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§Restart§ Confirm Restart Window (Under Control-M/Restart)

When Control-M/Restart is available, and the job scheduling definition of a job whose execution fails contains a DO IFRERUN statement, the job can be restarted. Manual intervention is required for the job restart if the job appears in the Active Environment screen with a status of WAIT CONFIRMATION (WITH RESTART). For a job requiring restart, this status appears when all the following conditions exist:

To confirm restart or rerun for such a job, enter option C (Confirm) for the job. A restart confirmation window is then opened. The same confirmation window is opened when requesting the rerun (option R) of a restart job in the Active Environment screen. For the description and an example of the confirmation window, see the following section. §Restart§Rerun and/or Restart Window (Under Control-M/Restart).

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Tracking and Control Facility