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Log Screen

To display the Log screen, type option L (Log) in the Active Environment screen. The Log screen displays all Log messages of the specified job.

Figure 50 Active Messages Log Screen

FILTER:            -- LOG MESSAGES FOR JOB(S) INTR0004 -----------------(3.LOG)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

SHOW LIMIT ON ==>                                          DATE 060601 - 060601

DATE   TIME   ODATE  USERID   CODE    ------ M E S S A G E --------------------

060601 131143 060601 M22      JOB511I JOB INTR0004 ODATE 060601 ID=00019 PLACED

                                      ON ACTIVE JOBS FILE -                  

060601 131148 060601 M22      SEL203I JOB INTR0004 ELIGIBLE FOR RUN           

060601 131150 060601 M22      SUB133I JOB INTR0004 SUBMITTED                  

060601 131651 060601 M22      SPY281I JOB INTR0004 INTR0004/04371 START       

                                      98253.1316 STOP 98253.1316 CPU 0MIN     

                                      00.04SEC SRB 0MIN 00.00SEC 0.19 9QFDSF  

060601 131651 060601 M22      SPY254I JOB INTR0004 INTR0004/04371 SCANNED     

060601 131652 060601 M22      SEL206W JOB INTR0004 INTR0004/04371 ABENDED CC  

                                      SB37 STEP STEP01                        

060601 131652 060601 M22      SEL219I JOB INTR0004 INTR0004/04371 ENDED "NOT  


060601 132814 060601 M22      CTM659I RERUN OF TASK INTR0004 ODATE 060601     


060601 132817 060601 M22      SEL220I JOB INTR0004 WILL BE RERUN              

060601 132818 060601 M22      SEL203I JOB INTR0004 ELIGIBLE FOR RUN           

060601 132818 060601 M22      SUB133I JOB INTR0004 SUBMITTED                  

======== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    NO MORE LOG MESSAGES    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ========


CMDS: SHOW, TABLE, CATEGORY, SHPF                                      13.24.01

Usage of the Log screen is explained in detail in IOA Log Screen. However, if you entered the Log screen by option L on the Active Environment screen instead of by option 5 on the IOA Primary Option menu, note the following differences in usage:

If you enter L (Log) in the O (Option) column for multiple jobs in the Active Environment screen, the log displays are stacked. Each time the END key (PF03/PF15) is pressed, the next log in the stack is displayed, until all logs have been displayed.

To return to the Active Environment screen, press END (PF03/PF15).

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Tracking and Control Facility