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Zoom Screen

The Zoom screen "zooms in" on the details of a specific job order. To display the Zoom screen, type Z (Zoom) on the Active Environment screen.

Note: To save changes made in the Zoom screen, the job must be placed in HELD state before entering the Zoom screen.

Figure 51 Control-M Zoom Screen

------------------------- CONTROL-M ZOOM SCREEN --------------------------(3.Z)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR


  MEMNAME PRDKPL01    MEMLIB   CTM.PROD.JOBLIB                              

  OWNER   M44         TASKTYPE JOB              PREVENT-NCT2   DFLT  N      

  SCHDTAB MIKLE       SCHDLIB  CTMP.V524.SCHEDULE                           

  APPL    PROD           TBL KPL                  RBC

  OVERLIB                                                   STAT CAL PERIOD  

  SCHENV                          SYSTEM ID                 NJE NODE        

  JOBNAME           JOBID           ODATE 060601 ORDERID 0005C     MAXWAIT 04

  RESTART DECISION-FROM          .           TO          .         CONFIRM N


  SET VAR                                                                   

  CTB STEP AT         NAME           TYPE                                   

  DOCMEM  PRDKPL01    DOCLIB   CTM.PROD.DOC                                 






  IN       DAILY-PROD-KPL-GO    0606                                         

  CONTROL  DB2-MAIN-FILE        E                                            

  RESOURCE INIT                 0001      CART                 0001          

  PIPE     CTM.PROD.PIPE                                                     

  FROM TIME      +     DAYS  UNTIL TIME      +     DAYS     PRTY    CONFIRM  

  DUE IN         +     DAYS  ELAPSE                DUE OUT      +     DAYS   

  TIME ZONE:                    WAIT FOR ODATE:                              

  CPU-ID    NODE NAME           NJE      SEARCH COUNTER         LPAR OS35    


  OUT      PROD-PRDKPL01-OK    0606 +                                        

  AUTO-ARCHIVE Y           SYSDB    Y          MAXDAYS       MAXRUNS         


  SYSOUT OP C (C,D,F,N,R) 2                                           FROM   

  MAXRERUN      MEMBER          INTRVL        FROM END   NXT RUN             

  STEP RANGE         FR (PGM.PROC)          .          TO          .         

  ON PGMST          PROCST         CODES                             A/O *   


  ON SYSOUT                                      FROM 001 TO 132    A/O  *


  ON VAR                                                                     


  SHOUT WHEN NOTOK    TIME        +      DAYS     TO OPER2            URGN R


  SHOUT WHEN          TIME        +      DAYS     TO                  URGN   



  APPL TYPE                                  APPL VER                        

  APPL FORM                                  CM   VER                        

  INLINE JCL: N                                                              


====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END OF JOB PARAMETERS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======

COMMANDS: CANCEL  DOC  NOTE                                               18.33.28

Note: The Zoom screen is displayed in Browse mode if the requested job order is already being zoomed by another user. In this case, updates are not permitted.

The Zoom screen is similar to the Job Scheduling Definition screen used for defining job production parameters, but it is different in several respects:

For information about most fields in the Zoom screen, see Job Scheduling Definition Screen – Defining Schedules.

Fields of the Zoom screen that are not in the Job Scheduling Definition screen are described below:

Table 72 Fields of the Job Scheduling Definition Zoom Screen




Name of the table from which the job was ordered (table that handles jobs individually).


Name of the scheduling library from which the job was ordered.


The original value of the MEMLIB parameter before Control-M changed it to DUMMY.

This line appears only in PSEUDO jobs, meaning jobs in a table that were automatically changed by Control-M into DUMMY jobs when they were ordered.

For more information on PSEUDO jobs, see ADJUST CONDITIONS: General Job Parameter.


1-character field that identifies the actual days within the Control-M periodic calendar that were used in calculating statistics relating to the job.


Name of the job (available only after job submission).


Job number (available only after job submission).


Original scheduling date assigned to the job.


Unique job order ID in Control-M.


This has the following subparameters:

  • FROM – Program step (and, optionally, procedure step) names at which to begin processing the job restart.
  • TO – Program step (and, optionally, procedure step) names at which the restarted job terminates processing. This parameter is optional. If the FROM parameter is specified and the TO parameter is not specified, the job is rerun until the last step.
  • CONFIRM – Valid values are:

    — Y (Yes) – If the job is to be resubmitted as a result of a DO RERUN statement, manual confirmation is required (using the Active Environment screen).

    — N (No) – If the job is resubmitted as a result of a DO RERUN statement, manual confirmation is not required.


Text of a note has been added to the job order. For more information, see Adding or Editing a Job Order Note.


For users who have MVBO (Mainview Batch Optimizer) installed.

If an IN condition name is preceded by the non-modifiable string IGN, that IN condition will be ignored when evaluating the job's run time criteria. The condition is ignored to enable an entire collection of PIPE-sharing jobs to run simultaneously.


For complete details, see DUE OUT: Runtime Scheduling Parameter.


Anticipated elapse time (that is, anticipated job execution time). The value used is the average of the run times of the job in the Control-M Statistics file.


Whether a job can be executed even though ODATE is a future date. Valid values are:

  • Y – The job cannot be executed until ODATE arrives.
  • N – The job can be executed even if ODATE has not yet arrived.

When the Job Scheduling Definition Zoom screen is displayed, the value that appears in this field varies as follows:

  • When the CTMJOB utility was used to order the job, if the ODATEOPT parameter was set to RUN, the value is Y.
  • If the job was pre-ordered using the Time Zone feature in the New Day procedure, and the ODATEOPT parameter was automatically set to RUN, the value is Y.
  • If the job was ordered or forced from the Job List Screen, and the WAIT FOR ODATE field in the Job List Exit Option window was set to Y, the value that appears in the Zoom screen is also Y.

You can change the value that appears in this field.


CPUID on which the job executes (if $ Quantitative resources were specified). This field contains the selected $ value, that is, the CPUID. For more details, see RESOURCE: Runtime Scheduling Parameter.


Node on which the job executes (as specified in the JCL).


When this field contains a Y, the job has been sent for execution to a computer that is connected to a Control-M computer by NJE, that is, it does not have a shared spool with Control-M. Normally, do not modify the value in this field.

BMC recommends that you do not purge jobs from the spool on the Remote node. However, if a job was purged from the spool on the Remote node, you must notify Control-M of the event by changing the value in the NJE field back to '  ' (Blank). After a short time, the job status changes to Disappeared.


Number of times Control-M has looked for a job that is not found. (This value is displayed (as n) in job status BUT NOT FOUND n TIMES.) When this value equals the maximum number of searches allowed, the job status changes to DISAPPEARED.

Note: The default value is 10. This value can be changed by your INCONTROL administrator, using the #JNFRT parameter in the CTMPARM member in the IOA PARM library.

You may change the value of this counter. Two instances in which this might be helpful are:

  • As the counter approaches the maximum number of searches allowed, set the SEARCH COUNTER back to zero if you do not want the status changed to DISAPPEARED.
  • If the search is pointless (for example, you know the job has been deleted from spool), change the SEARCH COUNTER to 99999 thereby causing a DISAPPEARED status.


Identity of the MVS system (the logical partition) on which the job is being, or has been, executed.


For rerun situations or for cyclic jobs that use the INTERVAL option, this field indicates the next time the job is submitted (if other submission criteria are satisfied). Format: yymmdd hhmm.


The Global Workload Policies with which the job is associated (if relevant). Global Workload Policies are created and managed in Control-M/EM.


The Local Workload Policies with which the job is associated (if relevant). Local Workload Policies are created and managed in Control-M for z/OS.

ON statement trigger

This field appears at the end of the line in ON statements (ON PGMST, ON SYSOUT, ON VAR, and (for Table Entities) ON TABLE-END), to the right of the A/O field. In Figure 51 an asterisk can be seen in this field. The field is used to indicate whether the ON statement was triggered. Possible values are:

  • ‘*’ (Asterisk) – ON statement was triggered.
  • ‘  ‘ (Blank) – ON statement was not triggered.

Note: If more than one ON statement of a certain type has been specified:

  • If the statements are joined by an OR relationship, related DO actions were performed if an asterisk appears in this field for any ON statement of this type.
  • If the statements are joined by an AND relationship, related DO actions were performed only if an asterisk appears in this field for all joined ON statements of this type.

Only specific dates (or ****, $$$$ or STAT) can be used as valid condition date references. Therefore, if symbolic date references (such as ODAT or PREV) are entered as condition date references (in the parameters IN, OUT, CODES, COND, and so on) in the job scheduling definition, the real date values are derived and displayed in the Zoom screen.

§Restart§ The restart decision parameters (FROM, TO, CONFIRM) contain a value other than blank only if

When and if the job is restarted, these parameters are used. You can modify the value of these parameters.

The DOC command can be used to alternately display and hide the documentation (DOC lines). Documentation cannot be updated in the Zoom screen.

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Tracking and Control Facility