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Customizing Control-O environment parameters

The following table provides an alphabetical list of the parameters in the CTOPARM library.

Select 1 to customize the CTOPARM library.

Table 31 Operational parameters




MAINVIEW or AutoOPERATOR subsystem in which Control-O can respond to requests.

The value entered in this field must be different than the name of the IOA subsystem.

Specifying $ANY allows Control-O to respond to requests from any AutoOPERATOR subsystem.


Whether the Control‑O Status Monitoring System (COSMOS) will be active at your site.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Control‑O/COSMOS is active. (COSMOS uses the Control‑O password.) Contact BMC Customer Support for a password.
  • N (No) – COSMOS is not active. Default.

Note: For details about customizing COSMOS, see the "Installing Control-O" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.


Whether Control‑O uses IOAGATE to communicate with other Control‑O monitors.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – IOAGATE is enabled.
  • N (No) – IOAGATE is not enabled. Default.

Note: For details about installing IOAGATE, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.


The start time of the work day at your site. Format:

DAYTIMEO=+hhmm or DAYTIMEO=–hhmm


  • + indicates after midnight
  • – indicates before midnight.
  • hhmm is the time (hour and minute)

Default value: +1200

Note: The Control‑O DAYTIMEO value must be the same as the one assigned to Control‑M if Control‑M is installed.


Whether the Control‑O DEALIAS feature is used.

This feature automatically brings MVS, JES2, and JES3 commands to a standard format before searching for rules that are triggered by the command. This replaces the need to specify all the possible command formats in the rule.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Use Dealias feature. Default.
  • N (No) – Do not use Dealias feature.


Sleeping interval of the Control‑O monitor.

The monitor is dormant most of the time. It "wakes up" after the specified interval and determines which tasks it must perform.

Most Control‑O message processing is performed in the subsystem interface. Therefore, the value of INTERVLO does not affect the speed at which Control‑O processes messages. Message processing is performed continuously.

The value of INTERVLO only affects how often the Control‑O monitor scans its queues for work. For example, after each interval, Control‑O checks if other INCONTROL products added new conditions to the IOA Conditions file.

The format for INTERVLO is HHMMSSth, where:

  • HH – Two digits, representing hours. Valid values: 00 through 24.
  • MM – Two digits, representing minutes. Valid values: 00 through 59.
  • SS – Two digits, representing seconds. Valid values: 00 through 59.
  • th – Two digits, representing hundredths of seconds. Valid values: 00 through 99.

Leading zeros may be omitted (for example, three seconds, 00000300, may be specified as 300).

The minimum value is 100 (1 second). The default value is 400 (4 seconds).

The value for INTERVLO should be specified according to the computer model. This value can also be modified using an operator command. For details, see the Control‑O chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.


Name of an optional additional subsystem to be used by Control‑O to control JES2 and JES3 commands.

Under JES2

Valid values are:

  • '  ' (Blank) – JES2 command suppression is not required. Therefore, no other actions are required.
  • EXIT – The ability to suppress JES2 commands is required using the dynamic subsystem Exit IEFJFRQ. Default.
  • subsystem_name – The ability to suppress JES2 commands is required and an additional subsystem should be defined. The specified value (if any) must be different than the value specified in the SSNAME parameter in the IOAPARM member.

Note: The option used in previous Control‑O versions is still supported. However, IBM requires that the primary subsystem be the first subsystem in the subsystem chain, in which case defining this field overrides that specification.

Warning! If this value is specified, this subsystem name must be defined in the IEFSSNnn member and must be placed immediately after JES2 in the subsystem name table. Otherwise, other subsystems, such as DB2, can be affected.


For example, if JCMDSSN is set to O62J, the subsystem table may contain the following values:

  • SMS – SMS
  • JES2 – JES2
  • O62J – Control‑O JES2 command suppression subsystem.
  • I700 – IOA subsystem.
  • DB2T – Any other subsystem in the machine.

However, once Control‑O has been started, the specified Control‑O JES2 command suppression subsystem (for example, O62J) is moved to the top of the subsystem list. Using the previous example, the result would be:

  • O62J
  • SMS
  • JES2
  • I700
  • DB2T

Under JES3

Valid values are:

  • '  ' (Blank) – JES3 command suppression is not required. Therefore, no other actions are required.
  • EXIT – The ability to suppress JES3 commands is required using the dynamic subsystem Exit IEFJFRQ.


The maximum period (seconds) a rule waits for the next or last line when a multiple line message is processed. The rule is timed-out if the seconds elapsed between one line to the next exceeds the specified value.

  • Mandatory
  • Valid values: 2-120 (seconds)
  • Default: 20


Enables message CTMC31I when CMEM/Control-O starts monitoring an address space for DSNEVENT and/or STEPEND events.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Message CTMC31I will be issued when monitoring starts.
  • N (No) – Message CTMC31I is not issued. Default.


Number of subsystem consoles for use by Control‑O rules for Command‑Response processing.

  • Default: 0

Note: Subsystem allocatable consoles are logical consoles not associated with any physical device. The consoles are reserved for use by special subsystems such as JES3 and OCCF. Control‑O uses these consoles for Command‑Response rules.

Subsystem allocatable consoles can be defined in the CONSOLxx member of the SYS1.PARMLIB library as follows:


For details, see the MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference.

Subsystem allocatable consoles can be displayed using the MVS operator command DISPLAY CONSOLES. For information about the format of the display, see the z/OS System Messages Manual. If no subsystem consoles are available at this time, or this is the first time that Control‑O is being installed, use the default value. This parameter can be modified later.

Note: Control‑O supports EMCS consoles that do not require system definitions. BMC recommends that you use EMCS consoles, and set this parameter to 0.


Enables the Control‑O sysout interface. The CTOJFRQ Control‑O exit module is called by the dynamic subsystem exit IEFJFRQ.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Support the ON SYSOUT interface.
  • N (No) – Do not support the ON SYSOUT interface. Default.


Number of internal request elements used for inter-process communication.

After the product is installed and running, the initial value specified for this parameter should be reviewed and adjusted according to the requirements at your site:

  • Use the following operator command to determine the RQC usage statistics:


  • If the RQC utilization exceeds 80%, increase the value of the RQC# parameter.

The default value is 20000.

For further details on the MODIFY USAGESTATS command, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

Note: In order to increase or decrease the value of the RQC# parameter, Control-O must be stopped and then re-started with the new value. Starting a new Control-O with an increased value over the running Control-O might have unexpected results, such as ABENDs.


Number of entries in the Control‑O security cache.

Valid values are:

  • 0 (Zero) – No security cache is allocated.
  • n – Number (n) of security cache entries allocated. Recommended initial value: 100.

The security cache improves runtime security check performance by saving security blocks used for the authority check and reusing them in subsequent authority checks.

The RUNTCACH parameter is ignored if the RUNTSEC rule parameter is set to N.


How runtime security checks should be performed for rules.

Valid values are:

  • NONE – No runtime security checks are performed on the rule, unless the RUNTSEC rule parameter specifies otherwise.
  • OWNER – Runtime security checks are performed according to the authority of the owner of the rule, unless the RUNTSEC rule parameter specifies otherwise.
  • TRIGGER – Runtime security checks are performed according to the authority of the user ID that issued the message or the authority of the command that triggered the rule, unless the RUNTSEC rule parameter specifies otherwise.
  • DISABLE – No runtime security checks are performed on the rule, overriding the value specified in the RUNTSEC rule parameter. Default.


Support of a secondary JES2. If there are more than one active JES2s, Control‑O can trigger Control‑O rules related to JES2 messages regardless of whether the message is issued by the primary JES2 or the secondary JES2. This parameter replaces optional Wish WI0920 in Control‑O version 5.1.4.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Control‑O rules are triggered regardless of issuing JES2. Default.
  • N (No) – The JES that issued the message is taken into account before rules are triggered.


This parameter is no longer used, and is kept solely for compatibility with previous releases.


Number of General KOA/TSO servers.

This value can be adjusted later to meet site requirements.

To change this value, Control-O needs to be stopped and started. Starting a new Control-O to replace the currently running one will not set the new parameter value.

  • Mandatory
  • Recommended initial value: 2
  • Maximum value: 99


Number of seconds a KOA/TSO request waits for a General server before being executed by an Immediate server. If 0 (Zero) is specified, requests wait indefinitely for a General server.

To change this value, Control-O needs to be stopped and started. Starting a new Control-O to replace the currently running one will not set the new parameter value.

  • Default: 0
  • Maximum value: 999999999 seconds


Number of Immediate servers that can run in parallel.

This value can be adjusted later to meet site requirements.

To change this value, Control-O needs to be stopped and started. Starting a new Control-O to replace the currently running one will not set the new parameter value.

  • Mandatory
  • Recommended initial value: 5
  • Maximum value: 99


The Control-O server procedure name.

The default name is xxxSERV, where xxx = first 3 character of the Control-O monitor’s name. When Control-O monitor’s name is CONTROLO, the server procedure name is CTOSERV.


Interval in seconds between two consecutive updates of the Statistics file.

  • Minimum: 30 (seconds)
  • Default: 45 (seconds)

Note: This parameter is ignored if the STATO parameter is set to N.


Controls accumulation of message statistics.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Accumulate message statistics. Default.
  • N (No) – Do not accumulate message statistics.


The rule-triggering threshold for a Control‑O interval.

Valid values are:

  • '  ' (Blank) – No limit.
  • 0 (Zero) – No limit.
  • 1 through 999999999 – Threshold value.


Number of rules in wait mode that can execute concurrently.

  • Default: 20

Note: The rules which are currently executing in wait mode appear at the top of the list in the OS screen and in the output of the F CONTROLO,DISPLAY operator command.

Each rule executing in wait mode occupies one wait element in the ECSA, in an internal control block called PND. For additional information about the ECSA utilization of Control-O, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide. After the product is installed and running, the initial value specified for this parameter should be reviewed and adjusted according to the requirements at your site, as follows:

  • Use the following operator command to determine the PND usage statistics:


  • If the PND utilization exceeds 50%, increase the value of the WAITPR# parameter.

For further details on the MODIFY USAGESTATS command, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

Note: In order to increase or decrease the value of the WAITPR# parameter, Control-O must be stopped and then re-started with the new value. Starting a new Control-O with an increased value over the running Control-O might have unexpected results, such as ABENDs.

The following events cause a rule to enter wait mode:

  • Rule using a DO COMMAND statement with the WAITMODE parameter set to YES.
  • Rule setting the variable WAITRESP or RESPMSG (for compatibility with previous versions).
  • Rule using a DO TSO or DO KSL statement.
  • Rule setting the variable WAITTSO or WAITKSL (for compatibility with previous versions).
  • Rule using a DO WAIT statement.
  • Rule using a DO ASKOPER statement.
  • Rule processing a multiline WTO.


Whether to update message block (WQE) "in place" with the required changes created in statement: DO DISPLAY with NEWTEXT text. This parameter replaces optional Wish IO0024 in Control‑O version 5.1.4.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Update the message block.
  • N (No) – Do not update the message block.
  • Default: N


Number of events that can be intercepted concurrently.

  • Minimum: 15
  • Default: 20

Note: Each intercepted event occupies one work buffer in the ECSA, in an internal control block called WSC. For additional information about the ECSA utilization of Control-O, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

After the product is installed and running, the initial value specified for this parameter should be reviewed and adjusted according to the requirements at your site, as follows:

  • Use the following operator command to determine the WSC usage statistics:


  • If the WSC utilization exceeds 50%, increase the value of the WSC# parameter.

For further details on the MODIFY USAGESTATS command, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

Parent Topic

Customization of Control-O parameters