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General Information

DO WAIT subparameters specify when to resume processing (with the next DO statement).

If multiple DO WAIT subparameters are defined, the Wait is terminated (and the next statement is processed) as soon as one of the specified conditions is satisfied.

When the rule resumes execution after DO WAIT, the %%$WAITRC System variable indicates the event caused the end of the wait. Possible values for %%$WAITRC are shown in Table 147.

Table 147 Possible Values for %%$WAITRC




No wait was issued.


A reply to the triggering message was intercepted.


The triggering message was deleted by DOM.


One of the specified message IDs was detected.


The specified time-out limit was reached.

Note: For the value 4, the %%$RPLYTXT AutoEdit System variable will contain the value of the reply. For the value 12, the %%M* AutoEdit System variable will contain the message responsible for ending the wait.

Parent Topic

DO WAIT: Automated Console Action Parameter