the job.

  • Post Processing – All post processing specifications are ignored.
  • Delayed Submission – Delayed Submission is ignored, and jobs are submitted as scheduled.

B (Bypass)



  • Using BYPASS does not require that the job be HELD. It is therefore possible that by the time Control-M comes to handle the BYPASS request, the status of the job may no longer be WAIT SCHEDULE. If this occurs, the monitor ignores the BYPASS setting, and issues an appropriate message to the IOA log.
  • When any BYPASS option has been set to Y, the status field of the job in the Active Environment Screen will show that the BYPASS feature is in use, with the relevant activated field identified. For example, the status may show BYPASS(Time + IN + QUANT), to indicate that the Time Limit, IN Conditions, and Quantitative Resources fields were set to Y, and that those criteria are being ignored.
  • If you set any field in the BYPASS window to Y, that setting only remains valid for the current run of the job. When the job is rerun or restarted, all BYPASS fields are reset to N.

Job Optimizer)

Display the MVBO/Job Optimizer screen for the selected job. Valid only for jobs under the control of MAINVIEW Batch Optimizer (MVBO). The MVBO/Job Optimizer screen is described in the MAINVIEW Batch Optimizer/Job Optimizer Reference Manual.

K (Kill)

(Only jobs that have Executing status) "Kills" the job, meaning that the job is cancelled (causing the job to fail with a system abend code of S222), and the status of the job is changed to ENDED NOTOK. Kill may not be specified for Started tasks or NJE jobs.

X (Exit)

Invoke user exit CTMX008. Placing an X next to a job in screen 3 keeps the details of the current job as input parameters for the exit.

For information about the function of user exit CTMX008, please consult with your site’s IOA administrator.

Parent Topic

Active Environment Screen