Helix Control-M Migration

Helix Control-M migrations enable you to migrate some or all of your self-hostedClosed A Control-M component that you install and maintain. Control-M components to Helix Control-M. This eliminates the need to maintain Control-M/EM, migrated Control-M/Servers, and their associated databases. Before you migrate, a BMC presales team must help you scan your self-hosted environment, as described in Scanning a Self-Hosted Environment, to determine the migration type that best suits your organization.

There are three Helix Control-M migration types, as follows:

  • Helix Control-M Full Migration: Migrates your Control-M/EM data and all Control-M/Servers to Helix Control-M. This eliminates the need to install and maintain Control-M/EM, Control-M/Servers, and their associated databases.

    This option is dependent on the results of the self-hosted environment scan, as described in Scanning a Self-Hosted Environment.

    The following diagram shows the logical architecture of a typical Full Migration environment:

  • Helix Control-M Unified View Migration: Migrates your Control-M/EM data and connects your self-hosted Control-M/Servers and Control-M for z/OS environments to Helix Control-M in Unified ViewClosed A customization of the Control-M interface, which enables users to view specific functionality only.. This eliminates the need to maintain your Control-M/EM and its database, and enables you to access your self-hosted Control-M/Servers from Helix Control-M Unified View. You can run and manage your self-hosted Control-M/Server and Helix Control-M/Server workflows via the same interface in Helix Control-M Unified View.

    This option is dependent on the results of the self-hosted environment scan, as described in Scanning a Self-Hosted Environment.

    The following diagram shows the logical architecture of a typical Helix Control-M Unified View Migration environment:

  • Helix Control-M Custom Migration: Migrates your Control-M/EM data and enables you to perform an enhanced full migration or a customized migration. A customized migration enables you to determine which Control-M/Servers migrate and become Helix Control-M/Servers, and which Control-M/Servers remain self-hosted, but connect to Helix Control-M Unified ViewClosed A mode of Helix Control-M that enables you to manage self-hosted and Helix Control-M/Servers.. This migration eliminates the need to maintain Control-M/EM, migrated Control-M/Servers, and their associated databases.

    This option is dependent on the results of the self-hosted environment scan, as described in Scanning a Self-Hosted Environment.

    The following diagram shows the logical architecture of a typical Custom Migration environment: