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DO WAIT: Automated Console Action Parameter

Delays subsequent action until one of the specified events is detected.

Figure 181 DO WAIT Parameter Format

Optional. Type WAIT in the DO field and press Enter. The subparameters described in Table 146 are displayed. A value must be specified for at least one of these subparameters.

Table 146 DO WAIT Subparameters




Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Resume execution when a reply to the WTOR message that triggered the rule is received from an operator.
  • N (No) – Operator replies do not affect the wait period. Default.


Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Resume execution when the message that triggered the rule is deleted by DOM (Delete Operator Message).
  • N (No) – Deletion of the triggering message does not affect the wait period. Default.


n — If specified, resume execution when the specified number of seconds (maximum 9999) has elapsed.


If specified, resume execution when any of the specified message IDs are detected. The message ID is the first "word" of the message. A maximum of five message IDs can be specified.

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Rule Parameters