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Confirm Rerun Window

If a job scheduling definition does not contain an appropriate DO RERUN statement, or if the specified MAXRERUN limit was reached, a job is not automatically rerun if the job execution fails.

In such cases, however, rerun of the job can be manually requested by entering R (Rerun) in the Active Environment screen.

The following confirmation window is opened when either option R (Rerun) or option C (Confirm) is entered in the Active Environment screen.

Note: §Restart§ If Control-M/Restart is available, a different window is opened for job rerun. For more information, see §Restart§ Confirm Restart Window (Under Control-M/Restart).

Figure 55 Active Environment Screen Confirm Rerun Window

Filter:           ------- CONTROL-M  Active  Environment ------ DOWN  <D> - (3)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ==> CRSR

O Name     Owner    Odate  Jobname  JobID   Typ ------------ Status -----------

  PRD71    PROD     060601                  JOB Held Wait Schedule

  PRD453   PROD     060601                  JOB Held Wait Schedule

  PRD44    PROD     060601                  JOB Held Wait Schedule

  PRD85    PROD     060601                  JOB Held Wait Schedule

  PRD72    PROD     060601                  JOB Held Wait Schedule

  DAILYPRD PRODMNGR 060601                  JOB Wait Schedule

  DAILYSYS SYSTEM   060601                  JOB Wait Schedule

  CTMLDNRS PRODMNGR 060601                  JOB Wait Schedule

  CTMCLRES           +------------------------+ Wait Schedule

C SELITBL   <--------|   Confirm      (Y/N)   | Ended- Not "OK"

  TBLJOB3            +------------------------+ Ended- Not "OK" - Abended

  DAILYPRD PRODMNGR 060601                  JOB Wait Schedule

  DAILYSYS SYSTEM   060601                  JOB Wait Schedule

  CTMLDNRS PRODMNGR 060601                  JOB Wait Schedule

  CTMCLRES PRODMNGR 060601                  JOB Wait Schedule

  TST3     TEST     060601                  JOB Ended "OK"

  TST3     TEST     060601                  JOB Ended "OK"

  TST1     TEST     060601                  JOB Requested Rerun Ended "OK" (Run 2)

Opt: ? Why L Log H Hold Z Zoom R Rerun A Activate O Force OK V View Sysout

N Net D Del F Free S Stat T Table U Undelete J JCL Edit C Confirm 12.17.59

When R (Rerun) is entered and when Control-M/Restart is not installed, the following confirmation window is opened:


R mem-name <-----| Rerun  (Y/N)         |


Fill in the fields of the window as follows, and press Enter:

Table 74 Fields of the Confirm Rerun Window



Confirm or Rerun

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Submission or rerun of the job is requested.
    The status of the job is changed to WAIT SCHEDULE, and the job is eligible for submission by Control-M once all other runtime criteria are satisfied.
  • N (No) – No action is taken.
    The status of the job remains unchanged and the job is not submitted.

Parent Topic

Tracking and Control Facility