
Plug-ins bring the functionality of Control-M to your external application environment. Control-M provides plug-ins that enable AgentsClosed A Control-M component installed on a host (computer) that runs and monitors the jobs on the host. to interface with external applications through the integration of plug-in jobs with other jobs in a single workflow. Plug-ins are installed on the Agent in your Control-M environment and connect remotely to the specific application via a connection profile, as described in Connection Profiles. You do not need to install the plug-in on the same host as the application.

The following table describes Control-M plug-ins.



Control-M for Databases

Connects to any supported database from a single computer with secure login, which eliminates the need to provide authentication. This enables you to define and monitor Stored Procedure, SQL Script, SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Package, and Embedded Query database jobs.

Application Integrator

Creates custom-designed job types that are deployed to the scheduling environment. You can define and monitor jobs in the Planning and Monitoring domains with Web Services, REST APIs, or CLI commands, and integrate AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform services via their native authentication methods.

Control-M Integrations

Includes BMC-provided integration plug-ins for a variety of applications and environments. These plug-ins were developed using Application Integrator. To use any of these plug-ins, you must have Application Integrator installed.

Control-M for Hadoop

Connects to the Hadoop framework, which enables the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of commodity servers. You can expand your enterprise business workflows to include tasks running in your Big Data Hadoop cluster from one central location via Hadoop-supported tools, including Pig, Hive, HDFS File Watcher, Map Reduce Jobs, and Sqoop.


Connects to AWS and enables you to run AWS Lambda, Step Functions, and Batch services. For more information, see AWS Job.

Control-M Managed File Transfer

Operates as an FTP/SFTP client and server solution that enables you to watch and transfer files in the following ways:

  • From a local to a remote host.

  • From a remote to a local host.

  • From a remote to another remote host.

  • From one Amazon S3 bucket to another.

Control-M MFT uses industry standard protocols, such as FTP (based on RFC 959) and SFTP. It does not require installation on remote computers.

Control-M for SAP

Enables you to manage traditional SAP services, planned and automated processes, and unpredicted real-time, event-driven dynamic job submission.

Control-M for Backup

Connects to a NetBackup client and enables you to execute backup jobs, and enables you to define, monitor, and troubleshoot backup jobs, and reduce manual scripts and typographical errors.

Control-M for Informatica

Connects to Informatica and enables you to automate Informatica workflows.

Control-M for Airflow

Enables you to trigger and monitor Airflow DAG runs. Every Airflow job represents a DAG run in Airflow. From the Monitoring domain, you can view all internal DAG task names, statuses, and view any defined task variables (XCom). Control-M allows direct access to view the DAG run from the Airflow Server interface.

Control-M for Oracle E-Business Suite

Enables you to define and schedule new Oracle E-Business requests and request sets, extract Oracle E-Business Suite predefined jobs,

intercept ad hoc jobs, monitor active Oracle E-Business Suite jobs, trigger Control-M jobs and conditions as a result of ad hoc events occurring in the Oracle E-Business Suite system.

Control-M for IBM Cognos

Enables you to automate report and job generation for predefined IBM Cognos reports and jobs.

Control-M for IBM InfoSphere DataStage

Enables you to run and execute predefined InfoSphere DataStage jobs.

Control-M for PeopleSoft

Enables you to develop, test, and run large-data batch processes and execute common human resources tasks, such as promotion approval, pay slip access, and employee information updates.

Control-M for Web Services, Java, and Messaging

Enables you to expand Control-M job scheduling to online and real-time applications, and implement effective application integration via three main industry standard technologies to achieve application integration, Java classes and J2EE Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs), Web Services, and Message-Oriented Middleware.

Connection Profiles

A connection profile contains plug-in authorization credentials, such as a username, password, host, and URL, and enables you to connect Control-M to the plug-in application server via the connection profile alone. You must create a connection profile before you can create a plug-in job, as described in Creating a Centralized Connection Profile.

You can manage the following connection profile types:

  • Local Connection Profile: Stored and managed on each Agent that is connected to a Control-M/Server. You can only edit and delete local connection profiles in Control-M Web. You can create local connection profiles in the CCM or create centralized connection profiles in Control-M Web.

  • Centralized Connection Profile: Stored in the Control-M/EM database and available to all Agents in your environment. These connection profiles facilitate authentication creation and management in the following ways:

    • If you install a new plug-in, you do not need to manually duplicate connection profiles on each Agent in your environment. Instead, create one centralized connection profile per plug-in, which all relevant Agents can access.

    • If you must update your plug-in username and password, you do not need to edit the local connection profile stored on each Agent. Instead, update your credentials in a centralized connection profile and the Control-M/Server updates the authentication credentials for all Agents.

    • If an Agent becomes unavailable, you do not need to recreate a connection profile on a new Agent. Instead, the Control-M/Server sends the connection profile details to the new Agent when the plug-in job executes.