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Supported Variables

This section describes the supported AutoEdit system variables.

Table 173 Commonly Used AutoEdit System Variables




Whether the BFP hardware instruction set is present. Valid values are:

  • Y – The BFP hardware instruction set is present
  • N – The BFP hardware instruction set is not present


The text of the original (intercepted) command.

When the Dealias feature is active, the value of the %%$CMD system variable is that of the command in its full format, even if it was entered as an alias.

For example, if the system command D A was entered, the %%$CMD variable contains the value DISPLAY A.


The console name.

  • If the rule is triggered by the detection of a message, %%$CONSNAME contains the name of the console to which the message is issued whenever the message is explicitly sent to a specific console.
  • If the rule is triggered by the detection of a command, %%$CONSNAME is the name of the console issuing the command.


The console ID.

  • If the rule is triggered by the detection of a message, %%$CONSOLEID is the ID of the console to which the message is issued (whenever the message is explicitly sent to a specific console).
  • If the rule is triggered by the detection of a command, %%$CONSOLEID is the ID of the console issuing the command.


CPU model number


CTOVAR 28-characters module information


CTOVAR 8-characters module modified level


CTOVAR 9-characters module release


Whether Binary Floating Point is supported. Valid values are:

  • Y – Binary Floating Point is supported (simulated unless CVTBFPH is on).
  • N – Binary Floating Point is not supported.


Whether the MVS compression and expansion service is present. Valid values are:

  • Y – The MVS compression and expansion service is present.
  • N – The MVS compression and expansion service is not present.


Whether CMPCS compression and expansion hardware instruction is present. Valid values are:

  • Y – CMPCS compression and expansion hardware instruction is present.
  • N – CMPCS compression and expansion hardware instruction is not present.


Whether the encryption asymmetric feature is supported. Valid values are:

  • Y – The encryption asymmetric feature is supported.
  • N – The encryption asymmetric feature is not supported.


Whether the CSRSI service is available. Valid values are:

  • Y – The CSRSI service is available.
  • N – The CSRSI service is not available.


Whether the CSRUNIC callable service is available. Valid values are:

  • Y – The CSRUNIC callable service is available.
  • N – The CSRUNIC callable service is not available.


Whether the CSTRING facility is present on this system. Valid values are:

  • Y – The CSTRING facility is present on this system.
  • N – The CSTRING facility is not present on this system.


Whether the CUSE facility is present on this system. Valid values are:

  • Y – The CUSE facility is present on this system.
  • N – The CUSE facility is not present on this system.


Whether dynamic APF, through CSVAPF, is present. Valid values are:

  • Y – Dynamic APF is present.
  • N – Dynamic APF is not present.


Whether dynamic LPA (CSVDYLPA) is available. Valid values are:

  • Y – Dynamic LPA (CSVDYLPA) is available.
  • N – Dynamic LPA (CSVDYLPA) is not available.


Whether CSVDYNEX for dynamic exits is present. Valid values are:

  • Y – CSVDYNEX for dynamic exits is present.
  • N – CSVDYNEX for dynamic exits is not present.


Whether dynamic LNKLST, using CSVDYNL, is present. Valid values are:

  • Y – Dynamic LNKLST, using CSVDYNL, is present.
  • N – Dynamic LNKLST, using CSVDYNL, is not present.


Whether the ENCLAVES function is present. Valid values are:

  • Y – The ENCLAVES function is present.
  • N – The ENCLAVES function is not present.


Whether ESAME hardware is present. Valid values are:

  • Y – ESAME hardware is present.
  • N – ESAME hardware is not present.


Whether GTF is active. Valid values are:

  • Y – GTF is active.
  • N – GTF is not active.


Whether Hiperspaces are supported. Valid values are:

  • Y – Hiperspaces are supported.
  • N – Hiperspaces are not supported.


Whether IBM License Manager ILM functions are present. Valid values are:

  • Y – IBM License Manager ILM functions are present.
  • N – IBM License Manager ILM functions are not present.


Primary subsystem name


Whether LPAR clustering is present. Valid values are:

  • Y – LPAR clustering is present.
  • N – LPAR clustering is not present.


CPU model number


Whether MOVEPAGE capability is present on this system. Valid values are:

  • Y – MOVEPAGE capability is present on this system.
  • N – MOVEPAGE capability is not present on this system.


16-characters system level indicators


Whether SUBPOOL override is supported. Valid values are:

  • Y – SUBPOOL override is supported.
  • N – SUBPOOL override is not supported.


Whether Logical Parmlib Service is available through IEFPRMLB. Valid values are:

  • Y – Logical Parmlib Service is available through IEFPRMLB.
  • N – Logical Parmlib Service is not available through IEFPRMLB.


Whether Pause and Release services are present. Valid values are:

  • Y – Pause and Release services are present.
  • N – Pause and Release services are not present.


Whether PER2 hardware is present on all CPUs. Valid values are:

  • Y – PER2 hardware is present on all CPUs.
  • N – PER2 hardware is not present on all CPUs.


Whether PLO instruction is present. Valid values are:

  • Y – PLO instruction is present.
  • N – PLO instruction is not present.


Whether product enable and disable (IFAEDxxx) is present. Valid values are:

  • Y – product enable and disable (IFAEDxxx) is present.
  • N – product enable and disable (IFAEDxxx) is not present.


Product FMID identifier of the control program, such as JBB1328.


Release number—usually 038.


Whether the storage manager window has been built. Valid values are:

  • Y – The storage manager window has been built.
  • N – The storage manager window has not been built.


Whether Runtime Library Services (CSVRTLS) are present. Valid values are:

  • Y – Runtime Library Services (CSVRTLS) are present.
  • N – Runtime Library Services (CSVRTLS) are not present.


System name for current system.


Whether the suppression-on-protection hardware facility is present on this system. Valid values are:

  • Y – The suppression-on-protection hardware facility is present.
  • N – The suppression-on-protection hardware facility is not present.


Whether the SUBSPACE utility, initialized by NIP, is present on this system. Valid values are:

  • Y – The SUBSPACE utility is present on this system.
  • N – The SUBSPACE utility is not present on this system.


Whether Unicode callable services are available. Valid values are:

  • Y – Unicode callable services are available.
  • N – Unicode callable services are not available.


Whether workload manager is installed. Valid values are:

  • Y – The workload manager is installed.
  • N – The workload manager is not installed.


The current system date, in the format yymmdd.


The current system day, in the format dd.


Maximum number of rows in a database.


1 or 2 character value used to identify a system within a Sysplex.

Valid values are:

  • letters from A through Z
  • numbers from 0 through 9
  • $
  • @
  • #


GRS mode of operation.


Hardware name of the processor.


Edited MVS load parameter.


8-character IBM product ID for ILM.


LPAR name of the processor configuration.

If the processor is not in LPAR mode, the variable will be null.


8-character IBM Publisher ID for ILM.


8-character IBM Version ID for ILM.


PID number.


Control product modify level.


16-character Control product name.


16-character Control product owner.


Control product release.


Control product version.


Sysplex name.


VM user ID of the virtual computer, of which this MVS image is a guest.

This field is blank if the processor is not a guest under VM.


GRS mode of operation.


Hardware name of the processor.


For JES2 job-related messages, this variable resolves to the job  ID of the related job (eight characters in the format JOBnnnnn).

The value is taken from the WQEJOBNM field in the IHAWQE block associated with the message. This variable is available for the ON MESSAGE, ON STRING, ON JOBARRIV, and ON JOBEND message-type rules.


The name of the job that issued the message or command. This system variable contains the same value as %%$JOBNAME.


The account information of the job that issued the message or command.


The JES ID of the job that issued the message or command.


The name of the job that issued the message or command. This system variable contains the same value as %%$JNAME.


The job type associated with the job that issued the message. Valid values are:

  • J — Batch jobs (JOB)
  • S — Started task (STC)
  • T — TSO user (TSU)


The current system day, in the format jjj.

%%$LENGTH var

The length of the var variable.


The line counter for multiline messages and messages intercepted in command-response mode. Multiline messages are messages that consist of one primary line followed by at least one secondary line.

  • If the messages are processed with the %%$M* variable, the %%$LINES variable represents the number of the current secondary line. If the current line is the primary line, the %%$LINES variable resolves to zero.
  • If the lines are processed with the %%$Mn variable, %%$LINES represents the total number of secondary lines.

For information regarding these two types of processing, see the %%$M* and %%$Mn variables in this table.

The maximum value for the %%$LINES variable is 10. If a command response contains more than ten lines, the variable resolves to 10.


LPAR name of the processor configuration.

This field is blank if the processor is not in LPAR mode.


For multiline messages and messages intercepted in command-response mode. Multiline messages are messages that consist of one primary line followed by at least one secondary line.

When this system variable is specified in a rule, Control-O processes the message line by line, and all DO statements in the rule are executed repeatedly on each new line of the message. A %%$M* variable in a DO statement resolves to the text of the current line of the message. Therefore, %%$M* can resolve an unlimited number of message lines.

This variable is useful for handling a message with an unknown number of lines, or where the information to be resolved does not occur in any one specific line.

For more information, see "Command-Response Mode" in General Information, and DO ENDMSG: Automated Console Action Parameter.


For multiline messages and messages intercepted in command-response mode. Multiline messages are messages that consist of one primary line followed by at least one secondary line.

Specifies the nth line of the original message text after the primary message line, where n is a number from 1 through 10.

For example, %%$M1 resolves to the message text contained in the first secondary line.

For more information, see "Command-Response Mode" in General Information, and DO ENDMSG: Automated Console Action Parameter.


The current system month, in the format mm.


The text of the original message (the primary line only for multiline messages).


The multiline message flag. Valid values are:

  • R — the line is regular (that is, not part of a multiline message)
  • F — the line is the first line of a multiline WTO
  • M — the line is a middle line of a multiline WTO
  • L — the line is the last line of a multiline WTO


VM user ID of the virtual computer, of which this MVS image is a guest.

This field is blank if the processor is not a guest under VM.


A null variable.


Primary subsystem name.


The reply number of the last WTOR message detected by the rule.


The text of the reply to a DO ASKOPER statement.


SMS level.


The name of the Control-O subsystem.


Product FMID identifier for the control program, such as JBB1328.


Sysplex name.


System name for the current system


The time of day, in the format hhmmss.


TSO level.


An undefined variable. This variable can be used to

  • test whether a variable is defined, using the following syntax:
    IF %%$variable EQ %%$UNDEF
  • delete a variable, using the following syntax:
    DO SET=%%$variable = %%$UNDEF


The security package user ID of the job, started task, or TSO under which the rule is executing.


The nth word in the original message or command text, where n is a value from 1 through 99. A comma or a blank can serve as a delimiter.


The return code of the event that caused the end of a DO WAIT, or a DO COMMAND with a WAITMODE value of YES. For more information, see DO WAIT: Automated Console Action Parameter.


The current Gregorian day of the week in the format d, where d is from 1 through 6 or 0. For example, 1=Sunday, 2=Monday, ... 6= Friday, 0=Saturday.

Note: The start of the week depends on installation parameters specifying whether 1=Sunday or 1=Monday. Contact your INCONTROL administrator for your site standard. All references assume 1=Sunday, 2=Monday, and so on.

%%$Wn varname

The nth word of the varname variable, where n is a value from 1 through 99. A comma or a blank can serve as a delimiter.

For example, %%$W3 %%$MSG represents the third word in the original message text.

%%$WORDS varname

The number of words in the varname variable. A comma or a blank can serve as a delimiter within the variable.


The current system year, in the format yy.

Table 174 1-byte autoedit system variables




the Nth qualifier of the data set name triggering the ON DSNEVENT rule.


For multiline messages and messages intercepted in command-response mode. Multiline messages are messages that consist of one primary line followed by at least one secondary line.


The Nth word in the original message or command text, where N is a value from 1 through 99. A comma or blank erve as a delimiter.


The Nth word of the varname variable, where N is a value from 1 through 99. A comma or blank erve as a delimiter.

Note: BMC does not recommend using %%An because you might confuse the variable with the KSL %An system variable.

Table 175 Global AutoEdit System Variables




The default system in the Sysplex from which TYPE 1 XAE database variables are retrieved.


The number of rows in the current global variable pool (the variable group loaded in memory), if the current pool is an AutoEdit variable database or an XAE database.


The maximum number of rows in a database.


The current row in the current global variable pool, if the current pool is an AutoEdit variable database.


The name of the global pool to be accessed.

Global pools contain Global variables and their values. One global pool ($GLOBAL) is defined as the default, but multiple global pools can be defined.

Unless a global pool is specified using a %%$GLOBAL parameter, the default $GLOBAL member is used.

After a pool is specified using a %%$GLOBAL parameter, that member remains assigned until a different pool is specified using another %%$GLOBAL parameter. To respecify the default, use this parameter to specify the $GLOBAL member.

For more information, see DO SET: Automated Console Action Parameter, and see the description of Global AutoEdit variables in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.





Described in %%$POOLCOSMOS.


Described in %%$POOLSTORE.


Described in %%$POOLTYPE.


Described in %%$RESOLVE.


The ordinal sequence number of the Sysplex-connected system with the name that will be accessed by the next resolution of %%SYSPCPUNAME (described in this table).


The number of additional Control-O systems in the Sysplex that are connected to XAE structures.


  • 0 — Only this system is connected or XAE is not enabled.
  • 2 — This system and two others are connected to XAE structures.


The system name of a Sysplex participant.

The system name that is returned is determined by the %%$SYSPCPU parameter, as described in this table. Each Sysplex-connected system on which Control-O runs the XAE facility is dynamically assigned an ordinal sequence number. %%$SYSPCPU specifies the sequence number of the system whose name is to be retrieved by the next resolution of %%SYSPCPUNAME.

If the sequence number is greater than the total number of systems connected in a Sysplex, the literal value END is returned by %%SYSPCPUNAME in place of the system name.

Table 176 Command AutoEdit System Variables




The text of the original (intercepted) command.

When the Dealias feature is active, the value of the %%$CMD system variable is that of the command in its full format, even if it was entered as an alias.

For example, if the system command D A was entered, the %%$CMD variable contains the value DISPLAY A.


The console name.

  • If the rule is triggered by the detection of a message, %%$CONSNAME contains the name of the console to which the message is issued whenever the message is explicitly sent to a specific console.
  • If the rule is triggered by the detection of a command, %%$CONSNAME is the name of the console issuing the command.


The console ID.

  • If the rule is triggered by the detection of a message, %%$CONSOLEID is the ID of the console to which the message is issued (whenever the message is explicitly sent to a specific console).
  • If the rule is triggered by the detection of a command, %%$CONSOLEID is the ID of the console issuing the command.


The current system date, in the format yymmdd.


The current system day, in the format dd.


The name of the job that issued the message or command. This system variable contains the same value as %%$JOBNAME.


The JES ID of the job that issued the message or command.


The name of the job that issued the message or command. This system variable contains the same value as %%$JNAME.


The job type associated with the job that issued the message. Valid values are:

  • J — Batch jobs (JOB)
  • S — Started task (STC)
  • T — TSO user (TSU)


The current system day, in the format jjj.

%%$LENGTH variable

The length of the var variable.


The current system month, in the format mm.


The time of day, in the format hhmmss.


The security package user ID of the job, started task, or TSO under which the rule is executing.


The nth word in the original message or command text, where n is a value from 1 through 99. A comma or a blank can serve as a delimiter.


The return code of the event that caused the end of a DO WAIT, or a DO COMMAND with a WAITMODE value of YES. For more information, see DO WAIT: Automated Console Action Parameter.


The current Gregorian day of the week in the format d, where d is from 1 through 6 or 0. For example, 1=Sunday, 2=Monday, ... 6= Friday, 0=Saturday.

Note: The start of the week depends on installation parameters specifying whether 1=Sunday or 1=Monday. Contact your INCONTROL administrator for your site standard. All references assume 1=Sunday, 2=Monday, and so on.

%%$Wn varname

The nth word of the varname variable, where n is a value from 1 through 99. A comma or a blank can serve as a delimiter.

For example, %%$W3 %%$MSG represents the third word in the original message text.

%%$WORDS varname

The number of words in the varname variable. A comma or a blank can serve as a delimiter within the variable.


The current system year, in the format yy.

Table 177 Control-M AutoEdit System Variables




The job Held/Free status.


The job group.


The job ID.


The job name.


The job owner.


The name of the job schedule library.

Note: Values for the variables from %%$CTMJMEMNAME through %%$CTMJTYPE are returned by the Control-M interface. These values are taken from the current job entry in the Active Jobs file. The current job entry is set using the %%$CTMLINE# reserved user-defined variable, which is described in this table. For more information, see Reserved User-Defined Variables.


The job member name.


The job ODATE.


The job order ID.


The job RBA in the Active Jobs file.


The job status.

Valid values are:

  • DEL – The job was deleted.
  • END_NOK_ABND – The job ended NOTOK because of an abend.
  • END_NOK_CC – The job ended NOTOK because of the condition code of the job.
  • END_NOK_DISA – The job ended NOTOK. It disappeared.
  • END_NOK_JCLE – The job ended NOTOK because of a JCL error.
  • END_NOK_NSUB – The job ended NOTOK. It was not submitted by JES.
  • END_NOK_UNKW – The job ended NOTOK for an unknown reason.
  • END_OK – The job ended OK.
  • END_OK_FOR – The job was FORCEd OK.
  • EXEC – The job is executing.
  • EXEC_ERR – (Relevant only to SMART Table Entities.) Several of the jobs in the group are still executing, but at least one of them has ended NOTOK.
  • EXEC_INQ – The job was submitted to JES, but is not yet being processed.
  • EXEC_NJE – The job has a status of NJE.
  • EXEC_WSUB – The job was selected, but is still waiting for Control-M to submit it to JES (WAIT SUBMISSION status).
  • EXIST – The job exists on the Active Jobs file.
  • NONEXIST – The job does not exist on the Active Jobs file.
  • WAIT_CONF – Wait for confirmation.
  • WAIT_ORD – (Relevant only to SMART Table Entities.) The ordering of the group is not yet complete. The group is still in the process of being ordered.
  • WAIT_PIPE – The system is waiting for all members of the PIPE to be ready for submission.
  • WAIT_SCH – The status of the job is WAIT SCHEDULE.
  • WAIT_TIME – The status of the job is WAIT TIME.


The name of the job schedule table.


The job type.


The current line, or job entry, in the Active Jobs file from which values are returned by the Control-M interface.


The number of lines of response returned by the Control-M interface.


The return code from the Control-M interface.

Valid values are:

  • 0 — OK (response can be accessed)
  • 4 — job not found in AJF file
  • > 4 — error


The currently used quantity of the Control-M resource.


The maximum available quantity of the Control-M resource.


The priority of the Control-M resource when the jobs requesting it are part of the critical path.

Table 178 Control-O AutoEdit System Variables




The concatenation character.


The argument string passed by a calling rule, through its DO RULE statement, to an invoked rule.


The return code of the event that caused the end of a DO ASKOPER wait.


The recording mode for the currently handled message or command.

Valid values are:

  • Y — The message or command is recorded to the Automation Log.
  • N — The message or command is not recorded.

For more information, see DO SET: Automated Console Action Parameter, and see the discussion about preventing logging of unnecessary messages in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.





The default system in the Sysplex from which TYPE 1 XAE database variables are retrieved.


Resolves to one blank.


Resolves to n blanks, where n is a number from 1 through 99.


The system communication name or the Control-O system name (CTOGATE name).

  • For DO statements that support communication, such as DO COND, this variable can identify a remote Control-O that should perform the DO action.
  • If the DO statement has a SYSTEM subparameter, such as DO COMMAND, this variable can be used instead of that subparameter.

The DO statements are distributed by Sysplex or CTOGATE communication.

For more information, see Performing an Action on Another System ctoug3.







The status of the condition obtained by the last executed DO COND statement, where CONDOPT is set to ? (Check the status of the condition).

Valid values are:

  • Y — The condition exists
  • N — The condition does not exist


The name of the Control-O monitor started task.


The CTOVAR 28-character module information.


The CTOVAR 8-character module modified level.


The CTOVAR 9-character module release.


The number of rows in the current global variable pool (the variable group loaded in memory), if the current pool is an AutoEdit variable database or an XAE database.


The maximum number of rows in a database.


The current row in the current global variable pool, if the current pool is an AutoEdit variable database.


The nth qualifier of the data set name that triggered the ON DSNEVENT rule.

For example, if the rule was triggered by the data set name USER01.LIB.CNTL, %%$D2 resolves to LIB.


The maximum number of DO actions that can be performed during execution of the current Control-O rule. Valid values are:

  • n — Allow execution of from 1 through 999999 DO actions in the current rule. If the rule attempts to exceed the specified number of DO actions, the rule is aborted and an error message is issued.
  • 0 — Allow the rule to execute an unlimited number of DO actions.

If %%$DOLIMIT is not specified in a Control-O rule, the rule is allowed to execute a maximum of 10,000 DO actions.


To allow the current rule to execute a maximum of 500 DO actions, specify the following:



Name of the data set handled by the rule (for ON DSNEVENT rules).


The disposition of the data set handled by the rule (for ON DSNEVENT rules). Valid values are:

  • C — Cataloged
  • D — Deleted
  • K — Kept
  • 2 — NOT CATLG2
  • R — Retained
  • S — Scratched
  • U — Uncataloged


The built-in template used to parse the results of an ENQ entry.


The name of the global pool to be accessed.

Global pools contain Global variables and their values. One global pool ($GLOBAL) is defined as the default, but multiple global pools can be defined.

Unless a global pool is specified using a %%$GLOBAL parameter, the default $GLOBAL member is used.

After a pool is specified using a %%$GLOBAL parameter, that member remains assigned until a different pool is specified using another %%$GLOBAL parameter. To respecify the default, use this parameter to specify the $GLOBAL member.

For more information, see DO SET: Automated Console Action Parameter, and see the description of Global AutoEdit variables in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.





Status of the pre-version-6.x.xx optional Wish IO0024. For more information see "%%$WQEUPD" in this table.


The completion code returned by the KeyStroke OpenAccess (KOA) script specified in the associated DO KSL statement. For more information, see DO KSL: Automated Console Action Parameter.


The environment under which the message or command was intercepted by Control-O.

Valid values are:

  • CICS — The Control-O CICS interface.
  • COM — The Control-O communication interface.
  • COS — A Control-O/COSMOS rule.
  • CTD — The Control-D Sample Exit 18.
  • CTM — A Control-O rule called by Control-M.
  • DSN — The data set event or step completion event detected by the Control-O.
  • IMS — The Control-O IMS interface.
  • J2M — JES2 by JES2 Exit 5.
  • J3C — JES3 by JES3 command Exit IATUX18.
  • J3M — JES3 by JES3 message Exit IATUX31.
  • MVA — MAINVIEW Alarm interface
  • OMG — OMEGAEXP (OMEGAMON exception interface).
  • SSI — The Control-O interface.
  • SYSOUT — The SYSOUT interface.
  • XAM — The Control-O Extended Access Method interface.


Status of optional Wish WO0943. Valid values are:

  • Y — Wish WO0943 is applied. When the wish is applied the MVS MODIFY command will be done under the Control-O or CMEM address space.
  • N — Default. Wish WO0943 is not applied. When the wish is not applied the MVS MODIFY command will be done under the USER address space of the user who issued the command from Screen OR or Screen C

For further information see Wish WO0943.


A null variable.


The user ID of the rule owner, taken from the OWNER field.


The return code resulting from a %%$PARSE function that indicates whether the parsed string matched all string patterns in the template.

Valid values are:

  • 0 — The parsed string fully matched the string patterns in the template.
  • 4 — At least one string pattern in the template was not matched.


The reply number of the last WTOR message detected by the rule.


The IDs of messages expected in response to the DO COMMAND statement that follows the DO SET %%$RESPMSG statement. This variable is supported for historical reasons. For more information, see "Command-Response Mode" in General Information.





The ID of the job associated with DO COND, DO FORCEJOB, and DO RESOURCE requests. When specified, the value overrides the default job ID.

If this variable is set, you should also set the %%$RJOBNAME reserved user-defined variable. For an example of usage, see the %%$RJOBNAME variable in this table.


The name of the job associated with DO COND, DO FORCEJOB, and DO RESOURCE requests. When specified, the value overrides the default job name. If this variable is set, you should also set the %%$RJOBID variable, described in this table.


The IAT5210 JES3 tape mount message is issued under the address space of JES3, and Control-O sets the default job name to JES3. To associate the correct job, which mounts the tape, with the DO RESOURCE request, the job name and job ID are extracted from the text of the message, as follows:


DO SET=%%$RJOBID = %%$V4

DO RESOURCE=TAPE      0001 -


The text of the reply to a DO ASKOPER statement.


Status of optional Wish WI0920:

  • Y — CTOPARM SECJES=Y. Control-O rules are triggered regardless of issuing JES2. Default.
  • N — CTOPARM SECJES=N. The JES that issued the message is taken into account before rules are triggered.

For more information, see the Control-O installation chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide.


The completion code returned by the BPXBATCH utility running under TSO/E. The utility executes the z/OS shell script specified in the associated DO SHELL statement.

For descriptions of BPXBATCH return codes, refer to IBM’s z/OS UNIX System Services Command Reference, the “BPXBATCH return codes” section. In most cases, you will need to divide the BPXBATCH return code by 256 to obtain the exit status of the program that was invoked by BPXBATCH.

For more information, see DO SHELL: Automated Console Action Parameter.


The name of the Control-O subsystem.


The message ID under which the statistics for a message should be accumulated.

This variable can be used to combine the statistics of messages with individual statistics that are not required. This eliminates unnecessary messages from the Message Statistics screen.


To combine the statistics for all messages with the prefix CKH into one general statistics item under the identifier CKHMSG, specify the following:




The completion code of the step the termination of which triggered the rule.


The contents of a line selected in a DO SYSREQ statement.


The number of lines selected in a DO SYSREQ statement.


The return code for DO SYSREQ statement.


The time, in seconds, to wait for one of the following:

  • completion of the DO TSO or DO KSL statements running in WAIT mode
  • interception of responses to messages after a command was issued in command-response mode

The following formats are possible:

  • For DO COMMAND statements, use the syntax
    DO SET=%%$TIMEOUT=(value1,value2)

    In this syntax

    value1 is the maximum number of seconds to wait for the first message

    value2 is the maximum number of seconds to wait between the first and the last message

  • For DO KSL and DO TSO statements, use the syntax
    DO SET=%%$TIMEOUT=value1

    In this syntax, value1 is the maximum number of seconds Control-O waits for completion of the task or command before aborting the task or command.

This variable is supported for historical reasons. For more information, see "Command-Response Mode" in General Information.


The completion code returned by the TSO command, CLIST, or REXX procedure specified in the associated DO TSO statement.

For more information, see DO TSO: Automated Console Action Parameter.


The rule type as it appears in the Rule Status screen.


An undefined variable. This variable can be used to

  • test whether a variable is defined, using the following syntax:
    IF %%$variable EQ %%$UNDEF
  • delete a variable, using the following syntax:
    DO SET=%%$variable = %%$UNDEF


The nth word in the original message or command text, where n is a value from 1 through 99. A comma or a blank can serve as a delimiter.


Whether a Control-O rule waits for the KeyStroke OpenAccess (KOA) script to complete so that it can check return codes or Global variables set by the script and proceed accordingly.

Valid values are

  • YES
  • NO

The value of %%$WAITKSL is automatically reset to NO after the completion of the KOA script.



DO KSL=scriptname arg1 arg2 ... arg10



This variable is supported for historical reasons. For more information, see DO KSL: Automated Console Action Parameter.


The return code of the event that caused the end of a DO WAIT, or a DO COMMAND with a WAITMODE value of YES. For more information, see DO WAIT: Automated Console Action Parameter.


Whether Control-O retrieves, in the same rule, all messages issued in response to an operator command.

Valid values are YES and NO.

The value of %%$WAITRESP is automatically reset to NO after all response messages have been intercepted.




This variable is supported for historical reasons. For more information, see DO COMMAND: Automated Console Action Parameter.


Whether a Control-O rule waits for the completion of the TSO command, CLIST, or REXX procedure so that it can check return codes or Global variables set by the command and proceed accordingly.

Valid values are:

  • YES
  • NO

The value of %%$WAITTSO is automatically reset to NO after the completion of the TSO command, CLIST, or REXX procedure.



DO TSO=...



This variable is supported for historical reasons. For more information, see DO TSO: Automated Console Action Parameter.


Prior to version 6.0.00, optional Wish WI0920 displayed the value of %%$SECJES. This %%$WI0920 variable performs the same function. For more information, see "%%$SECJES" in this table.


Status of optional wish WO0943. For more information, see "%%$MODIFY_O_F" in this table.


Status of optional Wish IO0024.

Indicates whether to update the message block (WQE) "in place" with the required changes created in the DO DISPLAY statement with the NEWTEXT text. Valid values are:

  • N — CTOPARM WEQUPD is set to N. Do not update the message block. Default.
  • Y — CTOPARM WEQUPD is set to Y. Update the message block.

For more information, see the Control-O chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide.


Determines how the Write To Operator (WTO) service that caused the message to appear was requested.

WTO is the MVS system service that allows programs to write messages to consoles and the system log. Valid values are:

  • SVC - the message was issued by WTO with LINKAGE=SVC (default)
  • BRANCH - the message was issued by WTO with LINKAGE=BRANCH


Name of the library containing the rule that will be used in the DO RULE request when using the Control-O eXtended Automation Mechanism (XAM).

The default is ALL.


Name of the table containing the rule that will be used in the DO RULE request when using the Control-O eXtended Automation Mechanism (XAM). The default is ALL.

Table 179 Control-O Control Statements




When set to LARGE, Control-O will attempt to increase the allocation of storage for local variables to rules that enter wait mode. For a list of events that cause a rule to enter wait mode, see the description of the WAITPR# parameter.

Use this variable only after receiving the following error message for a rule:


Add the DO SET %%$LOCALPOOLSIZE = LARGE statement for execution before the rule enters the first wait mode.

If the error message persists after using this variable, consider reorganizing the rule's local variables to require less storage space.


For a complete description of this statement, see %%$MLLEND.


For a complete description of this statement, see %%$RESOLVE.


For a complete description of this statement, see %%$RANGE.

Table 180 Control-O Function AutoEdit System Variables




Date calculations based on a given date.

The syntax is %%$CALCDATE date ± quantity

In this syntax

  • date must be in the format yymmdd.
  • quantity is the number of days, from 1 through 99999, to add to or subtract from the date. It can be one of the following:

    — a number

    — a numeric AutoEdit expression

For more information, see %%$CALCDATE.

Note: This variable operates on Gregorian dates only; you cannot specify Julian dates such as with the %%JULDAY variable.

%%$D2X num

The decimal value-to-hexadecimal string convertor. The maximum number that can be converted with this variable is 2147483647, or 231-1.


To convert decimal 4095 to the equivalent hexadecimal string (FFF), specify %%$D2X 4095


The operator that divides one operand by another operand.


Whether a specified string is numeric. To be considered numeric, the specified string must contain only the digits from 0 through 9.

The syntax is %%$ISNUM string.

In this syntax, string is the constant or variable that contains the string to evaluate.

Possible values returned by this function are:

  • YES — The specified string is numeric.
  • NO — The specified string is not numeric.

For more information, see %%$ISNUM.

%%$JOBSTAT job_name

The job status. Valid values are:

  • ACTIVE — The specified job, started task, or TSO is executing.
  • INACTIVE — The specified job, started task, or TSO is not executing.
  • NOTJOB — The specified name is not valid.

%%$LENGTH var

The length of the var variable.


The operator that subtracts one operand from another operand.


Splits a specified string into substrings according to a specified template. A template consists of variables and patterns that determine the parsing process.

The syntax is DO SET=%%$PARSE string template

In this syntax

  • string is the AutoEdit variable that contains the string to be parsed.
  • template is the AutoEdit variable or constant that contains the template.

For more information, see %%$PARSE.


The operator that adds two operands.

%%$POOLCOSMOS cosmos_dbname

Returns the type of the specified COSMOS database.

The syntax is %%$POOLCOSMOS cosmos_dbname

In this syntax, cosmos_dbname is the name of the COSMOS database.

%%$POOLSTORE gblvar_pname

Returns the source type of the specified pool Control-O storage.

The syntax is %%$POOLSTORE gblvar_pname

where gblvar_pname is the Global variable pool name.

%%$POOLTYPE gblvar_pname

Returns the type of the specified pool in Control-O, as defined in the list of pools to be loaded (DAGLBLST).

The syntax is %%$POOLTYPE gblvar_pname

In this syntax, gblvar_pname is the Global variable pool name.


Locates a substring in a specified string, and indicates the position of the first character of that substring.

The syntax is %%$POS substring string

In this syntax,

  • substring is the constant or variable that contains the substring for which to search
  • string is the constant or variable that contains the string to search for the specified substring

For more information, see %%$POS.

Note: If the substring is not found in the specified string, this variable returns a value of 0.


Extracts a substring from the input string.

The syntax is %%$SUBSTR strng startpos len

In this syntax

  • strng is the input string from which the substring is extracted
  • startpos is the first character of the input string to extract
  • len is the number of characters to extract

For more information, see %%$SUBSTR.


Calculates the time interval between two given times, specified in any order.

The syntax is %%$TIMEINT time1 time2

In this syntax, time1 and time2 are constants or variables in the format yydddhhmmss.

For more information, see %%$TIMEINT.


The operator that multiplies one operand by another operand.

%%$Wn varname

The nth word of the varname variable, where n is a value from 1 through 99. A comma or a blank can serve as a delimiter.

For example, %%$W3 %%$MSG represents the third word in the original message text.

%%$WORDS varname

The number of words in the varname variable. A comma or a blank can serve as a delimiter within the variable.

%%$X2C string

The hexadecimal string-to-character convertor.


To convert the hexadecimal string "2A4F" to text format, specify %%$X2C 2A4F

%%$X2D string

The hexadecimal string-to-decimal value convertor. The result of the conversion is always positive. The highest number that can be converted using this variable is 7FFFFFFF.


To convert the hexadecimal string "FFF" to the equivalent decimal value (4095), specify %%$X2D FFF.

Table 181 CVT and ECVT AutoEdit System Variables




Whether Binary Floating Point support is active. Binary Floating Point support is simulated unless the CVTBFPH variable, described in this table, is set to Y (Yes).

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


Whether to indicate the presence of the MVS compression/expansion service.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


Whether to indicate the presence of the CMPCS compression/expansion hardware instruction.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


Whether the encryption asymmetric feature is supported.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


Whether CSRSI service is available.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


Whether CSRUNIC callable service is available.

Valid values are

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


Whether the CSTRING facility is present on this system.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


Whether the CUSE facility is present on this system.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


Whether dynamic LPA (CSVDYLPA) is available.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


Whether CSVDYNEX for dynamic exits is present.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


Whether the dynamic APF is present through CSVAPF.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


Whether dynamic LNKLST is present through CSVDYNL.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


Whether the ENCLAVES function is present.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


Whether to indicate the presence of ESAME hardware.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


Whether GTF is active.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


Whether hyperspaces are supported.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


Whether IBM License ManagerILM functions are present.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


The primary subsystem name.


Whether LPAR Clustering is present.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


The CPU model number.


Whether MOVEPAGE capability is present on this system.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


The 16-character system level indicators


Whether SUBPOOL override is supported.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


Whether Logical Parmlib Service is available through IEFPRMLB.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


Whether Pause/Release services are present.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


Whether PER2 hardware is present on all CPUs.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


Whether a PLO instruction is present.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


Whether product enable/disable (IFAEDxxx) is present.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


The product FMID identifier for the control program. For example, JBB1328.


The 4-character release number, usually "038  " (with trailing blank).


Whether the storage manager window was built.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


Whether Runtime Library services (CSVRTLS) are present.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


The name of the current system.


Whether the suppression-on-protection hardware facility is present.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


Whether the SUBSPACE facility is present on this system. The facility is initialized by NIP.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


Whether Unicode callable services are available.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


Whether the IBM Workload Manager is installed.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


The 1-character or 2-character value used to identify a system within a Sysplex. Valid values are:

  • from A through Z
  • from ) 0 through 9
  • $
  • @
  • #


The GRS mode of operation.


The hardware name of the processor.


The edited MVS load parameter.


The 8-character IBM product ID for ILM.


The LPAR name of the processor configuration. This field is blank if the processor is not in LPAR mode.


The 8-character IBM publisher ID for ILM.


The 8-character IBM version ID for ILM.


The PID number.


The Control Product modify level.


The 16-character Control Product name.


The 16-character Control Product owner.


The Control Product release.


The Control Product version.


The name of the Sysplex.


The VM user ID of the virtual machine, of which this MVS image is a guest. This field is blank if the processor is not a guest under VM.

Table 182 General AutoEdit System Variables




The address space ID in decimal format.


The address space ID in hexadecimal format.


Whether to indicate the presence of the BFP hardware instruction set.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


The console name.

  • If the rule is triggered by the detection of a message, %%$CONSNAME contains the name of the console to which the message is issued whenever the message is explicitly sent to a specific console.
  • If the rule is triggered by the detection of a command, %%$CONSNAME is the name of the console issuing the command.


The console ID.

  • If the rule is triggered by the detection of a message, %%$CONSOLEID is the ID of the console to which the message is issued (whenever the message is explicitly sent to a specific console).
  • If the rule is triggered by the detection of a command, %%$CONSOLEID is the ID of the console issuing the command.


The CPU model number.


The GRS mode of operation.


Whether GTF is active. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)


The hardware name of the processor.


JES2 recognition character


Primary subsystem name


JES2 subsystem name


JES2 version, release and mod


4-character JES2 system ID


8-character JES2 system name


Maximum number of single unit DD statements allowed for a job step


Total number of subsystems


The name of the job that issued the message or command. This system variable contains the same value as %%$JOBNAME.


The account information of the job that issued the message or command.


The name of the job that issued the message or command. This system variable contains the same value as %%$JNAME.


The job type associated with the job that issued the message. Valid values are:

  • J — Batch jobs (JOB)
  • S — Started task (STC)
  • T — TSO user (TSU)


The LPAR name of the processor configuration. This field is blank if the processor is not in LPAR mode.


Maximum number of single unit DD statements allowed for a job step


The z/OS product release under which Control-O is running. Up to eight characters.

For example, SP3.1.1 or SP4.2.2


The VM user ID of the virtual machine, of which this MVS image is a guest. This field is blank if the processor is not a guest under VM.


The job program step name from which the message was issued.


The primary subsystem name.


The job procedure step from which the message was issued.


The system abend code of the step whose termination triggered the rule.


The SMF ID of the CPU issuing the message or running the KSL script.


Total number of subsystems


The product FMID identifier for the control program, for example, JBB1328.


The Sysplex name


The name of the current system.


The TSO level.


The user abend code of the step the termination of which triggered the rule.


The security package user ID of the job, started task, or TSO under which the rule is executing.


The 8-character ID of the console that received the message or issued the command.

Table 183 IPL AutoEdit System Variables




Whether the keyword CLPA was specified during IPL. Valid values are:

  • YES — CLPA was specified.
  • NO — CLPA was not specified.


Whether the keyword CVIO was specified during IPL. Valid values are:

  • YES — CVIO was specified.
  • NO — CVIO was not specified.


The date of the most recent IPL. The format is defined in the DATETYP parameter of the IOAPARM library. For a description of this parameter, see the IOA chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide.


The time of the most recent IPL in the format hhmmss.


The type of IPL that was run, determined by whether the keyword CLPA or CVIO was specified.
Valid values are:

  • WARM — Neither CLPA nor CVIO was specified.
  • QUICK — CVIO was specified.
  • COLD — Either CLPA, or both CLPA and CVIO, was specified.


The value of the LOADPARM parameter, which was specified during IPL.

The format is wwwwxxyz

In this format

  • wwww is the IODF device number
  • xx is the LOADxx suffix
  • y is the NIP console prompt feature
  • z is the z/OS nucleus suffix


The address of the volume used for IPL.


The name of the volume used for IPL.

Table 184 JES2 and JES3 AutoEdit System Variables




The JES2 recognition character


The primary subsystem name


The 8-character JES2 system name


The JES2 node name


The 4-character JES2 system ID


The JES2 subsystem name


The JES2 version, release and mod


The JES2 recognition character


The JES2 checkpoint1 name


The JES2 checkpoint2 name


The primary subsystem name


The JES2 node name


The JES2 subsystem name


The JES2 version, release and mod


The 4-character JES2 system ID


The 8-character JES2 system name


For JES3 and Sysplex environment. The status of the message intercepted by Control-O. Valid values are:

  • R — The message was initially issued on a local system, and then reissued by JES3 on the global system. The rule is triggered by the reissued message on the global system.
  • F — First (original) occurrence of the message.


For JES2 job-related messages, this variable resolves to the job  ID of the related job (eight characters in the format JOBnnnnn)

The value is taken from the WQEJOBNM field in the IHAWQE block associated with the message. This variable is available for the ON MESSAGE, ON STRING, ON JOBARRIV, and ON JOBEND message-type rules.


The maximum number of single unit DD statements allowed for a job step


The total number of subsystems


The type of JES environment under which Control-O is running. Valid values are:

  • 2 — For JES2
  • 3 — For JES3


The JES ID of the job that issued the message or command.


The maximum number of single unit DD statements allowed for a job step


The total number of subsystems

Table 185 MAINVIEW AutoEdit System Variables




The context of the exception.


The assigned user data (PCMD).


The exception date in the format yyddd.


The group name associated with the exception.


Whether the alarm should be sounded. Valid values are:

  • Y — Sound the alarm
  • N — Do not sound the alarm


The unique key that identifies the exception.


The MAINVIEW product associated with the exception.


The exception priority. Valid values are:

  • INFO


The queue that the exception is assigned to.


The scope associated with the exception.


The text of the alert message.


The exception time in the format hhmmss.


The exception type. Valid values are:

  • EXCEPT — Start of new exception
  • EXCEPTX — End of exception


The ID of the user that made the last exception update.


The view associated with the exception.

Table 186 Message AutoEdit System Variables




The console name.

  • If the rule is triggered by the detection of a message, %%$CONSNAME contains the name of the console to which the message is issued whenever the message is explicitly sent to a specific console.
  • If the rule is triggered by the detection of a command, %%$CONSNAME is the name of the console issuing the command.


The console ID.

  • If the rule is triggered by the detection of a message, %%$CONSOLEID is the ID of the console to which the message is issued (whenever the message is explicitly sent to a specific console).
  • If the rule is triggered by the detection of a command, %%$CONSOLEID is the ID of the console issuing the command.


The current system date, in the format yymmdd.


The current system day, in the format dd.


The name of the SYSOUT DD statement to which the message that triggered the rule was written. This variable is relevant only for rules that contain an ON SYSOUT statement.


The descriptor code of the original message.


For JES2 job-related messages, this variable resolves to the job  ID of the related job (eight characters in the format JOBnnnnn).

The value is taken from the WQEJOBNM field in the IHAWQE block associated with the message. This variable is available for the ON MESSAGE, ON STRING, ON JOBARRIV, and ON JOBEND message-type rules.


The name of the job that issued the message or command. This system variable contains the same value as %%$JOBNAME.


The JES ID of the job that issued the message or command.


The name of the job that issued the message or command. This system variable contains the same value as %%$JNAME.


The job type associated with the job that issued the message. Valid values are:

  • J — Batch jobs (JOB)
  • S — Started task (STC)
  • T — TSO user (TSU)


The current system day, in the format jjj.


The message identification number (DOM ID) of the last message issued or intercepted by Control-O.

%%$LENGTH variable

The length of the var variable.


The line counter for multiline messages and messages intercepted in command-response mode. Multiline messages are messages that consist of one primary line followed by at least one secondary line.

  • If the messages are processed with the %%$M* variable, the %%$LINES variable represents the number of the current secondary line. If the current line is the primary line, the %%$LINES variable resolves to zero.
  • If the lines are processed with the %%$Mn variable, %%$LINES represents the total number of secondary lines.

For information regarding these two types of processing, see the %%$M* and %%$Mn variables in this table.

The maximum value for the %%$LINES variable is 10. If a command response contains more than ten lines, the variable resolves to 10.


For multiline messages and messages intercepted in command-response mode. Multiline messages are messages that consist of one primary line followed by at least one secondary line.

When this system variable is specified in a rule, Control-O processes the message line by line, and all DO statements in the rule are executed repeatedly on each new line of the message. A %%$M* variable in a DO statement resolves to the text of the current line of the message. Therefore, %%$M* can resolve an unlimited number of message lines.

This variable is useful for handling a message with an unknown number of lines, or where the information to be resolved does not occur in any one specific line.

For more information, see "Command-Response Mode" in General Information, and DO ENDMSG: Automated Console Action Parameter.


The MCS flags from the WQE (WQEMCSF source) in binary format. For messages only.


The MCS flags from the WQE (WQEMCSF source) in hexadecimal format. For messages only.


The message identification number (DOM ID) of the message that triggered the rule.


For multiline messages and messages intercepted in command-response mode. Multiline messages are messages that consist of one primary line followed by at least one secondary line.

Specifies the nth line of the original message text after the primary message line, where n is a number from 1 through 10.

For example, %%$M1 resolves to the message text contained in the first secondary line.

For more information, see "Command-Response Mode" in General Information, and DO ENDMSG: Automated Console Action Parameter.


The current system month, in the format mm.


The text of the original message (the primary line only for multiline messages).


The environment under which the message or command was intercepted by Control-O.
Valid values are:

  • CICS — the Control-O CICS interface
  • COM — the Control-O communication interface
  • COS — a Control-O/COSMOS rule
  • CTD — the Control-D Sample Exit 18
  • CTM — a Control-O rule called by Control-M
  • DSN — the data set event or step completion event detected by the Control-O
  • IMS — the Control-O IMS interface
  • J2M — JES2 by JES2 Exit 5
  • J3C — JES3 by JES3 command Exit IATUX18
  • J3M — JES3 by JES3 message Exit IATUX31
  • MVA — MAINVIEW Alarm interface
  • OMG — OMEGAEXP (OMEGAMON exception interface)
  • SSI — the Control-O interface
  • SYSOUT — the SYSOUT interface
  • XAM — the Control-O Extended Access Method interface


The first ten characters of the message code.


For JES3. The SYSID of the system on which the message was originally issued.


The system name associated with the message.


The multiline message flag. Valid values are:

  • R — the line is regular (that is, not part of a multiline message)
  • F — the line is the first line of a multiline WTO
  • M — the line is a middle line of a multiline WTO
  • L — the line is the last line of a multiline WTO


Whether the message that triggered the rule was issued from the current system.

  • Y (Yes) — The message was issued from a different system. It was transferred to this system by a system component.
  • N (No) — The message was issued from the current system.


The route code of the original message.


The special character (+, @, or *) that appears on the console or in the Syslog at the beginning of a message.


The time of day, in the format hhmmss.


The security package user ID of the job, started task, or TSO under which the rule is executing.


The nth word in the original message or command text, where n is a value from 1 through 99. A comma or a blank can serve as a delimiter.


The return code of the event that caused the end of a DO WAIT, or a DO COMMAND with a WAITMODE value of YES. For more information, see DO WAIT: Automated Console Action Parameter


The current Gregorian day of the week in the format d, where d is from 1 through 6 or 0. For example, 1=Sunday, 2=Monday, ... 6= Friday, 0=Saturday.

Note: The start of the week depends on installation parameters specifying whether 1=Sunday or 1=Monday. Contact your INCONTROL administrator for your site standard. All references assume 1=Sunday, 2=Monday, and so on.

%%$Wn varname

The nth word of the varname variable, where n is a value from 1 through 99. A comma or a blank can serve as a delimiter.

For example, %%$W3 %%$MSG represents the third word in the original message text.

%%$WORDS varname

The number of words in the varname variable. A comma or a blank can serve as a delimiter within the variable.


The current system year, in the format yy.

The SMS variables described in the following table pass the associated values to the ACS exit routines.

Table 187 SMS AutoEdit System Variables




The maximum number of job account fields.

Note: %%$SMS_ACCT_JOB# resolves to the number of fields in the job account information.


The account information from the JOB statement.

Note: %%$SMS_ACCT_JOB# resolves to the number of fields in the job account information.

%%$SMS_ACCT_JOBnnn resolves to the job account information in field number nnn. For example, if the account information on the JOB card is (SMITH,PAYROLL,3) then %%$SMS_ACCT_JOB2 resolves to PAYROLL.


The maximum number of step account fields.

Note: %%$SMS_ACCT_STEP# resolves to the number of fields in the step account information.

%%$SMS_ACCT_STEPnnn resolves to the step account information in field number nnn. For example, if the account information in the EXEC card is (SMITH,PAYROLL,3) then %%$SMS_ACCT_STEP2 resolves to PAYROLL.


The account information from the EXEC statement.

Note: %%$SMS_ACCT_STEP# resolves to the number of fields in the step account information.

%%$SMS_ACCT_STEPnnn resolves to the step account information in field number nnn. For example, if the account information in the EXEC card is (SMITH,PAYROLL,3) then %%$SMS_ACCT_STEP2 resolves to PAYROLL.


The environment in which the rule is invoked. Valid values are:



The name of the RACF application.


The name of the DD statement.


The RACF default Data class of the data set owner.


The RACF default Management class of the data set owner.


The RACF default Storage class of the data set owner.


The data set name.

Note: %%$SMS_DSN resolves to the complete data set name. To reference a single qualifier of the data set name, use %%$SMS_DSNnnn, where nnn resolves to the number of the qualifier.

%%$SMS_NQUAL resolves to the number of qualifiers in the data set name. For example, %%$SMS_DSN%%$SMS_NQUAL returns the rightmost qualifier.


The data set name type. Valid values are:

  • EXC
  • EXR
  • HFS
  • PDS
  • Null


The data set organization. Valid values are:

  • PS
  • PO
  • VS
  • DA
  • Null


The name of the user or group that owns the data set


The data set type. One of the following:

  • GDS
  • PERM
  • TEMP
  • Null


The expiration date in the format yyyyddd.


The data set sequence number from the LABEL parameter.


The RACF group.


The job name.


The label type. Valid values are:

  • NL
  • AL
  • SL
  • NSL
  • SUL
  • AUL
  • BLP
  • LTM


The tape library name.


The maximum data set size in KB.


The name of the OAM object.

Note: %%$SMS_MEMN resolves to the full OAM member name. To reference a single qualifier, use %%$SMS_MEMNnnn, where nnn resolves to the number of the qualifier.


The number of qualifiers in the OAM object name.

Note: %%$SMS_MEMN resolves to the full OAM member name. To reference a single qualifier, use %%$SMS_MEMNnnn, where nnn resolves to the number of the qualifier.

%%$SMS_MEMNQUAL resolves to the number of qualifiers in the data set name. For example, %%$SMS_MEMN%%$SMS_MEMNQUAL returns the rightmost qualifier.


The group name for MSS.


The number of qualifiers in the data set name.

Note: %%$SMS_DSN resolves to the complete data set name. To reference a single qualifier of the data set name, use %%$SMS_DSNnnn, where nnn resolves to the number of the qualifier.

%%$SMS_NQUAL resolves to the number of qualifiers in the data set name. For example, %%$SMS_DSN%%$SMS_NQUAL returns the rightmost qualifier.


The volume count.

Note: %%$SMS_VOLUMEnnn resolves to volume number nnn in the volume list.

%%$SMS_NVOL resolves to the number of volumes in the volume list.


The program name.


The organization of the data set record. Valid values are:

  • KS
  • ES
  • RR
  • LS
  • Null


The retention period.


The data set primary size in KB.


The system name.


The Sysplex name.


The unit name.


The user ID.


The volume name.

Note: %%$SMS_VOLUMEnnn resolves to volume number nnn in the volume list.

%%$SMS_NVOL resolves to the number of volumes in the volume list.


The execution mode. Valid values are:

  • TSO
  • TASK


The SMS level.

Control-O can support time-simulation products such as Compuware Xchange. When the Control-O monitor starts with the TYPE parameter set to CONTROLT and a simulation product is active on the same system, the Control-O AutoEdit system variables shown in Table 188 show the value set by the simulation product and not by the system.

Table 188 Time AutoEdit System Variables




The first two digits in the current year. For example, 20 in the year 2000.


The current system date, in the format yymmdd.


The current system day, in the format dd.


The current system day, in the format jjj.


The current system month, in the format mm.

%%$ODATE n

Date when the rule table containing the nth rule in the Rule Stack was ordered.

Note: Do not confuse this variable with %%$RDATE, which is the installation current working day.

%%$OTIME n

Time when the rule table containing the nth rule in the Rule Stack was ordered.


The installation current working date, in the format yymmdd.

Note: Do not confuse this variable with %%$ODATE, which is the date the rule was ORDERED.


The installation current working day, in the format dd.


The installation current working day of the year, in the Julian format jjj.


The installation current working month, in the format mm.


The date that the nth rule in the Rule Stack was created.


The time that the nth rule in the Rule Stack was created.


The date that the nth rule in the Rule Stack was last updated.


The time that the nth rule in the Rule Stack was last updated.


The current working day of the week, in the format d, where d is 1 through 6 or 0 For example, 1=Sunday, 2=Monday, ... 6=Friday, 0=Saturday.

Note: The start of the week depends on installation parameters specifying whether 1=Sunday or 1=Monday. Contact your INCONTROL administrator for your site standard. All references assume 1=Sunday, 2=Monday, and so on.


The installation current working year, in the format yy.

%%$TDATE n

Date when the rule table containing the nth rule in the Rule Stack was ordered.

Note: Do not confuse this variable with %%$RDATE, which is the installation current working day.


The time of day, in the format hhmmss.

%%$TTIME n

Time when the rule table containing the nth rule in the Rule Stack was ordered.


The current Gregorian day of the week in the format d, where d is from 1 through 6 or 0. For example, 1=Sunday, 2=Monday, ... 6= Friday, 0=Saturday.


The current system year, in the format yy.

Parent Topic

System Variables