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Force OK Confirmation Window

To change the status of a job to ENDED OK, type O (Force OK) in the option field to the left of the job order and press Enter.

Status changes are performed as follows:

In the case of a cyclic job, Force OK works only after the job has reached an ENDED status, such as the result of a DO STOPCYCLE command.

A Force OK request is not performed if the job is currently being executed or rerun.

In the case of a SMART Table Entity, Force OK works only if the SMART Table Entity has an ENDED status.

When requesting Force OK, the Force OK confirmation window is displayed, unless the user profile has been modified to suppress the window. The Force OK confirmation window is illustrated in Figure 67.

Figure 67 Control-M Active Environment FORCE OK confirmation window

Filter:           ------- CONTROL-M  Active  Environment ------ UP    <D> - (3)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ==> CRSR

O Name     Owner    Odate  Jobname  JobID   Typ ----------- Status ------------

========= >>>>>>>>>>>>>        Top  of  Jobs  List       <<<<<<<<<<<<< ========

  DAILYSYS SYSTEM   271207                  JOB Held Wait Schedule             

  DAILYPRD PRODMNGR 301207                  JOB Wait Schedule                  

  DAILYSYS SYSTEM   301207                  JOB Wait Schedule                  

  IOALDNRS PRODMNGR 301207                  JOB Wait Schedule                  

  IOACLCND PRODMNGR 301207                  JOB Wait Schedule                  

  TEST1    K30      301207                  JOB Ended "OK"                     

  TEST3    K30      301207                  JOB Ended "OK"                     

  NOT-SUB            +-----------------------------------+ule                  

O FAILUNK            |   Force OK                  (Y/N) |eason Unknown Ended-

                     |   Post-processing Options:        |                     

  WM3714#1  <ssssssss|   OUT Statements        Y   (Y/N) | Forced OK           

  WM3714#1           |   ON PGMSTEP Statements Y   (Y/N) | Forced OK (Run 2)   

                     |   SHOUT Statements      Y   (Y/N) | Ended "OK"          

========= >          |   CTB STEP Statements   Y   (Y/N) |<<<<<<<<<<<< ========





Commands: OPt DIsplay Show HIstory RBal REFresh Auto Jobstat SHPF Note Table   

          OPt command toggles between Commands and Options display     09.18.27

You can specify in the Force OK confirmation window whether the following DO actions are performed:

Note that a DO SET VAR action is not performed after a Force OK request.

If you specify that these actions must be performed, this overrides the value specified in the FRCOKOPT parameter in the CTMPARM member in the IOA PARM library. For more information about the FRCOKOPT parameter, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide.

These actions are only performed if the following additional conditions are satisfied:

Note:If CODES is set to FORCE, the DO actions are performed regardless of the value set in the With Post-Processing field.

Fill in the Force OK confirmation window as follows, and press Enter.

  1. To confirm the Force OK request, type Y in the Force OK field. To cancel the Force OK request, type N in this field.
  2. If you do not want the job's OUT condition statements to be performed, type N in the OUT Statements field. If you want the job's OUT statements performed, type Y in this field.
  3. If you do not want the DO actions listed above performed, type N in the ON PGMSTEP Statements field. If you want these DO actions performed, type Y in this field.
  4. If you do not want the job's SHOUT statements to be performed, type N in the SHOUT Statements field. If you want the job's SHOUT statements performed, type Y in this field.
  5. If you do not want the job's CTB STEP statements to be performed, type N in the CTB STEP Statements field. If you want the job's CTB STEP statements performed, type Y in this field.

Note:The default values for fields OUT Statements, ON PGMSTEP Statements, SHOUT Statements, and CTB STEP Statements will be taken from the following variables in the user's profile: SACTFOU, SACTFPS, SACTFSH, and SACTFCB (respectively). If the SACTFPS variable is not found in the user's profile, the value set in the FRCOKOPT parameter will be the default for the ON PGMSTEP Statements field. For the other fields, if their respective variables are not found in the user's profile, the default will be Y. The default values will be used if the user profile has been modified to suppress the Force OK Confirmation window.

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